Ejemplo n.º 1
    void OnMobDies(GameObject killer, GameObject hitter = null)
        if (isDead == true)

        //Debug.Log ("Mob has died!");
        if (this.GetComponent <PlayerControlScript>() != null)
            //Only act if we're the owner
            if (this.GetComponent <PlayerControlScript>().GetOwner() == Network.player)
                //Object is a player, apply special rules
                Debug.Log("[HealthScript]: Player has died!");

                Debug.Log("[HealthScript]: Alerting GameController...");
                GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameStateController>().NotifyLocalPlayerHasDied(this.gameObject);
                //networkView.RPC ("PropagatePlayerDeath", RPCMode.Others);
                Debug.Log("[HealthScript]: Destroying object...");
                networkView.RPC("PropagateEntityDied", RPCMode.All);

                //Use this to fix crashes
                //Tell the client that it's dead
                networkView.RPC("PropagatePlayerHasJustDied", this.GetComponent <PlayerControlScript>().GetOwner());
                networkView.RPC("PropagateEntityDied", RPCMode.All);
        else if (this.tag == "Capital")
            //Capital ship has been destroyed, game over
            if (Network.isServer)
                m_GameStateController.GetComponent <GameStateController>().TellAllClientsCapitalShipHasBeenDestroyed();

            //Animate destruction, pause game, splash text?
            //TODO: Zoom to capital, long death animation, sounds + then overlay, nauts style
        else if (this.tag == "Enemy")
            //If this mob isn't a player, apply bounty to killer (if pc) and destroy mob
            if (killer && killer.transform.root.GetComponent <PlayerControlScript>() != null)
                killer.transform.root.GetComponent <PlayerControlScript>().AddSpaceBucks(this.GetComponent <EnemyScript>().GetBounty());

            if (Network.isServer)
                networkView.RPC("PropagateEntityDied", RPCMode.All);

            if (m_DeathObjectRef != null)
                Network.Instantiate(m_DeathObjectRef, this.transform.position, this.transform.rotation, 0);
        else if (this.tag == "Asteroid")
            if (hitter)
                BeamBulletScript beam = hitter.GetComponent <BeamBulletScript>();

                if (beam)
                    GetComponent <AsteroidScript>().SplitAsteroid(beam.beamHit.point);

                    GetComponent <AsteroidScript>().SplitAsteroid(hitter.transform);

                GetComponent <AsteroidScript>().SplitAsteroid(transform);
        else if (this.tag == "Bullet")
            //Tell the bullet to explode if it has AoE
            this.GetComponent <BasicBulletScript>().DetonateBullet();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void DamageMob(int damage, GameObject firer, GameObject hitter = null)
        //Debug.Log ("Damaging mob: " + this.name + ".");
        if (!m_isInvincible)
            if (m_currentShield > 0)
                //If shields are up, apply damage to the shield
                m_currentShield -= damage;
                if (m_currentShield <= 0)
                    //if the shield gives out before all the damage is dealt, apply the remainder to the hull
                    m_currentHealth += m_currentShield;
                    if (m_currentHealth <= 0)
                        //Mob is dead :(
                        OnMobDies(firer, hitter);
                    m_currentShield = 0;

                if (hitter)
                    BeamBulletScript beam = hitter.GetComponent <BeamBulletScript>();

                    Vector3 position  = beam ? beam.beamHit.point : hitter.transform.position;
                    int     dType     = beam ? (int)beam.m_damageType : (int)hitter.GetComponent <BasicBulletScript>().m_damageType;
                    float   magnitude = beam ? beam.GetDamage() : hitter.GetComponent <BasicBulletScript>().GetDamage();

                    networkView.RPC("PropagateShieldWibble", RPCMode.All, position, dType, magnitude);
                //If no shields, apply damage directly to hull
                m_currentHealth -= damage;
                if (m_currentHealth <= 0)
                    //Mob is dead :(
                    OnMobDies(firer, hitter);

            if (Network.isServer)
                //If we're host, propagate the damage to the rest of the clients
                    networkView.RPC("PropagateDamage", RPCMode.Others, m_currentHealth, m_currentShield);
                catch (UnityException e) {}

                //Tell gamecontroller the capital ship is under attack
                if (this.tag == "Capital")
                    if (firer != null && firer.tag != "Asteroid")
                        m_GameStateController.GetComponent <GameStateController>().CapitalShipHasTakenDamage();

                if (this.tag == "Enemy")
                    if (firer != null && firer.tag != "Asteroid")
                        if (GetHPPercentage() < 0.3f)
                            //Alert enemy it's dying and should kamikaze
                            //Debug.Log("Enemy: " + this.name + " is enraged!");
                            this.GetComponent <EnemyScript>().AlertLowHP(firer);
                        else if (!hasBeenHitAlready)
                            hasBeenHitAlready = true;
                            this.GetComponent <EnemyScript>().AlertFirstHit(firer);
                            this.GetComponent <EnemyScript>().NotifyEnemyUnderFire(firer);

            //Whatever happens, reset the shield cooldown