Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*/// <summary>
         * /// was missilefirecontrol in battlespace.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="battletick"></param>
         * /// <param name="comSek"></param>
         * public override void firecontrol(int battletick)
         * {
         *  Fix16 locdistance = Trig.distance(comSek.cmbt_loc, comSek.weaponTarget[0].cmbt_loc);
         *  if (locdistance <= comSek.cmbt_vel.Length)//erm, I think? (if we're as close as we're going to get in one tick) could screw up at high velocities.
         *  {
         *      if (!IsReplay)
         *      {
         *          CombatTakeFireEvent evnt = comSek.seekertargethit;
         *          evnt.IsHit = true;
         *          evnt.Tick = battletick;
         *      }
         *      Component launcher = comSek.launcher.weapon;
         *      CombatObject target = comSek.weaponTarget[0];
         *      if (target is ControlledCombatObject)
         *      {
         *          ControlledCombatObject ccTarget = (ControlledCombatObject)target;
         *          var target_icomobj = ccTarget.WorkingObject;
         *          var shot = new Combat.Shot(launcher, target_icomobj, 0);
         *          //defender.TakeDamage(weapon.Template.ComponentTemplate.WeaponInfo.DamageType, shot.Damage, battle);
         *          int damage = shot.Damage;
         *          combatDamage(battletick, target, comSek.launcher, damage, comSek.getDice());
         *          if (target_icomobj.MaxNormalShields < target_icomobj.NormalShields)
         *              target_icomobj.NormalShields = target_icomobj.MaxNormalShields;
         *          if (target_icomobj.MaxPhasedShields < target_icomobj.PhasedShields)
         *              target_icomobj.PhasedShields = target_icomobj.MaxPhasedShields;
         *      }
         *      DeadNodes.Add(comSek);
         *      CombatNodes.Remove(comSek);
         *  }
         *  else if (battletick > comSek.deathTick)
         *  {
         *      DeadNodes.Add(comSek);
         *      CombatNodes.Remove(comSek);
         *  }
         * }

        public override void TakeSpecialDamage(Battle_Space battle, Hit hit, PRNG dice)
            // find out who hit us
            var atkr = battle.FindCombatObject(hit.Shot.Attacker);

            // find out how too
            var dmgType = hit.Shot.DamageType;

            // push/pull effects
            if (atkr.CanPushOrPull(this))
                var deltaV = dmgType.TargetPush.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                var vector = atkr.cmbt_loc - this.cmbt_loc;
                if (vector.Length == 0)
                    // pick a random direction to push/pull
                    vector = new Compass(dice.Next(360), false).Point(1);
                vector        /= vector.Length;                                                  // normalize to unit vector
                vector        *= Battle_Space.KilometersPerSquare / Battle_Space.TicksPerSecond; // scale to combat map
                vector        *= deltaV;                                                         // scale to push/pull acceleration factor
                this.cmbt_vel += deltaV;                                                         // apply force

            // teleport effects
                var deltaPos = dmgType.TargetTeleport.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                var vector   = new Compass(dice.Next(360), false).Point(deltaPos);
                this.cmbt_loc += deltaPos;                 // apply teleport
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Combat_CheckCopies()
            Galaxy              gal       = new Galaxy();
            testships           testships = new testships();
            StarSystem          sys       = new StarSystem(1);
            Sector              location  = new Sector(sys, new System.Drawing.Point());
            List <SpaceVehicle> ships     = testships.ships;

            foreach (SpaceVehicle ship in ships)

            Battle_Space battle = new Battle_Space(location);

            var id0 = testships.ships[0].ID;
            var id1 = testships.ships[1].ID;


            Assert.AreNotEqual(battle.StartCombatants[id0], battle.ActualCombatants[id0]);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(battle.StartCombatants[id1], battle.ActualCombatants[id1]);
            //MogreFreeMain replay = new MogreFreeMain(battle); doing this crashes VS on compile.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Combat_setupbattle()
            Sector location = new Sector(sys, new System.Drawing.Point());
            Empire emp      = new Empire();

