Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if an exception is a "NotFound" exception from the Batch service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsExceptionNotFound(Exception e)
            AggregateException aggEx          = e as AggregateException;
            BatchException     batchException = e as BatchException;

            if (aggEx != null)
                aggEx = aggEx.Flatten(); //Flatten the aggregate exception

                batchException = aggEx.InnerExceptions.Cast <BatchException>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (batchException != null)
                if (batchException.RequestInformation != null &&
                    batchException.RequestInformation.BatchError != null)
                    if (batchException.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Works with AggregateException or "Exception" just pass it in :)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex"></param>
        /// <param name="correctCode"></param>
        public static void AssertIsBatchExceptionAndHasCorrectAzureErrorCode(Exception ex, string correctCode, ITestOutputHelper outputHelper)
            Exception theOneInner = ex;

            if (ex is AggregateException ae)
                // some ugly mechanics all for confirming we get the correct exception and it has the correct "message"
                // there can be only one

                // get the one exception
                theOneInner = ae.InnerExceptions[0];

            if (!(theOneInner is BatchException))
                outputHelper.WriteLine(string.Format("AssertIsBatchExceptionAndHasCorrectAzureErrorCode: incorrect exception: {0}", ex.ToString()));

            // it must have the correct type
            Assert.IsAssignableFrom <BatchException>(theOneInner);

            BatchException be = (BatchException)theOneInner;

            // whew we got it!  check the message
            Assert.Equal(expected: correctCode, actual: be.RequestInformation.BatchError.Code);
        public void ReadClientRequestIdAndRequestIdFromException()
            void test()
                using BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment());
                Guid myClientRequestid = Guid.NewGuid();
                RequestInterceptor clientRequestIdGenerator = new ClientRequestIdProvider(
                    request => myClientRequestid);

                RequestInterceptor setReturnClientRequestId = new RequestInterceptor(
                    request =>
                    request.Options.ReturnClientRequestId = true;

                BatchException batchException = TestUtilities.AssertThrowsAsync <BatchException>(async() =>
                                                                                                 await batchCli.JobOperations.GetJobAsync("this-job-doesnt-exist", additionalBehaviors: new[] { clientRequestIdGenerator, setReturnClientRequestId })).Result;


                Assert.Equal(BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobNotFound, batchException.RequestInformation.BatchError.Code);
                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, batchException.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode);
                Assert.Contains("The specified job does not exist", batchException.RequestInformation.BatchError.Message.Value);

                Assert.Equal(myClientRequestid, batchException.RequestInformation.ClientRequestId);
                Assert.Equal("The specified job does not exist.", batchException.RequestInformation.HttpStatusMessage);

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts failure details from the BatchException object to create a more informative error message for the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">The BatchException object</param>
        private void HandleBatchException(BatchException ex)
            if (ex != null)
                if (ex.RequestInformation != null && ex.RequestInformation.AzureError != null)
                    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(ex.Message).AppendLine();

                    str.AppendFormat("Error Code: {0}", ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Code).AppendLine();
                    str.AppendFormat("Error Message: {0}", ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Message.Value).AppendLine();
                    str.AppendFormat("Client Request ID:{0}", ex.RequestInformation.ClientRequestId).AppendLine();
                    if (ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values != null)
                        foreach (AzureErrorDetail detail in ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values)
                            str.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}", detail.Key, detail.Value).AppendLine();
                    WriteExceptionError(new BatchException(ex.RequestInformation, str.ToString(), ex.InnerException));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void HandleTaskCompletion(Task t)
            this.IsCompleted = true;
            this.EndTimeUtc  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                this.CompletedSuccessfully = true;
            else if (t.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted ||
                     t.Status == TaskStatus.Canceled)
                this.CompletedSuccessfully = false;
                this.FaultException        = t.Exception;

                //Process exception for client/server request ID if applicable
                if (this.FaultException is BatchException)
                    BatchException batchE = this.FaultException as BatchException;
                    this.FaultClientRequestId = batchE.RequestInformation.ClientRequestID;
                    this.FaultServerRequestId = batchE.RequestInformation.ServiceRequestID;
                else if (this.FaultException is AggregateException)
                    //If there is only 1 batch exception we hit
                    AggregateException agg = this.FaultException as AggregateException;
                    agg = agg.Flatten();

                    BatchException batchE = agg.InnerExceptions.Where(e => e is BatchException).Cast <BatchException>().First();
                    this.FaultClientRequestId = batchE.RequestInformation.ClientRequestID;
                    this.FaultServerRequestId = batchE.RequestInformation.ServiceRequestID;
        public void TestBatchExceptionCreatedFromBatchErrorWithNoBody()
            Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException batchErrorException = new Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException()
                Body     = null, //Body is null
                Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted), string.Empty)
            BatchException batchException = new BatchException(batchErrorException);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                // When the OM encounters an error, it'll throw an AggregateException with a nested BatchException.
                // BatchExceptions have special handling to extract detailed failure information.  When an AggregateException
                // is encountered, loop through the inner exceptions.  If there's a nested BatchException, perform the
                // special handling.  Otherwise, just write out the error.
                AggregateException flattened = ex.Flatten();
                foreach (Exception inner in flattened.InnerExceptions)
                    BatchException asBatch = inner as BatchException;
                    if (asBatch != null)
            catch (BatchException ex)
            catch (CloudException ex)
                var updatedEx = ex;

                if (ex.Response != null && ex.Response.Content != null)
                    var message = FindDetailedMessage(ex.Response.Content);

                    if (message != null)
                        updatedEx = new CloudException(message, ex);

