Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Execute(uint stage, SharpMedia.Database.Physical.Journalling.IService service)
            Debug.Assert(stage == 0);

            // 1) We first write to allocated block stream.
            BlockStream stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)objectData.LongLength);


            // 2) We may need to delete object at index.
            ObjectInfo data = tree.Find(service, index);

            if (data != null)
                // Deallocate link.
                BlockStream stream2 = BlockStream.FromBase(data.Address, service);

                // We replace the entry (cheaper than delete and rewrite).
                tree.Replace(service, new ObjectInfo(index, (ulong)objectData.LongLength, stream.BaseAddress));
                // 3) We execute insert operation.
                tree.Add(service, new ObjectInfo(index, (ulong)objectData.LongLength, stream.BaseAddress));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public unsafe void Execute(uint stage, SharpMedia.Database.Physical.Journalling.IService service)
            Debug.Assert(stage == 0);

            // 1) We first write object to stream.
            BlockStream stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)objectData.LongLength);


            // 2) We may need to delete object from B+ stream.
            Block block = service.Read(BlockType.TypedStreamHeader, typedStreamHeader);

            fixed(byte *p = block.Data)
                TypedStreamHeader *header = (TypedStreamHeader *)p;

                // We may need to delete link.
                if (header->ObjectsAddress != 0)
                    BlockStream objToDelete = BlockStream.FromBase(header->ObjectsAddress, service);

                // 3) We must relink it to out block.
                header->ObjectsAddress = stream.BaseAddress;
                header->ObjectSize     = (ulong)objectData.LongLength;

            service.Write(BlockType.TypedStreamHeader, typedStreamHeader, block);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Execute(uint stage, SharpMedia.Database.Physical.Journalling.IService service)
            // 1) We read previous object placement and change it.
            ObjectInfo  info     = childrenTree.Find(service, (uint)prevName.GetHashCode());
            BlockStream stream   = BlockStream.FromBase(info.Address, service);
            ChildTag    childTag = Common.DeserializeFromArray(stream.Read(info.Size)) as ChildTag;


            // Remove it if empty.
            if (childTag.IsEmpty)
                childrenTree.Remove(service, (uint)prevName.GetHashCode(), 1, false);
                // Update the entry (now without this child).
                byte[] childTagData = Common.SerializeToArray(childTag);
                stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)childTagData.LongLength);

                                     new ObjectInfo((uint)prevName.GetHashCode(), (ulong)childTagData.LongLength, stream.BaseAddress));

            // 3) We create new and insert it into tree.
            ObjectInfo info2 = childrenTree.Find(service, (uint)newName.GetHashCode());

            if (info2 == null)
                // We create new tag.
                childTag = new ChildTag();
                childTag.Add(newName, info.Address);
                byte[] childTagData = Common.SerializeToArray(childTag);
                stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)childTagData.LongLength);

                // And we add child.
                                 new ObjectInfo((uint)newName.GetHashCode(), (ulong)childTagData.LongLength, stream.BaseAddress));
                // We append it and release previous tag.
                stream   = BlockStream.FromBase(info2.Address, service);
                childTag = Common.DeserializeFromArray(stream.Read(info2.Size)) as ChildTag;

                // We modify and rewrite it.
                childTag.Add(newName, info.Address);
                byte[] childTagData = Common.SerializeToArray(childTag);
                stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)childTagData.LongLength);

                // We insert into children tree.
                                     new ObjectInfo((uint)newName.GetHashCode(), (ulong)childTagData.LongLength, info.Address));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Execute(uint stage, IService service)
            // 1) We first delete all objects.
            List <ObjectInfo> all = tree.List(service, index, count);

            foreach (ObjectInfo info in all)
                BlockStream stream = BlockStream.FromBase(info.Address, service);

