Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void BatchExecuteOneResultSet()
            const int      resultSets = 1;
            ConnectionInfo ci         = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(new[] { Common.StandardTestData }, false);

            // Setup: Create a callback for batch completion
            BatchSummary batchSummaryFromCallback = null;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCallback = b =>
                batchSummaryFromCallback = b.Summary;

            // ... Create a callback for result set completion
            bool resultCallbackFired = false;

            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultSetCallback = r =>
                resultCallbackFired = true;

            // If I execute a query that should get one result set
            var   fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Batch batch             = new Batch(Common.StandardQuery, Common.SubsectionDocument, Common.Ordinal, fileStreamFactory);

            batch.BatchCompletion     += batchCallback;
            batch.ResultSetCompletion += resultSetCallback;
            batch.Execute(GetConnection(ci), CancellationToken.None).Wait();

            // Then:
            // ... It should have executed without error
            Assert.True(batch.HasExecuted, "The batch should have been marked executed.");
            Assert.False(batch.HasError, "The batch should not have an error");

            // ... There should be exactly one result set
            Assert.Equal(resultSets, batch.ResultSets.Count);
            Assert.Equal(resultSets, batch.ResultSummaries.Length);

            // ... Inside the result set should be with 5 rows
            Assert.Equal(Common.StandardRows, batch.ResultSets.First().RowCount);
            Assert.Equal(Common.StandardRows, batch.ResultSummaries[0].RowCount);

            // ... Inside the result set should have 5 columns
            Assert.Equal(Common.StandardColumns, batch.ResultSets.First().Columns.Length);
            Assert.Equal(Common.StandardColumns, batch.ResultSummaries[0].ColumnInfo.Length);

            // ... There should be a message for how many rows were affected
            Assert.Equal(resultSets, batch.ResultMessages.Count());

            // ... The callback for batch completion should have been fired

            // ... The callback for resultset completion should have been fired
            Assert.True(resultCallbackFired);  // We only want to validate that it happened, validation of the
                                               // summary is done in result set tests
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void BatchExecuteInvalidQuery()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a callback for batch start
            bool batchStartCalled = false;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = b =>
                batchStartCalled = true;

            // ... Create a callback for batch completion
            BatchSummary batchSummaryFromCallback = null;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompleteCallback = b =>
                batchSummaryFromCallback = b.Summary;

            // ... Create a callback that will fail the test if it's called
            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultSetCallback = r =>
                throw new Exception("ResultSet callback was called when it should not have been.");

            ConnectionInfo ci = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(null, true);

            // If I execute a batch that is invalid
            var   fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Batch batch             = new Batch(Common.StandardQuery, Common.SubsectionDocument, Common.Ordinal, fileStreamFactory);

            batch.BatchStart          += batchStartCallback;
            batch.BatchCompletion     += batchCompleteCallback;
            batch.ResultSetCompletion += resultSetCallback;
            batch.Execute(GetConnection(ci), CancellationToken.None).Wait();

            // Then:
            // ... It should have executed with error

            // ... There should be no result sets

            // ... There should be plenty of messages for the error

            // ... The callback for batch completion should have been fired

            // ... The callback for batch start should have been fired
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void QueryExecuteInvalidBatch()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a callback for batch start
            int batchStartCallbacksReceived = 0;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = b =>

            // ... Create a callback for batch completion
            int batchCompletionCallbacksReceived = 0;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompltionCallback = summary =>

            // If:
            // ... I create a query from an invalid batch
            ConnectionInfo ci = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(null, true);
            var            fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Query          query             = new Query(Common.InvalidQuery, ci, new QueryExecutionSettings(), fileStreamFactory);

            query.BatchStarted   += batchStartCallback;
            query.BatchCompleted += batchCompltionCallback;

            // Then:
            // ... I should get back a query with one batch not executed
            Assert.Equal(1, query.Batches.Length);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => query.BatchSummaries);

            // If:
            // ... I then execute the query

            // Then:
            // ... There should be an error on the batch
            Assert.Equal(1, query.BatchSummaries.Length);

            // ... The batch callbacks should have been called once
            Assert.Equal(1, batchStartCallbacksReceived);
            Assert.Equal(1, batchCompletionCallbacksReceived);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void QueryExecuteMultipleBatches()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a callback for batch start
            int batchStartCallbacksReceived = 0;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = b =>

