public void BeeDown(double min, double max, int count, int t, int maxmax = 100)
            Vectors old = Vectors.Union2(cnew.SubVector(t), d.SubVector(t));


            var r = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(this.F, (t) * 2, min, max, 1e-15, count, 60, old, maxmax);

            //$"Hive method ---> {r.Item2}".Show();

            ErrorsMasL[t - 1] = r.Item2;
            Functional ff = (Point x) =>
                double s = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
                    s += cnew[i] * alpha(x, i) + d[i] * beta(x, i);
                return(Math.Abs(s - KursMethods.U(x)));

            ErrorsMasQ[t - 1] = IntegralClass.Integral(ff, CIRCLE - 1);
        public void HiveTest()
            Func <Vectors, double> f = BeeHiveAlgorithm.Parabol;
            var s = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(f, 2, -100, 100, eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 400, maxcountstep: 200);

            $"f от {s.Item1} = {s.Item2}".Show();

            f = BeeHiveAlgorithm.Rastr;
            s = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(f, 2, -100, 100, eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 400, maxcountstep: 200);
            $"f от {s.Item1} = {s.Item2}".Show();

            f = BeeHiveAlgorithm.Shvel;
            s = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(f, 2, -100, 100, eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 400, maxcountstep: 200);
            $"f от {s.Item1} = {s.Item2}".Show();
        public static Tuple <double[], double[], int[], Func <Point, double> > LastMethod2(int n, int g, int cu, SLAUpok SYSTEM = null, SLAUpok SYSTEMQ = null)
            ForDesigion.Building(n, g, cu, SYSTEM, SYSTEMQ);
            double[] ErrorsMasL = new double[n], ErrorsMasQ = new double[n];
            int[]    Times      = new int[n];

            var tmp = new BiharmonicEquation();

            double range = 200;

            Vectors old = Vectors.Union2(tmp.cnew, tmp.d);

            var r = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(tmp.F, 2 * n, -range, range, 1e-15, 1200, 60, old, -1);

            for (int t = 0; t < n; t++)
                Functional fif = (Point x) =>
                    double s = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
                        s += tmp.cnew[i] * alpha(x, i) + tmp.d[i] * beta(x, i);
                    return(Math.Abs(s - KursMethods.U(x)));

                ErrorsMasQ[t] = IntegralClass.Integral(fif, CIRCLE - 1);
                ErrorsMasL[t] = tmp.F(Vectors.Union2(tmp.cnew.SubVector(t), tmp.d.SubVector(t)));

            Func <Point, double> ff = (Point x) =>
                double s = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < tmp.dim; i++)
                    s += tmp.cnew[i] * alpha(x, i) + tmp.d[i] * beta(x, i);

            return(new Tuple <double[], double[], int[], Func <Point, double> >(ErrorsMasL, ErrorsMasQ, Times, ff));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void BeeHiveExamples()
            double rastr(double v) => v * v - 10 * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * v);
            double shvel(double v) => - v * Math.Sin(Math.Sqrt(v.Abs()));

            // 1D functions

            var(argmin, min) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(rastr, minimum: -5, maximum: 5, eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 100, maxiter: 100);

            $"min = {min}, argmin = {argmin}".Show(); // min = -9,973897874017823, argmin = 0,011472797486931086

            (argmin, min) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin(shvel, minimum: -150, maximum: 150, eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 100, maxiter: 100);

            $"min = {min}, argmin = {argmin}".Show(); // min = -122,45163537317933, argmin = -126,64228803478181

            // 2D functions

            // u can write -func to find the maximum of function
            var(argmin2, _) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin((Point p) => - shvel(p.x) - shvel(p.y),
                                                            minimum: new Point(-150, -150), maximum: new Point(150, 150), eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 300, maxiter: 200);

            argmin2.Show(); // (125,85246982052922 , 133,86488312389702)

            // u don't need only smooth functions!
            (argmin2, _) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin((Point p) => - shvel(p.x) - shvel(p.y) + RandomNumbers.NextDouble2(-1, 1),
                                                         minimum: new Point(-150, -150), maximum: new Point(150, 150), eps: 1e-15, countpoints: 500, maxiter: 200);

            argmin2.Show(); // (124,97163349762559 , 126,79389473050833)

            // u can use 3D+ functions

            var(argmin3, _) = BeeHiveAlgorithm.GetGlobalMin((Vectors v) => Math.Sin(v[0]).Abs() * rastr(v[1]) * shvel(v[2]).Abs() + shvel(v[3]),
                                                            minimum: new Vectors(-100, -100, -100, -50),
                                                            maximum: new Vectors(100, 50, 50, 50),
                                                            eps: 1e-15,
                                                            countpoints: 500,
                                                            maxiter: 500);

            argmin3.Show(); // (       48,37734238244593       0,09753305930644274     -60,919505648780614     46,69636117760092       )