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Bug1965363_2384616_Wat7OSVersionFeatures()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    PoolOperations poolOperations = batchCli.PoolOperations;
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Listing OS Versions:");

                        // create pool tests

                        // forget to set CloudServiceConfiguration on Create, get error
                            CloudPool noArgs = poolOperations.CreatePool("Bug1965363ButNoOSFamily-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName(), PoolFixture.VMSize, default(CloudServiceConfiguration), targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 0);

                            BatchException ex    = TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => noArgs.Commit());
                            string         exStr = ex.ToString();

                            // we are expecting an exception, assert if the exception is not the correct one.
                            Assert.Contains("cloudServiceConfiguration", exStr);

                        // create a pool WITH an osFamily
                            string poolIdHOSF = "Bug1965363HasOSF-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                CloudPool hasOSF = poolOperations.CreatePool(poolIdHOSF, PoolFixture.VMSize, new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily), targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 0);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // special case os version beacuse it is a common failure and requires human intervention/editing
                        // test for expired os version
                        Assert.DoesNotContain("The specified OS Version does not exists", ex.ToString());


            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a test certificate for use in Scenario tests. Returns the thumbprint of the cert.
        /// </summary>
        public static string AddTestCertificate(BatchController controller, BatchAccountContext context, string filePath)
            RequestInterceptor interceptor = CreateHttpRecordingInterceptor();

            BatchClientBehavior[] behaviors = new BatchClientBehavior[] { interceptor };
            BatchClient           client    = new BatchClient(controller.BatchManagementClient, controller.ResourceManagementClient);

            X509Certificate2       cert          = new X509Certificate2(filePath);
            ListCertificateOptions getParameters = new ListCertificateOptions(context, behaviors)
                ThumbprintAlgorithm = BatchTestHelpers.TestCertificateAlgorithm,
                Thumbprint          = cert.Thumbprint,
                Select = "thumbprint,state"

                PSCertificate existingCert = client.ListCertificates(getParameters).FirstOrDefault();
                DateTime      start        = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime      end          = start.AddMinutes(5);

                // Cert might still be deleting from other tests, so we wait for the delete to finish.
                while (existingCert != null && existingCert.State == CertificateState.Deleting)
                    if (DateTime.Now > end)
                        throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for existing cert to be deleted.");
                    existingCert = client.ListCertificates(getParameters).FirstOrDefault();
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                foreach (Exception inner in ex.InnerExceptions)
                    BatchException batchEx = inner as BatchException;
                    // When the cert doesn't exist, we get a 404 error. For all other errors, throw.
                    if (batchEx == null || !batchEx.Message.Contains("CertificateNotFound"))

            NewCertificateParameters parameters = new NewCertificateParameters(context, null, cert.RawData, behaviors);


Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Extracts failure details from the BatchException object to create a more informative error message for the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ex">The BatchException object</param>
 private void HandleBatchException(BatchException ex)
     if (ex != null)
         if (ex.RequestInformation != null && ex.RequestInformation.BatchError != null)
             WriteExceptionError(new BatchException(ex.RequestInformation, ex.ToString(), ex.InnerException));
        public void TestBatchExceptionCreatedWithRetryAfterDuration()
            Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException batchErrorException = new Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException()
                Body     = null, //Body is null
                Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted), string.Empty)
            batchErrorException.Response.Headers.Add(InternalConstants.RetryAfterHeader, new List <string> {
            BatchException batchException = new BatchException(batchErrorException);

            Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), batchException.RequestInformation.RetryAfter);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static CloudPool CreatePool(Settings unzipperSettings, BatchClient client)
            //OSFamily 4 == OS 2012 R2. You can learn more about os families and versions at:
            CloudPool pool = client.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                poolId: unzipperSettings.PoolId,
                targetDedicated: unzipperSettings.PoolNodeCount,
                virtualMachineSize: unzipperSettings.MachineSize,
                cloudServiceConfiguration: new CloudServiceConfiguration(osFamily: "4"));

            pool.MaxTasksPerComputeNode = unzipperSettings.MaxTasksPerNode;
            Console.WriteLine("Adding pool {0}", unzipperSettings.PoolId);

            catch (AggregateException ae)
                // Go through all exceptions and dump useful information
                ae.Handle(x =>
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Creating pool ID {0} failed", unzipperSettings.PoolId);
                    if (x is BatchException)
                        BatchException be = x as BatchException;


                    // can't continue without a pool
            catch (BatchException be)
                if (be.Message.Contains("conflict"))
                    Console.WriteLine("pool already exists");

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task LinearRetryRetriesOnBatchException()
            TimeSpan    interval    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            const int   maxRetries  = 10;
            LinearRetry linearRetry = new LinearRetry(interval, maxRetries);

            RequestInformation reqInfo = new RequestInformation()
                HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError
            BatchException batchException = new BatchException(reqInfo, "Message", null);

            RetryDecision retryDecision = await linearRetry.ShouldRetryAsync(batchException, new OperationContext());

            Assert.Equal(interval, retryDecision.RetryDelay);
            Assert.Equal(true, retryDecision.ShouldRetry);
        public void TestBatchExceptionCreatedWithRetryAfterDateTime()
            DateTime retryAfter       = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            string   retryAfterString = retryAfter.ToString("r");

            Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException batchErrorException = new Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException()
                Body     = null, //Body is null
                Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted), string.Empty)
            batchErrorException.Response.Headers.Add(InternalConstants.RetryAfterHeader, new List <string> {
            BatchException batchException = new BatchException(batchErrorException);

            Assert.True(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(9) <= batchException.RequestInformation.RetryAfter && batchException.RequestInformation.RetryAfter <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
        public void TestBatchExceptionCreatedWithRetryAfterDateTime()
            DateTime retryAfter       = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            string   retryAfterString = retryAfter.ToString("r");

            Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException batchErrorException = new Protocol.Models.BatchErrorException()
                Body     = null, //Body is null
                Response = new HttpResponseMessageWrapper(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted), string.Empty)
            batchErrorException.Response.Headers.Add(InternalConstants.RetryAfterHeader, new List <string> {
            BatchException batchException = new BatchException(batchErrorException);

            this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"RetryAfter: {batchException.RequestInformation.RetryAfter}");
            // Give some wiggle room in case tests are running slow
            Assert.True(batchException.RequestInformation.RetryAfter <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Completes the task of applying the user's changes to the form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exitDialog">If true, the form is dismiss.</param>
        /// <param name="batchException">Contains any exceptions from processing the server update.</param>
        private void PostEnd(bool exitDialog, BatchException batchException)
            // Display any errors from the background processing.
            if (batchException != null)
                foreach (Exception exception in batchException.Exceptions)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, exception.Message, "Guardian Error");

            // If there were no exceptions and the user asked to exit the dialog, it is dismissed.
            if (batchException == null && exitDialog)

            // This will re-initialize the order entry dialog with the user's preferences.
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(InitializationThread));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task ExponentialRetryRetriesOnBatchException()
            TimeSpan         interval         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            const int        maxRetries       = 10;
            ExponentialRetry exponentialRetry = new ExponentialRetry(interval, maxRetries);

            RequestInformation reqInfo = new RequestInformation()
                HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError
            BatchException batchException = new BatchException(reqInfo, "Message", null);

            OperationContext context = new OperationContext();

            context.RequestResults.Add(new RequestResult(new RequestInformation(), batchException));

            RetryDecision retryDecision = await exponentialRetry.ShouldRetryAsync(batchException, context);

            Assert.Equal(interval, retryDecision.RetryDelay);
            Assert.Equal(true, retryDecision.ShouldRetry);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void CustomAggregateToStringIncludesCallstack()
            Guid clientRequestId = Guid.NewGuid();

            BatchException e1 = ThrowWithStack <BatchException>(() => {
                throw new BatchException(new RequestInformation()
                    BatchError      = new BatchError(new Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Protocol.Models.BatchError(code: "Foo")),
                    ClientRequestId = clientRequestId,
            ArgumentNullException e2 = ThrowWithStack <ArgumentNullException>(() =>
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            ParallelOperationsException parallelOperationsException = new ParallelOperationsException(new Exception[] { e1, e2 });
            string exceptionText = parallelOperationsException.ToString();

            Assert.Contains(typeof(ParallelOperationsException).Name, exceptionText);
            Assert.Contains("Exception #0", exceptionText);
            Assert.Contains("Exception #1", exceptionText);
            Assert.Contains("One or more errors occurred", exceptionText);

            //Ensure each exception logs a stacktrace from the ToString(). The stacktrace should include this test method's name.

            IEnumerable <string> innerExceptionDumps = GetInnerExceptionText(exceptionText);

            foreach (string innerExceptionText in innerExceptionDumps)
                Assert.Contains("CustomAggregateToStringIncludesCallstack", innerExceptionText);

            //Ensure that our BatchException was ToString()'ed correctly
            Assert.Contains(clientRequestId.ToString(), exceptionText);
        public async Task ExponentialRetryHonorsRetryAfter()
            TimeSpan         interval         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
            TimeSpan         retryAfter       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
            const int        maxRetries       = 10;
            ExponentialRetry exponentialRetry = new ExponentialRetry(interval, maxRetries);

            RequestInformation reqInfo = new RequestInformation()
                HttpStatusCode = (HttpStatusCode)429,
                RetryAfter     = retryAfter
            BatchException batchException = new BatchException(reqInfo, "Message", null);

            OperationContext context = new OperationContext();

            context.RequestResults.Add(new RequestResult(new RequestInformation(), batchException));

            RetryDecision retryDecision = await exponentialRetry.ShouldRetryAsync(batchException, context);

            Assert.Equal(retryAfter, retryDecision.RetryDelay);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an MPI pool.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateMpiPoolIfNotExists(BatchController controller, BatchAccountContext context, int targetDedicated = 3)
            BatchClient     client      = new BatchClient(controller.BatchManagementClient, controller.ResourceManagementClient);
            ListPoolOptions listOptions = new ListPoolOptions(context)
                PoolId = MpiPoolId

                return; // The call returned without throwing an exception, so the pool exists
            catch (AggregateException aex)
                BatchException innerException = aex.InnerException as BatchException;
                if (innerException == null || innerException.RequestInformation == null || innerException.RequestInformation.AzureError == null ||
                    innerException.RequestInformation.AzureError.Code != BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolNotFound)
                // We got the pool not found error, so continue and create the pool

            string blobUrl = UploadBlobAndGetUrl(MpiSetupFileContainer, MpiSetupFileName, MpiSetupFileLocalPath);

