Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void InitializeBackgroundImage(ref BgSectionStruct _bgSection, Transform _parent,
                                           GameObject _newRoad)
        // Set parent
        _newRoad.transform.parent = _parent;

        // ----- CREATE BACKGOUND SECTION -----

        // Get rigidbody
        Rigidbody2D rb = _newRoad.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();

        // Get image dimensions
        float width  = _newRoad.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.x;
        float height = _newRoad.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.y;

        // Create bg section
        _bgSection = new BgSectionStruct(_newRoad, rb, width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void PlaceRoad_AlignedToAnother(BgSectionStruct _road1, BgSectionStruct _road2, bool _alignHorizontally,
                                            int _roadDirection)
        // Align horizontally
        if (_alignHorizontally)
            float distanceToMove = (_road1.width + _road2.width) / 2;
            float positionX      = _road2.obj.transform.position.x + distanceToMove * heroDirectionX * _roadDirection;
            //float positionY = bgDefaultPositionY;
            float positionY = _road2.obj.transform.position.y;
            _road1.obj.transform.position = new Vector2(positionX, positionY);

        // Align vertically
            // The distance to move is not calculated here, because I'm asuming same height for every background
            float positionX = _road2.obj.transform.position.x;
            float positionY = _road2.obj.transform.position.y + _road2.height * _roadDirection;
            _road1.obj.transform.position = new Vector2(positionX, positionY);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // ---------- MAIN INITIALIZATIONS ----------------------------------------------------+

    #region INITIALIZE
    public void Initialize(float _speed, Vector2 _deathDragForce, GameObject _camera)
        // ----- SPEED, FORCE & PARENTS -----

        // Set game speed
        speed = _speed;

        // Set death drag force
        deathDragForce = _deathDragForce;

        // Create parent of road backgrounds
        bgParent = new GameObject("Roads Backgrounds");

        // ----- INITIALIZE INTRO ROADS -----

        // Intro road 1
        GameObject intro1 = Instantiate(IntroRoad1Prefab);

        introRoad1 = new BgSectionStruct();
        InitializeBackgroundImage(ref introRoad1, bgParent.transform, intro1);

        // Intro road 2
        GameObject intro2 = Instantiate(IntroRoad2Prefab);

        introRoad2 = new BgSectionStruct();
        InitializeBackgroundImage(ref introRoad2, bgParent.transform, intro2);

        // Intro road 3
        GameObject intro3 = Instantiate(IntroRoad3Prefab);

        introRoad3 = new BgSectionStruct();
        InitializeBackgroundImage(ref introRoad3, bgParent.transform, intro3);

        // Intro road 4
        GameObject intro4 = Instantiate(IntroRoad4Prefab);

        introRoad4 = new BgSectionStruct();
        InitializeBackgroundImage(ref introRoad4, bgParent.transform, intro4);

        // ----- INITIALIZE STANDARD ROADS -----

        int totalStandardRoads = 7;

        // Initialize Array
        standardRoads = new BgSectionStruct[totalStandardRoads];

        // Loop array
        for (int i = 0; i < standardRoads.Length; i++)
            GameObject standardObj = Instantiate(standardRoadPrefab);
            standardRoads[i] = new BgSectionStruct();
            InitializeBackgroundImage(ref standardRoads[i], bgParent.transform, standardObj);

        // ----- INITIALIZE CURVED ROADS -----

        // Initialize curved road 1
        GameObject curved1 = Instantiate(curvedRoad1Prefab);

        curvedRoad1 = new BgSectionStruct();
        InitializeBackgroundImage(ref curvedRoad1, bgParent.transform, curved1);

        // Initialize curved road 2
        GameObject curved2 = Instantiate(curvedRoad2Prefab);

        curvedRoad2 = new BgSectionStruct();
        InitializeBackgroundImage(ref curvedRoad2, bgParent.transform, curved2);


        // Create parent of extra elements
        GameObject bgParent2 = new GameObject("Background Extra Elements");

        // Initialize visible gameplay area
        visibleGameplayArea = Instantiate(visibleGameplayAreaPrefab);
        // Set parent
        visibleGameplayArea.transform.parent = bgParent2.transform;
        // Set position
        visibleGameplayArea.transform.position = Vector2.zero;

        // Initialize ground
        GameObject invisibleGround = Instantiate(invisibleGroundPrefab);

        // Set parent
        invisibleGround.transform.parent = bgParent2.transform;

        // Initialize landing area
        landingArea = Instantiate(landingAreaPrefab);
        // Set parent
        landingArea.transform.parent = bgParent2.transform;
        // Set position
        landingArea.transform.position = new Vector2(0, -8f);


        // Initialize
        loopCheckerRoadBgs = Instantiate(loopCheckerRoadBgsPrefab);
        // Set parent
        loopCheckerRoadBgs.transform.parent = bgParent2.transform;
        // Initialize collision system
        loopCheckerRoadBgs.GetComponent <CollisionSystem>().InitializeMapManager(this);
        // Deactivate?

        // ----- ???? -----


        // ----- INITIALIZE ROUTE FOLLOWERS -----

        // Get "route follower"
        introRouteFollower = bgParent.AddComponent <IntroRouteFollower>();
        // Initialize script
        introRouteFollower.Initialize(roadIntroRoute_TurningLeft, roadIntroRoute_TurningRight, _speed, _camera);

        // Get "route follower"
        curvedRouteFollower = bgParent.AddComponent <CurvedRouteFollower>();

        // Initialize script
        curvedRouteFollower.Initialize(roadCurvedRoute_TurningLeft, roadCurvedRoute_TurningRight,
                                       standardRoads[0].height, _speed, _camera);

        // Subscribe to events
        curvedRouteFollower.DirectionHasChanged   += RespondTo_DirectionHasChanged_Event;
        curvedRouteFollower.TurningAnimationIsOn  += RespondTo_TurningAnimationIsOn_Event;
        curvedRouteFollower.TurningAnimationIsOff += RespondTo_TurningAnimationIsOff_Event;
        introRouteFollower.TurningAnimationIsOff  += RespondTo_TurningAnimationIsOff_Event;