IEnumerator Fungicide()
        bool isDead = enemyUnit.TakeDamageForFungicide(playerUnit.fungicideDamage);           //20. damage the enemy by changing the enemyUnit but we not going to affect the health drectly but we goin to create a function where the health is affected and use that instead

        enemyHUD.SetHealth(enemyUnit.currentHealth);                                          //23. o after we have attacked the enemy we need to show that the enemy has taken damage so we change the slider in the HUD
        dialogueMessage.text = "The bacteria is being destroyed keep spraying the fungicide"; // the attack in the dialogue to show good feedback and communication

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f));

        if (isDead)                            //21. we need to check if enemy is dead
            gameStateTwo = BattleStateTwo.WON; //25. the enemy is dead so that means we won
            gameStateTwo = BattleStateTwo.ENEMYSTURN; //26.Enemy turn //22. and then change state based on the results
            StartCoroutine(EnemysTurn());             //27. then we need to start enemy's turn after a few seconds
    IEnumerator SetUpBattlefield()                                          //14. we want to delay the time in which the system is going to load certain parts of the function using Courotines
        GameObject playerStart = Instantiate(playerP, playerBattleStation); //3. Then in here we need to spawn our different units (instatiate the player prefab as a child of/on top of the battle station

        playerUnit = playerStart.GetComponent <UnitScript>();               //7. after referecning it we then can get the unit component from that game object which is the player

        GameObject enemyStart = Instantiate(enemyP, enemyBattleStation);

        enemyUnit = enemyStart.GetComponent <UnitScript>();

        dialogueMessage.text = "a vicious " + enemyUnit.unitTitle + " is coming";//9. now we going to display the unit name to the player on the UI

        //6. we need to know what each unit (character) is at using the UI so we going to reference each unit

        playerHUD.SetHUD(playerUnit); // we have the name and level on each HUD

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f));      //15. we are going to delay the time in which the sript is going to load the player's turn/the player game state

        gameStateTwo = BattleStateTwo.PLAYERSTURN; //11.Now we just need to put in some action and move onto the player's turn because we are done doing the start state
        PlayersTurn();                             //12. we going to call out the player's turn function
    IEnumerator DamagePlayer()
        dialogueMessage.text = enemyUnit.unitTitle + " attacks!";        //30. if it is enemy's turn then player will take damage so add text

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));                            //31. wait a few seconds before player takes damage

        bool isDead = playerUnit.TakeDamageEnemy(enemyUnit.enemyDamage); //32. we need to check if player has died and if not then its player's turn


        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

        if (isDead) //33. determine player died and change game state
            gameStateTwo = BattleStateTwo.LOST;
            gameStateTwo = BattleStateTwo.PLAYERSTURN;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     gameStateTwo = BattleStateTwo.START; //1.we have put our first state which is start
     StartCoroutine(SetUpBattlefield());  //2. we gotta set up the battle system 16.put StartCouroutine