Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CancelOrder(UserTradeOrder aOrder, bool aUseProxy = true)
            if (!IsCredentialsSet)
                throw new Exception("No Credentials were set");

            if (aOrder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(aOrder), "Invalid argument: " + nameof(aOrder));

            BitfinexClientOptions lBittrexClientOptions = new BitfinexClientOptions()
                Proxy          = PandoraProxy.GetApiProxy(),
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(FUserCredentials.Item1, FUserCredentials.Item2)

            using (BitfinexClient lClient = aUseProxy ? new BitfinexClient(lBittrexClientOptions) : new BitfinexClient())
                var lResponse = lClient.CancelOrderAsync(Convert.ToInt64(aOrder.ID)).Result;
                if (!lResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to cancel order in exchange. Message: " + lResponse.Error.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DoUpdateMarketPrices(object aState)
                var lChanged = new ConcurrentBag <string>();
                using (var lClient = new BitfinexClient())

                    var lMarketsData = lClient.GetTickerAsync(symbols: "ALL").Result;
                    if (!lMarketsData.Success)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to get updated market prices info");
                    Parallel.ForEach(lMarketsData.Data, (lMarketData) =>
                        string lMarketPairID = lMarketData.Symbol.Remove(0, 1).ToLowerInvariant();
                        MarketPriceInfo lRemoteMarketPrice = new MarketPriceInfo
                            Last = lMarketData.LastPrice,
                            Bid  = lMarketData.Bid,
                            Ask  = lMarketData.Ask

                        if ((FMarketPrices.TryGetValue(lMarketPairID, out MarketPriceInfo lPrice) && lPrice != lRemoteMarketPrice) || lPrice == null)
                            FMarketPrices.AddOrUpdate(lMarketPairID, lRemoteMarketPrice, (key, oldValue) => lRemoteMarketPrice);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private BitfinexClient PrepareClient(string responseData, bool credentials = true)
            var expectedBytes  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseData);
            var responseStream = new MemoryStream();

            responseStream.Write(expectedBytes, 0, expectedBytes.Length);
            responseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            var response = new Mock <IResponse>();

            response.Setup(c => c.GetResponseStream()).Returns(responseStream);

            var request = new Mock <IRequest>();

            request.Setup(c => c.Headers).Returns(new WebHeaderCollection());
            request.Setup(c => c.GetResponse()).Returns(Task.FromResult(response.Object));
            request.Setup(c => c.GetRequestStream()).Returns(Task.FromResult((Stream) new MemoryStream()));

            var factory = new Mock <IRequestFactory>();

            factory.Setup(c => c.Create(It.IsAny <string>()))

            BitfinexClient client = credentials ? new BitfinexClient(new BitfinexClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("test", "test")
            }) : new BitfinexClient();

            client.RequestFactory = factory.Object;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //static Task<int> CreateTask(string name)
        //    return new Task<int>(() => TaskMethod(name));

        public string start()
            string         info = "";
            BitfinexClient bit  = new BitfinexClient();

            BitfinexApiResult <BitfinexAccountInfo> result = bit.GetAccountInfo();

            if (result.Error == null)
                info += "MakerFees:" + result.Result.MakerFees;
                info += "TakerFees:" + result.Result.TakerFees;
                int i = 1;
                foreach (BitfinexFee bf in result.Result.Fees)
                    info += "BitfinexFee:" + i.ToString();
                    info += "MakerFees:" + bf.MakerFees;
                    info += "Pairs:" + bf.Pairs;
                    info += "TakerFees:" + bf.TakerFees;
                    info += "\r\n";
                info = "error:" + result.Error.ErrorCode.ToString() + result.Error.ErrorMessage;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool RefundOrder(UserTradeOrder aOrder, string aAddress, bool aUseProxy = true)
            if (!IsCredentialsSet)
                throw new Exception("No Credentials were set");

            if (aOrder.Status == OrderStatus.Withdrawn)

            BitfinexClientOptions lBittrexClientOptions = new BitfinexClientOptions()
                Proxy          = PandoraProxy.GetApiProxy(),
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(FUserCredentials.Item1, FUserCredentials.Item2)

            using (BitfinexClient lClient = aUseProxy ? new BitfinexClient(lBittrexClientOptions) : new BitfinexClient())
                var lResponse = lClient.WithdrawAsync(aOrder.Market.SellingCurrencyInfo.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), WithdrawWallet.Exchange, aOrder.SentQuantity, aAddress).Result;
                if (!lResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to withdraw. Error message:" + lResponse.Error.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public BitfinexRestApi(string apiKey, string apiSecret)
            BitfinexClientOptions options = new BitfinexClientOptions();

            options.ApiCredentials = new CryptoExchange.Net.Authentication.ApiCredentials(apiKey, apiSecret);
            m_client = new BitfinexClient(options);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static async Task DemoBitfinexSimple(BitfinexClient exch)
            var exchName   = "BITFINEX";
            var resSymbols = await exch.GetSymbolsAsync();

            var symbols = resSymbols.Data;