            // ... Create a callback for batch completion
            int batchCompletedCallbacksReceived = 0;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompletedCallback = summary =>

            // If:
            // ... I create a query from two batches (with separator)
            ConnectionInfo ci                = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(null, false);
            string         queryText         = string.Format("{0}\r\nGO\r\n{0}", Common.StandardQuery);
            var            fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Query          query             = new Query(queryText, ci, new QueryExecutionSettings(), fileStreamFactory);

            query.BatchStarted   += batchStartCallback;
            query.BatchCompleted += batchCompletedCallback;

            // Then:
            // ... I should get back two batches to execute that haven't been executed
            Assert.Equal(2, query.Batches.Length);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => query.BatchSummaries);

            // If:
            // ... I then execute the query

            // Then:
            // ... The query should have completed successfully with two batch summaries returned
            Assert.Equal(2, query.BatchSummaries.Length);

            // ... The batch start and completion callbacks should have been called precisely 2 times
            Assert.Equal(2, batchStartCallbacksReceived);
            Assert.Equal(2, batchCompletedCallbacksReceived);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task BatchExecuteExecuted()
            ConnectionInfo ci = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(new[] { Common.StandardTestData }, false);

            // If I execute a batch
            var   fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Batch batch             = new Batch(Common.StandardQuery, Common.SubsectionDocument, Common.Ordinal, fileStreamFactory);

            batch.Execute(GetConnection(ci), CancellationToken.None).Wait();

            // Then:
            // ... It should have executed without error
            Assert.True(batch.HasExecuted, "The batch should have been marked executed.");
            Assert.False(batch.HasError, "The batch should not have an error");

            // Setup for part 2:
            // ... Create a callback for batch completion
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler completeCallback = b =>
                throw new Exception("Batch completion callback should not have been called");

            // ... Create a callback for batch start
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler startCallback = b =>
                throw new Exception("Batch start callback should not have been called");

            // If I execute it again
            // Then:
            // ... It should throw an invalid operation exception
            batch.BatchStart      += startCallback;
            batch.BatchCompletion += completeCallback;
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() =>
                                                                 batch.Execute(GetConnection(ci), CancellationToken.None));

            // ... The data should still be available without error
            Assert.False(batch.HasError, "The batch should not be in an error condition");
            Assert.True(batch.HasExecuted, "The batch should still be marked executed.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void QueryExecuteNoOpBatch()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a callback for batch startup
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = b =>
                throw new Exception("Batch startup callback should not have been called.");

            // ... Create a callback for batch completion
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompletionCallback = summary =>
                throw new Exception("Batch completion callback was called");

            // If:
            // ... I create a query from a single batch that does nothing
            ConnectionInfo ci = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(null, false);
            var            fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Query          query             = new Query(Common.NoOpQuery, ci, new QueryExecutionSettings(), fileStreamFactory);

            query.BatchStarted   += batchStartCallback;
            query.BatchCompleted += batchCompletionCallback;

            // Then:
            // ... I should get no batches back
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => query.BatchSummaries);

            // If:
            // ... I Then execute the query

            // Then:
            // ... The query should have completed successfully with no batch summaries returned
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static void ExecuteAndCompleteQuery(string ownerUri, Query query,
                                                    IEventSender eventSender,
                                                    Query.QueryAsyncEventHandler querySuccessCallback,
                                                    Query.QueryAsyncErrorEventHandler queryFailureCallback)
            // Setup the callback to send the complete event
            Query.QueryAsyncEventHandler completeCallback = async q =>
                // Send back the results
                QueryCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryCompleteParams
                    OwnerUri       = ownerUri,
                    BatchSummaries = q.BatchSummaries

                await eventSender.SendEvent(QueryCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);

            // Setup the callback to send the complete event
            Query.QueryAsyncErrorEventHandler failureCallback = async(q, e) =>
                // Send back the results
                QueryCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryCompleteParams
                    OwnerUri       = ownerUri,
                    BatchSummaries = q.BatchSummaries

                await eventSender.SendEvent(QueryCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.QueryCompleted += completeCallback;
            query.QueryFailed    += failureCallback;

            // Add the callbacks that were provided by the caller
            // If they're null, that's no problem
            query.QueryCompleted += querySuccessCallback;
            query.QueryFailed    += queryFailureCallback;

