Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Layer MergeWith(this Layer thisLayer, Layer otherLayer, string newName, Vector documentsSize)
            thisLayer.GetCloser(otherLayer, out Layer xCloser, out Layer yCloser, out Layer xOther, out Layer yOther);

            // Calculate the offset to the other layer
            int offsetX = Math.Abs(xCloser.OffsetX + xCloser.Width - xOther.OffsetX);
            int offsetY = Math.Abs(yCloser.OffsetY + yCloser.Height - yOther.OffsetY);

            // Calculate the needed width and height of the new layer
            int width  = xCloser.Width + offsetX + xOther.Width;
            int height = yCloser.Height + offsetY + yOther.Height;

            // Merge both layers into a bitmap
            WriteableBitmap mergedBitmap = BitmapUtils.CombineLayers((int)documentsSize.X, (int)documentsSize.Y, new Layer[] { thisLayer, otherLayer });

            mergedBitmap = mergedBitmap.Crop(xCloser.OffsetX, yCloser.OffsetY, width, height);

            // Create the new layer with the merged bitmap
            Layer mergedLayer = new Layer(newName, mergedBitmap)
                Offset = new Thickness(xCloser.OffsetX, yCloser.OffsetY, 0, 0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Surface CreateCombinedPreview(Layer selLayer, Layer[] layersToCombine)
            var combined = BitmapUtils.CombineLayers(moveStartRect, layersToCombine, BitmapManager.ActiveDocument.LayerStructure);

            if (selLayer != null)
                using var selSnap = selLayer.LayerBitmap.SkiaSurface.Snapshot();
                combined.SkiaSurface.Canvas.DrawImage(selSnap, 0, 0, Surface.MaskingPaint);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestThatCombineLayersReturnsCorrectBitmapWithSamePixels()
            Coordinates[] cords  = { new Coordinates(0, 0) };
            Layer[]       layers = { new Layer("test", 2, 2), new Layer("test2", 2, 2) };

            layers[0].SetPixels(BitmapPixelChanges.FromSingleColoredArray(cords, Colors.Green));

            layers[1].SetPixels(BitmapPixelChanges.FromSingleColoredArray(cords, Colors.Red));

            var outputBitmap = BitmapUtils.CombineLayers(layers, 2, 2);

            Assert.Equal(Colors.Red, outputBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static Surface CreateMaskedCombinedSurface(Layer[] layers, LayerStructure structure, Layer selLayer)
            if (layers.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't combine 0 layers");

            Surface combined = BitmapUtils.CombineLayers(new Int32Rect(selLayer.OffsetX, selLayer.OffsetY, selLayer.Width, selLayer.Height), layers, structure);

            using SKImage snapshot = selLayer.LayerBitmap.SkiaSurface.Snapshot();
            combined.SkiaSurface.Canvas.DrawImage(snapshot, 0, 0, Surface.MaskingPaint);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestThatCombineLayersReturnsCorrectBitmap()
            Coordinates[] cords  = { new Coordinates(0, 0), new Coordinates(1, 1) };
            Layer[]       layers = { new Layer("test", 2, 2), new Layer("test2", 2, 2) };

            layers[0].SetPixels(BitmapPixelChanges.FromSingleColoredArray(new[] { cords[0] }, Colors.Green));

            layers[1].SetPixels(BitmapPixelChanges.FromSingleColoredArray(new[] { cords[1] }, Colors.Red));

            WriteableBitmap outputBitmap = BitmapUtils.CombineLayers(2, 2, layers);

            Assert.Equal(Colors.Green, outputBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0));
            Assert.Equal(Colors.Red, outputBitmap.GetPixel(1, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static Layer MergeWith(this Layer thisLayer, Layer otherLayer, string newName, PixelSize documentSize)
            Int32Rect thisRect  = new(thisLayer.OffsetX, thisLayer.OffsetY, thisLayer.Width, thisLayer.Height);
            Int32Rect otherRect = new(otherLayer.OffsetX, otherLayer.OffsetY, otherLayer.Width, otherLayer.Height);

            Int32Rect combined = thisRect.Expand(otherRect);

            Surface mergedBitmap = BitmapUtils.CombineLayers(combined, new Layer[] { thisLayer, otherLayer });

            Layer mergedLayer = new Layer(newName, mergedBitmap, documentSize.Width, documentSize.Height)
                Offset = new Thickness(combined.X, combined.Y, 0, 0),

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Copies selection to clipboard in PNG, Bitmap and DIB formats.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layers">Layers where selection is</param>
        /// <param name="selection"></param>
        /// <param name="originalImageWidth">Output </param>
        /// <param name="originalImageHeight"></param>
        public static void CopyToClipboard(Layer[] layers, Coordinates[] selection, int originalImageWidth, int originalImageHeight)
            WriteableBitmap combinedBitmaps = BitmapUtils.CombineLayers(layers, originalImageWidth, originalImageHeight);

            using (var pngStream = new MemoryStream())
                DataObject data       = new DataObject();
                var        croppedBmp = BitmapSelectionToBmpSource(combinedBitmaps, selection);
                data.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, croppedBmp, true); //Bitmap, no transparency support

                PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
                data.SetData("PNG", pngStream, false); //PNG, supports transparency

                Clipboard.SetImage(croppedBmp);        //DIB format
                Clipboard.SetDataObject(data, true);