/// <summary>
    /// Update the position of all droids
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="droids"></param>
    public void update(Droid[] droids, Tile[] tiles)
        ourHangers = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        theirHangers = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        ourMovables = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        theirMovables = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        ourImmovables = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        theirImmovables = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        notAttackedByEnemy = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        walkable = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        attackTargets = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        hackTargets = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        ourHalf = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        theirHalf = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        ourUnitsLowArmor = new Bb(mapWidth, mapHeight);
        for (int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight; j++)
                if (i < 20)
                    ourHalf.setValueAtSpot(i, j);
                    theirHalf.setValueAtSpot(i, j);
        if (ourID == 1)
            ourHalf.board = ourHalf.board.Not();
            theirHalf.board = theirHalf.board.Not();
        for (int i = 0; i < droids.Length; i++)
            Droid current = droids[i];
            switch (current.Variant)
                case (int)Unit.CLAW:
                case (int)Unit.ARCHER:
                case (int)Unit.REPAIRER:
                case (int)Unit.HACKER:
                case (int)Unit.TERMINATOR:
                    if (current.HealthLeft > 0)
                        if (current.Owner == ourID)
                            ourMovables.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            if (current.HackedTurnsLeft > 0)
                                attackTargets.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                                hackTargets.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            else if(current.Armor < current.MaxArmor)
                                ourUnitsLowArmor.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            theirMovables.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            if (current.HackedTurnsLeft <= 0)
                                attackTargets.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                                hackTargets.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                case (int)Unit.TURRET:
                case (int)Unit.WALL:
                    if (current.HealthLeft > 0)
                        if (current.Owner == ourID)
                            ourImmovables.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            theirImmovables.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            attackTargets.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                case (int)Unit.HANGAR:
                    if (current.HealthLeft > 0)
                        if (current.Owner == ourID)
                            ourHangers.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            theirHangers.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
                            attackTargets.setValueAtSpot(current.X, current.Y);
            if (current.Owner != ourID)
                Queue<Point> frontier = new Queue<Point>();
                HashSet<Point> explored = new HashSet<Point>();
                frontier.Enqueue(new Point(current.X, current.Y));
                explored.Add(new Point(current.X, current.Y));
                int depth = 0;
                while (frontier.Count > 0 && depth < current.MaxMovement + current.Range)
                    Point point = frontier.Dequeue();

                    for (int j = -1; j < 2; j += 2)
                        Point pX = new Point(point.X + j, point.Y);
                        if (pX.X >= 0 && pX.X < mapWidth)
                            if (!explored.Contains(pX))
                                frontier.Enqueue(new Point(pX.X, pX.Y));
                                notAttackedByEnemy.setValueAtSpot(pX.X, pX.Y);

                        Point pY = new Point(point.X, point.Y + j);
                        if (pY.Y >= 0 && pY.Y < mapHeight)
                            if (!explored.Contains(pY))
                                frontier.Enqueue(new Point(pY.X, pY.Y));
                                notAttackedByEnemy.setValueAtSpot(pY.X, pY.Y);

        foreach (Tile t in tiles)
            if (t.TurnsUntilAssembled == 1)
                walkable.setValueAtSpot(t.X, t.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public override bool run()
        BoardState boardState = new BoardState(droids, tiles, mapWidth(), mapHeight(), playerID());

          Console.WriteLine("Turn Number: " + turnNumber().ToString());

