public string Put()
            RbacUser currentUser = HttpContext.Session.Get <RbacUser>("currentuser");
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();

            responseData.Status = "OK";
                BillingDbContext billingDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);
                string           reqType          = this.ReadQueryStringData("reqType");
                int depositId = ToInt(this.ReadQueryStringData("depositId"));

                if (reqType == "updateDepositPrintCount")
                    BillingDeposit deposit = billingDbContext.BillingDeposits
                                             .Where(a => a.DepositId == depositId)
                                             .FirstOrDefault <BillingDeposit>();
                    if (deposit != null)
                        deposit.PrintCount = deposit.PrintCount == null || deposit.PrintCount == 0 ? 1 : deposit.PrintCount + 1;
                        deposit.PrintedOn  = System.DateTime.Now; //Yubraj: 13th August'19
                        deposit.PrintedBy  = currentUser.EmployeeId;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(deposit).Property(a => a.PrintCount).IsModified = true;
                    responseData.Status = "OK";
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TariffRegulator(IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory)
            var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope();
            var sp    = scope.ServiceProvider;

            _dbContext = sp.GetRequiredService <BillingDbContext>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void UpdateInsuranceCurrentBalance(string connString,
                                                         int patientId,
                                                         int insuranceProviderId,
                                                         int currentUserId,
                                                         double amount,
                                                         bool isDeduct = false)
            BillingDbContext dbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);

                InsuranceModel insurance = dbContext.Insurances.Where(ins => ins.PatientId == patientId && ins.InsuranceProviderId == insuranceProviderId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (insurance != null)
                    insurance.CurrentBalance         = isDeduct ? insurance.CurrentBalance - amount : amount;
                    insurance.ModifiedOn             = DateTime.Now;
                    insurance.ModifiedBy             = currentUserId;
                    dbContext.Entry(insurance).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    throw new Exception("Unable to update Insurance Balance. Detail: Insurance object is null.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Unable to update Insurance Balance. Detail:" + ex.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public AccessRightsController(BillingDbContext ctx,
                               RoleManager <Role> roleMngr,
                               UserManager <User> userMngr,
                               IServiceScopeFactory ssFactory)
     : base(ctx, roleMngr, userMngr, ssFactory)
        public string Put(string reqType, int settlementId)
            RbacUser currentUser = HttpContext.Session.Get <RbacUser>("currentuser");
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();

            responseData.Status = "OK";//by default status would be OK, hence assigning at the top
                if (reqType == "updateSettlementPrintCount")
                    BillingDbContext bilDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);
                    int settlmntId    = settlementId;
                    var currSettlment = bilDbContext.BillSettlements.Where(s => s.SettlementId == settlmntId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (currSettlment != null)
                        int?printCount = currSettlment.PrintCount.HasValue ? currSettlment.PrintCount : 0;
                        printCount += 1;
                        currSettlment.PrintCount = printCount;
                        currSettlment.PrintedOn  = System.DateTime.Now; //Yubraj: 13th August'19
                        currSettlment.PrintedBy  = currentUser.EmployeeId;
                        bilDbContext.Entry(currSettlment).Property(b => b.PrintCount).IsModified = true;

                        responseData.Results = new { SettlementId = settlementId, PrintCount = printCount };
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));
        [HttpPost]// POST api/values
        public string Post()
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();
            int CreatedBy = ToInt(this.ReadQueryStringData("CreatedBy"));

            responseData.Status = "OK";//by default status would be OK, hence assigning at the top
            string ipDataString = this.ReadPostData();
            string reqType      = this.ReadQueryStringData("reqType");

                BillingDbContext billingDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);

                if (reqType == "")
                    responseData.Status       = "failed";
                    responseData.ErrorMessage = "Invalid request type.";

                //responseData.Results = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public PersonalDataModel(
     UserManager <IdentityUser> userManager,
     BillingDbContext dbContext)
     _dbContext   = dbContext;
     _userManager = userManager;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public string getNephrologyPatients()
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData     = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();
            BillingDbContext            billingDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);

            responseData.Results = "OK";
                var nephPats = (from pat in billingDbContext.Patient
                                join bti in billingDbContext.BillingTransactionItems on pat.PatientId equals bti.PatientId
                                join msd in billingDbContext.ServiceDepartment on bti.ServiceDepartmentId equals msd.ServiceDepartmentId
                                where msd.IntegrationName == "Nephrology"
                                select new
                    ShortName = pat.FirstName + " " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pat.MiddleName) ? "" : pat.MiddleName + " ") + pat.LastName,
                }).OrderByDescending(patient => patient.PatientId).ToList();
                responseData.Results = nephPats;
                responseData.Status  = "OK";
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        //this function post IRD posting log details to Danphe IRD_Log table
        public static void PostIRDLog(IRDLogModel irdLogdata, BillingDbContext dbContext)
                irdLogdata.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;

