Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Test13Choose5()
            // This function tests out the binomial coefficien class for the 13 choose 5 case.
            int   n         = 13;
            int   k         = 5;
            ulong numCombos = BinCoeffBase.GetCombosCount(n, k);

            if (numCombos != 1287)
                DisplayMsg("BinCoeffBase.GetNumCombos did not calculate the correct value for 13 choose 5 case.");
            // Create the BinCoeff object that will be used for all the tests for the 13 choose 5 case.
            // The table is created when the 3rd argument of the constuctor is set to true.
            BC = new BinCoeff <uint>(n, k, 0, true);
            catch (Exception e)
                DisplayMsg($"The Test 13 choose 5 tests did not complete successfully - {e.Message}.");
            DisplayMsg("Test13Choose5: completed successfully.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool TestRankComboulong(int numItems, int groupSize)
            // This method tests getting the rank and combination for the specified case.
            // If the test failed, then false is returned. Otherwise true is returned.
            string s;
            bool   overflow;
            int    n = numItems, k = groupSize;
            // Create the bin coeff object required to get all the combos for this n choose k combination.
            BinCoeffL bcl = new BinCoeffL(n, k);

            // The Kindexes array specifies the indexes for a combination.
            int[] kIndexes = new int[k];
            ulong numCombos = bcl.TotalCombos, rankLoop;

            bcl.GetCombFromRank(numCombos - 1, kIndexes);
            uint numCombos2 = (uint)BinCoeffBase.GetRankAlt(kIndexes, n, k, out overflow) + 1;

            if (numCombos != numCombos2)
                s = $"TestRankComboLong: {n} choose {k}: # of combos not the same with alternate method - {numCombos} .vs. {numCombos2}";
            ulong rank, offset = 1;

            // Loop thru all the combinations for this n choose k case if # of combos <= 1000000.
            // Otherwise, choose a random rank between 100 & 200.
            if (numCombos > 1000000)
                Random rand = new Random(-12345);
                offset = (ulong)rand.Next(100, 200);
            for (rankLoop = 0; rankLoop < numCombos; rankLoop += offset)
                // Get the k-indexes for this combination.
                bcl.GetCombFromRank(rankLoop, kIndexes);
                // Verify that the Kindexes returned can be used to retrieve the rank of the combination.
                rank = bcl.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow, groupSize);
                if (rank != rankLoop)
                    s = $"TestRankComboLong: {n} choose {k}: GetRank or GetCombFromRank failed - value of {rank} != rank at {rankLoop}";
            s = $"TestRankComboLong: {n} choose {k} completed successfully.";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Test100Choose95SubCases()
            // This method tests out the new int functionality of specifying a lower n choose k case without having to
            // create a new version of Pascal's Triangle to handle it. This version checks the 100 choose 95 case.
            string    s;
            bool      overflow;
            int       n = 100, k = 95, kLoop;
            BinCoeffL bcl = new BinCoeffL(n, k);
            ulong     numCombos, numCombos2, rank, highRank;
            uint      rankLoop;

            int[] kIndexes = new int[k];

            // Test all subcases of 100 choose 95.
            for (kLoop = k; kLoop > 0; kLoop--)
                numCombos  = bcl.GetNumCombos(n, kLoop);
                numCombos2 = BinCoeffBase.GetCombosCount(n, kLoop);
                if (numCombos != numCombos2)
                    s = $"Test100Choose95SubCases: Error - {n} choose {k}: # of combos does not match.";
                // Test the lowest 10 ranks and the highest 10 ranks for each subcase test case.
                for (rankLoop = 1; rankLoop <= 10; rankLoop++)
                    bcl.GetCombFromRank(rankLoop, kIndexes, n, kLoop);
                    rank = bcl.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow, kLoop);
                    if (rank != rankLoop)
                        s = $"Test100Choose95SubCases: Error - {n} choose {kLoop}: rank or combo is wrong.";
                    highRank = numCombos - rankLoop;
                    bcl.GetCombFromRank(highRank, kIndexes, n, kLoop);
                    rank = bcl.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow, kLoop);
                    if (rank != highRank)
                        s = $"Test100Choose95SubCases: Error - {n} choose {kLoop}: high rank or combo is wrong.";
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void TestOutputIndexes()
            // This test function writes out each unique combination of the binomial coefficient values out to a file.
            // 2 tests are done here.  The first test outputs the underlying reprensentation of the data,
            // which in this case is simply each of the 1287 5 card no-pair poker hands, including straights.
            // The 2nd test writes out the numeric value of the K indexes for each combination.
            string[] dispChars  = new string[] { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A" };
            string[] dispChars2 = null;
            string   dataPath   = Application.StartupPath;
            int      n          = dataPath.LastIndexOf("bin\\");