          // Find rightmost enemy turret and spawn terminator
          // If this is our first turn
          if (turnNumber() < 2)
          int x1 = 10;
          int y1 = 0;
          int x2 = 10;
          int y2 = 0;
          bool foundSpot = false;
          bool foundSecondSpot = false;
          for (int i = 0; i < droids.Length; i++)
              if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.TURRET)
                  if (droids[i].Owner != playerID())
                      if (getTile(droids[i].X, droids[i].Y).TurnsUntilAssembled == 0)
                          if (playerID() == 0)
                              if (droids[i].X > x1)
                                  foundSpot = true;
                                  x1 = droids[i].X;
                                  y1 = droids[i].Y;
                              else if (droids[i].X > x2)
                                  foundSecondSpot = true;
                                  x2 = droids[i].X;
                                  y2 = droids[i].Y;
                              if (droids[i].X < x1)
                                  foundSpot = true;
                                  x1 = droids[i].X;
                                  y1 = droids[i].Y;
                              else if (droids[i].X < x2)
                                  foundSecondSpot = true;
                                  x2 = droids[i].X;
                                  y2 = droids[i].Y;
          if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost && foundSpot)
              players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(x1, y1, (int)Unit.TERMINATOR);
          if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost && foundSecondSpot)
              players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(x2, y2, (int)Unit.TERMINATOR);

          // Find and spawn claws on enemy turrets
          // also count how many of each type we have
          int terminators = 0, claws = 0, archers = 0, hackers = 0, repair = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < droids.Length; i++)
          if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.TURRET)
              if (droids[i].Owner != playerID())
                  if (getTile(droids[i].X, droids[i].Y).TurnsUntilAssembled == 0)
                      if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.CLAW].Cost)
                          players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(droids[i].X, droids[i].Y, (int)Unit.CLAW);
              if (droids[i].Owner == playerID())
                  switch (droids[i].Variant)
                      case (int)Unit.TERMINATOR:
                      case (int)Unit.CLAW:
                      case (int)Unit.ARCHER:
                      case (int)Unit.HACKER:
                      case (int)Unit.REPAIRER:

          // DETECT WALLS
          int numUnits = 0;
          int colWithWall = -1;
          for (int i = 15; i < 25; i++)
          int tempCount = 0;
          for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
              if (boardState.theirMovables.getValueFromSpot(i, j) && !(getTile(i, j).TurnsUntilAssembled > 0))
          if (tempCount > numUnits)
              numUnits = tempCount;
              colWithWall = i;
          if (numUnits > 5)
          for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
              if (getTile(colWithWall, i).TurnsUntilAssembled == 0 && boardState.theirMovables.getValueFromSpot(colWithWall, i))
                  if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.CLAW].Cost)
                      players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(colWithWall, i, (int)Unit.CLAW);

          Func<Point, bool> isWalkable = delegate(Point p)
          return boardState.walkable.getValueFromSpot(p.X, p.Y);

          // Search for best spawn location
          int bestRow = 0;
          Bb middleRows = new Bb(mapWidth(), mapHeight());
          HashSet<int> badRows = new HashSet<int>();
          for (int i = 19; i < 21; i++)
          for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight(); j++)
              middleRows.setValueAtSpot(i, j);
          bool foundRow = false;
          int curCol = (playerID() == 0) ? 0 : mapWidth() - 1;
          Func<Point, bool> middleTarget = spot =>
          return middleRows.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
          Bb spawnWalkable = new Bb(mapWidth(), mapHeight());
          spawnWalkable.board = spawnWalkable.board.Or(boardState.walkable.board);
          spawnWalkable.board = spawnWalkable.board.Or(boardState.ourMovables.board);
          spawnWalkable.board = spawnWalkable.board.Or(boardState.theirMovables.board);
          int searches = 0;
          Func<Point, bool> spawnWalkableFunc = spot =>
          return spawnWalkable.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
          while (!foundRow && searches < 15)
          int shortest = 50;
          for (int i = 0; i < mapHeight(); i++)
              if (getTile(curCol, i).TurnsUntilAssembled == 0)
                  IEnumerable<Point> path = Searcher.findPath(new Point(curCol, i), middleTarget, spawnWalkableFunc);
                  int temp = -1;
                  foreach (Point p in path)
                  if (temp != -1 && temp < shortest)
                      shortest = temp;
                      bestRow = i;
                      foundRow = true;
                  else if (temp == -1)
          if (!foundRow)
              curCol = playerID() == 0 ? curCol + 1 : curCol - 1;
              if (curCol < 0 || curCol >= mapWidth())
                  curCol = (playerID() == 0) ? 0 : mapWidth() - 1;
          if (searches >= 5)
          curCol = playerID() == 0 ? curCol + 1 : curCol - 1;
          bestRow = 0;
          // want 1 terminator and hacker per 2 archers and 3 claws
          bool spawnClaws = terminators > claws && turnNumber() < 250;
          bool spawnArch = 2 * terminators > archers && !spawnClaws;
          bool spawnHack = terminators > hackers && turnNumber() > 25 && !spawnArch;
          bool spawnRepair = .5 * terminators > repair && turnNumber() > 75 && !spawnHack;

