Ejemplo n.º 1
        /* This is a convenient way to add a block, if you're using standard demodulation
         * configurations. This method is thread-safe.
        public void AddBlock(Block b, string[] demodulationConfigs)
            log("Adding block " + b.Config.Settings["cluster"] + " - " + b.Config.Settings["clusterIndex"]);
            BlockDemodulator blockDemodulator = new BlockDemodulator();

            foreach (string dcName in demodulationConfigs)
                DemodulationConfig dc     = DemodulationConfig.GetStandardDemodulationConfig(dcName, b);
                DemodulatedBlock   dBlock = blockDemodulator.DemodulateBlockNL(b, dc);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AcquisitionFinished(Block b)
            this.Block = b;
            mainWindow.AppendToTextArea("Demodulating block.");
            // "cgate11Fixed" for Ar, "centreFixedKr" for Kr
            DemodulationConfig dc = DemodulationConfig.GetStandardDemodulationConfig("wgate4", b); // was cgate11fixed

            DBlock = blockDemodulator.DemodulateBlockNL(b, dc);                                    // blockDemodulator.DemodulateBlock(b, dc);

            haveBlock = true;
            appState  = AppState.stopped;
            mainWindow.AppendToTextArea("Acquisition finished");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //public void TOFDemodulateBlocks(string[] blockFiles, string savePath)
        //    // first of all test that the save location exists to avoid later disappointment.

        //    if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(savePath)))
        //    {
        //        log("Save path does not exist!!");
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    // initialise the accumulator
        //    tcsga = new TOFChannelSetGroupAccumulator();
        //    // queue the blocks - the last block analysed will take care of saving the results.
        //    foreach (string blockFile in blockFiles)
        //    {
        //        tofDemodulateParams tdp = new tofDemodulateParams();
        //        tdp.blockPath = blockFile;
        //        tdp.savePath = savePath;
        //        threadManager.AddToQueue(TOFDemodulateThreadWrapper, tdp);
        //    }

        //private void TOFDemodulateBlock(string blockPath, string savePath)
        //    BlockSerializer bs = new BlockSerializer();
        //    string[] splitPath = blockPath.Split('\\');
        //    log("Loading block " + splitPath[splitPath.Length - 1]);
        //    Block b = bs.DeserializeBlockFromZippedXML(blockPath, "block.xml");
        //    log("Demodulating block " + b.Config.Settings["cluster"] + " - " + b.Config.Settings["clusterIndex"]);
        //    BlockTOFDemodulator btd = new BlockTOFDemodulator();
        //    TOFChannelSet tcs = btd.TOFDemodulateBlock(b, 0, true);
        //    log("Accumulating block " + b.Config.Settings["cluster"] + " - " + b.Config.Settings["clusterIndex"]);
        //    lock (accumulatorLock) tcsga.Add(tcs);
        //    // are we the last block to be added? If so, it's our job to save the results
        //    if (threadManager.RemainingJobs == 1)
        //    {
        //        // this lock should not be needed
        //        lock(accumulatorLock)
        //        {
        //            TOFChannelSetGroup tcsg = tcsga.GetResult();
        //            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(savePath, FileMode.Create);
        //            (new BinaryFormatter()).Serialize(fileStream, tcsg);
        //            fileStream.Close();
        //        }
        //    }

        //private void TOFDemodulateThreadWrapper(object parametersIn)
        //    threadManager.QueueItemWrapper(delegate(object parms)
        //    {
        //        tofDemodulateParams parameters = (tofDemodulateParams)parms;
        //        TOFDemodulateBlock(parameters.blockPath, parameters.savePath);
        //    },
        //    parametersIn
        //    );
        //private struct tofDemodulateParams
        //    public string blockPath;
        //    public string savePath;
        //    // this struct has a ToString method defined for error reporting porpoises.
        //    public override string ToString()
        //    {
        //        return blockPath;
        //    }


        #region Testing

        // Somewhere for SirCachealot to store test results that's accessible by Mathematica.
        // Makes debugging easier and is needed as a workaround for the constant Mathematica
        // NET/Link errors.
//        public TOFChannelSetGroup ChanSetGroup;
        // workarounds for NET/Link bugs
        //public TOFChannelSet GetAveragedChannelSet(bool eSign, bool bSign, bool rfSign)
        //    return ChanSetGroup.AverageChannelSetSignedByMachineState(eSign, bSign, rfSign);

        //public void LoadChannelSetGroup(string path)
        //    BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
        //    FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
        //    ChanSetGroup = (TOFChannelSetGroup)bf.Deserialize(fs);
        //    fs.Close();

        public void Test1()
            BlockSerializer bs = new BlockSerializer();
            Block           b  = bs.DeserializeBlockFromZippedXML(
                "C:\\Users\\jony\\Files\\Data\\SEDM\\v3\\2009\\October2009\\01Oct0900_0.zip", "block.xml");

            BlockDemodulator bd = new BlockDemodulator();

            DemodulatedBlock db = bd.DemodulateBlockNL(b,
                                                       DemodulationConfig.GetStandardDemodulationConfig("cgate11Fixed", b));

            //JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
            //using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("c:\\Users\\jony\\Desktop\\test.json"))
            //using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
            //    serializer.Serialize(writer, b.Config);

            //bs.SerializeBlockAsJSON("c:\\Users\\jony\\Desktop\\test.json", b);