            if (n >= 0)
                dataPath = dataPath.Substring(0, n);
            // The first test writes out the values given in the string DispChars instead of numeric values.
            string fileName = dataPath + "TestResults13Choose5 Disp Hands.txt";

            BinCoeffBase.OutputCombos(fileName, dispChars, "", " ", 60, BC, 0, 1286);
            // The 2nd test writes out the numeric values for each combination.
            fileName = dataPath + "TestResults13Choose5 Disp Values.txt";
            BinCoeffBase.OutputCombos(fileName, dispChars2, " ", ", ", 60, BC, 1286, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Test35Choose16()
            // This function tests out the long binomial coefficien class for the case 35 choose 16.
            // This produces one of the largest number of combinations that will fit within a uint:
            // 4,059,928,950
            int    n = 35;
            int    k = 16;
            string s;
            bool   overflow;
            // Create the BinCoeff object that will be used for all the tests for the 50 choose 25 case.
            var bc = new BinCoeff <uint>(n, k);

            if (bc.TotalCombos != 4059928950)
                s = $"Test35Choose16: Error calculating # of combos - {BC.TotalCombos}.";
                throw new ApplicationException(s);
            int  kLoop;
            uint rank = 0, numCombos, numCombos2, highRank, rank2, rankLoop;

            int[] kIndexes = new int[k];
            // Try getting the first and last 5 combinations and ranks for this case.
                // Test all subcases of 35 choose 16.
                for (kLoop = k; kLoop > 0; kLoop--)
                    numCombos  = bc.GetNumCombos(n, kLoop);
                    numCombos2 = (uint)BinCoeffBase.GetCombosCount(n, kLoop);
                    if (numCombos != numCombos2)
                        s = $"Test100Choose95SubCases: Error - {n} choose {k}: # of combos does not match.";
                    // Test the lowest 10 ranks and the highest 10 ranks for each subcase test case.
                    for (rankLoop = 1; rankLoop < 10; rankLoop++)
                        bc.GetCombFromRank(rankLoop, kIndexes, n, kLoop);
                        rank = bc.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow, kLoop);
                        if (rank != kLoop)
                            s = $"Test67Choose33: Either rank or combos was not calculated correctly. rank = {rank}, kloop = {kloop}";
                            throw new ApplicationException(s);
                        highRank = numCombos - rankLoop;
                        rank2    = bc.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow);
                        bc.GetCombFromRank(highRank, kIndexes, n, kLoop);
                        rank2 = bc.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow);
                        if (highRank != rank2)
                            s = $"Test67Choose33: Either rank or combos was not calculated correctly. highRank = {highRank}, rank2 = {rank2}";
                            throw new ApplicationException(s);
            catch (Exception e)
                DisplayMsg($"Test67Choose33: Exception = {e.Message}.");
            DisplayMsg("Test67Choose33: completed successfully.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private TestResult TestLongSubCases(int n, int k)
            // This method tests out the new int functionality of specifying a lower n choose k case without having to
            // create a new version of Pascal's Triangle to handle it. n & k specifies the main n choose k case.
            string    s;
            int       nLoop, kLoop;
            BinCoeffL bcl = new BinCoeffL(n, k);
            ulong     numCombos, numCombos2, rank, rankHigh, rank2, rankLoop;