            StartTask startTask = new StartTask();

            startTask.CommandLine   = string.Format("cmd /c set & {0} -unattend -force", MpiSetupFileName);
            startTask.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();
            startTask.ResourceFiles.Add(new ResourceFile(blobUrl, MpiSetupFileName));
            startTask.RunElevated    = true;
            startTask.WaitForSuccess = true;

            CreateTestPool(controller, context, MpiPoolId, targetDedicated, startTask: startTask);
        public void TestBoundJobVerbs()
            void test()
                using BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment());
                //Create a job

                string jobId = Constants.DefaultConveniencePrefix + TestUtilities.GetMyName() + "-TestBoundJobVerbs";

                    CloudJob cloudJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                    cloudJob.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                        PoolId = poolFixture.PoolId

                    //Get the bound job
                    CloudJob job = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                    //Disable the job (via instance)

                    //Check the job state

                    CloudJob disabledJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("DisabledJob State: {0}", disabledJob.State);
                    Assert.True(disabledJob.State == JobState.Disabled || disabledJob.State == JobState.Disabling);

                    //Enable the job (via instance)

                    //Check the job state
                    CloudJob enabledJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("EnabledJob state: {0}", enabledJob.State);
                    Assert.Equal(JobState.Active, JobState.Active);

                    //Disable the job (via operations)
                    batchCli.JobOperations.DisableJob(jobId, DisableJobOption.Terminate);

                    disabledJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("DisabledJob State: {0}", disabledJob.State);
                    Assert.True(disabledJob.State == JobState.Disabled || disabledJob.State == JobState.Disabling);

                    //Enable the job (via operations)

                    //Check the job state
                    enabledJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("EnabledJob state: {0}", enabledJob.State);
                    Assert.Equal(JobState.Active, JobState.Active);

                    //Terminate the job
                    job.Terminate("need some reason");

                    //Check the job state
                    CloudJob terminatedJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("TerminatedJob state: {0}", terminatedJob.State);
                    Assert.True(terminatedJob.State == JobState.Terminating || terminatedJob.State == JobState.Completed);

                    if (terminatedJob.State == JobState.Terminating)
                        Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); //Sleep and wait for the job to finish terminating before we issue a delete

                    //Delete the job

                    //Check that the job doesn't exist anymore

                        testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Expected Exception: testing that job does NOT exist.");

                        CloudJob deletedJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);
                        Assert.Equal(JobState.Deleting, deletedJob.State);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Assert.IsAssignableFrom <BatchException>(e);
                        BatchException be = e as BatchException;
                        Assert.Equal(BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobNotFound, be.RequestInformation.BatchError.Code);

                        testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Job was deleted successfully");
                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Begins the task of applying the changes in the form to the data model.
        /// </summary>
        private void PostThread(object parameter)
            // Extract the parameters from the threads parameter.
            object[]    parameters  = (object[])parameter;
            bool        exitDialog  = (bool)parameters[0];
            SourceOrder sourceOrder = (SourceOrder)parameters[1];

            // This batch will collect the information needed to execute a complex transaction on the server.  The first part of
            // the batch sets up the transaction: the assembly where the types and methods are found.  It also sets up a
            // transaction for a complex operation. In this case, the transaction is not that complex, just a single method to be
            // executed.
            Batch           batch       = new Batch();
            AssemblyPlan    assembly    = batch.Assemblies.Add("Trading Service");
            TypePlan        type        = assembly.Types.Add("MarkThree.Guardian.Trading.SourceOrder");
            TransactionPlan transaction = batch.Transactions.Add();
            MethodPlan      methodPlan  = transaction.Methods.Add(type, "Insert");

            // These are the parameters used to create a Source Order.  The Working Order will be created implicitly.
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("blotterId", this.blotter.BlotterId));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("isBrokerMatch", sourceOrder.IsBrokerMatch));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("isHedgeMatch", sourceOrder.IsHedgeMatch));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("isInstitutionMatch", sourceOrder.IsInstitutionMatch));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("submissionTypeCode", SubmissionType.UsePeferences));
            if (sourceOrder.MaximumVolatility != DBNull.Value)
                methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("maximumVolatility", sourceOrder.MaximumVolatility));
            if (sourceOrder.NewsFreeTime != DBNull.Value)
                methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("newsFreeTime", sourceOrder.NewsFreeTime));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("orderedQuantity", sourceOrder.Quantity));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("orderTypeCode", sourceOrder.OrderTypeCode));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("priceTypeCode", PriceType.Market));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("securityId", sourceOrder.SecurityId));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("settlementId", sourceOrder.SettlementId));
            if (sourceOrder.StartTime != DBNull.Value)
                methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("startTime", sourceOrder.StartTime));
            if (sourceOrder.StopTime != DBNull.Value)
                methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("stopTime", sourceOrder.StopTime));
            methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("timeInForceCode", TimeInForce.Day));

            // This will execute the command on the server and return any exceptions.
            BatchException batchException = null;

                // Execute the batch.
            catch (BatchException exception)
                // Any exceptions will be captured here and passed on to the foreground.
                batchException = exception;

