private string Intro(Creature creature, BimBro bimBro) { if (bimBro is null) { string inteText = creature.intelligence > 50 ? ", though you're a bit worried by how much you enjoyed the simple, brutish act." : "."; return("Well, maybe this will give you the musculature that you need to accomplish your goals. You pull on the tab at the top and hear the distinctive " + "snap-hiss of venting, carbonating pressure. A smoky haze wafts from the opened container, smelling of hops and alcohol. You lift it to your lips, " + "the cold, metallic taste of the can coming to your tongue before the first amber drops of beer roll into your waiting mouth. It tingles, but it's very, " + "very good. You feel compelled to finish it as rapidly as possible, and you begin to chug it. You finish the entire container in seconds." + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "A churning, full sensation wells up in your gut, and without thinking, you open wide to release a massive burp. It rumbles through your chest, " + "startling birds into flight in the distance. Awesome! You slam the can into your forehead hard enough to smash the fragile aluminum into a flat, " + "crushed disc. Damn, you feel stronger already" + inteText + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } else if (bimBro.bimboBody) { return("The stuff hits you like a giant cube, nearly staggering you as it begins to settle."); } else { return("You crack open the can and guzzle it in a hurry. Goddamn, this shit is the best. As you crush the can against your forehead, " + "you wonder if you can find a six-pack of it somewhere?" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } }
private string Outro(Creature consumer, BimBro bimbro, bool lostFeeder) { string perks; if (bimbro is null) { perks = SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Perks Gained: BroBody, Bro Brains!", StringFormats.BOLD) + Environment.NewLine; if (lostFeeder) { perks += SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Perks Lost: Feeder!", StringFormats.BOLD); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (consumer.wearingAnything) { sb.Append("You finish admiring yourself and adjust your " + (consumer.wearingArmor ? consumer.armor.ItemName() : "clothing") + " to better fit your new physique."); } else { sb.Append("You take a moment to admire your nude body in all its manly, ripped glory, especially your manly endowment" + (consumer.cocks.Count > 1 ? "s" : "") + "."); } sb.Append(" Maybe there's some bitches around you can f**k. Hell, as good as you look, you might have other dudes wanting you to f**k them too, no h**o." + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + perks); return(sb.ToString()); } else if (bimbro.bimboBody) { perks = SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Perks Updated: Bimbo Body => Futa Form", StringFormats.BOLD); if (bimbro.bimbroBrains) { perks += SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText(", Bro Brains", StringFormats.BOLD); } perks += SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("!", StringFormats.BOLD); if (lostFeeder) { perks += Environment.NewLine + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Perks Lost: Feeder!", StringFormats.BOLD); } return("Finally, you feel the transformation skittering to a halt, leaving you to openly roam your new chiseled and sex-ready body. " + "So what if you can barely form coherent sentences anymore? A body like this does all the talking you need, you figure!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + perks); } else { perks = ""; if (lostFeeder) { perks += Environment.NewLine + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Perks Lost: Feeder!", StringFormats.BOLD); } string dudeSex = bimbro.futaBody ? "Or studs to get f****d by, you don't really care. Hell, if it lets you f**k it or f***s you, you'd bang just about anything." : "Or dudes, if they're into that sort of thing (no h**o). Not that you'd blame them, you're a f*****g stud!"; return("As the beer finishes its course, you're able to admire your body once more. Goddamn, you look good. Time to find a few bitches to f**k. " + dudeSex + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + perks); } }
