Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*This method is called when the user presses the Resume Button on the billpay record on the grid.
         * The associated row with the BillpayID is passed to the method which calls the billpay business
         * object to resume the billpay job
        public ActionResult GridResumeJob(string id)
            Debug.WriteLine("Request to Resume Job " + id);
            Billpay bill = new Billpay();


            return(RedirectToAction("StopScheduledPayments", this.GridRouteValues()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult GridDelete(string id)
            Billpay bill = new Billpay();

            if (bill.removeJob(id))
                //returns a http 302 - redirect and passes the grid settings such as page, grouping set by user during session
                return(RedirectToAction("StopScheduledPayments", this.GridRouteValues()));
            return(RedirectToAction("StopScheduledPayments", this.GridRouteValues()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult StopScheduledPayments()
            Debug.WriteLine("Inside Stop Schduled payment View Model in Admin Controller");

            //This model will contains 2 lists which are needed to populate the 2 grids for this view
            var models = new BillPayList_ViewModel();

            //Request a list of current active scheduled jobs(BillPayID's) from the scheduler
            Billpay    billPayObject            = new Billpay();
            List <int> currentActiveBillPayJobs = billPayObject.GetAllActiveJobs();

            //LINQ statement to return billPayee_view objects inside an iquerable
            //This linq will return only billpays for current jobs that have been scheduled because of the passed in currentBillPayJobs
            //Each record will create a CustomerAccount object with information from both tables
            //The query will return a IEnurable collection of CustomerAccount_View objects/types
            //The CustomerAccount_View is a POCO with properties from 2 db tables
            using (NWBAEntities db = new NWBAEntities())
                var query = (from x in db.BillPays
                             join y in db.Payees on x.PayeeID equals y.PayeeID
                             where currentActiveBillPayJobs.Contains(x.BillPayID)
                             select new BillPayPayee_View()
                    MyBillPayID = x.BillPayID,
                    MyAccountNumber = x.AccountNumber,
                    MyPayeeID = x.PayeeID,
                    MyAmount = x.Amount,
                    MyScheduleDate = x.ScheduleDate,
                    MyPeriod = x.Period,
                    MyModifyDate = x.ModifyDate,
                    MyPayeeName = y.PayeeName

                //Adding each account record to the viewmodel list which will passed to the view
                //Cheap and nasty way instead of using .toList
                foreach (var i in query)

                //Request a list of current Paused scheduled jobs(BillPayID's) from the scheduler
                List <int> currentPausedBillPayJobs = billPayObject.GetAllPausedJobs();

                var query2 = (from x in db.BillPays
                              join y in db.Payees on x.PayeeID equals y.PayeeID
                              where currentPausedBillPayJobs.Contains(x.BillPayID)
                              select new BillPayPayee_View()
                    MyBillPayID = x.BillPayID,
                    MyAccountNumber = x.AccountNumber,
                    MyPayeeID = x.PayeeID,
                    MyAmount = x.Amount,
                    MyScheduleDate = x.ScheduleDate,
                    MyPeriod = x.Period,
                    MyModifyDate = x.ModifyDate,
                    MyPayeeName = y.PayeeName

                //Adding each account record to the viewmodel list which will passed to the view
                //Cheap and nasty way instead of using .toList
                foreach (var i in query2)