          int cost = 10;
          int unitID = 0;
          bool doomDrop = false;
          if (spawnClaws)
          unitID = (int)Unit.CLAW;
          cost = modelVariants[(int)Unit.CLAW].Cost;
          else if (spawnArch)
          unitID = (int)Unit.ARCHER;
          cost = modelVariants[(int)Unit.ARCHER].Cost;
          else if (spawnHack)
          unitID = (int)Unit.HACKER;
          cost = modelVariants[(int)Unit.HACKER].Cost;
          else if (spawnRepair)
          unitID = (int)Unit.REPAIRER;
          cost = modelVariants[(int)Unit.REPAIRER].Cost;
          Random rand = new Random();
          if (rand.Next() % 3 == 0 && 500 - turnNumber() > 90)
              // DOOM DROP TERMINATORS
              doomDrop = true;
          unitID = (int)Unit.TERMINATOR;
          cost = modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost;

          Bb myUnits = new Bb(mapWidth(), mapHeight());
          myUnits.board = myUnits.board.Or(boardState.ourHangers.board);
          myUnits.board = myUnits.board.Or(boardState.ourImmovables.board);
          myUnits.board = myUnits.board.Or(boardState.ourMovables.board);
          int iter = bestRow;
          int rowsChecked = 0;
          if (doomDrop)
          // Search for walls
          bool foundAWall = true;
          while (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost && foundAWall)
              bool foundWallThisIter = false;
              for (int i = 0; i < droids.Length; i++)
                  if (droids[i].Owner != playerID())
                      if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.WALL)
                          if (getTile(droids[i].X, droids[i].Y).TurnsUntilAssembled == 0)
                              if (playerID() == 0)
                                  if (droids[i].X > 20)
                                      players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(droids[i].X, droids[i].Y, (int)Unit.TERMINATOR);
                                      foundWallThisIter = true;
                                  if (droids[i].X < 20)
                                      players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(droids[i].X, droids[i].Y, (int)Unit.TERMINATOR);
                                      foundWallThisIter = true;
              if (!foundWallThisIter)
                  foundAWall = false;
          if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost)
              // search for unreachable squares
              int theirFirstCol = mapWidth() - 1;
              if (playerID() == 1)
                  theirFirstCol = 0;
              int doomSearchIter = 0;
              bool blockedSpotFound = false;
              HashSet<int> rowsToSpawn = new HashSet<int>();
              while (doomSearchIter < 12 && !blockedSpotFound)
                  for (int i = 0; i < mapHeight(); i++)
                      if (!(getTile(theirFirstCol, i).TurnsUntilAssembled > 0))
                          IEnumerable<Point> path = Searcher.findPath(new Point(theirFirstCol, i), middleTarget, spawnWalkableFunc);
                          int temp = -1;
                          foreach (Point p in path)
                          if (temp == -1)
                  if (rowsToSpawn.Count > 0)
                      blockedSpotFound = true;
                      if (playerID() == 0)
              Console.WriteLine("Doom drop search spot done");
              if (doomSearchIter >= 7)
                  doomSearchIter = 0;
              int anotherIter = 0;
              while (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost && rowsToSpawn.Count > 0 && anotherIter < 2)
                  int chooseRow = rowsToSpawn.GetEnumerator().Current;
                  players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(theirFirstCol, chooseRow, (int)Unit.TERMINATOR);
              Console.WriteLine("Best spots have been tried");
              if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost)
                  theirFirstCol = mapWidth() - 1;
                  if (playerID() == 1)
                      theirFirstCol = 0;
                  for (int i = 0; i < mapHeight() && players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.TERMINATOR].Cost; i++)
                      if (!(getTile(theirFirstCol, i).TurnsUntilAssembled > 0))
                          if (!boardState.theirHangers.getValueFromSpot(theirFirstCol, i))
                              players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(theirFirstCol, i, (int)Unit.TERMINATOR);
          while (rowsChecked < mapHeight())
              // Not a bad row
              if (!badRows.Contains(iter))
                  // enough scrap
                  if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= cost)
                      // nothing spawning here
                      if (getTile(curCol, iter).TurnsUntilAssembled == 0)
                          if (!myUnits.getValueFromSpot(curCol, iter))
                              // spawn it
                              players[playerID()].orbitalDrop(curCol, iter, unitID);
                  if (iter >= mapHeight())
                      iter = 0;