private string GrewCock(Creature consumer, BimBro bimbro, bool grewBalls) { if (bimbro is null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (consumer.wearingLowerGarment) { sb.Append("You hear the sound of fabric straining, and it takes a moment before your realize it's coming from your " + consumer.lowerGarment.ItemName() + (consumer.wearingArmor ? "Pulling open your " + consumer.armor.ItemName() + ", you" : "You ") + " start to remove your " + consumer.lowerGarment.ItemName() + " and gasp as a huge, throbbing c**k flops free. "); } else { if (consumer.wearingArmor) { sb.Append("You feel a sudden pressure against the lower sections of your " + consumer.armor.ItemName() + ". Pulling it aside, you"); } else { sb.Append("A sudden sensation in your groin draws your eyes toward the your exposed nethers. You"); } sb.Append(" gasp in surprise at the huge, throbbing manhood that now lies between your " + consumer.hips.ShortDescription()); } sb.Append(". It rapidly stiffens to " + (Measurement.UsesMetric ? "over 25 centimeters" : "a full ten inches") + ", and goddamn, it feels f*****g good. You should totally find a warm hole to f**k!"); if (!consumer.balls.hasBalls) { sb.Append(" Two rounded orbs drop down below, filling out a new, fleshy sac above your " + consumer.lowerBody.LongDescription() + ". Sweet! You can probably cum buckets with balls like these."); } sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); return(sb.ToString()); } else if (bimbro.bimboBody) { string armorText = consumer.LowerBodyArmorTextHelper( "loosen the bottoms of your " + consumer.armor.ItemName() + "and slide down your " + consumer.lowerGarment.ItemName(), "loosen the bottoms of your " + consumer.armor.ItemName(), "loosen your " + consumer.lowerGarment.ItemName(), "look down"); return("The beverage isn't done yet, however, and it makes it perfectly clear with a building pleasure in your groin. " + "You can only cry in ecstasy and " + armorText + " just in time for a little penis to spring forth. " + "You watch, enthralled, as blood quickly stiffens the shaft to its full length – then keeps on going! Before long, you have a quivering " + (Measurement.UsesMetric ? "roughly 25-centimeter" : "10-inch") + " maleness, just ready to stuff into a welcoming box." + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } //should realistically never happen but may occur if a tf item removes your c**k and then you drink this before the perk can correct. else { return("As the sensation reaches your groin, the drink ensures your manly endowments are in place, growing a " + (Measurement.UsesMetric ? "roughly 25-centimeter" : "10-inch") + "dick" + (grewBalls ? " and a set of balls to match." : ".") + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } }
protected override string OnConsumeAttempt(Creature consumer, out bool consumeItem, out bool isBadEnd) { BimBro bimbo = consumer.GetPerkData <BimBro>(); BimBroBrains brains = consumer.GetConditionalPerkData <BimBroBrains>(false); isBadEnd = false; consumeItem = true; if (bimbo is null || !brains.isEnabled) { return("Your brain is functioning normally. What a waste of such an expensive drug."); }
private string LengthenedCock(Creature consumer, BimBro bimbro, bool lengthened, bool grewBalls) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("As if on cue, the familiar tingling gathers in your groin"); if (bimbro is null) { sb.Append(", and you dimly remember you have one muscle left to enlarge. If only you had the intelligence left to realize that " + "your penis is not a muscle. In any event, your "); } else { sb.Append(", reaching your c**k" + (consumer.cocks.Count > 1 ? "s." : ".") + "Your "); } sb.Append(consumer.cocks[0].LongDescription() + " swells in size, "); if (consumer.cocks[0].girth < 2.75) { sb.Append("thickening and "); consumer.cocks[0].SetGirth(2.75); } sb.Append("lengthening until it's " + (Measurement.UsesMetric ? "roughly 25 centimeters long and 7 centimeters wide" : "ten inches long and almost three inches wide")); if (bimbro is null) { sb.Append(". F**k, you're hung! "); } //Dick already big enough!BALL CHECK! if (consumer.balls.hasBalls) { sb.Append("Churning audibly, your " + consumer.balls.SackDescription() + " sways, but doesn't show any outward sign of change. " + "Oh well, it's probably just like, getting more endurance or something."); } else { sb.Append("Two rounded orbs drop down below, filling out a new, fleshy sac above your " + consumer.lowerBody.LongDescription() + ". Sweet! You can probably cum buckets with balls like these."); consumer.balls.GrowBalls(2, 3); } sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); return(sb.ToString()); }