            MockCombatant combatant = new MockCombatant(emp);

            testComObj = new MockCombatObject(combatant, new PointXd(), new PointXd(), 42, "SHP");

            spinrate                   = new Compass(5, false);
            testComObj.maxRotate       = spinrate;
            testComObj.cmbt_accel      = new PointXd(0, 0, 0);
            testComObj.maxfowardThrust = 100;
            testComObj.maxStrafeThrust = (Fix16)0;
            testComObj.cmbt_mass       = 100;
            ICombatant[] combatants = new ICombatant[] { combatant };

            foreach (ISpaceObject ispobj in (combatants))

            battle = new Battle_Space(location);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /*/// <summary>
         * /// attempt at adding this to the combatObject. it's not working too well though.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="battletick"></param>
         * /// <param name="attacker"></param>
         * /// <param name="weapon"></param>
         * /// <param name="Sector"></param>
         * /// <param name="IsReplay"></param>
         * /// <returns></returns>
         * public CombatTakeFireEvent FireWeapon(int battletick, CombatObject attacker, CombatWeapon weapon, Space.Sector Sector, bool IsReplay)
         * {
         *  var wpninfo = weapon.weapon.Template.ComponentTemplate.WeaponInfo;
         *  Fix16 rangeForDamageCalcs = (Fix16)0;
         *  Fix16 rangetotarget = Trig.distance(attacker.cmbt_loc, this.cmbt_loc);
         *  int targettic = battletick;
         *  //reset the weapon nextReload.
         *  weapon.nextReload = battletick + (int)(weapon.reloadRate * Battle_Space.TicksPerSecond); // TODO - round up, so weapons that fire more than 10 times per second don't fire at infinite rate
         *  var target_icomobj = this.WorkingObject;
         *  //Vehicle defenderV = (Vehicle)target_icomobj;
         *  if (!weapon.CanTarget(target_icomobj))
         *      return null;
         *  // TODO - check range too
         *  var tohit =
         *      Mod.Current.Settings.WeaponAccuracyPointBlank // default weapon accuracy at point blank range
         + weapon.weapon.Template.WeaponAccuracy // weapon's intrinsic accuracy modifier
         + weapon.weapon.Container.Accuracy // firing ship's accuracy modifier
         +      - target_icomobj.Evasion // target's evasion modifier
         +      - Sector.GetAbilityValue(this.WorkingObject.Owner, "Sector - Sensor Interference").ToInt() // sector evasion modifier
         + Sector.GetAbilityValue(attacker.WorkingObject.Owner, "Combat Modifier - Sector").ToInt() // generic combat bonuses
         +      - Sector.GetAbilityValue(this.WorkingObject.Owner, "Combat Modifier - Sector").ToInt()
         + Sector.StarSystem.GetAbilityValue(attacker.WorkingObject.Owner, "Combat Modifier - System").ToInt()
         +      - Sector.StarSystem.GetAbilityValue(this.WorkingObject.Owner, "Combat Modifier - System").ToInt()
         + attacker.WorkingObject.Owner.GetAbilityValue("Combat Modifier - Empire").ToInt()
         +      - this.WorkingObject.Owner.GetAbilityValue("Combat Modifier - Empire").ToInt();
         +  // TODO - moddable min/max hit chances with per-weapon overrides
         +  if (tohit > 99)
         +      tohit = 99;
         +  if (tohit < 1)
         +      tohit = 1;
         +  if (weapon.weapon.Container.HasAbility("Weapons Always Hit"))
         +      tohit = 100;
         +  //bool hit = RandomHelper.Range(0, 99) < tohit;
         +  PRNG dice = attacker.getDice();
         +  bool hit = dice.Range(0, 99) < tohit;
         +  CombatTakeFireEvent target_event = null;
         +  if (weapon.weaponType == "Seeker")
         +  {
         +      //create seeker and node.
         +      CombatSeeker seeker = new CombatSeeker(attacker, weapon, -tempObjCounter);
         +      seeker.waypointTarget = new combatWaypoint(this);
         +      seeker.weaponTarget = new List<CombatObject>() { this };
         +      seeker.deathTick = battletick + weapon.maxRange_time;
         +      seeker.cmbt_head = attacker.cmbt_head;
         +      seeker.cmbt_att = attacker.cmbt_att;
         +      FreshNodes.Add(seeker);
         +      foreach (var emp in Empires.Values)
         +      {
         +          if (emp.ownships.Contains(attacker))
         +              emp.ownships.Add(seeker);
         +          if (emp.friendly.Contains(attacker))
         +              emp.friendly.Add(seeker);
         +          if (emp.neutral.Contains(attacker))
         +              emp.neutral.Add(seeker);
         +          if (emp.hostile.Contains(attacker))
         +              emp.hostile.Add(seeker);
         +      }
         +      if (IsReplay)
         +      {
         +          //read the event
