Ejemplo n.º 1
 public RapidDeconvolutor(double minPeptideToBackgroundRatio, DeconResultComboMode comboMode)
     this.minPeptideToBackgroundRatio  = minPeptideToBackgroundRatio;
     this.resultCombiningMode          = comboMode;
     this.IsNewFitCalculationPerformed = true;
     this.fitScoreCalculator           = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.FitScoreCalculators.DeconToolsFitScoreCalculator();
     this.targetedFeatureFinder        = new BasicTFF();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Test1()
            double featureFinderTol = 15;
            var    featureFinderRequiresMonoPeak = false;

            var n14n15Util = new N14N15TestingUtilities();
            //get MS
            var massSpectrum = n14n15Util.GetSpectrumAMTTag23140708_Z3_Sum3();  //this is the diff b/w previous test and this one

            var mt23140708 = n14n15Util.CreateMT23140708_Z3();

            var featureGen2 = new JoshTheorFeatureGenerator();


            //get ms peaks
            var peakDet    = new DeconToolsPeakDetectorV2(1.3, 2, Globals.PeakFitType.QUADRATIC, false);
            var msPeakList = peakDet.FindPeaks(massSpectrum, 0, 0);

            var bff        = new BasicTFF(featureFinderTol, featureFinderRequiresMonoPeak);
            var n14Profile = bff.FindMSFeature(msPeakList, mt23140708.IsotopicProfile);

            var theorXYData = mt23140708.IsotopicProfile.GetTheoreticalIsotopicProfileXYData(n14Profile.GetFWHM());

            var    theorMaxY = theorXYData.Yvalues.Max();
            double obsMaxY   = n14Profile.getMostIntensePeak().Height;

            for (var i = 0; i < theorXYData.Xvalues.Length; i++)
                theorXYData.Yvalues[i] = theorXYData.Yvalues[i] * obsMaxY;

            offsetDistribution(theorXYData, mt23140708.IsotopicProfile, n14Profile);

            var subtracted = XYDataUtilities.SubtractXYData(massSpectrum, theorXYData, n14Profile.MonoPeakMZ - 1,
                                                            n14Profile.MonoPeakMZ + 3, 0.01);

            var outputFileMS           = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\DeconTools_TestFiles\TextFile\massSpectrum1.txt";
            var outputFileMSSubtracted = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\DeconTools_TestFiles\TextFile\massSpectrum1_withDataSubtracted.txt";

            TestUtilities.WriteToFile(massSpectrum, outputFileMS);
            TestUtilities.WriteToFile(subtracted, outputFileMSSubtracted);

            // XYDataUtilities.NormalizeXYData()
        public void test1()
            Run run = new XCaliburRun(xcaliburTestfile);

            List <MassTag> mass_tagList = TestUtilities.CreateTestMassTagList();
            MassTag        mt           = mass_tagList[0];

            run.CurrentScanSet = new ScanSet(9017, new int[] { 9010, 9017, 9024 });
            run.CurrentMassTag = mt;

            MSGeneratorFactory msgenFactory = new MSGeneratorFactory();
            Task msgen = msgenFactory.CreateMSGenerator(run.MSFileType);

            DeconToolsV2.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters peakParams = new DeconToolsV2.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters(2, 1.3, true, DeconToolsV2.Peaks.PEAK_FIT_TYPE.QUADRATIC);
            Task mspeakDet = new DeconToolsPeakDetector(peakParams);

            Task theorFeatureGen       = new TomTheorFeatureGenerator();
            Task targetedFeatureFinder = new BasicTFF(0.01);

            IsotopicProfileFitScoreCalculator fitScoreCalc = new IsotopicProfileFitScoreCalculator();




            MassTagResultBase result = run.ResultCollection.GetMassTagResult(mt);

            Console.WriteLine("Fit val = " + result.IsotopicProfile.Score);