            Console.WriteLine($"[{exchName}]   {symbols.Count()} symbols");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Clear()
            var lClientOptions = new BitfinexClientOptions {
                ApiCredentials = null

            IsCredentialsSet = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static async Task BitfinexWriteSymbolsCsv(BitfinexClient exch)
            string exchName   = "BITFINEX";
            var    resSymbols = await exch.GetSymbolsAsync();

            var symbols = resSymbols.Data;

            WriteStringsToCsv(symbols, SymbolFilepath(exchName), "Symbol");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public DataClient()
     Binance  = new BinanceClient();
     Bitfinex = new BitfinexClient();
     Poloniex = new PoloniexClient();
     Bitstamp = new BitstampClient();
     Gdax     = new GdaxClient();
     Gemini   = new GeminiClient();
     Kraken   = new KrakenClient();
     Okex     = new OkexClient();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal BitfinexClientGeneralApi(Log log, BitfinexClient baseClient, BitfinexClientOptions options) :
            base(options, options.SpotApiOptions)
            _baseClient = baseClient;
            _log        = log;
            _options    = options;

            Funding = new BitfinexClientGeneralApiFunding(this);

            AffiliateCode = options.AffiliateCode;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public BitfinexClient GetBitfinexClient()
            var exchange  = "BITFINEX";
            var apiKey    = m_creds[exchange].Key;
            var apiSecret = m_creds[exchange].Secret;
            var options   = new BitfinexClientOptions();

            options.ApiCredentials = new CryptoExchange.Net.Authentication.ApiCredentials(apiKey, apiSecret);
            var client = new BitfinexClient(options);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal BitfinexClientSpotApi(Log log, BitfinexClient baseClient, BitfinexClientOptions options) :
            base(options, options.SpotApiOptions)
            _baseClient = baseClient;
            _log        = log;
            _options    = options;

            Account      = new BitfinexClientSpotApiAccount(this);
            ExchangeData = new BitfinexClientSpotApiExchangeData(this);
            Trading      = new BitfinexClientSpotApiTrading(this);

            AffiliateCode = options.AffiliateCode;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public BlocktraderService(ILog log, ExchangeProxySettings settings)
            binance  = new BinanceClient(log);
            bitfinex = new BitfinexClient(log);
            bitstamp = new BitstampClient(log, settings);

            exchangeClients = new Dictionary <ExchangeTitle, IExchangeClient>
                [ExchangeTitle.Binance]  = binance,
                [ExchangeTitle.Bitfinex] = bitfinex,
                [ExchangeTitle.Bitstamp] = bitstamp
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public BitfinexManager(string accessKey, string accessSecret)
            _accessKey    = accessKey;
            _accessSecret = accessSecret;

            _client = new BitfinexClient(
                new BitfinexClientOptions()
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(
                    key: _accessKey,
                    secret: _accessSecret)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public TickerService(Dictionary <CurrencyName, Instrument> restInstruments,
                             //Dictionary<CurrencyName, Instrument> wsInstruments,
                             ExchangeSettingsData[] settings,
                             ServiceEventLogger log)
            _bitfinex = new BitfinexClient(settings.Where(s => s.Exchange == ExchangeName.Bitfinex).Single().RestUrl);
            _timer    = new Timer(60 * 60000);
            _log      = log;

            _restInstruments = restInstruments;
            //_wsInstruments = wsInstruments;

            _timer.Elapsed += OnTimerElapsed;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public bool PlaceOrder(UserTradeOrder aOrder, bool aUseProxy = true)
            if (!IsCredentialsSet)
                throw new Exception("No Credentials were set");

            if (aOrder == null || aOrder.Market == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(aOrder == null ? nameof(aOrder) : nameof(aOrder.Market), "Invalid argument: " + aOrder == null ? nameof(aOrder) : nameof(aOrder.Market));

            if (aOrder.Status != OrderStatus.Waiting)

