Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static CodeGennedExecutor CreateFromAssembly(BlueprintApiOptions options, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ApiDataModel model, Assembly assembly)
            var typeToCreationMappings = new Dictionary <Type, Func <Type> >();
            var exportedTypes          = assembly.GetExportedTypes();

            foreach (var operation in options.Model.Operations)
                var typeName = NormaliseTypeName(operation);

                var operationType = exportedTypes.SingleOrDefault(
                    t => t.Namespace == operation.OperationType.Namespace && t.Name == typeName);

                if (operationType == null)
                    var assemblyLocation = assembly.IsDynamic ? "in-memory" : $"at {assembly.Location}";

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              @$ "An existing assembly '{options.GenerationRules.AssemblyName}' (found {assemblyLocation}), but is not valid for this builder because it is missing some pipelines. This can happen because:

 * A prebuilt assembly created in a previous run has been placed in to a folder that .NET has automatically loaded in to this AppDomain. Ensure that if you are including an assembly built by Blueprint that is the correct version for the set of operations and configuration. Delete the file if it is out of date.

 * A prebuilt assembly created in a previous run has been placed beside the running application and Blueprint automatically loaded it. Ensure that if you are including an assembly built by Blueprint that is the correct version for the set of operations and configuration. Delete the file if it is out of date.

 * More than one in-memory DLL pipeline (UseInMemoryCompileStrategy) is being created with separate options and operations but the same application and / or assembly name. Ensure that when configuring Blueprint you either call SetApplicationName(...), or Compilation(c => c.AssemblyName(...)) with a unique name.");

                typeToCreationMappings.Add(operation.OperationType, () => operationType);

            return(new CodeGennedExecutor(
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CreateGenerator()
            options = new BlueprintApiOptions();

            new OperationScanner()
            .AddOperation <SelfLinkGeneratorTestsOperation>()

            var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();


            linkGenerator = new ApiLinkGenerator(options.Model, new HttpContextAccessor {
                HttpContext = httpContext
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the specified <see cref="BlueprintApiOptions" /> will generate and compile an
        /// <see cref="IApiOperationExecutor" /> that can be used to execute any operation that
        /// has been identified by the model of the options passed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The configured options.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The configured service provider.</param>
        /// <returns>An executor built from the given options and data model.</returns>
        public CodeGennedExecutor Build(BlueprintApiOptions options, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            var model = options.Model;

            // We have multiple ways in which we work with generated assemblies, depending on context:
            //  - We are writing unit tests which create many pipelines (within Blueprint itself). Here we
            //    would want to use in-memory compilation and assembly loading only
            //  - We have deployed an app using generated code. We want to use pre-compiled DLLs loaded as
            //    part of the usual loading process. This is done by creating an assembly and PDB that is
            //    deployed with the application and loaded below (see step 1)
            //  - We are in development. Here we wish to generate and load a new DLL on application startup and
            //    store in the temp folder of the machine. This means the DLL is _not_ loaded as normal part
            //    of .NET process and therefore we can (re)create at will on startup without worrying about
            //    the existence of an existing DLL

            // 1. Try and find an already loaded assembly
            foreach (var loadedAssembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                if (loadedAssembly.GetName().Name == options.GenerationRules.AssemblyName)
                    // The assembly exists in the current domain, therefore it has either already been generated in this
                    // process OR it has previously been compiled and loaded as part of normal assembly loading (pre-compiled
                    // as part of dotnet publish)

                    this._logger.LogInformation("Assembly {AssemblyName} already exists, using to create executor.", options.GenerationRules.AssemblyName);

                    return(CreateFromAssembly(options, serviceProvider, model, loadedAssembly));

            // 2. Do we have the DLL stored alongside this application but NOT loaded?
            var directory    = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(ApiOperationExecutorBuilder).Assembly.Location);
            var assemblyPath = Path.Combine(directory, options.GenerationRules.AssemblyName) + ".dll";

            if (File.Exists(assemblyPath))
                    "Assembly {AssemblyName} found at {AssemblyLocation}. Loading and using to create executor.",

                var loadedPipelineDll = AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyPath(assemblyPath);

                return(CreateFromAssembly(options, serviceProvider, model, loadedPipelineDll));