                string url_IRDNepal = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["url_IRDNepal"];
                switch (irdLogdata.BillType)
                case "billing-sales":
                    string api_SalesIRDNepal = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["api_SalesIRDNepal"];
                    irdLogdata.UrlInfo = url_IRDNepal + "/" + api_SalesIRDNepal;

                case "billing-sales-return":
                    string api_SalesReturnIRDNepal = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["api_SalesReturnIRDNepal"];
                    irdLogdata.UrlInfo = url_IRDNepal + "/" + api_SalesReturnIRDNepal;
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static async void PersistsToCache(IEnumerable <InvoiceProformaItemDTO> list)
            var recsPerWrite = Properties.Settings.Default.RecordsPerWrite;
            var list1        = list.ToArray();
            var list2        = new List <InvoiceProformaItemDTO>();

            using (var dao = new BillingDbContext())
                dao.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < list1.Count(); i++)
                    if (i % recsPerWrite == 0 && i != 0)
                        list2 = new List <InvoiceProformaItemDTO>();
                dao.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
            await Task.Delay(2000);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public AccessRightsManager(IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory)
            var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope();
            var sp    = scope.ServiceProvider;

            _userManager = sp.GetRequiredService <UserManager <User> >();
            _dbContext   = sp.GetRequiredService <BillingDbContext>();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public ClientController(BillingDbContext dbContext,
                         RoleManager <Role> roleManager,
                         UserManager <IdentityUser> userManager,
                         TariffRegulator tariffRegulator,
                         IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory) : base(dbContext, roleManager, userManager, scopeFactory)
     _tariffRegulator = tariffRegulator;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public CassaController(BillingDbContext dbContext,
                        RoleManager <Role> roleManager,
                        UserManager <IdentityUser> userManager,
                        AccessRightsManager rightsManager,
                        IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory) : base(dbContext, roleManager, userManager, scopeFactory)
     _rightsManager = rightsManager;
 protected int GetTotalCached(long cachedVersion)
     using (var dao = new BillingDbContext())
         return((from o in dao.CachedBillings where o.CachedVersion == cachedVersion select o).Count());
         //return sql.AsParallel().ToList().Count;
        //updates billStatus in respective tables.
        public static void UpdateRequisitionItemsBillStatus(BillingDbContext billingDbContext,
                                                            string serviceDepartmentName,
                                                            string billStatus, //provisional,paid,unpaid,returned
                                                            int userId,
            string integrationName = billingDbContext.ServiceDepartment
                                     .Where(a => a.ServiceDepartmentName == serviceDepartmentName)
                                     .Select(a => a.IntegrationName).FirstOrDefault();

            if (integrationName != null)
                //update return status in lab
                if (integrationName.ToLower() == "lab")
                    var labItem = billingDbContext.LabRequisitions.Where(req => req.RequisitionId == requisitionId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (labItem != null)
                        labItem.BillingStatus = billStatus;
                        labItem.ModifiedOn    = modifiedDate;
                        labItem.ModifiedBy    = userId;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(labItem).Property(a => a.BillingStatus).IsModified = true;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(labItem).Property(a => a.ModifiedOn).IsModified    = true;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(labItem).Property(a => a.ModifiedBy).IsModified    = true;
                //update return status for Radiology
                else if (integrationName.ToLower() == "radiology")
                    var radioItem = billingDbContext.RadiologyImagingRequisitions.Where(req => req.ImagingRequisitionId == requisitionId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (radioItem != null)
                        radioItem.BillingStatus = billStatus;
                        radioItem.ModifiedOn    = modifiedDate;
                        radioItem.ModifiedBy    = userId;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(radioItem).Property(a => a.BillingStatus).IsModified = true;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(radioItem).Property(a => a.ModifiedOn).IsModified    = true;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(radioItem).Property(a => a.ModifiedBy).IsModified    = true;
                //update return status for Visit
                else if (integrationName.ToLower() == "opd" || integrationName.ToLower() == "er")
                    var visitItem = billingDbContext.Visit.Where(vis => vis.PatientVisitId == requisitionId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (visitItem != null)
                        visitItem.BillingStatus = billStatus;
                        visitItem.ModifiedOn    = modifiedDate;
                        visitItem.ModifiedBy    = userId;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(visitItem).Property(a => a.BillingStatus).IsModified = true;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(visitItem).Property(a => a.ModifiedOn).IsModified    = true;
                        billingDbContext.Entry(visitItem).Property(a => a.ModifiedBy).IsModified    = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static int?GetDepositReceiptNo(string connString)
            int fiscalYearId = GetFiscalYear(connString).FiscalYearId;
            BillingDbContext billDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);
            int?receiptNo = (from depTxn in billDbContext.BillingDeposits
                             where depTxn.FiscalYearId == fiscalYearId
                             select depTxn.ReceiptNo).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max();