             * ------------------- MassTag = 24769---------------------------
             * monoMass = 2086.0595; monoMZ = 1044.0370; ChargeState = 2; NET = 0.452; Sequence = DFNEALVHQVVVAYAANAR
             ****** Match ******
             ******NET =    0.452
             ******ChromPeak ScanNum = 9016.48992535631
             ******ChromPeak NETVal = 0.453
             ******ScanSet = { 9010, 9017, 9024, }
             ******Observed MZ and intensity = 1044.03290771556	1.269842E+07
             ******------------------------------ end --------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void n14N15LabelledData_TFFTest1()
            double featureFinderTol = 15;
            var    featureFinderRequiresMonoPeak = false;

            var n14n15Util = new N14N15TestingUtilities();
            //get sample MS from Test Data
            var massSpectrum = n14n15Util.GetSpectrumAMTTag23140708_Z3_Sum3();  //this is the diff b/w previous test and this one
            var mt23140708   = n14n15Util.CreateMT23140708_Z3();

            //get ms peaks
            var peakDet    = new DeconToolsPeakDetectorV2(1.3, 2, Globals.PeakFitType.QUADRATIC, false);
            var msPeakList = peakDet.FindPeaks(massSpectrum, 0, 0);


            //generate theor unlabelled profile
            var unlabelledfeatureGen = new TomTheorFeatureGenerator();


            //generate theor N15-labelled profile
            var n15featureGen = new TomTheorFeatureGenerator(Globals.LabellingType.N15, 0.005);


            //find features in experimental data, using the theoretical profiles
            var msfeatureFinder = new BasicTFF();

            msfeatureFinder.ToleranceInPPM       = featureFinderTol;
            msfeatureFinder.NeedMonoIsotopicPeak = featureFinderRequiresMonoPeak;

            var n14profile = msfeatureFinder.FindMSFeature(msPeakList, mt23140708.IsotopicProfile);
            var n15profile = msfeatureFinder.FindMSFeature(msPeakList, mt23140708.IsotopicProfileLabelled);





Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void GetIsotopicProfilePeaks(List <Peak> peakList, int chargeState, double monoMass, ref IsotopicProfile inputProfile)
            double toleranceInPPM = 20;
            var    tff            = new BasicTFF(toleranceInPPM);

            var theorProfile = new IsotopicProfile();

            theorProfile.MonoIsotopicMass = monoMass;
            theorProfile.ChargeState      = chargeState;
            theorProfile.MonoPeakMZ       = monoMass / chargeState + Globals.PROTON_MASS;

            //a hack to guess how many peaks to include in the theor isotopic profile
            int numPeaksToIncludeInProfile = (int)Math.Round(Math.Max(3, 3 + (monoMass - 1000) / 1000));

            double monoPeakMZ = monoMass / chargeState + Globals.PROTON_MASS;

            for (int i = 0; i < numPeaksToIncludeInProfile; i++)
                var peak = new MSPeak();
                peak.XValue = monoPeakMZ + i * Globals.MASS_DIFF_BETWEEN_ISOTOPICPEAKS / chargeState;

                if (i == 0)
                    peak.Height = 1;
                    peak.Height = 0;


            var foundIso = tff.FindMSFeature(peakList, theorProfile);

            if (foundIso == null)
                var monoPeak = PeakUtilities.GetPeaksWithinTolerance(peakList, monoPeakMZ, toleranceInPPM).OrderByDescending(p => p.Height).FirstOrDefault();

                if (monoPeak != null)
                inputProfile.Peaklist = new List <MSPeak>(foundIso.Peaklist);
        public void test1()
            Run run = new XCaliburRun(xcaliburTestfile);

            List <MassTag> mass_tagList = TestUtilities.CreateTestMassTagList();
            MassTag        mt           = mass_tagList[0];

            run.CurrentScanSet = new ScanSet(9017, new int[] { 9010, 9017, 9024 });
            run.CurrentMassTag = mt;

            MSGeneratorFactory msgenFactory = new MSGeneratorFactory();
            Task msgen = msgenFactory.CreateMSGenerator(run.MSFileType);

            DeconToolsV2.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters peakParams = new DeconToolsV2.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters(2, 1.3, true, DeconToolsV2.Peaks.PEAK_FIT_TYPE.QUADRATIC);
            Task mspeakDet = new DeconToolsPeakDetector(peakParams);

