Ejemplo n.º 1
    public override BattleAction Construct(BattleAgent agent, Dictionary <string, object> selections)
        Skill skill;

        if (m_IsID)
            object skillObject;
            selections.TryGetValue(m_Skill, out skillObject);
            skill = skillObject as Skill;
            AssetHolder.Skills.TryGetValue(m_Skill, out skill);

        BattleManhattanDistanceZone target;

        if (selections.ContainsKey(m_Target))
            target = selections[m_Target] as BattleManhattanDistanceZone;
            BattleManhattanDistanceZone range = Skill.GetRange(m_Range, agent);
            target = Skill.GetTarget(m_Target, agent, range);

        return(new BattleSkillAction(agent, skill, target,
                                     0.01f * (m_Power.Equals("") ? agent["Power:" + skill.Element] : agent[m_Power]),
                                     m_SPCost, m_HPCost));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected BattleAction MoveWithinRangeOfTarget(Vector2Int target, BattleManhattanDistanceZone range)
        BattleManhattanPathZone moveRange = new BattleManhattanPathZone(m_Agent.Coordinates, 1, m_Agent["Move"], m_Agent["Jump"]);

        List <Vector2Int> options     = new List <Vector2Int>();
        Vector2Int        destination = new Vector2Int();

        foreach (Vector2Int point in moveRange)
            range.Center = point;
            if (range[target])

        if (options.Count == 1)
            destination = options[0];
        else if (options.Count == 0)
            float minDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;

            foreach (Vector2Int point in moveRange)
                float dist = (point - target).magnitude;
                if (dist < minDistance)
                    destination = point;
                    minDistance = dist;

            if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(minDistance))
            float maxDistance = float.NegativeInfinity;
            float minWalk     = float.PositiveInfinity;

            foreach (Vector2Int point in options)
                float dist = (point - target).magnitude;
                float walk = (point - m_Agent.Coordinates).magnitude;
                if (dist >= maxDistance && walk <= minWalk)
                    destination = point;
                    maxDistance = dist;
                    minWalk     = walk;

        return(new BattleMoveAction(m_Agent, destination));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public BattleSkillAction(BattleAgent agent, Skill skill, BattleManhattanDistanceZone target, float power, float spcost, float hpcost)
        Agent  = agent;
        Skill  = skill;
        Target = target;

        Power  = power;
        SPCost = spcost;
        HPCost = hpcost;
    public override BattleMenu Construct(BattleAgent agent, Dictionary <string, object> selections)
        string rangeType, targetType;

        GetRangeAndTarget(agent, selections, out rangeType, out targetType);
        BattleManhattanDistanceZone range  = Skill.GetRange(rangeType, agent);
        BattleManhattanDistanceZone target = Skill.GetTarget(targetType, agent, range);

        return(new BattleTargetSelectMenu(id, range, target));
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public BattleTargetSelectMenu(string id, BattleManhattanDistanceZone range, BattleManhattanDistanceZone targets)
        m_ID      = id;
        m_Range   = range;
        m_Targets = targets;

        if (m_Range == m_Targets)
            m_Targets.Center = m_Range.Center;
            m_Next           = new BattleTargetConfirmMenu(m_ID, m_Targets);
    public override List <object> Options(BattleAgent agent, Dictionary <string, object> selections)
        string rangeType, targetType;

        GetRangeAndTarget(agent, selections, out rangeType, out targetType);
        BattleManhattanDistanceZone range  = Skill.GetRange(rangeType, agent);
        BattleManhattanDistanceZone target = Skill.GetTarget(targetType, agent, range);

        List <object> points = new List <object>();

        foreach (Vector2Int point in range)
            // check within boundaries
    public override BattleAction Update()
        Dictionary <string, object> selections;
        BattleCommand command = m_Agent.Behaviour.Decide(m_Manager, m_Agent, out selections);

        if (command != null)
            int t = int.MinValue;

            foreach (BattleCommandSelection selection in command.Selections)
                BattleCommandTargetSelection targetSelection = selection as BattleCommandTargetSelection;

                if (targetSelection != null)
                    string rangeType, targetType;
                    targetSelection.GetRangeAndTarget(m_Agent, selections, out rangeType, out targetType);
                    BattleManhattanDistanceZone range  = Skill.GetRange(rangeType, m_Agent);
                    BattleManhattanDistanceZone target = selections[targetSelection.id] as BattleManhattanDistanceZone;

                    m_Manager.Add(new BattleTargetSelect(new BattleQueueTime(t, ++t), range));
                    m_Manager.Add(new BattleTargetConfirm(new BattleQueueTime(t, ++t), range, target));