            return(receiptNo + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public DbInitializer(IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory)
            var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope();
            var sp    = scope.ServiceProvider;

            _userManager = sp.GetRequiredService <UserManager <User> >();
            _roleManager = sp.GetRequiredService <RoleManager <Role> >();
            _dbContext   = sp.GetRequiredService <BillingDbContext>();
            _random      = new Random();
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static int?GetProvisionalReceiptNo(string connString)
            int fiscalYearId = GetFiscalYear(connString).FiscalYearId;
            BillingDbContext billDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);
            int?receiptNo = (from txnItems in billDbContext.BillingTransactionItems
                             where txnItems.ProvisionalFiscalYearId == fiscalYearId
                             select txnItems.ProvisionalReceiptNo).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max();

            return(receiptNo + 1);
 protected List <InvoiceProformaItemDTO> GetCachedBillings(long cachedVersion)
     using (var dao = new BillingDbContext())
         var sql   = from o in dao.CachedBillings where o.CachedVersion == cachedVersion select o;
         var list1 = sql.AsParallel().ToList();
        private int GetSettlementReceiptNo(BillingDbContext dbContext)
            int?currSettlmntNo = dbContext.BillSettlements.Max(a => a.SettlementReceiptNo);

            if (!currSettlmntNo.HasValue)
                currSettlmntNo = 0;

            return(currSettlmntNo.Value + 1);
        protected int CountZeroVersion(RunInvoiceHeaderDTO head, BillingDbContext dao)
            var sql = from o in dao.InvoiceProformaHeaders.Where(o => o.BillingBlock == head.BillingDocsCriteria &&
                                                                 o.ReasonForRejection ==
                                                                 head.ReasonForRejection &&
                                                                 o.ProformaFlag == head.ProformaFlag &&
                                                                 o.BillingNo == head.BillingNo &&
                                                                 o.SoldToParty == head.SoldToParty &&
                                                                 o.Version == 0)
                      select o;

        public override SAPResponse ExecuteCommand()
            InMemoryCache.Instance.ClearCached(Username + Suffix.PERFORMED_INITIAL_SAVE);
            InMemoryCache.Instance.Cache(Username + Suffix.PERFORMED_INITIAL_SAVE, true);
            var header = InMemoryCache.Instance.GetCached(Username + Suffix.REQUEST_HEADER) as RunInvoiceHeaderDTO;

            if (header == null)
            using (var dao = new BillingDbContext())
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("<CREATE_ZERO_VERSION CALL = 'FROM SAVE INITIAL' />");
                CreateOrOverwriteZeroVersion(true, dao);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public int?SaveBillingBlock(string user, string billingNumber)
            List <ContractBlock> listContract = new List <ContractBlock>();


            using (var dao = new BillingDbContext())
                var sql1 = from o in dao.InvoiceProformaHeaders.Where(o => o.BillingNo == billingNumber).OrderByDescending(o => o.Version).Include(o => o.Billings)

                           select o;
                var count = sql1.ToList().Count;
                if (count > 1)
                    InvoiceProformaHeader oldHeaderVersion = sql1.ToArray()[0];

                    var dest = GetRfcDestination();
                    if (dest != null)
                        var repo = dest.Repository;

                        var func = repo.CreateFunction(FUNCTIONAL_BAPI);

                        IRfcTable I_REJECT1 = func.GetTable("I_REJECT1");
                        foreach (var bi in oldHeaderVersion.Billings)

                            I_REJECT1.SetValue("MANDT", "999");
                            I_REJECT1.SetValue("VBELN", bi.AUBEL);
                            I_REJECT1.SetValue("POSNR", bi.AUPOS);
                            I_REJECT1.SetValue("ABGRU", bi.VBAK_ABGRU_T);


Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static void AddPatientInsurancePackage(BillingDbContext dbContext, int packageId, int patientId, int currentUserId)
         PatientInsurancePackageTransactionModel patInsPkgTxn = new PatientInsurancePackageTransactionModel();
         patInsPkgTxn.PatientId = patientId;
         patInsPkgTxn.PackageId = packageId;
         patInsPkgTxn.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
         patInsPkgTxn.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
         patInsPkgTxn.CreatedBy = currentUserId;
         patInsPkgTxn.IsActive  = true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception("Unable to update Insurance Balance. Detail:" + ex.ToString());
        [HttpPost]// POST api/values
        public string Post()
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>(); //type 'object' since we have variable return types

            responseData.Status = "OK";                                                   //by default status would be OK, hence assigning at the top
            string ipDataString = this.ReadPostData();
            string reqType      = this.ReadQueryStringData("reqType");

                RbacUser         currentUser      = HttpContext.Session.Get <RbacUser>("currentuser");
                BillingDbContext billingDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);

                if (reqType == "Deposit")
                    BillingDeposit deposit = DanpheJSONConvert.DeserializeObject <BillingDeposit>(ipDataString);
                    deposit.CreatedOn = System.DateTime.Now;
                    deposit.CreatedBy = currentUser.EmployeeId;
                    BillingFiscalYear fiscYear = BillingBL.GetFiscalYear(connString);
                    deposit.FiscalYearId = fiscYear.FiscalYearId;
                    if (deposit.DepositType != "depositdeduct")
                        deposit.ReceiptNo = BillingBL.GetDepositReceiptNo(connString);
                    deposit.FiscalYear = fiscYear.FiscalYearFormatted;
                    EmployeeModel currentEmp = billingDbContext.Employee.Where(emp => emp.EmployeeId == currentUser.EmployeeId).FirstOrDefault();
                    deposit.BillingUser = currentEmp.FirstName + " " + currentEmp.LastName;

                    deposit.IsActive = true; //yubraj: 18th Dec '18

                    responseData.Status  = "OK";
                    responseData.Results = deposit;//check if we need to send back the whole input object back to client.--sudarshan
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override SAPResponse ExecuteQuery()
            InMemoryCache.Instance.ClearCached(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_VERSION_FROM_DB);
            using (var dao = new BillingDbContext())
                var resp  = new InvoiceProformaBillingRunsDTO();
                var sql   = from o in dao.InvoiceProformaHeaders.Where(o => o.Version > -1) select o;
                var list2 = sql.ToList();
                resp.Items = list2.Select(h => new InvoiceProformaBillingRunDTO
                    Created     = h.Created,
                    Version     = h.Version,
                    No          = (int)h.No,
                    SoldToParty = h.SoldToParty,
                    Draft       = h.Draft,
                    EndDate     = h.EndDate,
                    StartDate   = h.StartDate

        //added: sud-31May'18 -- to display TotalProvisional, TotalCredit & TotalDepositBalances in billing dashboard
        public string BILLDsbOverallBillStatus()
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();

                BillingDbContext bilDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);
                //added: sud: 31May'18-- to show in dashboard
                double?provisionalTot = bilDbContext.BillingTransactionItems
                                        .Where(itm => itm.BillStatus == "provisional").Sum(itm => itm.TotalAmount);

                double?creditTotAmt = bilDbContext.BillingTransactions
                                      .Where(txn => txn.BillStatus == "unpaid").Sum(txn => txn.TotalAmount);

                double?totalDeposit = bilDbContext.BillingDeposits.Where(dep => dep.DepositType.ToLower() == "deposit").Sum(dep => dep.Amount);
                double?totalDeduct  = bilDbContext.BillingDeposits.Where(dep => dep.DepositType.ToLower() == "depositdeduct").Sum(dep => dep.Amount);
                //make values zero if null.
                totalDeposit = totalDeposit != null ? totalDeposit : 0;
                totalDeduct  = totalDeduct != null ? totalDeduct : 0;

                var retObj = new
                    TotalProvisional = provisionalTot,
                    TotalCredits     = creditTotAmt,
                    DepositBalance   = totalDeposit - totalDeduct

                responseData.Results = retObj;
                responseData.Status  = "OK";
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static Boolean ReAssignProviderTxn(VisitDbContext visitDb, VisitModel visit, BillingDbContext billingDb)
            using (var dbContextTxn = visitDb.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    //updating visit-table
                    visitDb.Entry(visit).Property(x => x.ProviderId).IsModified   = true;
                    visitDb.Entry(visit).Property(x => x.ProviderName).IsModified = true;
                    visitDb.Entry(visit).Property(x => x.ModifiedBy).IsModified   = true;
                    visitDb.Entry(visit).Property(x => x.ModifiedOn).IsModified   = true;
                    visitDb.Entry(visit).Property(x => x.Remarks).IsModified      = true;