            Task theorFeatureGen       = new TomTheorFeatureGenerator();
            Task targetedFeatureFinder = new BasicTFF(0.01);

            IsotopicProfileFitScoreCalculator fitScoreCalc = new IsotopicProfileFitScoreCalculator();
            Task exporter = new BasicMTResultSQLiteExporter(exporterOutputFile1);




            MassTagResultBase result = run.ResultCollection.GetMassTagResult(mt);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void find_targetMassTag_131959Test1()
            var run = new RunFactory().CreateRun(xcaliburTestfile);

            var masstagImporter = new MassTagFromTextFileImporter(massTagTestList1);
            var massTagColl     = masstagImporter.Import();

            Assert.AreEqual(2719, massTagColl.TargetList.Count);

            var chromAligner = new ChromAlignerUsingVIPERInfo();


            var peakImporter = new DeconTools.Backend.Data.PeakImporterFromText(xcaliburAllPeaksFile);


            //int mtID = 635428;
            var mtID = 131959;

            Task peakChromGen = new PeakChromatogramGenerator(20);
            Task smoother     = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.Smoothers.SavitzkyGolaySmoother(23, 2);
            Task zeroFill     = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.ZeroFillers.DeconToolsZeroFiller(3);
            Task peakDet      = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.PeakDetectors.ChromPeakDetector(0.5, 1);
            Task msPeakDet    = new DeconToolsPeakDetectorV2(1.3, 2, Globals.PeakFitType.QUADRATIC, true);

            var basicChromPeakSelParam = new ChromPeakSelectorParameters();

            basicChromPeakSelParam.NETTolerance     = 0.1f;
            basicChromPeakSelParam.PeakSelectorMode = Globals.PeakSelectorMode.ClosestToTarget;
            Task chromPeakSel = new BasicChromPeakSelector(basicChromPeakSelParam);

            Task msgen = MSGeneratorFactory.CreateMSGenerator(run.MSFileType);

            run.CurrentMassTag = massTagColl.TargetList.Find(p => p.ID == mtID);
            var mt = run.CurrentMassTag;

            mt.MZ = mt.MonoIsotopicMass / mt.ChargeState + Globals.PROTON_MASS;

            Task theorFeatureGen       = new TomTheorFeatureGenerator(DeconTools.Backend.Globals.LabellingType.NONE, 0.005);
            Task targetedFeatureFinder = new BasicTFF();
            Task fitScoreCalc          = new IsotopicProfileFitScoreCalculator();


            Console.WriteLine("------------------- MassTag = " + mt.ID + "---------------------------");
            Console.WriteLine("monoMass = " + mt.MonoIsotopicMass.ToString("0.0000") + "; monoMZ = " + mt.MZ.ToString("0.0000") + "; ChargeState = " + mt.ChargeState + "; NET = " + mt.NormalizedElutionTime.ToString("0.000") + "; Sequence = " + mt.Code + "; EmpiricalFormula= " + mt.EmpiricalFormula + "\n");




            var massTagResult = run.ResultCollection.MassTagResultList[mt];


            //Console.WriteLine("------------------------------ end --------------------------");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void test1()
            Run run = new XCaliburRun(xcaliburTestfile);
            MassTagCollection        massTagColl  = new MassTagCollection();
            MassTagIDGenericImporter mtidImporter = new MassTagIDGenericImporter(cysteineMassTagSourceFile1, '\t');


            MassTagFromSqlDBImporter importer = new MassTagFromSqlDBImporter("MT_Shewanella_ProdTest_P352", "porky");


            Assert.AreEqual(737, massTagColl.MassTagIDList.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(826, massTagColl.MassTagList.Count);

            ChromAlignerUsingVIPERInfo chromAligner = new ChromAlignerUsingVIPERInfo();


            PeakImporterFromText peakImporter = new DeconTools.Backend.Data.PeakImporterFromText(xcaliburAllPeaksFile);


            Task peakChromGen = new PeakChromatogramGenerator(20);