            // TODO

            if (command.Expends != BattleCommand.Type.None)
                --m_Agent["Turn:" + command.Expends];
            return(command.Construct(m_Agent, selections));

        return(new BattleEndTurnAction(m_Agent));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public BattleTargetConfirm(BattleQueueTime time, BattleZone range, BattleManhattanDistanceZone target) : base(time)
     m_Range  = range;
     m_Target = target;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public override BattleAction Update()
        m_Manager.grid.Selector.SelectedTile = m_Agent.Coordinates;

        if (m_Agent["Turn:Action"] <= 0)
            return(new BattleEndTurnAction(m_Agent));

        // Find most powerful skill
        WeaponSkillFilter filter = new WeaponSkillFilter(m_Agent.BaseCharacter);

        Skill bestSkill = null;
        float bestPower = float.NegativeInfinity;

        foreach (Skill skill in filter)
            float power = 0f;
            foreach (SkillEffect effect in skill.Effects)
                power += CalculatePower(effect);

            if (power > bestPower)
                bestSkill = skill;
                bestPower = power;

        if (bestSkill == null)
            return(new BattleEndTurnAction(m_Agent));

        // Select a target
        BattleManhattanDistanceZone range   = Skill.GetRange(bestSkill.Range, m_Agent);
        List <Vector2Int>           options = new List <Vector2Int>();
        Vector2Int target;

        foreach (Vector2Int point in range)
            BattleTile tile = m_Manager.grid[point];
            if (tile != null && tile.Actor != null)

        if (options.Count == 0)
            if (m_Agent["Turn:Move"] <= 0)
                return(new BattleEndTurnAction(m_Agent));

            // Try to move closer
            target = TargetNearest();
            BattleAction moveAction = MoveWithinRangeOfTarget(target, range);

            return(moveAction != null ? moveAction : new BattleEndTurnAction(m_Agent));
        else if (options.Count == 1)
            target = options[0];
            System.Random rand = new System.Random();
            target = options[rand.Next() % options.Count];

        BattleManhattanDistanceZone targets = Skill.GetTarget(bestSkill.Target, m_Agent, range);

        targets.Center = target;

        return(new BattleSkillAction(m_Agent, bestSkill, targets, 0.01f * m_Agent["Power: " + bestSkill.Element], 1f, 0f));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public override BattleAction Construct(BattleAgent agent, Dictionary <string, object> selections)
        BattleManhattanDistanceZone destination = selections[m_Target] as BattleManhattanDistanceZone;

        return(new BattleMoveAction(agent, destination.Center));
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public static BattleManhattanDistanceZone GetTarget(string target, BattleAgent agent, BattleManhattanDistanceZone range)
        if (target.Equals("Single"))
            return(new BattleManhattanDistanceZone(new Vector2Int(), 0, 0));
        if (target.StartsWith("All"))
            return(new BattleManhattanDistanceZone(range.Center, range.MinRadius, range.MaxRadius + agent["AoE:" + target.Substring(4)]));

        return(new BattleManhattanDistanceZone(new Vector2Int(), 0, agent[target]));
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public override BattleCommand Decide(BattleManager manager, BattleAgent agent, out Dictionary <string, object> selections)
        if (agent["Turn:Action"] > 0)
            // Randomly select an offensive command

            System.Random   rand    = new System.Random();
            List <Decision> options = new List <Decision>();

            foreach (BattleCommand command in agent.BaseCharacter.Commands)
                if (command.Enabled(agent))
                    Decision decision = new Decision(command);

                    foreach (BattleCommandSelection selection in command.Selections)
                        List <object> opts = selection.Select(manager, agent, decision.Selections, true);