private string ChangedBreastsText(Creature consumer, BimBro bimbro, BreastCollectionData oldBreastRows, bool stoppedLactation) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool removedRows = oldBreastRows.breasts.Count > consumer.breasts.Count; bool madeLastRowMale = !oldBreastRows.breasts[0].isMaleBreasts; if (bimbro is null) { sb.Append("A tingle starts in your " + consumer.genitals.CommonLongNippleDescription() + " before the tight buds grow warm, hot even. "); if (stoppedLactation) { sb.Append("Somehow, you know that the milk you had been producing is gone, reabsorbed by your body. "); } sb.Append("They pinch in towards your core, shrinking along with your flattening " + oldBreastRows.ChestOrAllBreastsShort() + ". You shudder and flex in response. Your chest isn't just shrinking, it's reforming, sculping itself into a massive pair of chiseled pecs. "); if (removedRows) { sb.Append("The breasts below vanish entirely. "); } sb.Append("All too soon, your boobs are gone. Whoa!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } else { if (removedRows || madeLastRowMale) { sb.Append("As the potent drink runs through your body, a familiar feeling enters your chest, restructuring it until you have a pair of flat, " + "manly pectorals once again."); if (consumer.genitals.isLactating) { sb.Append(" With such a manly chest now, you're sure you're no longer lactating."); } } else { sb.Append("As the potent drink runs through your body, you feel a tightness in your chest, no doubt stopping your lactation " + "so your chest is as manly as possible."); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
private string BecomeRippedFlavorText(Creature consumer, BimBro bimbro) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (bimbro is null) { sb.Append("Starting at your hands, your muscles begin to contract and release, each time getting tighter, stronger, and more importantly - larger. " + "The oddness travels up your arms, thickens your biceps, and broadens your shoulders. Soon, your neck and chest are as built as your arms. " + "You give a few experimental flexes as your abs "); if ( >= 70) { sb.Append("further define themselves"); } else { sb.Append("become extraordinarily visible"); } sb.Append(". The strange, muscle-building changes flow down your " + consumer.lowerBody.LongDescription() + ", making them just as fit and strong " + "as the rest of you. You curl your arm and kiss your massive, flexing bicep. You're awesome!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); sb.Append("Whoah, you're f*****g ripped and strong, not at all like the puny weakling you were before. Yet, you feel oddly wool-headed. " + "Your thoughts seem to be coming slower and slower, like they're plodding through a marsh. You grunt in frustration at the realization. " + "Sure, you're a muscle-bound hunk now, but what good is it if you're as dumb as a box of rocks? Your muscles flex in the most beautiful way, " + "so you stop and strike a pose, mesmerized by your own appearance. F**k thinking, that shit's for losers!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } else if (bimbro.bimboBody) { sb.Append(" A tingling in your arm draws your attention just in time to see your biceps and triceps swell with new-found energy, " + "skin tightening until thick cords of muscle run across the whole appendage. Your other arm surges forward with identical results. " + "To compensate, your shoulders and neck widen to bodybuilder-like proportions while your chest and abs tighten to a firm, statuesque physique. " + "Your " + consumer.lowerBody.LongDescription() + " and glutes are the last to go, bulking up to proportions that would make any female martial artist proud. " + "You feel like you could kick forever with legs this powerful."); } else { sb.Append("The feeling continues through your body, ensuring your body is in peak physical condition."); } return(sb.ToString()); }