                    //updating billingTxnItem table

                    //getting ServiceDepartmentId of OPD
                    int servDeptId = (from d in billingDb.ServiceDepartment
                                      where d.ServiceDepartmentName == "OPD"
                                      select d.ServiceDepartmentId).FirstOrDefault();
                    //for updating get data from table using PatientVisitId as RequisitionId
                    BillingTransactionItemModel billitm = (from b in billingDb.BillingTransactionItems
                                                           where b.RequisitionId == visit.PatientVisitId && b.ServiceDepartmentId == servDeptId
                                                           select b).FirstOrDefault();
                    //assiging updated values
                    billitm.ProviderId   = visit.ProviderId;
                    billitm.ProviderName = visit.ProviderName;

                    billingDb.Entry(billitm).Property(x => x.ProviderId).IsModified   = true;
                    billingDb.Entry(billitm).Property(x => x.ProviderName).IsModified = true;

                    //Commit Transaction
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Rollback all transaction if exception occured
                    throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override SAPResponse ExecuteQuery()
            var resp     = new InvoiceProformaItemsDTO();
            var isFromDB = InMemoryCache.Instance.GetCached(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_FROM_DB) is bool && (bool)InMemoryCache.Instance.GetCached(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_FROM_DB);

            #region "QUERY FROM DB"
            if (isFromDB)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("<QUERY_TOTAL_RECORDS FROM = 'DB'>");
                var rawHead = InMemoryCache.Instance.GetCached(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_PROFORMA_HEADER) as InvoiceProformaHeaderDto;
                InMemoryCache.Instance.ClearCached(Username + Suffix.CACHED_VERSION);
                using (var dao = new BillingDbContext())
                    var sql0  = from o in dao.InvoiceProformaHeaders.Where(o => o.No == rawHead.No) select o;
                    var count = sql0.Count();
                    if (count > 0)
                        var cachedVersion = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                        InMemoryCache.Instance.Cache(Username + Suffix.CACHED_VERSION, cachedVersion);

                        // Load all by selected version
                        var sql2    = from o in dao.InvoiceProformaHeaders.Where(o => o.No == rawHead.No).Include(o => o.Billings) select o;
                        var verHead = sql2.AsParallel().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (verHead != null && verHead.Version == 0)
                            var list1 = verHead.Billings;
                            InMemoryCache.Instance.Cache(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_PROFORMA_TOTAL_RECS, list1.Count);
                            var list2 = SAPHandlerHelper.Instance.FromListOfBillingModels2DTOs(list1, cachedVersion);
                            resp.Items = list2.ToList();
                        else if (verHead != null)
                            // Load all version 0
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("<ROWS_QUERY VERSION = '0'/>");
                            var sql1 =
                                from o in dao.InvoiceProformaHeaders.Where(o => o.BillingNo == verHead.BillingNo &&
                                                                           o.BillingBlock == verHead.BillingBlock &&
                                                                           o.ProformaFlag == verHead.ProformaFlag &&
                                                                           o.ReasonForRejection ==
                                                                           verHead.ReasonForRejection &&
                                                                           o.Version == 0).Include(o => o.Billings)
                                select o;
                            var zeroHeader = sql1.FirstOrDefault();
                            if (zeroHeader == null)
                            var list1 = zeroHeader.Billings;

                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("<ROWS_QUERY COMBINING'/>");
                            var list2 = verHead.Billings;
                            foreach (var upb in list2)
                                InvoiceProformaBilling upb1 = upb;
                                var bil = from o in list1.Where(o => o.VBAK_VBELN == upb1.VBAK_VBELN &&
                                                                o.VBAK_POSNR == upb1.VBAK_POSNR)
                                          select o;
                                var dest = bil.FirstOrDefault();
                                if (dest == null)
                                    SAPHandlerHelper.Instance.CopyBillingValues(upb, dest);