            BitfinexClientOptions lBitfinexClientOptions = new BitfinexClientOptions()
                Proxy          = PandoraProxy.GetApiProxy(),
                ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(FUserCredentials.Item1, FUserCredentials.Item2)

            using (BitfinexClient lClient = aUseProxy ? new BitfinexClient(lBitfinexClientOptions) : new BitfinexClient())
                if (!aOrder.Market.TryCastToLocalMarket(out ExchangeMarket lExchangeMarket))
                    throw new ArgumentException(nameof(aOrder.Market), "Invalid Market");
                var lResponse = lClient.PlaceOrderAsync(lExchangeMarket.MarketPairID, lExchangeMarket.MarketDirection == MarketDirection.Sell ? OrderSide.Sell : OrderSide.Buy, OrderType.ExchangeLimit, lExchangeMarket.MarketDirection == MarketDirection.Sell ? aOrder.SentQuantity : aOrder.SentQuantity / aOrder.Rate, aOrder.Rate).Result;
                if (!lResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception($"Bitfinex Error. Message: {lResponse.Error.Message}");
                long lUuid = lResponse.Data.Id;

                var lVerifyResponse = lClient.GetOrderAsync(lUuid).Result;
                if (!lResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to verify order with exchange server");
                aOrder.ID        = lUuid.ToString();
                aOrder.OpenTime  = lVerifyResponse.Data.Timestamp;
                aOrder.Cancelled = lVerifyResponse.Data.Canceled;
                aOrder.Completed = lVerifyResponse.Data.RemainingAmount == 0;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        static void CreateBitfinexExchange(out BitfinexClient exch, out BitfinexSocketClient sock)
            var evKeys = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BITFINEX_KEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
            var keys   = evKeys.Split('|');

            var clientOptions = new BitfinexClientOptions();

            clientOptions.ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(keys[0], keys[1]);
            exch = new BitfinexClient(clientOptions);
            var socketOptions = new BitfinexSocketClientOptions();

            socketOptions.ApiCredentials = clientOptions.ApiCredentials;
            sock = new BitfinexSocketClient(socketOptions);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BitfinexService" /> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="loggerService">The logger service.</param>
        /// <param name="dbOrderService">The database order service.</param>
        public BitfinexService(IConfiguration configuration, ILoggerService loggerService, IDbOrderService dbOrderService)
            _configuration  = configuration;
            _loggerService  = loggerService;
            _dbOrderService = dbOrderService;

            BitfinexClient.SetDefaultOptions(new BitfinexClientOptions
                ApiCredentials =
                    new ApiCredentials(

            _bitfinexClient = new BitfinexClient();
        //public BitfinexExchange(KafkaProducer p)
        public BitfinexExchange(string bootstrapServers, string topic)
            var evKeys = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ApiKeyEnvVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
            var keys = evKeys.Split('|');

            var clientOptions = new BitfinexClientOptions();
            clientOptions.ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(keys[0], keys[1]);
            this.exch = new BitfinexClient(clientOptions);
            var socketOptions = new BitfinexSocketClientOptions();
            socketOptions.ApiCredentials = clientOptions.ApiCredentials;
            this.sock = new BitfinexSocketClient(socketOptions);

            //_p = p;
            _p = new KafkaProducer(bootstrapServers, topic);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public string GetDepositAddress(IExchangeMarket aMarket)
            if (!IsCredentialsSet)
                throw new Exception("No Credentials were set");

            using (var lClient = new BitfinexClient())
                var lAddressResponse = lClient.GetDepositAddressAsync(aMarket.SellingCurrencyInfo.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), WithdrawWallet.Exchange).Result;
                if (!lAddressResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed to get deposit address for bitfinex. Details: {lAddressResponse.Error}");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public decimal GetTransactionsFee(ICurrencyIdentity aCurrency)
            decimal?lResult = null;

            if (FLastFeesDataRetrieval == DateTime.MinValue || FLastFeesDataRetrieval < DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1))
                using (var lClient = new BitfinexClient())
                    var lResponse = lClient.GetWithdrawalFeesAsync().Result;
                    if (!lResponse.Success)
                        throw new Exception($"Failed to get withdrawn fees from exchange server. {lResponse.Error}");
                    var lFees = lResponse.Data.Withdraw;
                    foreach (var lFee in lFees)
                        FWithdrawnFeesCache.TryAdd(lFee.Key, lFee.Value);
                FLastFeesDataRetrieval = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (FWithdrawnFeesCache.TryGetValue(aCurrency.Ticker, out decimal lTxFee))
                lResult = lTxFee;
                using (var lClient = new BitfinexClient())
                    var lResponse = lClient.GetCurrenciesAsync().Result;
                    if (lResponse.Success)
                        var lExchangeTicker = lResponse.Data.Where(lCurrency => string.Equals(lCurrency.FullName, aCurrency.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault()?.Name;
                        if (lExchangeTicker != null && FWithdrawnFeesCache.TryGetValue(lExchangeTicker, out lTxFee))
                            lResult = lTxFee;