//MOD NOTE: this has been changed to work like bimbo liqueur - it will remove all vaginas and restore breasts to manly defaults if //the futa perk is not active. protected override string OnConsumeAttempt(Creature consumer, out bool consumeItem, out bool isBadEnd) { isBadEnd = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //get our common bimbo/bro/futa perk store. Note that it may be null (if we don't have it). BimBro bimbro = consumer.GetPerkData <BimBro>(); //intro text. //first check: we don't have any bro/futa/bimbo perks, because it's not in our perk list. do the standard faire. sb.Append(Intro(consumer, bimbro)); if (bimbro?.hasBroEffect == true) { (consumer as CombatCreature)?.RecoverFatigue(33); (consumer as CombatCreature)?.AddHPPercent(1); } VaginaCollectionData oldVaginaCollection = consumer.genitals.allVaginas.AsReadOnlyData(); //get taller. only occurs if the player does not already have the bro perk in any form. if ((bimbro is null || !bimbro.broBody) && < 77) { short delta =; sb.Append(GrewTaller(consumer, delta)); } //(T**s b' gone) //Does not affect creature if they already have bimbo or futa perks. if (bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody) { //Note: minimum cup size respects current gender. we'll need to make the creature male (or genderless) first. consumer.RemoveAllVaginas(); if (consumer.genitals.BiggestCupSize() >= consumer.genitals.smallestPossibleMaleCupSize) { BreastCollectionData oldRows = consumer.genitals.allBreasts.AsReadOnlyData(); consumer.RemovePerk <Feeder>(); bool stoppedLactation = consumer.genitals.SetLactationTo(LactationStatus.NOT_LACTATING); sb.Append(ChangedBreastsText(consumer, bimbro, oldRows, stoppedLactation)); } } //Body tone Flavor text. No effect on stats (yet) sb.Append(BecomeRippedFlavorText(consumer, bimbro)); //Dick&balls growth. Affects all. //(has dick less than 10 inches) if (consumer.hasCock) { bool grewBalls = !consumer.hasBalls; bool lengthenedCock = false; if (consumer.cocks[0].length < 10) { lengthenedCock = true; consumer.cocks[0].SetLength(10); if (consumer.cocks[0].girth < 2.75) { consumer.cocks[0].SetGirth(2.75); } } if (!consumer.hasBalls) { consumer.balls.GrowBalls(2, 3); } sb.Append(LengthenedCock(consumer, bimbro, lengthenedCock, grewBalls)); } //(No dick) else { consumer.AddCock(CockType.defaultValue, 12, 2.75); bool grewBalls = false; if (!consumer.balls.hasBalls) { grewBalls = true; consumer.balls.GrowBalls(2, 3); } sb.Append(GrewCock(consumer, bimbro, grewBalls)); } //(Pussy b gone) //Note: only applies if consumer does not have bimbo or futa perks. also note that we already silently removed them so the breasts would resize correctly. //so all this does is print out the data. if ((bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody) && oldVaginaCollection.hasVagina) { sb.Append(RemovedAllVaginas(consumer, oldVaginaCollection)); } //(below max masculinity) if ((bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody) && consumer.femininity > 0) { FemininityData oldFem = consumer.femininity.AsReadOnlyData(); sb.Append(consumer.ModifyFemininity(0, 100)); sb.Append(Masculinize(consumer, bimbro is null, oldFem)); } //max tone. Thickness + 50 //both are silent., 100);, 50); if (consumer.intelligence > 21) { consumer.SetIntelligence((byte)Math.Floor(Math.Max(consumer.intelligenceTrue / 5.0, 21))); } consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(str: 33, tou: 33, inte: -1, lib: 4, lus: 40); sb.Append(Outro(consumer, bimbro, consumer.perks.HasPerk <Feeder>())); //apply the perks. this will also correct any silent data we missed. if (bimbro is null) { consumer.AddPerk(new BimBro(Gender.MALE)); } else { bimbro.Broify(); } ////Bonus cum production! //sb.Append("<b>(Bro Body - Perk Gained!)" + Environment.NewLine); //sb.Append("(Bro Brains - Perk Gained!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine);//int to 20. max int 50) //if (consumer.HasPerk<Feeder>()) //{ // sb.Append("<b>(Perk Lost - Feeder!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine); // consumer.RemovePerk<Feeder>(); //} consumeItem = true; return(sb.ToString()); }
protected override string OnConsumeAttempt(Creature consumer, out bool consumeItem, out bool isBadEnd) { isBadEnd = false; BimBro bimbroPerk = consumer.GetPerkData <BimBro>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (bimbroPerk != null && bimbroPerk.broBody) { sb.Append("You wince as the stuff hits your stomach, already feeling the insidious effects beginning to take hold. A lengthy belch escapes your lips " + "as your stomach gurgles, and you giggle abashedly to yourself."); if ( < 77) { sb.Append(" ...Did the ground just get farther away? You glance down and realize, you're growing! Like a sped-up flower sprout, you keep on getting " + "taller until finally stopping around... six and a half feet, you assume. Huh. You didn't expect that to happen!");; } CupSize biggestSize = consumer.genitals.BiggestCupSize(); if (biggestSize < CupSize.E) { if (biggestSize == CupSize.FLAT) { sb.Append(" Tingling, your chest begins to itch, then swell into a pair of