Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called publicly to add a file's icon to the ImageList.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">Full path to the file.</param>
        /// <returns>Integer of the icon's position in the ImageList</returns>
        public int AddFileOverlayIcon(string filePath, string overlayTagName, string overlayFilename)
            // Check if the file exists, otherwise, throw exception.
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
                throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("File does not exist");

            // Split it down so we can get the extension
            string[] splitPath = filePath.Split(new Char[] { '.' });
            string   extension = (string)splitPath.GetValue(splitPath.GetUpperBound(0));

            // Add in the special overlay tag name to the extension name
            extension = "{" + overlayTagName + "}" + extension;

            //Check that we haven't already got the extension, if we have, then
            //return back its index
            if (_extensionList.ContainsKey(extension.ToUpper()))
                return((int)_extensionList[extension.ToUpper()]);                               //return existing index
                // It's not already been added, so add it and record its position.

                int pos = ((ImageList)_imageLists[0]).Images.Count;                             //store current count -- new item's index

                if (ManageBothSizes == true)
                    //managing two lists, so add it to small first, then large
                    ((ImageList)_imageLists[0]).Images.Add(IconReader.GetFileIcon(filePath, IconReader.IconSize.Small, false));
                    ((ImageList)_imageLists[1]).Images.Add(IconReader.GetFileIcon(filePath, IconReader.IconSize.Large, false));
                    Bitmap myImage = null;

                    // Great, get a copy of that
                    Bitmap lockSource = new Bitmap(overlayFilename);

                    // Great get a copy of that
                    Bitmap source = IconReader.GetFileIcon(filePath, _iconSize, false).ToBitmap();

                    // Ok, if we got a lockSource and a class source icon, lets attempt to overlay them
                    if (source != null && lockSource != null)
                        myImage = BitmapManipulator.OverlayBitmap(source, lockSource, 100, BitmapManipulator.ImageCornerEnum.BottomRight);

                    //only doing one size, so use IconSize as specified in _iconSize.
                    ((ImageList)_imageLists[0]).Images.Add(myImage);                            //add to image list

                AddExtension(extension.ToUpper(), pos);                         // add to hash table
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static public int GetLockedBinaryIcon(string filename)
                // Check to see if we can find this loced icon in our cache
                TstDictionaryEntry assetLocked = mAssetTypes.Find(Path.GetFileName(filename) + "_locked");
                if (assetLocked != null && assetLocked.IsKey)
                    // Yup, return the index
                    // Nope, We are going to have to create it

                    // Setup some new containers
                    Bitmap newLockedIcon   = null;
                    Bitmap lockIconSource  = null;
                    Bitmap assetIconSource = null;

                    // Can we find the locked image
                    TstDictionaryEntry nodeLocked = mAssetTypes.Find("locked");
                    if (nodeLocked != null && nodeLocked.IsKey)
                        // Great, get a copy of that
                        lockIconSource = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[(int)nodeLocked.Value];

                        // Now try and get the icon of this asset
                        // Have we seen this type of asset by its extension?
                        if (mFileTypeManager.ExtensionListHasKey(filename))
                            // Great get a copy of that
                            assetIconSource = (Bitmap)mFileTypeManager.GetImage(filename);
                            // No, ok try and add it from the file its self
                            if (File.Exists(filename))
                                assetIconSource = (Bitmap)mFileTypeManager.GetImage(filename);
                                // Use the default icon
                                assetIconSource = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[0];

                        // Ok, if we got a lockSource and a class source icon, lets attempt to overlay them
                        if (assetIconSource != null && lockIconSource != null)
                            newLockedIcon = BitmapManipulator.OverlayBitmap(assetIconSource, lockIconSource, 100, BitmapManipulator.ImageCornerEnum.BottomRight);

                        // Did the overlay work?
                        if (newLockedIcon != null)
                            lock (mAssetTypes)
                                // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists
                                mAssetTypes.Add(Path.GetFileName(filename) + "_locked", mAssetTypeImages.Images.Count - 1);

                                return(mAssetTypeImages.Images.Count - 1);
            catch (Exception e)
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Get Locked Binary Icon", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        static public int GetLockedAssetIcon(MOG_Filename file)
                // Check to see if we can find this loced icon in our cache
                TstDictionaryEntry assetLocked = mAssetTypes.Find(file.GetAssetClassification() + "ASSETICON_locked");
                if (assetLocked != null)
                    // Yup, return the index
                    // Nope, We are going to have to create it

                    // Setup some new containers
                    Bitmap myImage    = null;
                    Bitmap lockSource = null;
                    Bitmap source     = null;