                            var list3 = SAPHandlerHelper.Instance.FromListOfBillingModels2DTOs(list1, cachedVersion);
                            //var list4 = list3 as InvoiceProformaItemDTO[] ?? list3.ToArray();
                            InMemoryCache.Instance.Cache(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_PROFORMA_TOTAL_RECS, list3.Count());
                            resp.Items = list3;
                            throw new FaultException("Selected header is null!");
                        throw new FaultException("Selected header is null!");
            #region "QUERY FROM SAP"
                InMemoryCache.Instance.ClearCached(Username + Suffix.CACHED_VERSION);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("<QUERY_TOTAL_RECORDS FROM = 'SAP'>");
                var cred = ParseCredential(Username);
                var dest = SAPConnectionFactory.Instance.GetRfcDestination(cred);
                if (dest != null)
                    var cachedVersion = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                    InMemoryCache.Instance.Cache(Username + Suffix.CACHED_VERSION, cachedVersion);
                    var totalBills = InMemoryCache.Instance.GetCached(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_PROFORMA_TOTAL_RECS) is int
                                     ?(int)InMemoryCache.Instance.GetCached(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_PROFORMA_TOTAL_RECS)
                                         : 0;
                    var sessionId = WaitForSessionId();
                    var repo      = dest.Repository;

                    var func = repo.CreateFunction("ZBAPI_PROFORMA_PAGING");
                    func.SetValue("SESSIONID", sessionId);
                    func.SetValue("STARTROW", 0);
                    func.SetValue("ENDROW", totalBills);
                    var proformaTbl = func.GetTable("PROFORMA");

                    var ret = proformaTbl.Select(e => new InvoiceProformaItemDTO
                        VBELN           = e.GetString("VBELN"),
                        POSNR           = e.GetString("POSNR"),
                        AUBEL           = e.GetString("AUBEL"),
                        AUPOS           = e.GetString("AUPOS"),
                        MATKL           = e.GetString("MATKL"),
                        ITEM_TYPE       = e.GetString("ITEM_TYPE"),
                        CATEGORY        = e.GetString("CATEGORY"),
                        SUBCATEGORY     = e.GetString("SUBCATEGORY"),
                        WGBEZ           = e.GetString("WGBEZ"),
                        MATNR           = e.GetString("MATNR"),
                        ARKTX           = e.GetString("ARKTX"),
                        FKIMG           = e.GetString("FKIMG"),
                        VRKME           = e.GetString("VRKME"),
                        TOTAL1          = e.GetString("TOTAL1"),
                        TOTAL2          = e.GetString("TOTAL2"),
                        TOTAL3          = e.GetString("TOTAL3"),
                        TOTAL4          = e.GetString("TOTAL4"),
                        TOTAL5          = e.GetString("TOTAL5"),
                        VBAK_VBELN      = e.GetString("VBAK_VBELN"),
                        VBAK_POSNR      = e.GetString("VBAK_POSNR"),
                        VBAK_ZMENG      = e.GetString("VBAK_ZMENG"),
                        VBAK_ZIEME      = e.GetString("VBAK_ZIEME"),
                        VBAK_KONDM      = e.GetString("VBAK_KONDM"),
                        VBAK_VTEXT1     = e.GetString("VBAK_VTEXT1"),
                        VBAK_BSTKD_E    = e.GetString("VBAK_BSTKD_E"),
                        VBAK_EQUNR      = e.GetString("VBAK_EQUNR"),
                        VBAK_TYPBZ      = e.GetString("VBAK_TYPBZ"),
                        VBAK_MAPAR      = e.GetString("VBAK_MAPAR"),
                        VBAK_SERGE      = e.GetString("VBAK_SERGE"),
                        VBAK_LOCATION   = e.GetString("VBAK_LOCATION"),
                        VBAK_PERNR1     = e.GetString("VBAK_PERNR1"),
                        VBAK_PERNR2     = e.GetString("VBAK_PERNR2"),
                        VBAK_EMPNAME    = e.GetString("VBAK_EMPNAME"),
                        VBAK_PERSAREA   = e.GetString("VBAK_PERSAREA"),
                        VBAK_PERSAREA_T = e.GetString("VBAK_PERSAREA_T"),
                        VBAK_SUBAREA    = e.GetString("VBAK_SUBAREA"),
                        VBAK_SUBAREA_T  = e.GetString("VBAK_SUBAREA_T"),
                        VBAK_ORGUNIT    = e.GetString("VBAK_ORGUNIT"),
                        VBAK_ORGUNIT_T  = e.GetString("VBAK_ORGUNIT_T"),
                        VBAK_OUCODE     = e.GetString("VBAK_OUCODE"),
                        VBAK_KOSTL      = e.GetString("VBAK_KOSTL"),
                        VBAK_WAERK      = e.GetString("VBAK_WAERK"),
                        VBAK_NETWR      = e.GetString("VBAK_NETWR"),
                        VBAK_BEDAT      = e.GetString("VBAK_BEDAT"),
                        VBAK_ENDAT      = e.GetString("VBAK_ENDAT"),
                        VBAK_ABGRU_T    = e.GetString("VBAK_ABGRU_T"),
                        VBAK_PS_PSP_PNR = e.GetString("VBAK_PS_PSP_PNR"),
                        VBAK_PSTYV      = e.GetString("VBAK_PSTYV"),
                        VBAK_KONDA      = e.GetString("VBAK_KONDA"),
                        VBAK_VTEXT2     = e.GetString("VBAK_VTEXT2"),
                        VBAK_BSTKD      = e.GetString("VBAK_BSTKD"),
                        VBAK_BSTDK      = e.GetString("VBAK_BSTDK"),
                        VBAK_NAME       = e.GetString("VBAK_NAME"),
                        VBAK_APPROVAL   = e.GetString("VBAK_APPROVAL"),
                        VBAK_NOTE       = e.GetString("VBAK_NOTE"),
                        VBAK_ADDRESS    = e.GetString("VBAK_ADDRESS"),
                        VBAK_FAKSK_T    = e.GetString("VBAK_FAKSK_T"),
                        VBAK_EQ_YEAR    = e.GetString("VBAK_EQ_YEAR"),
                        LogMessage      = "", //NOTO
                        CachedVersion   = cachedVersion,
                        NO = e.GetString("VBAK_VBELN") + "#" + e.GetString("VBAK_POSNR"),