rounded orbs. "); } else { sb.Append(" You feel a tingling inside your breasts. "); } sb.Append("They quiver ominously, and you can't help but squeeze your t**s together to further appreciate the boobquake as another tremor runs through them. " + "Unexpectedly, the shaking pushes your hands further apart as your t**s balloon against each other, growing rapidly against your now-sunken fingers. " + "The quakes continue until calming at around an E-cup."); consumer.breasts[0].SetCupSize(CupSize.E); } //(If v****a = 2tight: if (!consumer.hasVagina) { string armorText = consumer.LowerBodyArmorShort(false) ?? "volumous breasts"; sb.Append(" Before you can even take a breath, an extremely peculiar sensation emanates from your crotch. You can't see through your " + armorText + ", but you can certainly feel the v****a splitting " + (consumer.balls.hasBalls ? "from behind your testicles" : "your groin") + ". Luckily, the c**t-forming doesn't yield any discomfort - on the contrary, you feel yourself falling farther into your chemically-dulled, " + "libido-fueled rut."); if (consumer.hips.size < 12 || consumer.butt.size < 12) { sb.Append(" As if realizing the necessity of womanly proportions to attract the hard cocks your body now craves, your waist pinches slightly inward " + "and your hips and butt swell. You can't help but run a hand across your newly-feminized pelvis, admiring it."); } consumer.AddVagina(); if (consumer.hips.size < 12) { consumer.hips.SetHipSize(12); } if (consumer.butt.size < 12) { consumer.butt.SetButtSize(12); } } sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); sb.Append("A wave of numbness rolls through your features, alerting you that another change is happening. You reach up to your feel your jaw narrowing, " + "becoming more... feminine? Heavy, filling lips purse in disappointment as your face takes on a very feminine cast. You're probably pretty hot now!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); if (consumer.femininity < 80) { consumer.femininity.SetFemininity(80); } sb.Append("Your surging, absurdly potent libido surges through your body, reminding you that you need to f**k. Not just bitches, but guys too. " + "Hard cocks, wet pussies, hell, you don't care. They can have both or a dozen of either. You just want to get laid and bone something, " + "hopefully at the same time!"); sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>(Perks Updated: Bro Body => Futa Form"); if (bimbroPerk.bimbroBrains) { sb.Append(", Bro Brains => Futa Faculties"); } sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); if (!bimbroPerk.bimbroBrains) { sb.Append("(Perks Gained: Futa Faculties)"); } sb.Append("</b>" + Environment.NewLine); if (consumer.intelligence > 35) { consumer.SetIntelligence(35); } if (consumer.libido < 50) { consumer.SetLibido(50); } } else { sb.Append("You pop the cork from the flask and are immediately assaulted by a cloying, spiced scent that paints visions of a slutty slave-girl's " + "slightly-spread folds. Wow, this is some potent stuff! Well, you knew what you were getting into when you found this bottle! You open wide " + "and guzzle it down, feeling the fire of alcohol burning a path to your belly. The burning quickly fades to a pleasant warmth that makes you " + "light-headed and giggly." + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); if ( != HairFurColors.PLATINUM_BLONDE || || ! || { sb.Append("The first change that you notice is to your " + + ". It starts with a tingling in your scalp and intensifies "); if ( { sb.Append("as hair grows along your previously bald dome, rapidly thickening and lengthening."); } else if (! || { sb.Append("as it begins changing, reverting to something more natural. As it does, it rapidly gets longer and heavier until it's " + (Measurement.UsesMetric ? "nearly a meter" : "several feet") + " in length."); } else if ( < 36) { sb.Append("as you feel the weight of your hair growing heavier and longer."); } else { sb.Append("as your hair grows thicker and heavier."); } sb.Append(" You grab a lock of the silken strands and watch open-mouthed while streaks so blonde they're almost white flow down the " + + " hair. It goes faster and faster until your hair has changed into perfectly bimbo-blonde, flowing locks." + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } sb.Append("Moaning lewdly, you begin to sway your hips from side to side, putting on a show for anyone who might manage to see you. You just feel