public void NextForm() { switch (birdform) { case birdform = BirdFormE.sphere; break; case BirdFormE.person: birdform =; break; case BirdFormE.hummingbird: birdform = BirdFormE.person; break; case BirdFormE.sphere: birdform = BirdFormE.longsphere; break; case BirdFormE.longsphere: birdform = BirdFormE.hummingbird; break; } }
void initValues() { BirdSpeed = 0; BirdFlyHeight = 1.5f; lookaheadtime = 1.1f; initBirdSpeed = 1; rundist = 0; curpt =; birdform = BirdFormE.person; birdStopped = true; BirdState = BirdStateE.dormant; //Debug.Log("birdctrl initValues called"); }
void initValues() { BirdVel = 0; BirdFlyHeight = 1.2f; lookaheadtime = 1.1f; initBirdVel = 1; rundist = 0; curptlc =; birdform = BirdFormE.hummingbird; BirdState = BirdStateE.unbuilt; //RouteMan.Log("birdctrl initValues called"); }
public void DeleteBird() { if (birdgo != null) { // need to delete old bird form or it will hang around Destroy(birdgo); birdgo = null; //lastcurptlc =; } var lastbirdform = birdform; initValues(); if (lastbirdform != BirdFormE.none) { // have to do this becaues initValues sets the lastbirdform birdform = lastbirdform; } }
public void NextForm() { switch (birdform) { case BirdFormE.hummingbird: birdform = BirdFormE.sphere; break; case BirdFormE.sphere: birdform = BirdFormE.olive; break; case BirdFormE.olive: birdform = BirdFormE.utahteapot; break; case BirdFormE.utahteapot: birdform = BirdFormE.hummingbird; break; } }
public void CalcJourneyFrames(BirdFormE formfilter, personDetectModeE personDetectMode) { if (!frameJourneys.Get()) { return; } var vz =; int icnt = 0; var journeys = sman.jnman.GetJourneys(); foreach (Journey jny in journeys) { if (jny.status == JourneyStatE.WaitingToStart) { continue; } var visible = false; var birdThing = jny.birdctrl.birdform; if (birdThing == formfilter) { var rendgo = jny.birdctrl.birdformgo; if (formfilter == BirdFormE.person) { //if (showOnlyFlaggedPeople && !jny.person.flagged) continue; rendgo = GetBodyPart(jny.person, personDetectMode); if (rendgo == null) { continue; } } if (!GraphAlgos.GraphUtil.ClipToCameraBox(rendgo, clipdist: maxFrameDist)) { continue; } jny.birdrect = GraphAlgos.GraphUtil.GUIRectWithObject(rendgo); visible = GraphAlgos.GraphUtil.ClipToScreen(jny.birdrect); visible = visible && GraphAlgos.GraphUtil.IsInFrontOfMainCamera(rendgo); jny.birdrectvisible = visible; if (visible) { var id = jny.person.personName; var id2 = jny.person.empStatus.ToString(); var model = jny.person.avatarName; if (birdThing == { id = jny.vehicle.vehicleId; id2 = jny.vehicle.formName; } else { var person = jny.person; } var cmt = jny.birdctrl.birdresourcename + " journeying"; //cmt += " Sc w,h:" + Screen.width + "," + Screen.height; var clr = Color.cyan; if (formfilter == BirdFormE.person) { clr = GetPersColor(jny.person, clr); } var pt = rendgo.transform.position; var rot = rendgo.transform.localEulerAngles; var vel = jny.birdctrl.birdVelVek; var locname =; //var thing = (birdThing == ? LableClassE.vehicle : LableClassE.person); //AddFoundLabel(thing, model, id, id2, debstr, jny.birdrect, pt, rot, vel, locname, cmt, clr, 2); if (birdThing == BirdFormE.person) { AddFoundLabel(jny.person, jny.birdrect, pt, rot, vel, locname, cmt, clr, 2); } else { AddFoundLabel(jny.vehicle, jny.birdrect, pt, rot, vel, locname, cmt, clr, 2); } icnt++; } } } //Debug.Log("CalcJourneyFrames added " + icnt + " label/frames"); }