          // ATTACK
          Func<Point, bool> isAttackable = delegate(Point p)
          return boardState.theirHangers.getValueFromSpot(p.X, p.Y) || boardState.hackTargets.getValueFromSpot(p.X, p.Y);
          Func<Point, bool> nope = delegate(Point p)
          return false;
          for (int i = 0; i < droids.Length; i++)
          //if you have control of the droid
          if ((droids[i].Owner == playerID() && droids[i].HackedTurnsLeft <= 0) ||
              (droids[i].Owner != playerID() && droids[i].HackedTurnsLeft > 0))
              //if there are any attacks left
              if (droids[i].AttacksLeft > 0)
                  if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.REPAIRER)
                      Bb targets = new Bb(boardState.ourHangers.width, boardState.ourHangers.height);
                      targets.board = targets.board.Or(boardState.ourHangers.board);
                      targets.board = targets.board.Or(boardState.ourMovables.board);
                      targets.board = targets.board.Or(boardState.ourImmovables.board);
                      Func<Point, bool> target = spot =>
                          return targets.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.attackInRange, droids[i], target, isWalkable, nope));
                      Func<Point, bool> hackerTarget = spot =>
                          return boardState.hackTargets.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      Func<Point, bool> target = spot =>
                          return boardState.attackTargets.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);

                      if (droids[i].Variant != (int)Unit.HACKER)
                          CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.attackInRange, droids[i], target, isWalkable, nope));
                          CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.attackInRange, droids[i], hackerTarget, isWalkable, nope));
                  boardState.update(droids, tiles);

          Func<Point, bool> isEnemyHangar = delegate(Point p)
          return boardState.theirHangers.getValueFromSpot(p.X, p.Y);
          Func<Point, bool> isNotAttacked = delegate(Point p)
          return boardState.notAttackedByEnemy.getValueFromSpot(p.X, p.Y);
          Func<Point, bool> isGoalHacker = delegate(Point p)
          return boardState.hackTargets.getValueFromSpot(p.X, p.Y);