so... sexy. " + "Too sexy to hide it. Your body aches to show itself and feel the gaze of someone, anyone upon it. Mmmm, it makes you so wet! "); if (!consumer.hasVagina) { consumer.AddVagina(0.25, VaginalLooseness.NORMAL, VaginalWetness.SLICK); if (consumer.isQuadruped) { sb.Append("Wait!? Wet? You wish you could touch yourself between the " + consumer.lowerBody.LongDescription() + ", " + "but you can tell from the fluid running down your hind-legs just how soaked your new v****a is."); } else { sb.Append("Wait!? Wet? You touch yourself between the " + consumer.lowerBody.LongDescription() + " and groan when your fingers sink into a sloppy, wet c**t."); } } else { if (consumer.isQuadruped) { sb.Append("You wish you could sink your fingers into " + (consumer.vaginas.Count > 1 ? "either of your sloppy, wet cunts" : "your sloppy, wet c**t") + " , but as a centaur, you can't quite reach."); if (consumer.vaginas[0].wetness < VaginalWetness.SLICK) { consumer.vaginas[0].SetVaginalWetness(VaginalWetness.SLICK); } } else if (consumer.vaginas.Count > 1) { sb.Append("You alternate slipping your fingers into both of your cunts, moaning with satisfaction at how sloppy and wet they are"); if (consumer.genitals.SmallestVaginalWetness() < VaginalWetness.SLICK) { sb.Append(" now"); } sb.Append("."); } else { sb.Append("You sink your fingers into your "); if (consumer.vaginas[0].wetness < VaginalWetness.SLICK) { sb.Append("now "); } sb.Append("sloppy, wet c**t with a groan of satisfaction."); } } //prevent this from messing up futa form. if (bimbroPerk is null || bimbroPerk.bimboBody) { if (consumer.balls.hasBalls) { sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "There's a light pinch against your [sack] that makes you gasp in surprise, followed by an exquisite tightness that makes your " + consumer.genitals.AllVaginasNoun() + " drool. Looking down, <b>you see your balls slowly receding into your body, leaving nothing behind but your puffy mons.</b>"); consumer.balls.RemoveAllBalls(); } if (consumer.hasCock) { sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + consumer.genitals.EachCockOrCocksShort(Conjugate.YOU, out bool isPlural) + (isPlural ? " seem" : " seems") + " to be responding to the liqueur in " + (isPlural ? "their" : "its") + " own way. Clenching and relaxing obscenely, " + "your genitals begin to drizzle cum onto the ground in front of you, throwing you into paroxysms of bliss. The flow of cum is steady but weak, " + "and each droplet that leaves you lets " + consumer.genitals.EachCockOrCocksShort() + " go more flaccid. Even once you're soft and little, " + "it doesn't stop. You cum your way down to nothing, a tiny droplet heralding your new, girlish groin. <b>You no longer have " + (isPlural ? "any penises" : "a penis") + "!</b>"); } } sb.Append(" Somehow, you feel like you could seduce anyone right now!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); sb.Append("Another bubbly giggle bursts from your lips, which you then lick hungrily. You, like, totally want some dick to suck! " + "Wow, that came out of left field. You shake your head and try to clear the unexpected, like, words from your head but it's getting kind of hard. " + "Omigosh, you feel kind of like a dumb bimbo after, like, drinking that weird booze. Oh, well, it doesn't matter anyhow – you can, like, " + "still stop the demons and stuff. You'll just have to show off your sexy bod until they're offering to serve you." + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); sb.Append("You sigh and run one hand over your " + consumer.breasts[0].LongNippleDescription()); consumer.breasts[0].GrowBreasts((byte)(5 + Utils.Rand(5))); if (consumer.breasts[0].cupSize < CupSize.EE_BIG) { sb.Append(", surprised at how large and rounded your expanding breasts have become while fresh tit-flesh continues to spill out around your needy fingers. " + "They feel so supple and soft, but when you let them go, they still sit fairly high and firm on your chest. The newer, more generous, " + consumer.breasts[0].cupSize.AsText() + " cleavage has you moaning with how sensitive it is, pinching a nipple with one hand "); } else { sb.Append(", admiring how sensitive they're getting. The big breasts start getting bigger and bigger, soft chest-flesh practically oozing out " + "between your fingers as the squishy mammaries sprout like weeds, expanding well beyond any hand's ability to contain them. The supple, " + consumer.breasts[0].cupSize.AsText() + " boobs