            Task smoother     = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.Smoothers.DeconToolsSavitzkyGolaySmoother(11, 11, 2);
            Task peakDet      = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.PeakDetectors.ChromPeakDetector(0.5, 0.5);
            Task chromPeakSel = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.ChromPeakSelector(1, 0.01, Globals.PeakSelectorMode.CLOSEST_TO_TARGET);

            MSGeneratorFactory msgenFactory = new MSGeneratorFactory();
            Task msgen = msgenFactory.CreateMSGenerator(run.MSFileType);

            DeconToolsV2.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters peakParams = new DeconToolsV2.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters(2, 0.75, true, DeconToolsV2.Peaks.PEAK_FIT_TYPE.QUADRATIC);
            Task mspeakDet             = new DeconToolsPeakDetector(peakParams);
            Task theorFeatureGen       = new TomTheorFeatureGenerator();
            Task targetedFeatureFinder = new BasicTFF(6);
            Task exporter = new BasicMTResultSQLiteExporter(cysteineAnalysisOutput1);

            IsotopicProfileFitScoreCalculator fitScoreCalc = new IsotopicProfileFitScoreCalculator();

            int         successCounter = 0;
            List <long> timingResults  = new List <long>();

            foreach (MassTag mt in massTagColl.MassTagList)
                run.CurrentMassTag = mt;
                mt.MZ = mt.MonoIsotopicMass / mt.ChargeState + Globals.PROTON_MASS;

                Console.WriteLine("------------------- MassTag = " + mt.ID + "---------------------------");
                Console.WriteLine("monoMass = " + mt.MonoIsotopicMass.ToString("0.0000") + "; monoMZ = " + mt.MZ.ToString("0.0000") + "; ChargeState = " + mt.ChargeState + "; NET = " + mt.NETVal.ToString("0.000") + "; Sequence = " + mt.PeptideSequence + "\n");

                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                    MassTagResultBase massTagResult = run.ResultCollection.MassTagResultList[mt];

                    Console.WriteLine("------------------------------ end --------------------------");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Task failed. Message: " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                if (mt == massTagColl.MassTagList.Last())


            //List<IMassTagResult> successfulResults = run.ResultCollection.GetSuccessfulMassTagResults();

            foreach (long tr in timingResults)
            Console.WriteLine("-------- Analysis time for all MTs = " + timingResults.Sum());
            Console.WriteLine("-------- Average time for each MT = " + timingResults.Average());

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void Deconvolute(ResultCollection resultList)
            float[] xvals = new float[1];
            float[] yvals = new float[1];
            resultList.Run.XYData.GetXYValuesAsSingles(ref xvals, ref yvals);

            int sizeOfRapidArray = 10000;

            int[]    chargeResults           = new int[sizeOfRapidArray];
            double[] intensityResults        = new double[sizeOfRapidArray];
            double[] mzResults               = new double[sizeOfRapidArray];
            double[] scoreResults            = new double[sizeOfRapidArray];
            double[] avgmassResults          = new double[sizeOfRapidArray];
            double[] massResults             = new double[sizeOfRapidArray];
            double[] mostAbundantMassResults = new double[sizeOfRapidArray];

            if (resultList.Run.PeakList == null || resultList.Run.PeakList.Count == 0)

            rapidPeakList = ConvertPeakListToRapidPeakList(resultList.Run.PeakList);
            if (rapidPeakList == null || rapidPeakList.Length == 0)

            double rapidsBackgroundIntensityParameter = (resultList.Run.CurrentBackgroundIntensity * minPeptideToBackgroundRatio);

                                                 ref xvals, ref yvals, ref rapidPeakList, ref chargeResults,
                                                 ref intensityResults, ref mzResults, ref scoreResults, ref avgmassResults,
                                                 ref massResults, ref mostAbundantMassResults);