            // Setup the batch callbacks
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = async b =>
                BatchEventParams eventParams = new BatchEventParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = ownerUri

                await eventSender.SendEvent(BatchStartEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchStarted += batchStartCallback;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompleteCallback = async b =>
                BatchEventParams eventParams = new BatchEventParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = ownerUri

                await eventSender.SendEvent(BatchCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchCompleted += batchCompleteCallback;

            Batch.BatchAsyncMessageHandler batchMessageCallback = async m =>
                MessageParams eventParams = new MessageParams
                    Message  = m,
                    OwnerUri = ownerUri
                await eventSender.SendEvent(MessageEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchMessageSent += batchMessageCallback;

            // Setup the ResultSet completion callback
            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultCallback = async r =>
                ResultSetEventParams eventParams = new ResultSetEventParams
                    ResultSetSummary = r.Summary,
                    OwnerUri         = ownerUri
                await eventSender.SendEvent(ResultSetCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.ResultSetCompleted += resultCallback;

            // Launch this as an asynchronous task
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void ExecuteAndCompleteQuery(string ownerUri, Query query,
                                                    IEventSender eventSender,
                                                    Query.QueryAsyncEventHandler querySuccessCallback,
                                                    Query.QueryAsyncErrorEventHandler queryFailureCallback)
            // Setup the callback to send the complete event
            Query.QueryAsyncEventHandler completeCallback = async q =>
                // Send back the results
                QueryCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryCompleteParams
                    OwnerUri       = ownerUri,
                    BatchSummaries = q.BatchSummaries

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Query:'{ownerUri}' completed");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(QueryCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);

            // Setup the callback to send the failure event
            Query.QueryAsyncErrorEventHandler failureCallback = async(q, e) =>
                // Send back the results
                QueryCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryCompleteParams
                    OwnerUri       = ownerUri,
                    BatchSummaries = q.BatchSummaries

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Error, $"Query:'{ownerUri}' failed");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(QueryCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.QueryCompleted += completeCallback;
            query.QueryFailed    += failureCallback;

            // Add the callbacks that were provided by the caller
            // If they're null, that's no problem
            query.QueryCompleted += querySuccessCallback;
            query.QueryFailed    += queryFailureCallback;

            // Setup the batch callbacks
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = async b =>
                BatchEventParams eventParams = new BatchEventParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = ownerUri

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Batch:'{b.Summary}' on Query:'{ownerUri}' started");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(BatchStartEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchStarted += batchStartCallback;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompleteCallback = async b =>
                BatchEventParams eventParams = new BatchEventParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = ownerUri

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Batch:'{b.Summary}' on Query:'{ownerUri}' completed");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(BatchCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchCompleted += batchCompleteCallback;

            Batch.BatchAsyncMessageHandler batchMessageCallback = async m =>
                MessageParams eventParams = new MessageParams
                    Message  = m,
                    OwnerUri = ownerUri

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Message generated on Query:'{ownerUri}' :'{m}'");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(MessageEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchMessageSent += batchMessageCallback;

            // Setup the ResultSet available callback
            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultAvailableCallback = async r =>
                ResultSetAvailableEventParams eventParams = new ResultSetAvailableEventParams
                    ResultSetSummary = r.Summary,
                    OwnerUri         = ownerUri

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Result:'{r.Summary} on Query:'{ownerUri}' is available");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(ResultSetAvailableEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.ResultSetAvailable += resultAvailableCallback;

            // Setup the ResultSet updated callback
            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultUpdatedCallback = async r =>
                ResultSetUpdatedEventParams eventParams = new ResultSetUpdatedEventParams
                    ResultSetSummary = r.Summary,
                    OwnerUri         = ownerUri

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Result:'{r.Summary} on Query:'{ownerUri}' is updated with additional rows");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(ResultSetUpdatedEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.ResultSetUpdated += resultUpdatedCallback;

            // Setup the ResultSet completion callback
            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultCompleteCallback = async r =>
                ResultSetCompleteEventParams eventParams = new ResultSetCompleteEventParams
                    ResultSetSummary = r.Summary,
                    OwnerUri         = ownerUri

                Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Result:'{r.Summary} on Query:'{ownerUri}' is complete");
                await eventSender.SendEvent(ResultSetCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.ResultSetCompleted += resultCompleteCallback;