still manage to sit high on your chest, almost gravity defying in their ability to generate cleavage. " + "You pinch a nipple with one hand "); } consumer.IncreaseSensitivity(20); sb.Append("while the other toys with the juicy entrance of your folds. Mmmm, it, like, feels too good not to touch yourself, and after being worried " + "about getting all dumb and stuff, you need to relax. Thinking is hard, but sex is so easy and, like, natural! You lean back and start grunting " + "as you plunge four fingers inside yourself, plowing " + consumer.genitals.OneVaginaOrVaginasShort() + " like no tomorrow. " + "By now, " + (consumer.vaginas.Count > 1 ? "its " : "your ") + consumer.vaginas[0].c**t.LongDescription() + " is throbbing, " + "and you give it an experimental "); if (consumer.clits[0].length >= 3) { sb.Append("jerk "); } else { sb.Append("caress "); } sb.Append("that makes your " + consumer.lowerBody.LongDescription() + " give out as you cum, splattering female fluids as you convulse " + "nervelessly on the ground." + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); sb.Append("Though the o****m is intense, you recover a few moments later feeling refreshed, but still hot and horny. Maybe you could find a partner to f**k? " + "After all, sex is, like, better with a partner or two. Or that number after two. You brush a lengthy, platinum blonde strand of hair out of your eyes " + "and lick your lips - you're ready to have some fun!" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); if (consumer.hips.size < 12 || consumer.butt.size < 12) { sb.Append("As you start to walk off in search of a sexual partner, you feel your center of balance shifting."); if (consumer.hips.size < 12 && consumer.butt.size < 12) { sb.Append(" Your ass and hips inflate suddenly, forcing you to adopt a slow, swaying gait. You find that rolling your hips back and forth " + "comes naturally to you. You make sure to squeeze your butt-muscles and make your curvy tush jiggle as you go."); consumer.butt.SetButtSize(12); consumer.hips.SetHipSize(12); } else if (consumer.hips.size < 12) { sb.Append(" Your hips widen suddenly, forcing you to adopt a slow, swaying gait. You find that rolling yours hips back and forth " + "comes naturally to you, and your big, obscene ass seems to jiggle all on its own with every step you take."); consumer.hips.SetHipSize(12); } else { sb.Append(" Your " + + " swells dramatically, the puffy cheeks swelling with newfound weight " + "that jiggles along with each step. Clenching your glutes to make the posh cheeks jiggle a little more enticingly becomes second nature " + "to you in a few seconds."); consumer.butt.SetButtSize(12); } sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } if ( > 0) { sb.Append("Like, weirdest of all, your muscles seem to be vanishing! Before your eyes, all muscle tone vanishes, leaving your body soft and gently curvy. " + "You poke yourself and giggle! Everyone's totally going to want to, like, rub up against you at every opportunity. " + "Your thighs are so soft you bet you could squeeze a pair of dicks to o****m without even touching your moist cunny."); sb.Append(" It does get a bit harder to carry yourself around with your diminished strength, but that's, like, what big strong hunks are for anyways! " + "You can just flirt until one of them volunteers to help out or something! Besides, you don't need to be strong to jerk off cocks " + "or finger slutty pussies!"); sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph()); } if (bimbroPerk == null) { sb.Append("<b>Perks gained : Bimbo Body, Bimbo Brains</b>" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (bimbroPerk.bimboBody && !bimbroPerk.bimbroBrains) { sb.Append("<b>(Bimbo Body - Perk Gained!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (!bimbroPerk.bimboBody && bimbroPerk.bimbroBrains) { sb.Append("<b>(Bimbo Brains - Perk Gained!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine); //int to 20. max int 50) } if (consumer.intelligence > 21) { consumer.SetIntelligence((byte)Math.Floor(Math.Max(consumer.intelligenceTrue / 5.0, 21))); } consumer.HaveGenericVaginalOrgasm(0, false, true); consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(inte: -1, lib: 4, sens: 25); //FULL ON BITCHFACE sb.Append(consumer.ModifyFemininity(100, 100)); //Body //Tease/Seduce Boost //*boosts min lust and lust resistance) //*Tit size //Brain //Max int - 50 } consumeItem = true; return(sb.ToString()); }