                    Task.Run(() => PersistsToCache(ret));
                    resp.Items = ret.ToList();

                    // InMemoryCache.Instance.ClearCached(Username + Suffix.QUERIED_SAP_SESSIONID);
                    throw new FaultException("RfcDestination is null!");
        public string Get(string reqType,
                          string searchText,
                          DateTime toDate,
                          DateTime fromDate)
            DanpheHTTPResponse <object> responseData = new DanpheHTTPResponse <object>();
            string ipDataString = this.ReadPostData();

            responseData.Status = "OK";//by default status would be OK, hence assigning at the top
                BillingDbContext billingDbContext = new BillingDbContext(connString);
                if (reqType == "insurance-patients-list")
                    PatientDbContext patDbContext = new PatientDbContext(connString);

                    var allPats = (from pat in patDbContext.Patients
                                   join ins in patDbContext.Insurances on pat.PatientId equals ins.PatientId

                                   join country in patDbContext.CountrySubdivisions
                                   on pat.CountrySubDivisionId equals country.CountrySubDivisionId

                                   where pat.IsActive == true
                                   select new
                        PatientId = pat.PatientId,
                        PatientCode = pat.PatientCode,
                        ShortName = pat.FirstName + " " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pat.MiddleName) ? "" : pat.MiddleName + " ") + pat.LastName,
                        FirstName = pat.FirstName,
                        LastName = pat.LastName,
                        MiddleName = pat.MiddleName,
                        PatientNameLocal = pat.PatientNameLocal,
                        Age = pat.Age,
                        Gender = pat.Gender,
                        PhoneNumber = pat.PhoneNumber,
                        DateOfBirth = pat.DateOfBirth,
                        Address = pat.Address,
                        IsOutdoorPat = pat.IsOutdoorPat,
                        CreatedOn = pat.CreatedOn,
                        CountryId = pat.CountryId,
                        CountrySubDivisionId = pat.CountrySubDivisionId,
                        CountrySubDivisionName = country.CountrySubDivisionName,
                        CurrentBalance = ins.CurrentBalance,
                        InsuranceProviderId = ins.InsuranceProviderId,
                        IMISCode = ins.IMISCode,
                        PatientInsuranceInfoId = ins.PatientInsuranceInfoId
                    }).OrderByDescending(p => p.PatientInsuranceInfoId).ToList();

                    responseData.Results = allPats;

                else if (reqType == "insurance-billing-items")
                    var itemList = (from item in billingDbContext.BillItemPrice
                                    join srv in billingDbContext.ServiceDepartment on item.ServiceDepartmentId equals srv.ServiceDepartmentId
                                    where item.IsActive == true && item.InsuranceApplicable == true
                                    select new
                        BillItemPriceId = item.BillItemPriceId,
                        ServiceDepartmentId = srv.ServiceDepartmentId,
                        ServiceDepartmentName = srv.ServiceDepartmentName,
                        ServiceDepartmentShortName = srv.ServiceDepartmentShortName,
                        ItemId = item.ItemId,
                        ItemName = item.ItemName,
                        ProcedureCode = item.ProcedureCode,
                        Price = item.GovtInsurancePrice,
                        TaxApplicable = item.TaxApplicable,
                        DiscountApplicable = item.DiscountApplicable,
                        Description = item.Description,
                        IsDoctorMandatory = item.IsDoctorMandatory,
                    }).ToList().OrderBy(a => a.ServiceDepartmentId).ThenBy(a => a.ItemId);
                    responseData.Status  = "OK";
                    responseData.Results = itemList;