         +          target_event = ReplayLog.EventsForObjectAtTick(this, targettic).OfType<CombatTakeFireEvent>().ToList<CombatTakeFireEvent>()[0];
         +          target_event.BulletNode = seeker;
         +      }
         +      else
         +      {
         +          //*write* the event
         +          target_event = new CombatTakeFireEvent(battletick, this, this.cmbt_loc, false);
         +          target_event.BulletNode = seeker;
         +          seeker.seekertargethit = target_event;
         +      }
         +  }
         +  //for bolt calc, need again for adding to list.
         +  else if (weapon.weaponType == "Bolt")
         +  {
         +      rangeForDamageCalcs = rangeForDamageCalcs_bolt(attacker, weapon, this);
         +      Fix16 boltTTT = weapon.boltTimeToTarget(attacker, target);
         +      //set target tick for the future.
         +      targettic += (int)boltTTT;
         +      if (IsReplay)
         +      {
         +          //read the event
         +          target_event = ReplayLog.EventsForObjectAtTick(this, targettic).OfType<CombatTakeFireEvent>().ToList<CombatTakeFireEvent>()[0];
         +          //because bullets don't need to be created during processing
         +          Fix16 rThis_distance = (target_event.Location - target_event.fireOnEvent.Location).Length;
         +          PointXd bulletVector = Trig.intermediatePoint(attacker.cmbt_loc, target_event.Location, rThis_distance);
         +          if (!target_event.IsHit) //jitter it!
         +          {
         +              // TODO - take into account firing ship's accuracy and target's evasion
         +              int accuracy = target_event.fireOnEvent.Weapon.weapon.Template.WeaponAccuracy;
         +              int jitterAmount = 0;
         +              if (accuracy < 50)
         +                  jitterAmount = (int)System.Math.Pow(50 - accuracy, 2) / 50;
         +              if (jitterAmount < 5)
         +                  jitterAmount = 5;
         +              if (jitterAmount > 30)
         +                  jitterAmount = 30;
         +              //do *NOT* use ship prng here!!!! (since this is not done during normal processing, it'll cause differences, use any rand)
         +              Compass jitter = new Compass(RandomHelper.Range(-jitterAmount, jitterAmount), false);
         +              Compass bulletCompass = bulletVector.Compass;
         +              Compass offsetCompass = bulletCompass + jitter;
         +              bulletVector = offsetCompass.Point(bulletVector.Length);
         +          }
         +          CombatNode bullet = new CombatNode(attacker.cmbt_loc, bulletVector, -tempObjCounter, "BLT");
         +          target_event.BulletNode = bullet;
         +          FreshNodes.Add(bullet);
         +          if (target_event.IsHit)
         +          {
         +              bullet.deathTick = target_event.Tick;
         +          }
         +          else
         +          {
         +              bullet.deathTick = battletick + target_event.fireOnEvent.Weapon.maxRange;
         +          }
         +      }
         +      else
         +      {
         +          //*write* the event
         +          target_event = new CombatTakeFireEvent(targettic, this, this.cmbt_loc, hit);
         +          int nothing = tempObjCounter; //increase it just so processing has the same number of tempObjects created as replay will.
         +      }
         +  }
         +  else //not bolt
         +  {
         +      if (IsReplay)
         +      { //read the replay... nothing to do if a beam.
         +      }
         +      else
         +      { //write the event.
         +          rangeForDamageCalcs = rangetotarget / (Fix16)1000;
         +          target_event = new CombatTakeFireEvent(targettic, this, this.cmbt_loc, hit);
         +      }
         +  }
         +  rangeForDamageCalcs = Fix16.Max((Fix16)1, rangeForDamageCalcs); //don't be less than 1.
         +  if (hit && !target_icomobj.IsDestroyed)
         +  {
         +      var shot = new Combat.Shot(weapon.weapon, target_icomobj, (int)rangeForDamageCalcs);
         +      //defender.TakeDamage(weapon.Template.ComponentTemplate.WeaponInfo.DamageType, shot.Damage, battle);
         +      int damage = shot.Damage;
         +      combatDamage(battletick, this, weapon, damage, attacker.getDice());
         +      if (target_icomobj.MaxNormalShields < target_icomobj.NormalShields)
         +          target_icomobj.NormalShields = target_icomobj.MaxNormalShields;
         +      if (target_icomobj.MaxPhasedShields < target_icomobj.PhasedShields)
         +          target_icomobj.PhasedShields = target_icomobj.MaxPhasedShields;
         +      //if (defender.IsDestroyed)
         +      //battle.LogTargetDeath(defender);
         +  }
         +  return target_event;
         + }