            // 2. We DO NOT have any existing DLLs. In that case we are going to generate the source code using our configured
            // middlewares and then hand off to AssemblyGenerator to compile and load the assembly (which may be in-memory, stored
            // to a temp folder or stored to the project output folder)
            this._logger.LogInformation("Building Blueprint API operation executor for {0} operations", options.Model.Operations.Count());

            using var serviceScope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();

            foreach (var middleware in options.MiddlewareBuilders)

            var typeToCreationMappings = new Dictionary <Type, Func <Type> >();

            // Start the definition for a new generated assembly
            var assembly = new GeneratedAssembly(options.GenerationRules);

            foreach (var operation in model.Operations)

            foreach (var a in this._references)
                this._logger.LogDebug("Referencing assembly {0}", a.FullName);


            foreach (var operation in model.Operations)
                this._logger.LogDebug("Generating executor for {0}", operation.OperationType.FullName);

                var typeName = NormaliseTypeName(operation);

                var pipelineExecutorType = assembly.AddType(

                // We need to set up a LoggerVariable once, to be shared between methods
                pipelineExecutorType.AllInjectedFields.Add(new LoggerVariable(typeName));

                var executeMethod       = pipelineExecutorType.MethodFor(nameof(IOperationExecutorPipeline.ExecuteAsync));
                var executeNestedMethod = pipelineExecutorType.MethodFor(nameof(IOperationExecutorPipeline.ExecuteNestedAsync));

                this.Generate(options, serviceProvider, executeMethod, operation, model, serviceScope, false);
                this.Generate(options, serviceProvider, executeNestedMethod, operation, model, serviceScope, true);

                    () => pipelineExecutorType.CompiledType);

            this._logger.LogInformation("Compiling {0} pipeline executors", typeToCreationMappings.Count);
            assembly.CompileAll(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ICompileStrategy>());
            this._logger.LogInformation("Done compiling {0} pipeline executors", typeToCreationMappings.Count);

            return(new CodeGennedExecutor(
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void Generate(
            BlueprintApiOptions options,
            IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
            GeneratedMethod executeMethod,
            ApiOperationDescriptor operation,
            ApiDataModel model,
            IServiceScope serviceScope,
            bool isNested)
            var operationContextVariable = executeMethod.Arguments[0];

            var instanceFrameProvider             = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <InstanceFrameProvider>();
            var dependencyInjectionVariableSource = new DependencyInjectionVariableSource(executeMethod, instanceFrameProvider);

            var castFrame = new ConcreteOperationCastFrame(operationContextVariable, operation.OperationType);

            var apiOperationContextSource =
                new ApiOperationContextVariableSource(operationContextVariable, castFrame.CastOperationVariable);

            var context = new MiddlewareBuilderContext(

            // For the base Exception type we will add, as the first step, logging to the exception sinks. This frame DOES NOT
            // include a return frame, as we add that after all the other middleware builders have had chance to potentially add
            // more frames to perform other operations on unknown Exception
            context.RegisterUnhandledExceptionHandler(typeof(Exception), e => new Frame[]
                // Exceptions do not escape from a pipeline because we always convert to a result type
                new PushExceptionToActivityFrame(e, false),


            foreach (var source in options.GenerationRules.VariableSources)

            var startActivityFrame = ActivityFrame.Start(ActivityKind.Internal, operation.Name + (isNested ? "NestedPipeline" : "Pipeline"));


            executeMethod.Frames.Add(new ErrorHandlerFrame(context));
            executeMethod.Frames.Add(new BlankLineFrame());

            foreach (var behaviour in this._builders)
                if (isNested && !behaviour.SupportsNestedExecution)

                if (behaviour.Matches(operation))
                    executeMethod.Frames.Add(new CommentFrame(behaviour.GetType().Name));


                    executeMethod.Frames.Add(new BlankLineFrame());

            // For the base Exception type we will add, as a last frame, a return of an OperationResult.
            context.RegisterUnhandledExceptionHandler(typeof(Exception), e => new[]
                new ReturnFrame(new Variable(typeof(UnhandledExceptionOperationResult), $"new {typeof(UnhandledExceptionOperationResult).FullNameInCode()}({e})")),