Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate what cell a position belongs to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">The position to find the cell for.</param>
        /// <returns>The cell the position belongs to.</returns>
        private Point CalculateCell(Vector2 position)
            // First subtract the offset from the position, then divide this 0-based position by ball height.
            float row = position.Y - mOffset.Y;

            row /= Ball.Size.Y;

            // Divide by 0.85 (the rows overlap slightly) and use integer part
            row = (float)Math.Floor(row / 0.85f);

            // Make sure the row is between 0 and the last row + 1 (a new row may be added)
            row = MathHelper.Clamp(row, 0, mBalls.Count);

            // Find out what type this row is (for x-offset)
            BoardRow.Type rowType = CalculateRowType((int)row);

            // Subtract the board offset from position (want to translate the position to be based on (0, 0)
            float column = position.X - mOffset.X;

            // If the row is further offset (RowType.Half = 1), subtract this offset as well
            column -= ((int)rowType) * Ball.Size.X * 0.5f;

            // Divide by width, then use only integer part
            column /= Ball.Size.X;
            column  = (float)Math.Floor(column);

            // Make sure the column is a valid one
            column = MathHelper.Clamp(column, 0, mColumns[(int)rowType] - 1);

            return(new Point((int)column, (int)row));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the row type for an arbitrary row from index 0 to the number of rows plus one (a new row).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">The row for which the type is requested.</param>
        /// <returns>The typ for the requested row.</returns>
        private BoardRow.Type CalculateRowType(int row)
            // Initialize the type to Whole (to use if there are no rows)
            BoardRow.Type rowType = BoardRow.Type.Whole;

            // If there are rows and row is an existing index, get the rowtype, else get next bottom type
            if (mBalls.Count > 0 && row < mBalls.Count)
                rowType = mBalls[row].RowType;
            else if (row == mBalls.Count)
                rowType = NextTypeBottom;