            // Launch this as an asynchronous task
        private static async Task ExecuteAndCompleteQuery(QueryExecuteParams executeParams, RequestContext <QueryExecuteResult> requestContext, Query query)
            // Skip processing if the query is null
            if (query == null)

            // Setup the query completion/failure callbacks
            Query.QueryAsyncEventHandler callback = async q =>
                // Send back the results
                QueryExecuteCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryExecuteCompleteParams
                    OwnerUri       = executeParams.OwnerUri,
                    BatchSummaries = q.BatchSummaries

                await requestContext.SendEvent(QueryExecuteCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);

            Query.QueryAsyncErrorEventHandler errorCallback = async errorMessage =>
                // Send back the error message
                QueryExecuteCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryExecuteCompleteParams
                    OwnerUri = executeParams.OwnerUri,
                    Message  = errorMessage
                await requestContext.SendEvent(QueryExecuteCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);

            query.QueryCompleted           += callback;
            query.QueryFailed              += callback;
            query.QueryConnectionException += errorCallback;

            // Setup the batch callbacks
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = async b =>
                QueryExecuteBatchNotificationParams eventParams = new QueryExecuteBatchNotificationParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = executeParams.OwnerUri
                await requestContext.SendEvent(QueryExecuteBatchStartEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchStarted += batchStartCallback;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompleteCallback = async b =>
                QueryExecuteBatchNotificationParams eventParams = new QueryExecuteBatchNotificationParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = executeParams.OwnerUri
                await requestContext.SendEvent(QueryExecuteBatchCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchCompleted += batchCompleteCallback;

            // Setup the ResultSet completion callback
            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultCallback = async r =>
                QueryExecuteResultSetCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryExecuteResultSetCompleteParams
                    ResultSetSummary = r.Summary,
                    OwnerUri         = executeParams.OwnerUri
                await requestContext.SendEvent(QueryExecuteResultSetCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.ResultSetCompleted += resultCallback;

            // Launch this as an asynchronous task

            // Send back a result showing we were successful
            string messages = null;

            if (query.Batches.Length == 0)
                // If there were no batches to execute, send back an informational message that the commands were completed successfully
                messages = SR.QueryServiceCompletedSuccessfully;
            await requestContext.SendResult(new QueryExecuteResult
                Messages = messages
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void BatchExecuteNoResultSets()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a callback for batch start
            BatchSummary batchSummaryFromStart = null;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = b =>
                batchSummaryFromStart = b.Summary;

            // ... Create a callback for batch completion
            BatchSummary batchSummaryFromCompletion = null;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompleteCallback = b =>
                batchSummaryFromCompletion = b.Summary;

            // ... Create a callback for result completion
            bool resultCallbackFired = false;

            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultSetCallback = r =>
                resultCallbackFired = true;

            // If I execute a query that should get no result sets
            var   fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Batch batch             = new Batch(Common.StandardQuery, Common.SubsectionDocument, Common.Ordinal, fileStreamFactory);

            batch.BatchStart          += batchStartCallback;
            batch.BatchCompletion     += batchCompleteCallback;
            batch.ResultSetCompletion += resultSetCallback;
            batch.Execute(GetConnection(Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(null, false)), CancellationToken.None).Wait();

            // Then:
            // ... It should have executed without error
            Assert.True(batch.HasExecuted, "The query should have been marked executed.");
            Assert.False(batch.HasError, "The batch should not have an error");

            // ... The results should be empty

            // ... The results should not be null

            // ... There should be a message for how many rows were affected
            Assert.Equal(1, batch.ResultMessages.Count());

            // ... The callback for batch start should have been called
            // ... The info from it should have been basic
            Assert.Equal(Common.Ordinal, batchSummaryFromStart.Id);
            Assert.Equal(Common.SubsectionDocument, batchSummaryFromStart.Selection);
            Assert.True(DateTime.Parse(batchSummaryFromStart.ExecutionStart) > default(DateTime));