        public void TakeDamage(Battle_Space battle, Hit hit, PRNG dice)
            // special combat damage effects
            TakeSpecialDamage(battle, hit, dice);

            // basic damage effects
            WorkingObject.TakeDamage(hit, dice);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void setupEnvironment0()
            location = new Sector(sys, new System.Drawing.Point());

            SimulatedEmpire simemp = new SimulatedEmpire(testships2.empire("TestEmpOne", new Culture(), new Race()));
            Design <Ship>   design = testships2.EscortDUC(gal, simemp.Empire, testships2.Components(gal));
            SpaceVehicle    sv     = testships2.testShip(simemp, design, 100);


            battle = new Battle_Space(location);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void TakeSpecialDamage(Battle_Space battle, Hit hit, PRNG dice)
            // find out who hit us
            var atkr = battle.FindCombatObject(hit.Shot.Attacker);

            // find out how too
            var dmgType = hit.Shot.DamageType;

            // conditions damage
                var cdmg = dmgType.ConditionsDamage.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                // TODO - conditions damage, once we have conditions

            // plagues
                var plague = dmgType.PlagueLevel;
                // TODO - plaguing planets, once we have plagues

            // population damage
                var popdmg = dmgType.PopulationDamage.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                WorkingPlanet.TakePopulationDamage(popdmg, dice);

            // disrupt reload
                var disrupt = dmgType.DisruptReload.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                foreach (var w in Weapons)
                    w.nextReload += disrupt;
                    if (w.nextReload - battle.CurrentTick > w.reloadRate)
                        w.nextReload = battle.CurrentTick + w.reloadRate;                         // this damage type can't increase past normal reload time

            // increase reload (doesn't work againts master computers, even disabled ones)
            if (WorkingPlanet.Colony != null)
                if (!WorkingPlanet.Colony.Facilities.Cast <IAbilityObject>().Union(WorkingPlanet.Cargo.Units.SelectMany(u => u.Components).Cast <IAbilityObject>()).Any(c => c.HasAbility("Master Computer")))
                    var inc = dmgType.IncreaseReload.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                    foreach (var w in Weapons)
                        w.nextReload += inc;                         // this damage type can increase past normal reload time
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void setupEnvironment1()
            location = new Sector(sys, new System.Drawing.Point());