            // Call the foreground thread with the results of executing the batch on the server.  Also, in some cases the dialog is
            // going to be dismissed when the server data model has finished updating successfully.  Pass on the flag to the
            // foreground that will indicate whether the form is closed once the results are processed.
            BeginInvoke(this.postEndDelegate, new object[] { exitDialog, batchException });
Ejemplo n.º 23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(url, account, key);
            string now = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r");

            using (BatchClient client = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                //client.PoolOperations.EnableAutoScale("demo", "2");
                string formula = string.Format(@"
span=TimeInterval_Minute * 60;
startup=TimeInterval_Minute * 10;
$TargetDedicated=(lifespan>startup?(max($RunningTasks.GetSample(span, ratio), $ActiveTasks.GetSample(span, ratio)) == 0 ? 0 : $TargetDedicated):{1});
", now, 4);
                try {
                    CloudPool p = client.PoolOperations.CreatePool("formulasample", "4", "small");
                    p.AutoScaleEnabled = true;
                    p.AutoScaleFormula = formula;
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    // Go through all exceptions and dump useful information
                    (ex as AggregateException).Handle((x) =>
                        if (x is BatchException)
                            BatchException be = x as BatchException;

                            if (null != be.RequestInformation && null != be.RequestInformation.AzureError)
                                // Write the server side error information

                                if (null != be.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values)
                                    foreach (var v in be.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine(v.Key + " : " + v.Value);

                //var result = client.PoolOperations.EvaluateAutoScale("demo", formula);
                //if(result.AutoScaleRun.Error != null)
                //    Console.WriteLine(result.AutoScaleRun.Error.Code + " : " + result.AutoScaleRun.Error.Message);
                //    foreach(var e in result.AutoScaleRun.Error.Values)
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine(" " + e.Name + " : " + e.Value);
                //    }
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes all the rules in an assembly until they've all inciated that they've triggered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argument">Arguments for the command.</param>
        public static void ExecuteOnce(CompilerResults compilerResults)
            // The top level window of the application is needed as the owner of the error message dialog box that will pop up to
            // process the errors.
            System.Windows.Forms.Control activeForm      = Form.ActiveForm;
            System.Windows.Forms.Control topLevelControl = activeForm == null ? null : activeForm.TopLevelControl;

            // The assembly is the binary version of the rule that we compiled.
            Assembly assembly = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly;

            // Make a list of every method in the asssembly which is not inherited.  This is the way we track
            // which methods have executed to completion.  When a method returns a 'true' value, it is
            // removed from the list and is not run again.  When all the methods have triggered, the list
            // will be emtpy and the thread will exit.
            ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                TypeMethod typeMethod = new TypeMethod(assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName));

                foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in type.GetMethods())
                    if (methodInfo.DeclaringType == type && methodInfo.IsPublic && !methodInfo.IsStatic)

            // Run through the list of rules that still need to be checked.  As a rule
            // triggers, its removed from the list.  When the list is empty, the thread
            // will exit.
            foreach (TypeMethod typeMethod in typeList)
                foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in typeMethod.MethodList)
                        methodInfo.Invoke(typeMethod.Instance, null);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        if (exception.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(BatchException))
                            BatchException batchException = (BatchException)exception.InnerException;
                            // Display each error from the batch until the user hits the 'Cancel' button, or until they are all displayed.
                            foreach (RemoteException remoteException in batchException.Exceptions)
                                if (MessageBox.Show(topLevelControl, remoteException.Message, "Quasar Error", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel,
                                                    MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Cancel)
                            MessageBox.Show(exception.InnerException.Message, "Exception",
                                            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes all the rules in an assembly until they've all inciated that they've triggered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argument">Arguments for the command.</param>
        public static void ExecutionCommand(params object[] argument)
            // The top level window of the application is needed as the owner of the error message dialog box that will pop up to
            // process the errors.
            System.Windows.Forms.Control activeForm      = Form.ActiveForm;
            System.Windows.Forms.Control topLevelControl = activeForm == null ? null : activeForm.TopLevelControl;

            // The first argument in the variable list is the compiler results.  The assembly is the binary
            // version of the rule that we compiled.
            CompilerResults compilerResults = (CompilerResults)argument[0];
            Assembly        assembly        = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly;

            // Make a list of every method in the asssembly which is not inherited.  This is the way we track
            // which methods have executed to completion.  When a method returns a 'true' value, it is
            // removed from the list and is not run again.  When all the methods have triggered, the list
            // will be emtpy and the thread will exit.
            ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                TypeMethod typeMethod = new TypeMethod(assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName));

                foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in type.GetMethods())
                    if (methodInfo.DeclaringType == type && methodInfo.IsPublic && !methodInfo.IsStatic)

            // Keep on calling the methods that haven't triggered until the list is empty.
            while (typeList.Count > 0)
                // This list is used to remove methods from the list of rules.  When the
                // trigger returns 'true', it's removed from the list.
                ArrayList typeDeletionList = new ArrayList();

                // Run through the list of rules that still need to be checked.  As a rule
                // triggers, its removed from the list.  When the list is empty, the thread
                // will exit.
                foreach (TypeMethod typeMethod in typeList)
                    ArrayList methodDeletionList = new ArrayList();

                    foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in typeMethod.MethodList)
                        bool success = true;

                            success = (bool)methodInfo.Invoke(typeMethod.Instance, null);
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            if (exception.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(BatchException))
                                BatchException batchException = (BatchException)exception.InnerException;
                                // Display each error from the batch until the user hits the 'Cancel' button, or until they are all displayed.
                                foreach (RemoteException remoteException in batchException.Exceptions)
                                    if (MessageBox.Show(topLevelControl, remoteException.Message, "Quasar Error", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel,
                                                        MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Cancel)
                                MessageBox.Show(exception.InnerException.Message, "Exception",
                                                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                            success = true;

                        if (success)