                        if (opts.Count == 0)
                            decision = null;
                            decision.Selections[selection.id] = opts[rand.Next() % opts.Count];

                    if (decision != null)

            if (options.Count > 0)
                Decision final = options[rand.Next() % options.Count];

                selections = final.Selections;

            if (agent["Turn:Move"] > 0)
                // Move within range

                int         nearestDist = int.MaxValue;
                BattleAgent nearest     = null;
                foreach (BattleAgent other in manager.agents)
                    int dist = PathFinder.ManhattanDistance(agent.Coordinates, other.Coordinates);
                    if (agent.Unit.Opposes(other.Unit) &&
                        dist < nearestDist)
                        nearestDist = dist;
                        nearest     = other;

                int optDist; // TODO this section but better
                if (agent["Attack"] > agent["Magic"])
                    optDist = 1;
                    optDist = agent["Range:Magic [Offense]"] + agent["AoE:Magic [Offense]"];

                List <Vector2Int>           points    = new List <Vector2Int>();
                BattleManhattanDistanceZone moveRange = Skill.GetRange("Move", agent);
                int closestDiff = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (Vector2Int point in moveRange)
                    int dist = PathFinder.ManhattanDistance(nearest.Coordinates, point);
                    int diff = dist > optDist ? dist - optDist : optDist - dist;
                    if (diff <= closestDiff)
                        if (diff < closestDiff)
                            closestDiff = diff;
                            points      = new List <Vector2Int>();

                if (points.Count > 0)
                    // TODO pick point that closest target is facing furthest away from
                    selections = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    selections["destination"] = new BattleManhattanDistanceZone(points[rand.Next() % points.Count], 0, 0);
        else if (agent["Turn:Move"] > 0)
            // Move out of danger

        // End turn
        selections = new Dictionary <string, object>();
        return(AssetHolder.Commands["End Turn"]);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public BattleTargetConfirmMenu(string id, BattleManhattanDistanceZone targets)
     m_ID      = id;
     m_Targets = targets;
    public override List <object> Select(BattleManager manager, BattleAgent agent, Dictionary <string, object> selections, bool offense)
        string rangeType, targetType;

        GetRangeAndTarget(agent, selections, out rangeType, out targetType);
        BattleManhattanDistanceZone range = Skill.GetRange(rangeType, agent);

        List <object> targets = new List <object>();

        if (targetType.StartsWith("All"))
            BattleManhattanDistanceZone target = Skill.GetTarget(targetType, agent, range);

            foreach (Vector2Int point in target)
                // count if enemy or ally in space
                BattleTile tile = manager.grid[point];

                if (tile != null && tile.Actor != null)
                    BattleUnit other = tile.Actor.Agent.Unit;
                    if ((offense && agent.Unit.Opposes(other)) ||
                        (!offense && !agent.Unit.Opposes(other)))
            int badMin     = int.MaxValue;
            int goodMax    = 0;
            int bestHealth = offense ? int.MaxValue : 0;

            foreach (Vector2Int center in range)
                BattleManhattanDistanceZone target = Skill.GetTarget(targetType, agent, range);
                target.Center = center;

                int badCount  = 0;
                int goodCount = 0;
                int health    = 0;

                foreach (Vector2Int point in target)
                    // count if enemy or ally in space
                    BattleTile tile = manager.grid[point];

                    if (tile != null && tile.Actor != null)
                        BattleAgent other = tile.Actor.Agent;
                        if (offense)
                            if (agent.Unit.Opposes(other.Unit)) // is an enemy (good target)
                                health += agent.HP;
                            else // is an ally or neutral (bad target)
                            if (agent.Unit.Opposes(other.Unit)) // is an enemy (bad target)
                            else // is an ally or neutral (good target)
                                health += agent.HP;

                if (badCount < badMin || (badCount == badMin && goodCount >= goodMax))
                    if (badCount < badMin || goodCount > goodMax)
                        targets    = new List <object>();
                        badMin     = badCount;
                        goodMax    = goodCount;
                        bestHealth = health;
                    else if (health < bestHealth)
                        targets    = new List <object>();
                        bestHealth = health;


            if (goodMax == 0)
                return(new List <object>());