void CreateBirdFormGos() { if (birdgoes == null) { birdgoes = new GameObject(); = "Birds"; birdgoes.transform.parent = sman.rgo.transform; } if (birdformgo != null) { Destroy(birdformgo); birdformgo = null; } var curpos = birdgo.transform.position; var currot = birdgo.transform.localRotation; switch (birdform) { case BirdFormE.sphere: { birdformgo = GraphUtil.CreateMarkerSphere("sphere",, size: 0.3f, clr: "yellow"); birdformgo.transform.localRotation = currot; birdformgo.transform.localPosition = curpos; movingAnimationScript = ""; restingAnimationScript = ""; //BirdFlyHeight = 1.5f; = "Sphere"; break; } case BirdFormE.longsphere: { birdformgo = GraphUtil.CreateMarkerSphere("sphere",, size: 0.2f, clr: "yellow"); var nosept = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.1f); var gonose = GraphUtil.CreateMarkerSphere("nose", nosept, size: 0.1f, clr: "red"); gonose.transform.parent = birdformgo.transform; birdformgo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.5f); // somehow adding the nose made the sphere bigger ?? birdformgo.transform.localRotation = currot; birdformgo.transform.localPosition = curpos; movingAnimationScript = ""; restingAnimationScript = ""; //BirdFlyHeight = 1.5f; // birdformgo.transform.Rotate(90, 0, 0); = "Olive"; break; } default: case BirdFormE.hummingbird: { var objPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("hummingbird"); birdformgo = Instantiate <GameObject>(objPrefab) as GameObject; var s = 0.5e-3f; birdformgo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(s, s, s); birdformgo.transform.localRotation = currot; birdformgo.transform.localPosition = curpos; movingAnimationScript = ""; restingAnimationScript = ""; //BirdFlyHeight = 1.5f; = "Bird"; break; } case BirdFormE.person: { //if (birdresourcename=="") //{ // birdresourcename = "girl004"; //} birdformgo = person.LoadPersonGo("-ava-bc"); if (person.hasHololens) { person.ActivateHololens(true); } var s = 1.0f; birdformgo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(s, s, s); birdformgo.transform.localRotation = currot; //var noise = GraphAlgos.GraphUtil.GetRanFloat(0, 0.6f,"jnygen"); var newpos = new Vector3(curpos.x + 0.3f, curpos.y - 1.55f, curpos.z); birdformgo.transform.localPosition = newpos; movingAnimationScript = "Animations/PersonWalk"; restingAnimationScript = "Animations/PersonIdle"; //BirdFlyHeight = 1.5f; = birdresourcename; if (person) { if (person.hasCamera) { person.AddCamera(birdformgo, "BirdCtrl CreateBirdFormGos"); } if (person.grabbedMainCamera) { person.GrabMainCamera(); } } break; } case { //Debug.Log("Loading car resourcename:" + birdresourcename); if (birdresourcename == "") { birdresourcename = "car001"; } //var objPrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Cars/"+birdresourcename); //birdformgo = Instantiate<GameObject>(objPrefab); birdformgo = VehicleMan.LoadCarGo(birdgo, birdresourcename); //var s = 1.0f; //birdformgo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(s, s, s); birdformgo.transform.localRotation = currot; var noise = GraphAlgos.GraphUtil.GetRanFloat(0, 0.5f, "jnygen"); var newpos = new Vector3(curpos.x + 1.2f + noise, curpos.y - 1.55f, curpos.z); birdformgo.transform.localPosition += newpos; movingAnimationScript = ""; restingAnimationScript = ""; //BirdFlyHeight = 1.5f; = birdresourcename; if (person) { if (person.hasCamera) { person.AddCamera(birdformgo, "BirdCtrl CreateBirdFormGos"); } if (person.grabbedMainCamera) { person.GrabMainCamera(); } } break; } } // birdformgo.transform.parent = birdgo.transform; birdformgo.transform.SetParent(birdgo.transform, true);// should be false.... lastbirdform = birdform; }