            // ... The callback for batch completion should have been fired
            // ... The summary should match the expected info
            Assert.Equal(Common.Ordinal, batchSummaryFromCompletion.Id);
            Assert.Equal(0, batchSummaryFromCompletion.ResultSetSummaries.Length);
            Assert.Equal(1, batchSummaryFromCompletion.Messages.Length);
            Assert.Equal(Common.SubsectionDocument, batchSummaryFromCompletion.Selection);
            Assert.True(DateTime.Parse(batchSummaryFromCompletion.ExecutionStart) > default(DateTime));
            Assert.True(DateTime.Parse(batchSummaryFromCompletion.ExecutionEnd) > default(DateTime));

            // ... The callback for the result set should NOT have been fired
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void BatchExecuteTwoResultSets()
            var            dataset    = new[] { Common.StandardTestData, Common.StandardTestData };
            int            resultSets = dataset.Length;
            ConnectionInfo ci         = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(dataset, false);

            // Setup: Create a callback for batch completion
            BatchSummary batchSummaryFromCallback = null;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCallback = b =>
                batchSummaryFromCallback = b.Summary;

            // ... Create a callback for resultset completion
            int resultSummaryCount = 0;

            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultSetCallback = r =>

            // If I execute a query that should get two result sets
            var   fileStreamFactory = Common.GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>());
            Batch batch             = new Batch(Common.StandardQuery, Common.SubsectionDocument, Common.Ordinal, fileStreamFactory);

            batch.BatchCompletion     += batchCallback;
            batch.ResultSetCompletion += resultSetCallback;
            batch.Execute(GetConnection(ci), CancellationToken.None).Wait();

            // Then:
            // ... It should have executed without error
            Assert.True(batch.HasExecuted, "The batch should have been marked executed.");
            Assert.False(batch.HasError, "The batch should not have an error");

            // ... There should be exactly two result sets
            Assert.Equal(resultSets, batch.ResultSets.Count());

            foreach (ResultSet rs in batch.ResultSets)
                // ... Each result set should have 5 rows
                Assert.Equal(Common.StandardRows, rs.RowCount);

                // ... Inside each result set should be 5 columns
                Assert.Equal(Common.StandardColumns, rs.Columns.Length);

            // ... There should be exactly two result set summaries
            Assert.Equal(resultSets, batch.ResultSummaries.Length);

            foreach (ResultSetSummary rs in batch.ResultSummaries)
                // ... Inside each result summary, there should be 5 rows
                Assert.Equal(Common.StandardRows, rs.RowCount);

                // ... Inside each result summary, there should be 5 column definitions
                Assert.Equal(Common.StandardColumns, rs.ColumnInfo.Length);

            // ... The callback for batch completion should have been fired

            // ... The callback for result set completion should have been fired
            Assert.Equal(2, resultSummaryCount);
        private static void ExecuteAndCompleteQuery(string ownerUri, IEventSender eventSender, Query query)
            // Skip processing if the query is null
            if (query == null)

            // Setup the query completion/failure callbacks
            Query.QueryAsyncEventHandler callback = async q =>
                // Send back the results
                QueryCompleteParams eventParams = new QueryCompleteParams
                    OwnerUri       = ownerUri,
                    BatchSummaries = q.BatchSummaries

                await eventSender.SendEvent(QueryCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);

            query.QueryCompleted += callback;
            query.QueryFailed    += callback;

            // Setup the batch callbacks
            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchStartCallback = async b =>
                BatchEventParams eventParams = new BatchEventParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = ownerUri

                await eventSender.SendEvent(BatchStartEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchStarted += batchStartCallback;

            Batch.BatchAsyncEventHandler batchCompleteCallback = async b =>
                BatchEventParams eventParams = new BatchEventParams
                    BatchSummary = b.Summary,
                    OwnerUri     = ownerUri

                await eventSender.SendEvent(BatchCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchCompleted += batchCompleteCallback;

            Batch.BatchAsyncMessageHandler batchMessageCallback = async m =>
                MessageParams eventParams = new MessageParams
                    Message  = m,
                    OwnerUri = ownerUri
                await eventSender.SendEvent(MessageEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.BatchMessageSent += batchMessageCallback;

            // Setup the ResultSet completion callback
            ResultSet.ResultSetAsyncEventHandler resultCallback = async r =>
                ResultSetEventParams eventParams = new ResultSetEventParams
                    ResultSetSummary = r.Summary,
                    OwnerUri         = ownerUri
                await eventSender.SendEvent(ResultSetCompleteEvent.Type, eventParams);
            query.ResultSetCompleted += resultCallback;

            // Launch this as an asynchronous task