          for (int i = 0; i < droids.Length; i++)
          if (droids[i].MovementLeft > 0 && ((droids[i].Owner == playerID() && droids[i].HackedTurnsLeft == 0) || (droids[i].Owner != playerID() && droids[i].HackedTurnsLeft > 0)))
              if (droids[i].HealthLeft < .3 * droids[i].MaxHealth)
                  Bb spotsOnOurSide = new Bb(mapWidth(), mapHeight());
                  spotsOnOurSide.board = spotsOnOurSide.board.Or(boardState.ourHalf.board);
                  if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.REPAIRER)
                      Bb ourUnitsOurSide = new Bb(mapWidth(), mapHeight());
                      ourUnitsOurSide.board = ourUnitsOurSide.board.Or(boardState.ourHalf.board);
                      ourUnitsOurSide.board = ourUnitsOurSide.board.And(boardState.ourMovables.board);
                      Func<Point, bool> healTarget = spot =>
                          return ourUnitsOurSide.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], healTarget, isWalkable, nope));
                      spotsOnOurSide.board = spotsOnOurSide.board.And(boardState.walkable.board);
                      Func<Point, bool> runAway = spot =>
                          return spotsOnOurSide.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], runAway, isWalkable, isAttackable));
                      Bb theirUnitsOurSide = new Bb(mapWidth(), mapHeight());
                      theirUnitsOurSide.board = theirUnitsOurSide.board.Or(boardState.ourHalf.board);
                      theirUnitsOurSide.board = theirUnitsOurSide.board.And(boardState.theirMovables.board);
                      Func<Point, bool> attackOurSide = spot =>
                          return theirUnitsOurSide.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], attackOurSide, isWalkable, isAttackable));
                      spotsOnOurSide.board = spotsOnOurSide.board.And(boardState.walkable.board);
                      Func<Point, bool> runAway = spot =>
                          return spotsOnOurSide.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], runAway, isWalkable, isAttackable));
                  if (!(droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.HACKER))
                      if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.REPAIRER)
                          Func<Point, bool> healTarget = spot =>
                              return boardState.ourUnitsLowArmor.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                          CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], healTarget, isWalkable, nope));
                      else if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.TERMINATOR)
                          if (!CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], isEnemyHangar, isWalkable, isAttackable)))
                              CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], isGoalHacker, isWalkable, isAttackable));
                          if (!CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], isGoalHacker, isWalkable, isAttackable)))
                              CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], isEnemyHangar, isWalkable, isAttackable));
                      CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.goTo, droids[i], isGoalHacker, isWalkable, isAttackable));
              boardState.update(droids, tiles);

          // ATTACK again
          for (int i = 0; i < droids.Length; i++)
          //if you have control of the droid
          if ((droids[i].Owner == playerID() && droids[i].HackedTurnsLeft <= 0) ||
              (droids[i].Owner != playerID() && droids[i].HackedTurnsLeft > 0))
              //if there are any attacks left
              if (droids[i].AttacksLeft > 0)
                  if (droids[i].Variant == (int)Unit.REPAIRER)
                      Bb targets = new Bb(boardState.ourHangers.width, boardState.ourHangers.height);
                      targets.board = targets.board.Or(boardState.ourHangers.board);
                      targets.board = targets.board.Or(boardState.ourMovables.board);
                      targets.board = targets.board.Or(boardState.ourImmovables.board);
                      Func<Point, bool> target = spot =>
                          return targets.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.attackInRange, droids[i], target, isWalkable, nope));
                      Func<Point, bool> hackerTarget = spot =>
                          return boardState.hackTargets.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      Func<Point, bool> target = spot =>
                          return boardState.attackTargets.getValueFromSpot(spot.X, spot.Y);
                      if (droids[i].Variant != (int)Unit.HACKER)
                          CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.attackInRange, droids[i], target, isWalkable, nope));
                          CIA.runMission(new Mission(MissionTypes.attackInRange, droids[i], hackerTarget, isWalkable, nope));
                  boardState.update(droids, tiles);

          #region Old Spawn Code
          //for (int i = 0; i < mapHeight(); i++)
          //    //make sure you own enough scrap
          //    if (players[playerID()].ScrapAmount >= modelVariants[(int)Unit.CLAW].Cost)
          //    {
          //        //make sure nothing is spawning there
          //        if (getTile((mapWidth() - 1) * playerID(), i).TurnsUntilAssembled == 0)
          //        {
          //            //make sure there isn't a hangar there
          //            if (!boardState.ourHangers.getValueFromSpot((mapWidth() - 1) * playerID(), i))
          //            {
          //                //spawn the claw
          //                players[playerID()].orbitalDrop((mapWidth() - 1) * playerID(), i, (int)Unit.CLAW);
          //            }
          //        }
          //    }

          return true;