                    // Delete the methods that have triggered.  The will not be run again.
                    foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodDeletionList)

                    if (typeMethod.MethodList.Count == 0)

                foreach (TypeMethod typeMethod in typeDeletionList)

                // Sleep for a respectable amount of time and run the rules again.
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts failure details from the BatchException object to create a more informative error message for the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">The BatchException object</param>
        private void HandleBatchException(BatchException ex)
            if (ex != null)
                if (ex.RequestInformation != null && ex.RequestInformation.AzureError != null)
                    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(ex.Message).AppendLine();

                    str.AppendFormat("Error Code: {0}", ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Code).AppendLine();
                    str.AppendFormat("Error Message: {0}", ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Message.Value).AppendLine();
                    str.AppendFormat("Client Request ID:{0}", ex.RequestInformation.ClientRequestId).AppendLine();
                    if (ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values != null)
                        foreach (AzureErrorDetail detail in ex.RequestInformation.AzureError.Values)
                            str.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}", detail.Key, detail.Value).AppendLine();
                    WriteExceptionError(new BatchException(ex.RequestInformation, str.ToString(), ex.InnerException));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public async static Task JobMain(string[] args)
            //Load the configuration
            Settings        topNWordsConfiguration = Settings.Default;
            AccountSettings accountSettings        = AccountSettings.Default;

            CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(
                new StorageCredentials(
                useHttps: true);

            StagingStorageAccount stagingStorageAccount = new StagingStorageAccount(

            using (BatchClient client = BatchClient.Open(new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(accountSettings.BatchServiceUrl, accountSettings.BatchAccountName, accountSettings.BatchAccountKey)))
                string stagingContainer = null;

                //OSFamily 4 == OS 2012 R2. You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                CloudPool pool = client.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: topNWordsConfiguration.PoolNodeCount,
                    virtualMachineSize: "small",
                    cloudServiceConfiguration: new CloudServiceConfiguration(osFamily: "4"));

                List <string> files = new List <string>
                    Path.Combine(BatchStartTaskFolderName, BatchStartTaskTelemetryRunnerName),


                var resourceHelperTask = SampleHelpers.UploadResourcesAndCreateResourceFileReferencesAsync(

                List <ResourceFile> resourceFiles = resourceHelperTask.Result;

                pool.StartTask = new StartTask()
                    CommandLine   = string.Format("cmd /c {0}", BatchStartTaskTelemetryRunnerName),
                    ResourceFiles = resourceFiles

                Console.WriteLine("Adding pool {0}", topNWordsConfiguration.PoolId);
                    await GettingStartedCommon.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(client, pool);
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    // Go through all exceptions and dump useful information
                    ae.Handle(x =>
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Creating pool ID {0} failed", topNWordsConfiguration.PoolId);
                        if (x is BatchException)
                            BatchException be = x as BatchException;


                        // can't continue without a pool
                catch (BatchException be)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Creating pool ID {0} failed", topNWordsConfiguration.PoolId);

                    Console.WriteLine("Creating job: " + topNWordsConfiguration.JobId);
                    // get an empty unbound Job
                    CloudJob unboundJob = client.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                    unboundJob.Id = topNWordsConfiguration.JobId;
                    unboundJob.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                        PoolId = topNWordsConfiguration.PoolId

                    // Commit Job to create it in the service
                    await unboundJob.CommitAsync();

                    // create file staging objects that represent the executable and its dependent assembly to run as the task.
                    // These files are copied to every node before the corresponding task is scheduled to run on that node.
                    FileToStage topNWordExe = new FileToStage(TopNWordsExeName, stagingStorageAccount);
                    FileToStage storageDll  = new FileToStage(StorageClientDllName, stagingStorageAccount);

                    // Upload application insights assemblies
                    List <FileToStage> aiStagedFiles = new List <FileToStage>();
                    foreach (string aiFile in AIFilesToUpload)
                        aiStagedFiles.Add(new FileToStage(aiFile, stagingStorageAccount));

                    // In this sample, the input data is copied separately to Storage and its URI is passed to the task as an argument.
                    // This approach is appropriate when the amount of input data is large such that copying it to every node via FileStaging
                    // is not desired and the number of tasks is small since a large number of readers of the blob might get throttled
                    // by Storage which will lengthen the overall processing time.
                    // You'll need to observe the behavior and use published techniques for finding the right balance of performance versus
                    // complexity.

                    string[] documents = Directory.GetFiles(topNWordsConfiguration.DocumentsRootPath);
                    await SampleHelpers.UploadResourcesAsync(cloudStorageAccount, BooksContainerName, documents);

                    // initialize a collection to hold the tasks that will be submitted in their entirety
                    List <CloudTask> tasksToRun = new List <CloudTask>(documents.Length);

                    for (int i = 0; i < documents.Length; i++)
                        CloudTask task = new CloudTask("task_no_" + i, String.Format("{0} --Task {1} {2} {3} {4}",
                                                                                     "https://onbehalfoutput.blob.core.windows.net/" + documents[i],

                        //This is the list of files to stage to a container -- for each job, one container is created and
                        //files all resolve to Azure Blobs by their name (so two tasks with the same named file will create just 1 blob in
                        //the container).
                        task.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider>

                        foreach (FileToStage stagedFile in aiStagedFiles)


                    // Commit all the tasks to the Batch Service. Ask AddTask to return information about the files that were staged.
                    // The container information is used later on to remove these files from Storage.
                    ConcurrentBag <ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> > fsArtifactBag = new ConcurrentBag <ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> >();
                    client.JobOperations.AddTask(topNWordsConfiguration.JobId, tasksToRun, fileStagingArtifacts: fsArtifactBag);

