private static MongoEventStore CreateStore(
            List <StreamConfiguration> streams,
            MongoFake db = null,
            BatchIDGenerator idGenerator = null,
            bool preserveLog             = false,
            bool callUpgrade             = true
            db          = db ?? new MongoFake();
            idGenerator = idGenerator ?? new LoggingIDGenerator();

            ConfigureSerialization(new GuidSerializer(BsonType.Binary));

            MongoEventStore store = new MongoEventStore(
                new EventStoreSettings(streams),

            if (callUpgrade)

            if (!preserveLog)

        internal void BatchIDGeneratorTests(
            BatchIDGenerator gen,
            TestClock clock,
            DateTime now,
            EventIDGenerator res,
            EventID id
            GIVEN["a generator without a last EventID"] = () => {
                clock = new TestClock();
                gen   = BatchIDGenerator.Create(clock: clock);

            GIVEN["a preset time"]          = () => clock.SetUtcNow(now = DateTime.UtcNow);
            WHEN["calling GetBatch"]        = () => res = gen.GetBatch().Result;
            AND["getting the first ID"]     = () => id = res.Next();
            THEN["its event sequence is 1"] = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its batch sequence is 1"]  = () => id.BatchID.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its timestamp is correct"] = () => id.BatchID.Timestamp.Should().BeCloseTo(now, precision: 10);

            GIVEN["a new time very close to last"]           = () => clock.SetUtcNow(now.AddTicks(1));
            WHEN["calling GetBatch again"]                   = () => id = gen.GetBatch().Result.Next();
            THEN["the event sequence of first EventID is 1"] = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its batch sequence is 2"]                   = () => id.BatchID.Sequence.Should().Be(2);

            GIVEN["a new time"]      = () => clock.SetUtcNow(now = now.AddMilliseconds(10));
            WHEN["calling GetBatch"] = () => id = gen.GetBatch().Result.Next();
            THEN["the event sequence of first EventID is 1"] = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its batch sequence is 1"]  = () => id.BatchID.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its timestamp is correct"] = () => id.BatchID.Timestamp.Should().BeCloseTo(now, precision: 10);

            GIVEN["a new time"] = () => clock.SetUtcNow(now = now.AddMilliseconds(10));
            THEN["calling GetBatch for 511 times takes less than 10ms"] = () => {
                Action action = () => Enumerable.Range(1, 511).ForEach(i => res = gen.GetBatch().Result);
            AND["the batch sequence of the first EventID is 511 (max)"]         = () => (id = res.Next()).BatchID.Sequence.Should().Be(511);
            Then["calling GetBatch once more", ThrowsA <EventStoreException>()] = () => gen.GetBatch();

            GIVEN["a clock the advances with each call"] = () => clock.SetUtcNow(new PresetTimes(now, now.AddTicks(1), now = now.AddMilliseconds(20)));
            WHEN["calling GetBatch"]        = () => id = gen.GetBatch().Result.Next();
            AND["its batch sequence is 1"]  = () => id.BatchID.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its timestamp is correct"] = () => id.BatchID.Timestamp.Should().BeCloseTo(now, precision: 10);