            // 2) We delete them from B+ tree.
            tree.Remove(service, index, count, decreaseCount);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public unsafe void Execute(uint stage, SharpMedia.Database.Physical.Journalling.IService service)
            // 1) We first delete header node entry.
            Block versionNodeBlock = service.Read(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, nodeVersionAddress);
            ulong tsHeaderAddress  = NodeVersionHelper.RemoveTypedStream(tsToDeleteIndex, versionNodeBlock);

            // 2) We delete all objects.
            Block tsHeader = service.Read(BlockType.TypedStreamHeader, tsHeaderAddress);

            fixed(byte *p = tsHeader.Data)
                TypedStreamHeader *header = (TypedStreamHeader *)p;

                if ((header->Options & StreamOptions.SingleObject) != 0)
                    BlockStream stream = BlockStream.FromBase(header->ObjectsAddress, service);
                    // We have to delete whole link.
                    BPlusTree         tree = new BPlusTree(header->ObjectsAddress);
                    List <ObjectInfo> all  = tree.ListAll(service);
                    foreach (ObjectInfo info in all)
                        BlockStream stream = BlockStream.FromBase(info.Address, service);

                    // Make sure we get rid of tree.

            // 3) We delete typed stream.
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">Service for operation.</param>
        unsafe void ExecuteInternal(IService service)
            ulong childrenTS;
            ulong versionTS;

            // 1) We extract child TS and version TS
            Block block = service.Read(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, commonAddress);

            fixed(byte *p = block.Data)
                NodeCommonHeader *header = (NodeCommonHeader *)p;

                childrenTS = header->ChildrenBTree;
                versionTS  = header->VersionsBTree;

            // 2) Can get rid of node.

            // 3) We delete children TS, it should be empty (since deletes were already called on nodes).

            // 4) We go through versions.
            BPlusTree         versionsTree = new BPlusTree(versionTS);
            List <ObjectInfo> versions     = versionsTree.ListAll(service);

            // 5) We delete each version.
            foreach (ObjectInfo info in versions)
                // a) Read version tag.
                BlockStream versionTagStream = BlockStream.FromBase(info.Address, service);
                VersionTag  versionTag       = Common.DeserializeFromArray(versionTagStream.Read(info.Size)) as VersionTag;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, ulong> versionToNode in versionTag.VersionAddress)
                    block = service.Read(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, versionToNode.Value);

                    List <ulong> typedStreams = NodeVersionHelper.ListAllTypedStreamsAsAddresses(block, service);

                    // b) Delete all typed streams.
                    for (int i = 0; i < typedStreams.Count; i++)
                        // 1) We delete the typed stream object.
                        block = service.Read(BlockType.TypedStreamHeader, typedStreams[i]);
                        fixed(byte *p = block.Data)
                            TypedStreamHeader *header = (TypedStreamHeader *)p;

                            // We delete single object.
                            if ((header->Options & StreamOptions.SingleObject) != 0)
                                if (header->ObjectsAddress != 0)
                                    BlockStream stream = BlockStream.FromBase(header->ObjectsAddress, service);
                                // We delete all children.
                                BPlusTree tree = new BPlusTree(header->ObjectsAddress);
                                foreach (ObjectInfo info2 in tree.ListAll(service))
                                    BlockStream stream = BlockStream.FromBase(info2.Address, service);

                        // 2) We also delete the header itself.

                    // c) We deallocate version block.

            // 6) We delete the tree.

            // 7) We must erase the node from root.
            ObjectInfo  childInfo      = parentChildTree.Find(service, (uint)childName.GetHashCode());
            BlockStream childTagStream = BlockStream.FromBase(childInfo.Address, service);

            byte[]   childTagData = childTagStream.Read(childInfo.Size);
            ChildTag childTag     = Common.DeserializeFromArray(childTagData) as ChildTag;


            if (childTag.Children.Count == 1)
                // Simply delete it.
                parentChildTree.Remove(service, (uint)childName.GetHashCode(), 1, false);
                // We have to replace it.
                childTagData   = Common.SerializeToArray(childTag);
                childTagStream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)childTagData.LongLength);

                parentChildTree.Replace(service, new ObjectInfo((uint)childName.GetHashCode(),
                                                                (ulong)childTagData.LongLength, childTagStream.BaseAddress));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public unsafe void Execute(uint stage, IService service)
            // 1) We create the node common block.
            versionAddress = service.AllocationContext.AllocateBlock();
            commonAddress  = service.AllocationContext.AllocateBlock();
            BPlusTree versionTS = new BPlusTree(service.AllocationContext.CreateEmptyBTree());