            GenerateResults(resultList, ref chargeResults, ref intensityResults,
                            ref mzResults, ref scoreResults,
                            ref avgmassResults, ref massResults,
                            ref mostAbundantMassResults, this.resultCombiningMode);

            if (this.IsNewFitCalculationPerformed)
                //HACK:  RAPID doesn't return the peaks of the isotopic profile. And it's score is meaningless. So will iterate over
                //the results and 1) get the peaks of the isotopic profile  and  2) get a least-squares fit of the isotopic profile.
                foreach (IsosResult result in resultList.IsosResultBin)
                    //create a temporary mass tag, as a data object for storing relevent info, and using the CalculateMassesForIsotopicProfile() method.
                    PeptideTarget mt = new PeptideTarget();

                    mt.ChargeState      = (short)result.IsotopicProfile.ChargeState;
                    mt.MonoIsotopicMass = result.IsotopicProfile.MonoIsotopicMass;
                    mt.MZ = (mt.MonoIsotopicMass / mt.ChargeState) + Globals.PROTON_MASS;

                    mt.EmpiricalFormula = _TomIsotopicPatternCreator.GetClosestAvnFormula(result.IsotopicProfile.MonoIsotopicMass, false);

                    mt.IsotopicProfile = _TomIsotopicPatternCreator.GetIsotopePattern(mt.EmpiricalFormula, _TomIsotopicPatternCreator.aafIsos);

                    double toleranceInPPM = calcToleranceInPPMFromIsotopicProfile(result.IsotopicProfile);

                    //this finds the isotopic profile based on the theor. isotopic profile.
                    BasicTFF bff = new BasicTFF(toleranceInPPM, false);

                    IsotopicProfile iso = bff.FindMSFeature(resultList.Run.PeakList, mt.IsotopicProfile);

                    if (iso != null && iso.Peaklist != null && iso.Peaklist.Count > 1)
                        //start at the second peak... and add the newly found peaks
                        for (int i = 1; i < iso.Peaklist.Count; i++)

                        //now that we have the peaks, we can get info for MonoPlusTwoAbundance
                        result.IsotopicProfile.MonoPlusTwoAbundance = result.IsotopicProfile.GetMonoPlusTwoAbundance();

                    XYData theorXYData = mt.IsotopicProfile.GetTheoreticalIsotopicProfileXYData(result.IsotopicProfile.GetFWHM());

                    //offset the theor isotopic profile
                    offsetDistribution(theorXYData, mt.IsotopicProfile, result.IsotopicProfile);

                    AreaFitter areafitter = new AreaFitter();
                    int        ionCountUsed;
                    double     fitval = areafitter.GetFit(theorXYData, result.Run.XYData, 0.1, out ionCountUsed);

                    if (fitval == double.NaN || fitval > 1)
                        fitval = 1;

                    result.IsotopicProfile.Score = fitval;
        public void test01_mt230140708_z3()
            double featureFinderTol = 15;
            var    featureFinderRequiresMonoPeak = false;
            var    numPeaksUsedInQuant           = 3;

            var n14n15Util = new N14N15TestingUtilities();
            //get MS
            var massSpectrum = n14n15Util.GetSpectrumAMTTag23140708_Z3_Sum3();  //this is the diff b/w previous test and this one

            var smoother = new DeconTools.Backend.ProcessingTasks.Smoothers.SavitzkyGolaySmoother(3, 2);

            massSpectrum = smoother.Smooth(massSpectrum);

            //get target MT
            var mt23140708 = n14n15Util.CreateMT23140708_Z3();

            //get ms peaks
            var peakDet    = new DeconToolsPeakDetectorV2(1.3, 2, Globals.PeakFitType.QUADRATIC, false);
            var msPeakList = peakDet.FindPeaks(massSpectrum, 0, 0);


            var featureGen = new TomTheorFeatureGenerator();



            var featureGen2 = new JoshTheorFeatureGenerator();



            var gen = new N15IsotopeProfileGenerator();

            var theorN15Profile = gen.GetN15IsotopicProfile(mt23140708, 0.005);

            var bff        = new BasicTFF(featureFinderTol, featureFinderRequiresMonoPeak);
            var n14Profile = bff.FindMSFeature(msPeakList, mt23140708.IsotopicProfile);

            var n15Profile = bff.FindMSFeature(msPeakList, theorN15Profile);






            var    quant = new BasicN14N15Quantifier(featureFinderTol);
            double ratioContribIso1;
            double ratioContribIso2;
            double ratio;

            quant.GetRatioBasedOnTopPeaks(n14Profile, n15Profile, mt23140708.IsotopicProfile, theorN15Profile, peakDet.BackgroundIntensity,
                                          numPeaksUsedInQuant, out ratio, out ratioContribIso1, out ratioContribIso2);