                    // Can we find the locked image
                    TstDictionaryEntry nodeLocked = mAssetTypes.Find("locked");
                    if (nodeLocked != null && nodeLocked.IsKey)
                        // Great, get a copy of that
                        lockSource = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[(int)nodeLocked.Value];

                        // Can we find the class icon for this asset
                        TstDictionaryEntry nodeSource = mAssetTypes.Find(file.GetAssetClassification() + "_ASSETICON");
                        if (nodeSource != null && nodeSource.IsKey)
                            // Great get a copy of that
                            source = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[(int)nodeSource.Value];
                            // If we didn't get anything, we need to load this icon into our array
                            MOG_Properties properties = new MOG_Properties(file.GetAssetClassification());
                            source = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[MogUtil_AssetIcons.LoadIcon(properties.AssetIcon, file.GetAssetClassification() + "_ASSETICON")];

                        // Ok, if we got a lockSource and a class source icon, lets attempt to overlay them
                        if (source != null && lockSource != null)
                            myImage = BitmapManipulator.OverlayBitmap(source, lockSource, 100, BitmapManipulator.ImageCornerEnum.BottomRight);

                        // Did the overlay work?
                        if (myImage != null)
                            lock (mAssetTypes)
                                // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists
                                mAssetTypes.Add(file.GetAssetClassification() + "ASSETICON_locked", mAssetTypeImages.Images.Count - 1);

                                return(mAssetTypeImages.Images.Count - 1);
                        // Try to just turn the source icon red or something
                        string message = "We could not locate the (FileLocked.png)lock icon! Make sure that it is located in one of your images directories within the MOG repository!";
                        MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Load Icon", message, "No StackTrace available", MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ERROR);
            catch (Exception e)
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Get Locked Icon", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        }         // end ()

        static public int GetLockedIcon(string assetName, IconType iconType, MOG_Properties properties)
                // Check to see if we can find this loced icon in our cache
                string             lockedIconKeyName = assetName + "_" + iconType.ToString() + "_locked";
                TstDictionaryEntry assetLocked       = mAssetTypes.Find(lockedIconKeyName);
                if (assetLocked != null)
                    // Yup, return the index
                    // *******************************************
                    // Nope, We are going to have to create it
                    // *******************************************
                    // We need 3 things:
                    // 1) Lock icon
                    // 2) Asset or class icon
                    // 3) New overlayed icon

                    // Setup some new containers
                    Bitmap myImage    = null;
                    Bitmap lockSource = null;
                    Bitmap source     = null;

                    // 1) Can we find the locked image
                    TstDictionaryEntry nodeLocked = mAssetTypes.Find("locked");
                    if (nodeLocked != null && nodeLocked.IsKey)
                        // Great, get a copy of that
                        lockSource = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[(int)nodeLocked.Value];

                        // Do we have a valid properties object?
                        if (properties == null)
                            // If we didn't get anything, we need to load this icon into our array
                            properties = new MOG_Properties(assetName);

                        // Lets now populate our icon name to load
                        string assetIconName = "";
                        string nodeIconName  = "";

                        // What kind of icon is this?
                        switch (iconType)
                        case IconType.ASSET:
                            assetIconName = properties.AssetIcon;
                            nodeIconName  = assetName + "_ASSET";

                        case IconType.CLASS:
                            assetIconName = properties.ClassIcon;
                            nodeIconName  = assetName + "_CLASS";


                        // 2) Can we find the class icon for this asset
                        TstDictionaryEntry nodeSource = mAssetTypes.Find(nodeIconName);
                        if (nodeSource != null && nodeSource.IsKey)
                            // Great get a copy of that
                            source = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[(int)nodeSource.Value];
                            // If we didn't get anything, we need to load this icon into our array
                            int newIconIndex = LoadIcon(assetIconName, nodeIconName);
                            source = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[newIconIndex];

                        // 3) Ok, if we got a lockSource and a class source icon, lets attempt to overlay them
                        if (source != null && lockSource != null)
                            myImage = BitmapManipulator.OverlayBitmap(source, lockSource, 100, BitmapManipulator.ImageCornerEnum.BottomRight);

                        // Did the overlay work?
                        if (myImage != null)
                            //Debug.WriteLine("Requesting icon - " + lockedIconKeyName);
                            return(InternalAddIconToLists(lockedIconKeyName, myImage));
                        // Try to just turn the source icon red or something
                        string message = "We could not locate the (FileLocked.png)lock icon! Make sure that it is located in one of your images directories within the MOG repository!";
                        MOG_Report.ReportSilent("Load Icon", message, Environment.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ERROR);
            catch (Exception e)
                MOG_Report.ReportSilent("Get Locked Icon", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);