            // Fill common block and write.
            Block commonBlock = new Block(service.BlockSize);

            fixed(byte *p = commonBlock.Data)
                NodeCommonHeader *header = (NodeCommonHeader *)p;

                header->ChildrenBTree         = service.AllocationContext.CreateEmptyBTree();
                header->CurrentVersionAddress = versionAddress;
                header->CurrentVersionNumber  = 0;
                header->HeaderMagic           = NodeCommonHeader.Magic;
                header->ParentAddress         = parentAddress;
                header->VersionsBTree         = versionTS.RootAddress;

            service.Write(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, commonAddress, commonBlock);

            // 2) We create the node default typed stream.
            Block tsblock = new Block(service.BlockSize);

            ulong tsBlock = service.AllocationContext.AllocateBlock();

            fixed(byte *p = tsblock.Data)
                TypedStreamHeader *header = (TypedStreamHeader *)p;

                header->ObjectsAddress = (defaultTSOptions & StreamOptions.SingleObject) == 0 ?
                                         service.AllocationContext.CreateEmptyBTree() : 0;
                header->Options    = defaultTSOptions;
                header->ObjectSize = 0;

                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < defaultTSType.Length; i++)
                    header->Type[i] = defaultTSType[i];

                // Null terminate it.
                header->Type[i] = '\0';

            service.Write(BlockType.TypedStreamHeader, tsBlock, tsblock);

            // 3) We create the node version block.
            // Fill version block and write.
            Block versionBlock = new Block(service.BlockSize);

            fixed(byte *pp = versionBlock.Data)
                NodeVersionHeader *header = (NodeVersionHeader *)pp;

                header->CreationTime       = DateTime.Now;
                header->DefaultTypedStream = 0;
                header->HeaderMagic        = NodeVersionHeader.Magic;
                header->ModifiedTime       = DateTime.Now;
                header->NodeCommonAddress  = commonAddress;
                header->StreamCount        = 0; //< Is actually one but NodeHelper changes this.
                header->VersionNumber      = 0;

            // We must add default typed stream to block.
            NodeVersionHelper.AddTypedStream(tsBlock, defaultTSType, versionBlock);
            service.Write(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, versionAddress, versionBlock);

            // 4) We add to children tree.
            ObjectInfo info = childrenTree.Find(service, (uint)childName.GetHashCode());

            if (info == null)
                // We simply create a new object at address.
                ChildTag childTag = new ChildTag();
                childTag.HashCode = childName.GetHashCode();
                childTag.Add(childName, commonAddress);
                byte[] childData = Common.SerializeToArray(childTag);

                // We write it to block stream.
                BlockStream stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)childData.LongLength);

                // We now add it to B+ tree.
                childrenTree.Add(service, new ObjectInfo((uint)childName.GetHashCode(), (ulong)childData.LongLength, stream.BaseAddress));
                // The index at hash already exists, we must add it, first read it.
                BlockStream stream   = BlockStream.FromBase(info.Address, service);
                ChildTag    childTag = Common.DeserializeFromArray(stream.Read(info.Size)) as ChildTag;

                // Steam not used anymore.