            SimulatedEmpire simemp0 = new SimulatedEmpire(testships2.empire("TestEmpOne", new Culture(), new Race()));
            SimulatedEmpire simemp1 = new SimulatedEmpire(testships2.empire("TestEmpTwo", new Culture(), new Race()));
            Design <Ship>   design0 = testships2.EscortCSM(gal, simemp0.Empire, testships2.Components(gal));
            Design <Ship>   design1 = testships2.EscortDUC(gal, simemp1.Empire, testships2.Components(gal));

            SpaceVehicle sv0 = testships2.testShip(simemp0, design0, 100);
            SpaceVehicle sv1 = testships2.testShip(simemp1, design1, 200);


            battle = new Battle_Space(location);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public MogreCombatForm(Battle_Space battle)
     Battle = battle;
     Text   = battle.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public virtual void TakeSpecialDamage(Battle_Space battle, Hit hit, PRNG dice)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void TakeSpecialDamage(Battle_Space battle, Hit hit, PRNG dice)
            // find out who hit us
            var atkr = battle.FindCombatObject(hit.Shot.Attacker);

            // find out how too
            var dmgType = hit.Shot.DamageType;

            // disrupt reload
                var disrupt = dmgType.DisruptReload.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                foreach (var w in Weapons)
                    w.nextReload += disrupt;
                    if (w.nextReload - battle.CurrentTick > w.reloadRate)
                        w.nextReload = battle.CurrentTick + w.reloadRate;                         // this damage type can't increase past normal reload time

            // increase reload (doesn't work againts master computers, even disabled ones)
            if (!WorkingVehicle.Components.Any(c => c.HasAbility("Master Computer")))
                var inc = dmgType.IncreaseReload.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                foreach (var w in Weapons)
                    w.nextReload += inc;                     // this damage type can increase past normal reload time

            // ship capture
                var cap = dmgType.ShipCapture.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft;
                if (cap > WorkingVehicle.GetAbilityValue("Boarding Attack").ToInt() + WorkingVehicle.GetAbilityValue("Boarding Defense").ToInt())
                    // destroy all boarding parties and security stations on the target
                    foreach (var c in WorkingVehicle.Components.Where(c => c.HasAbility("Boarding Attack") || c.HasAbility("Boarding Defense")))
                        c.Hitpoints = 0;

                    // see if that killed the target
                    if (battle.CheckForDeath(battle.CurrentTick, this))

                    // transfer ownership
                    this.WorkingCombatant.Owner = atkr.WorkingObject.Owner;

            // push/pull effects
            if (atkr.CanPushOrPull(this))
                var deltaV = dmgType.TargetPush.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                var vector = atkr.cmbt_loc - this.cmbt_loc;
                if (vector.Length == 0)
                    // pick a random direction to push/pull
                    vector = new Compass(dice.Next(360), false).Point(1);
                vector        /= vector.Length;                                                  // normalize to unit vector
                vector        *= Battle_Space.KilometersPerSquare / Battle_Space.TicksPerSecond; // scale to combat map
                vector        *= deltaV;                                                         // scale to push/pull acceleration factor
                this.cmbt_vel += deltaV;                                                         // apply force

            // teleport effects
                var deltaPos = dmgType.TargetTeleport.Value * hit.Shot.DamageLeft / 100;
                var vector   = new Compass(dice.Next(360), false).Point(deltaPos);
                this.cmbt_loc += deltaPos;                 // apply teleport
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override void TakeSpecialDamage(Battle_Space battle, FrEee.Game.Objects.Combat.Hit hit, PRNG dice)