                else if (reqType == "unclaimed-insurance-bills")
                    var unclaimedInvoicesList = (from txn in billingDbContext.BillingTransactions
                                                 join pat in billingDbContext.Patient on txn.PatientId equals pat.PatientId
                                                 join fis in billingDbContext.BillingFiscalYears on txn.FiscalYearId equals fis.FiscalYearId
                                                 where txn.IsInsuranceBilling == true && txn.IsInsuranceClaimed == false && txn.ReturnStatus == false &&
                                                 (DbFunctions.TruncateTime(txn.CreatedOn) >= fromDate.Date && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(txn.CreatedOn) <= toDate.Date)

                                                 select new
                        BillingTransactionId = txn.BillingTransactionId,
                        BillingDate = txn.CreatedOn,
                        InvoiceNo = txn.InvoiceNo,
                        PatientFName = pat.FirstName,
                        PatientMName = pat.MiddleName,
                        PatientLName = pat.LastName,
                        TotalAmount = txn.TotalAmount,
                        FiscalYear = fis.FiscalYearName,
                        IsInsuranceClaimed = txn.IsInsuranceClaimed
                                             //FiscalYearId= txn.FiscalYearId
                    }).OrderByDescending(invoice => invoice.BillingDate).ToList();
                    responseData.Status  = "OK";
                    responseData.Results = unclaimedInvoicesList;

                else if (reqType == "insurance-packages")
                    List <BillingPackageModel> packageList = billingDbContext.BillingPackages.Where(a => a.IsActive == true && a.InsuranceApplicable == true)
                                                             .OrderBy(a => a.BillingPackageName).ToList();
                    if (packageList.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var package in packageList)
                            string jsonValues = "[]";//by default it'll be empty json-array.

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.BillingItemsXML))
                                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                                jsonValues = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None, true);

                            package.BillingItemsXML = jsonValues;
                    responseData.Status  = "OK";
                    responseData.Results = packageList;

                //Yubraj: 21st July '19 -- Getting All Patient which does not have Insurance...
                else if (reqType == "all-patients-for-insurance")
                    PatientDbContext patDbContext = new PatientDbContext(connString);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
                        responseData.Results = new List <string>();//send empty string.
                        var allPats = (from pat in patDbContext.Patients
                                       join country in patDbContext.CountrySubdivisions
                                       on pat.CountrySubDivisionId equals country.CountrySubDivisionId

                                                                                                                             //left join insurance information.
                                       from ins in patDbContext.Insurances.Where(a => a.PatientId == pat.PatientId).DefaultIfEmpty()
                                       where pat.IsActive == true && (pat.IsOutdoorPat == null || pat.IsOutdoorPat == false) //exclude Inactive and OutDoor patients.

                                       && ((pat.FirstName + " " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pat.MiddleName) ? "" : pat.MiddleName + " ") + pat.LastName + pat.PatientCode + pat.PhoneNumber).Contains(searchText))
                                       select new
                            PatientId = pat.PatientId,
                            PatientCode = pat.PatientCode,
                            ShortName = pat.FirstName + " " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pat.MiddleName) ? "" : pat.MiddleName + " ") + pat.LastName,
                            FirstName = pat.FirstName,
                            LastName = pat.LastName,
                            MiddleName = pat.MiddleName,
                            Age = pat.Age,
                            Gender = pat.Gender,
                            PhoneNumber = pat.PhoneNumber,
                            DateOfBirth = pat.DateOfBirth,
                            Address = pat.Address,
                            CreatedOn = pat.CreatedOn,
                            CountryId = pat.CountryId,
                            CountrySubDivisionId = pat.CountrySubDivisionId,
                            CountrySubDivisionName = country.CountrySubDivisionName,
                            CurrentBalance = ins != null ? ins.CurrentBalance : 0,
                            InsuranceProviderId = ins != null ? ins.InsuranceProviderId : 0,
                            IMISCode = ins != null ? ins.IMISCode : null
                        }).OrderByDescending(p => p.PatientId).ToList();
                        responseData.Results = allPats;

                    responseData.Status = "OK";
                    responseData.Status       = "failed";
                    responseData.ErrorMessage = "Invalid request type.";
                //responseData.Results = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Status       = "Failed";
                responseData.ErrorMessage = ex.Message + " exception details:" + ex.ToString();
            return(DanpheJSONConvert.SerializeObject(responseData, true));