            int[] kIndexes = new int[k];
            // If the # of combos overflowed, then don't try this case with uint.
            if (bcl.TotalCombos == 0)
            // Try getting the rank and combination for all subcases of n choose k.
            for (kLoop = k; kLoop > 0; kLoop--)
                for (nLoop = n; nLoop >= kLoop; nLoop--)
                    numCombos  = bcl.GetNumCombos(nLoop, kLoop);
                    numCombos2 = (uint)BinCoeffBase.GetCombosCount(nLoop, kLoop);
                    if (numCombos != numCombos2)
                        s = $"TestIntSubCases: Error - {n} choose {k}: # of combos does not match.";
                    ulong comboCount = numCombos;
                    // Loop thru all the combinations for this n choose k case if # of combos <= 1000.
                    // Otherwise, just do the lowest ranked 500 and the highest ranked 500.
                    if (numCombos > 1000)
                        comboCount = 500;
                    // Loop thru the combinations for this n choose k case.
                    for (rankLoop = 0; rankLoop < comboCount; rankLoop++)
                        bcl.GetCombFromRank(rankLoop, kIndexes, nLoop, kLoop);
                        rank = bcl.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out bool overflow, kLoop);
                        if (rank != rankLoop)
                            s = $"TestIntSubCases: Error - {n} choose {k}: rank or combo is wrong.";
                        // If not doing all the combinations, then process the high ranks.
                        if (numCombos > comboCount)
                            rankHigh = numCombos - rankLoop - 1;
                            // Get the k-indexes for this combination.
                            bcl.GetCombFromRank(rankHigh, kIndexes, nLoop, kLoop);
                            // Verify that the Kindexes returned can be used to retrieve the rank of the combination.
                            rank2 = bcl.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow, kLoop);
                            if (rank2 != rankHigh)
                                s = $"TestIntSubCases: Error - {n} choose {k}: GetRank or GetCombFromRank failed - {rank2} != rankHigh at {rankLoop}";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private bool TestRankCombo(int numItems, int groupSize)
            // This method tests getting the rank and combination for the specified 32-bit int case.
            // If the test failed, then false is returned. Otherwise true is returned.
            string s;
            int    n = numItems, k = groupSize;
            bool   overflow;
            // Create the bin coeff object required to get all the combos for this n choose k combination.
            BinCoeff <int> bc = new BinCoeff <int>(n, k);

            // The Kindexes array specifies the indexes for a combination.
            int[] kIndexes = new int[k];
            uint  numCombos = bc.TotalCombos, rankLoop;

            bc.GetCombFromRank(numCombos - 1, kIndexes);
            uint numCombos2 = (uint)BinCoeffBase.GetRankAlt(kIndexes, n, k, out overflow) + 1;

            if (overflow)
                s = $"TestRankCombo: {n} choose {k}: # of combos overflowed with alt method.";
            if (numCombos != numCombos2)
                s = $"TestRankCombo: {n} choose {k}: # of combos not the same with alternate method - {numCombos} .vs. {numCombos2}";
            uint rank2, rankHigh;
            uint comboCount = numCombos;

            // Loop thru all the combinations for this n choose k case if # of combos <= 1000.
            // Otherwise, just do the lowest ranked 500 and the highest ranked 500.
            if (numCombos > 1000)
                comboCount = 500;
            // Loop thru all the combinations for this n choose k case.
            for (rankLoop = 1; rankLoop < comboCount; rankLoop++)
                // Get the k-indexes for this combination.
                bc.GetCombFromRank(rankLoop, kIndexes);
                // Verify that the Kindexes returned can be used to retrieve the rank of the combination.
                rank2 = bc.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow);
                if (rank2 != rankLoop)
                    s = $"TestRankCombo: {n} choose {k}: GetRank or GetCombFromRank failed - value of {rank2} != rank at {rankLoop}";
                // If not doing all the combinations, then process the high ranks.
                if (numCombos > comboCount)
                    rankHigh = numCombos - rankLoop - 1;
                    // Get the k-indexes for this combination.
                    bc.GetCombFromRank(rankHigh, kIndexes);
                    // Verify that the Kindexes returned can be used to retrieve the rank of the combination.
                    rank2 = bc.GetRank(true, kIndexes, out overflow);
                    if (rank2 != rankHigh)
                        s = $"TestRankCombo: {n} choose {k}: GetRank or GetCombFromRank failed - value of {rank2} != rankHigh at {rankLoop}";
            s = $"TestRankCombo: {n} choose {k} completed successfully.";