                    // loop through the bag of artifacts, looking for the one that matches our staged files. Once there,
                    // capture the name of the container holding the files so they can be deleted later on if that option
                    // was configured in the settings.
                    foreach (var fsBagItem in fsArtifactBag)
                        IFileStagingArtifact fsValue;
                        if (fsBagItem.TryGetValue(typeof(FileToStage), out fsValue))
                            SequentialFileStagingArtifact stagingArtifact = fsValue as SequentialFileStagingArtifact;
                            if (stagingArtifact != null)
                                stagingContainer = stagingArtifact.BlobContainerCreated;
                                    "Uploaded files to container: {0} -- you will be charged for their storage unless you delete them.",

                    //Get the job to monitor status.
                    CloudJob job = client.JobOperations.GetJob(topNWordsConfiguration.JobId);

                    Console.Write("Waiting for tasks to complete ...   ");
                    // Wait 20 minutes for all tasks to reach the completed state. The long timeout is necessary for the first
                    // time a pool is created in order to allow nodes to be added to the pool and initialized to run tasks.
                    IPagedEnumerable <CloudTask> ourTasks = job.ListTasks(new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id"));
                    client.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(ourTasks, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20));
                    Console.WriteLine("tasks are done.");

                    foreach (CloudTask t in ourTasks)
                        Console.WriteLine("Task " + t.Id);

                        Console.WriteLine("stdout:" + Environment.NewLine + t.GetNodeFile(Batch.Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString());
                        Console.WriteLine("stderr:" + Environment.NewLine + t.GetNodeFile(Batch.Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString());
                    //Delete the pool that we created
                    if (topNWordsConfiguration.ShouldDeletePool)
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting pool: {0}", topNWordsConfiguration.PoolId);

                    //Delete the job that we created
                    if (topNWordsConfiguration.ShouldDeleteJob)
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting job: {0}", topNWordsConfiguration.JobId);

                    //Delete the containers we created
                    if (topNWordsConfiguration.ShouldDeleteContainer)
                        DeleteContainers(accountSettings, stagingContainer);
        public void TestJobScheduleVerbs()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jobScheduleId = Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Constants.DefaultConveniencePrefix + TestUtilities.GetMyName() + "-TestEnableDisableDeleteJobSchedule";

                        Schedule schedule = new Schedule()
                            DoNotRunAfter = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1))

                        JobSpecification jobSpecification = new JobSpecification(new PoolInformation()
                            PoolId = "DummyPool"

                        CloudJobSchedule unboundJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule(jobScheduleId, schedule, jobSpecification);

                        CloudJobSchedule boundJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jobScheduleId);

                        //Disable the job schedule via instance

                        Assert.Equal(JobScheduleState.Disabled, boundJobSchedule.State);

                        //Enable the job schedule via instance

                        Assert.Equal(JobScheduleState.Active, boundJobSchedule.State);

                        //Disable the job schedule via operations

                        Assert.Equal(JobScheduleState.Disabled, boundJobSchedule.State);

                        //Enable the job schedule via instance

                        Assert.Equal(JobScheduleState.Active, boundJobSchedule.State);

                        //Terminate the job schedule

                        Assert.True(boundJobSchedule.State == JobScheduleState.Completed || boundJobSchedule.State == JobScheduleState.Terminating);

                        //Delete the job schedule

                        //Wait for deletion to take
                        BatchException be = TestUtilities.AssertThrowsEventuallyAsync <BatchException>(() => boundJobSchedule.RefreshAsync(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)).Result;
                        Assert.Equal("JobScheduleNotFound", be.RequestInformation.BatchError.Code);
                        // clean up
                        TestUtilities.DeleteJobScheduleIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobScheduleId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void Bug1965363_2384616_Wat7OSVersionFeatures()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    PoolOperations poolOperations = batchCli.PoolOperations;
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Listing OS Versions:");

                        /* bug 2384616 ListOsVersions hidden for wat 8
                         *  // test ListOSVersion
                         *  foreach (OSVersion curOSV in poolMgr.ListOSVersions())
                         *  {
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Label: " + curOSV.Label);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    Version: " + curOSV.Version);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    Family: " + curOSV.Family);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    FamilyLabel: " + curOSV.FamilyLabel);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    isDefault: " + curOSV.IsDefault);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    IsActive: " + curOSV.IsActive);
                         *      string expDate;
                         *      if (curOSV.ExpirationDate.HasValue)
                         *      {
                         *          expDate = curOSV.ExpirationDate.Value.ToString();
                         *      }
                         *      else
                         *      {
                         *          expDate = "<null/novalue>";
                         *      }
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    ExpirationDate: " + expDate);
                         *  }

                        // create pool tests

                        // forget to set CloudServiceConfiguration on Create, get error
                            CloudPool noArgs = poolOperations.CreatePool("Bug1965363ButNoOSFamily-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName(), PoolFixture.VMSize, default(CloudServiceConfiguration), targetDedicated: 0);

                            BatchException ex    = TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => noArgs.Commit());
                            string         exStr = ex.ToString();

                            // we are expecting an exception, assert if the exception is not the correct one.
                            Assert.Contains("cloudServiceConfiguration", exStr);