                // We modify child tag.
                childTag.Add(childName, commonAddress);
                byte[] childData = Common.SerializeToArray(childTag);

                // We must write it to new address.
                stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)childData.LongLength);

                // Now we replace the data in tree.
                                     new ObjectInfo((uint)childName.GetHashCode(), (ulong)childData.LongLength, stream.BaseAddress));

            // 5) Add version to typed stream.
            VersionTag versionTag = new VersionTag((0).GetHashCode());

            versionTag.Add(0, versionAddress);
            byte[] versionTagData = Common.SerializeToArray(versionTag);

            // Write to stream.
            BlockStream versionTagStream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)versionTagData.LongLength);


            versionTS.Add(service, new ObjectInfo((uint)(0).GetHashCode(),
                                                  (ulong)versionTagData.LongLength, versionTagStream.BaseAddress));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public unsafe void Execute(uint stage, IService service)
            ulong versionAddress = service.AllocationContext.AllocateBlock();

            // 1) We first create new version node.
            Block versionBlock = new Block(service.BlockSize);

            fixed(byte *p = versionBlock.Data)
                NodeVersionHeader *header = (NodeVersionHeader *)p;

                header->CreationTime       = DateTime.Now;
                header->DefaultTypedStream = 0;
                header->HeaderMagic        = NodeVersionHeader.Magic;
                header->ModifiedTime       = DateTime.Now;
                header->NodeCommonAddress  = commonAddress;
                header->StreamCount        = 0; //< For now 0.
                header->VersionNumber      = version;

            // 2) We create default TS.
            ulong defaultTSAddress = service.AllocationContext.AllocateBlock();
            Block block            = new Block(service.BlockSize);

            fixed(byte *p = block.Data)
                TypedStreamHeader *header = (TypedStreamHeader *)p;

                header->ObjectsAddress = (defaultTSOptions & StreamOptions.SingleObject) != 0
                    ? 0 : service.AllocationContext.CreateEmptyBTree();
                header->ObjectSize = 0;
                header->Options    = defaultTSOptions;

                // Copy the name.
                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < defaultTSType.Length; i++)
                    header->Type[i] = defaultTSType[i];
                header->Type[i] = '\0';

            service.Write(BlockType.TypedStreamHeader, defaultTSAddress, block);

            // 3) We add the default typed stream and write it.
            NodeVersionHelper.AddTypedStream(defaultTSAddress, defaultTSType, versionBlock);
            service.Write(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, versionAddress, versionBlock);

            // 4) And finnaly add to versions.
            ObjectInfo info = versionTree.Find(service, (uint)version.GetHashCode());

            if (info == null)
                // Create block stream.
                VersionTag versionTag = new VersionTag(version.GetHashCode());
                versionTag.Add(version, versionAddress);
                byte[]      versionTagData = Common.SerializeToArray(versionTag);
                BlockStream stream         = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)versionTagData.LongLength);

                // Write the stream.

                // And to B+ tree.
                versionTree.Add(service, new ObjectInfo((uint)version.GetHashCode(),
                                                        (ulong)versionTagData.LongLength, stream.BaseAddress));;
                // We first create appropriate VersionTag and kill the stream.
                BlockStream stream     = BlockStream.FromBase(info.Address, service);
                VersionTag  versionTag = Common.DeserializeFromArray(stream.Read(info.Size)) as VersionTag;
                versionTag.Add(version, versionAddress);

                // We write a new version tag.
                byte[] versionTagData = Common.SerializeToArray(versionTag);
                stream = service.AllocationContext.CreateBlockStream((ulong)versionTagData.LongLength);

                // We replace in B+ tree.
                versionTree.Replace(service, new ObjectInfo((uint)version.GetHashCode(),
                                                            (ulong)versionTagData.LongLength, versionAddress));

            // 5) The new version is replaced in common.
            block = service.Read(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, commonAddress);
            fixed(byte *p = block.Data)
                NodeCommonHeader *header = (NodeCommonHeader *)p;

                header->CurrentVersionNumber  = version;
                header->CurrentVersionAddress = versionAddress;

            service.Write(BlockType.NodeHeaderBlock, commonAddress, block);