            return(lResult ?? throw new Exception($"Transaction fee for currency with ticker '{aCurrency.Ticker}' not found"));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void SetCredentials(string aApiKey, string aApiSecret)
            var lCredentials = new ApiCredentials(aApiKey, aApiSecret);

            var lClientOptions = new BitfinexClientOptions {
                ApiCredentials = lCredentials

            using (BitfinexClient lClient = new BitfinexClient())
                var lResponse = lClient.GetBalancesAsync().Result;
                if (!lResponse.Success)
                    throw new PandoraExchangeExceptions.InvalidExchangeCredentials("Incorrect Key Pair for selected exchange");
            FUserCredentials = new Tuple <string, string>(aApiKey, aApiSecret);
            IsCredentialsSet = true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public decimal GetBalance(IExchangeMarket aMarket)
            if (!IsCredentialsSet)
                throw new Exception("No Credentials were set");

            using (var lClient = new BitfinexClient())
                var lResponse = lClient.GetBalancesAsync().Result;
                if (!lResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed to retrieve balance. Details: {lResponse.Error}");
                var lBalances       = lResponse.Data;
                var lDecimalBalance = lBalances.Where(lBalance => lBalance.Currency == aMarket.SellingCurrencyInfo.Ticker).FirstOrDefault();
                if (lDecimalBalance == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed to get balance for currency {aMarket.SellingCurrencyInfo.Name}");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private async Task DoUpdatemarketCoins()
            if (FLastMarketCoinsRetrieval == DateTime.MinValue || FLastMarketCoinsRetrieval < DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1))
                using (var lClient = new BitfinexClient())
                    var lCurrenciesResponse = await lClient.GetCurrenciesAsync();

                    var lMarketsResponse = await lClient.GetTickerAsync(symbols : "ALL");

                    var lSymbolDetails = await lClient.GetSymbolDetailsAsync();

                    if (!lCurrenciesResponse.Success || !lMarketsResponse.Success || !lSymbolDetails.Success)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve Bitfinex Markets");
                    BitfinexPair.ExchangeCurrencies = lCurrenciesResponse.Data;
                    FMarkets = lMarketsResponse.Data.Select(lMarket => new BitfinexPair(lMarket.Symbol, lSymbolDetails.Data.Where(lSymbol => string.Equals(lSymbol.Pair, lMarket.Symbol.Remove(0, 1), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault())).ToArray();
                FLastMarketCoinsRetrieval = DateTime.UtcNow;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public TradeOrderStatusInfo GetOrderStatus(string lUuid)
            if (!IsCredentialsSet)
                throw new Exception("No Credentials were set");

            using (var lClient = new BitfinexClient())
                var lResponse = lClient.GetOrderAsync(Convert.ToInt64(lUuid)).Result;
                if (!lResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed to retrieve order status. Id: {lUuid}");
                return(new TradeOrderStatusInfo
                    ID = lUuid,
                    Completed = lResponse.Data.RemainingAmount == 0,
                    Cancelled = lResponse.Data.Canceled,
                    Rate = lResponse.Data.Price
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public BitfinexRestExchange(ExchangeSettingsData setting) : base(setting)
     _client = new BitfinexClient(setting);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Started ...");

            TradingMarket market;

            Console.WriteLine("Choose traiding market (0-bitfinex): ");
            var marketNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            market = (TradingMarket)marketNum;

            IMarketClient marketClient;

            switch (market)
            case TradingMarket.Bitfinex:
                marketClient = new BitfinexClient();

                marketClient = new BitfinexClient();
            Console.WriteLine("You chose next market: {0}", marketClient.Name);

            TradingPair pair;

                Console.WriteLine("Choose currency pair (e.g. 'btcusd'): ");
                var name = Console.ReadLine();
                pair = marketClient.GetPairByName(name);
            }while (pair == null);
            Console.WriteLine("Info for {0}/{1} :", pair.Title, pair.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter boundary (or 'no' if you don't want): ");
            var boundary = Console.ReadLine();

            decimal parsedBoundary;

            if (boundary != "no" && decimal.TryParse(boundary, out parsedBoundary))
                var rule = new TradingRule();
                rule.Pair     = pair;
                rule.Boundary = parsedBoundary;
                rule.Callback = () => Console.WriteLine("We broke boundary, sending smth to telegram or viber!");

                marketClient.SetUpAlert(rule, false);

            var previous = default(decimal);

            using (marketClient)
                var subscriptionResult = marketClient.SubscribeToTraidingPair(pair, (data) =>
                    var current = data.Price;

                    ConsoleColor color;
                    if (previous > current)
                        color = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    else if (previous < current)
                        color = ConsoleColor.Green;
                        color = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

                    Console.ForegroundColor = color;

                    previous = current;

            Console.WriteLine("Finished ...");