                        // create a pool WITH an osFamily
                            string poolIdHOSF = "Bug1965363HasOSF-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                CloudPool hasOSF = poolOperations.CreatePool(poolIdHOSF, PoolFixture.VMSize, new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily), targetDedicated: 0);


                        // TODO: ultimately we will either need to find (via list) a family with more than one version or
                        //       manually update these strings as OS versions are depricated
                        //See here for other OS versions if this test fails: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-guestos-update-matrix/
                        const string familyVersion0 = "*";
                        const string familyVersion1 = "WA-GUEST-OS-4.32_201605-01";

                        // "UpdatePoolOS" tests (ChangeOSVersion in OM)

                        // PoolManager
                            string poolIdChangeOSV = "Bug1965363ChangeOSVviaMGR-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                CloudPool unboundPool = poolOperations.CreatePool(
                                    new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily, familyVersion0), // start with version 0
                                    targetDedicated: 0);


                                // fetch the bound pool
                                CloudPool boundPool = poolOperations.GetPool(poolIdChangeOSV);

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion0, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);

                                // switch to new version
                                poolOperations.ChangeOSVersion(poolIdChangeOSV, familyVersion1);

                                // UpdatePoolOS is has latency???
                                PollForOSVersionChange(boundPool, familyVersion1);

                                // check to make sure the new value is set

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion1, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);
                                TestUtilities.DeletePoolIfExistsAsync(batchCli, poolIdChangeOSV).Wait();

                        // ICloudPool
                            string poolIdChangeOSV = "Bug1965363ChangeOSVviaPool-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                CloudPool unboundPool = poolOperations.CreatePool(
                                    new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily, familyVersion0), // start with version 0
                                    targetDedicated: 0);


                                // fetch the bound pool
                                CloudPool boundPool = poolOperations.GetPool(poolIdChangeOSV);

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion0, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);

                                // switch to new version

                                // UpdatePoolOS is has latency???
                                PollForOSVersionChange(boundPool, familyVersion1);

                                // check to make sure the new value is set

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion1, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);
                                TestUtilities.DeletePoolIfExistsAsync(batchCli, poolIdChangeOSV).Wait();

                        // autopoolspec tests
                            string jobId = "Bug1965363WIName-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                            // test not setting osversion
                                CloudJob unboundJob       = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                                AutoPoolSpecification aps = new AutoPoolSpecification();
                                PoolSpecification     ps  = new PoolSpecification();

                                // test unbound set constraint
                                ps.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily);

                                // test unbound get constraint
                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("pus.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily == " + ps.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);

                                ps.VirtualMachineSize = PoolFixture.VMSize;
                                ps.TargetDedicated    = 0; // trivial size for testing purposes

                                aps.PoolSpecification  = ps;
                                aps.PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job;

                                unboundJob.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification = aps;

                                // commit to test validation

                                // get bound job
                                CloudJob boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                                // test bound get constraints
                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    OSFamily == " +

                                string targetOSVersion =

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetOSVersion))
                                    targetOSVersion = "<null or empty";

                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    TargetOSVersion == " + targetOSVersion);
                                // cleanup
                                TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

                                string jobScheduleId = "Bug1965363WINameSettingAndChanging-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                // test setting osversion
                                    AutoPoolSpecification aps = new AutoPoolSpecification();
                                    PoolSpecification     ps  = new PoolSpecification();
                                    CloudJobSchedule      unboundJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule(
                                        new Schedule()
                                        RecurrenceInterval = TimeSpan.FromDays(7)
                                        new JobSpecification(new PoolInformation()
                                        AutoPoolSpecification = aps

                                    // test unbound set constraint
                                    ps.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily, familyVersion0);

                                    // test unbound get constraint
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("pus.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily == " + ps.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("pus.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion == " + ps.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);

                                    ps.VirtualMachineSize = PoolFixture.VMSize;
                                    ps.TargetDedicated    = 0; // trivial size for testing purposes

                                    aps.PoolSpecification  = ps;
                                    aps.PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job;


                                    // get bound job schedule
                                    CloudJobSchedule boundJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jobScheduleId);

                                    // test bound get constraints
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    OSFamily == " + boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    TargetOSVersion == " + boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);

                                    // assert the value is as set above
                                    Assert.Equal(familyVersion0, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);

                                    // change values
                                    const string altFamily    = "3";
                                    const string altOSVersion = "WA-GUEST-OS-3.39_201605-01";

                                    // change values on the bound PUS
                                    PoolSpecification boundPS = boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification;

                                    boundPS.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(altFamily, altOSVersion);

                                    // flush changes

                                    // confirm changes took

                                    Assert.Equal(altFamily, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);
                                    Assert.Equal(altOSVersion, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);
                                    // cleanup
                                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobScheduleIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobScheduleId).Wait();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // special case os version beacuse it is a common failure and requires human intervention/editing
                        // test for expired os version
                        Assert.DoesNotContain("The specified OS Version does not exists", ex.ToString());


            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
 private static bool IsExceptionConflict(BatchException e)
     return(e.RequestInformation != null && e.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict);
 private static bool IsExceptionNotFound(BatchException e)
     return(e.RequestInformation != null && e.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Extracts failure details from the BatchException object to create a more informative error message for the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ex">The BatchException object</param>
 private void HandleBatchException(BatchException ex)
     if (ex != null)
         if (ex.RequestInformation != null && ex.RequestInformation.BatchError != null)
             WriteExceptionError(new BatchException(ex.RequestInformation, ex.ToString(), ex.InnerException));