// >> END recordings-downloader-step-6

        // >> START recordings-downloader-step-8
        // Download Recordings
        private static void downloadRecording(BatchDownloadJobResult recording)
            Console.WriteLine("Downloading now. Please wait...");

            String conversationId = recording.ConversationId;
            String recordingId    = recording.RecordingId;
            String sourceURL      = recording.ResultUrl;
            String errorMsg       = recording.ErrorMsg;

            String targetDirectory = ".";

            // If there is an errorMsg skip the recording download
            if (errorMsg != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Skipping this recording. Reason: " + errorMsg);

            // Download the recording if available
            String ext = getExtension(recording);

            string filename = conversationId + "_" + recordingId;

            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
                wc.DownloadFile(sourceURL, targetDirectory + "\\" + filename + "." + ext);
        // >> END recordings-downloader-step-8

        // >> START recordings-downloader-step-7
        // Get extension of a recording
        private static string getExtension(BatchDownloadJobResult recording)
            // Store the contentType to a variable that will be used later to determine the extension of recordings.
            string contentType = recording.ContentType;

            // Split the text and gets the extension that will be used for the recording
            string ext = contentType.Split('/').Last();

            // For the JSON special case
            if (ext.Length >= 4)
                ext = ext.Substring(0, 4);