            Console.WriteLine("Background intensity = " + peakDet.BackgroundIntensity);

            Console.WriteLine("Ratio = " + ratio);
            Console.WriteLine("Ratio contrib Iso1 = " + ratioContribIso1);
            Console.WriteLine("Ratio contrib Iso2 = " + ratioContribIso2);

            Assert.AreEqual(1.458267m, (decimal)Math.Round(ratio, 6));      //see 'N14N15Quantification_manualValidation_of_algorithm.xls' for manual validation
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the cross-link search for LC-IMS-TOF data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings object to control parameters for cross-linking.</param>
        /// <param name="proteinSequenceEnumerable">IEnumerable of protein sequences, as a .NET Bio ISequence object.</param>
        /// <param name="featureList">List of LC-IMS-MS Features, as LcImsMsFeature.</param>
        /// <param name="peakList">List of Isotopic Peaks, as IsotopicPeak.</param>
        /// <returns>An enumerable of CrossLinkResult objects.</returns>
        public static IList <CrossLinkResult> Execute(
            CrossLinkSettings settings,
            IEnumerable <ISequence> proteinSequenceEnumerable,
            List <LcImsMsFeature> featureList,
            List <IsotopicPeak> peakList)
            var massToleranceBase  = settings.MassTolerance;
            var maxMissedCleavages = settings.MaxMissedCleavages;
            var digestionRule      = settings.TrypticType;

            CrossLinkUtil.StaticDeltaMass = settings.StaticDeltaMass;
            CrossLinkUtil.UseC13          = settings.UseC13;
            CrossLinkUtil.UseN15          = settings.UseN15;

            Console.WriteLine("Mass Tolerance:          " + massToleranceBase + " ppm");
            Console.WriteLine("Max missed cleavages:    " + maxMissedCleavages);
            Console.WriteLine("Digestion rule:          " + settings.TrypticType);
            Console.WriteLine("Delta mass uses C13:     " + settings.UseC13);
            Console.WriteLine("Delta mass uses N15:     " + settings.UseN15);
            Console.WriteLine("Static delta mass addon: " + settings.StaticDeltaMass + " Da");

            // Used for finding Isotopic Profiles in the data
            var msFeatureFinder = new BasicTFF();

            var crossLinkList     = new List <CrossLink>();
            var lastProgress      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var proteinsProcessed = 0;

            // Create CrossLink objects from all of the protein sequences
            foreach (var proteinSequence in proteinSequenceEnumerable)
                var proteinSequenceString = new string(proteinSequence.Select((a => (char)a)).ToArray());
                var proteinId             = proteinSequence.ID;

                // Get a List of Peptides from the Protein Sequence
                var peptideList = SequenceUtil.DigestProtein(proteinSequenceString, digestionRule, maxMissedCleavages);

                // Find all possible cross links from the peptide list
                var crossLinkEnumerable = CrossLinkUtil.GenerateTheoreticalCrossLinks(peptideList, proteinSequenceString, proteinId);

                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastProgress).TotalSeconds >= 15)
                    lastProgress = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating cross linked peptide list; " + proteinsProcessed + " proteins processed");

            Console.WriteLine("Sorting cross-linked peptides");

            // Sort the CrossLinks by mass so that the results are ordered in a friendly way
            IEnumerable <CrossLink> orderedCrossLinkEnumerable = crossLinkList.OrderBy(x => x.Mass);

            // Sort Feature by mass so we can use binary search
            featureList = featureList.OrderBy(x => x.MassMonoisotopic).ToList();

            // Set up a Feature Comparer and Peak Comparer to use for binary search later on
            var featureComparer = new AnonymousComparer <LcImsMsFeature>((x, y) => x.MassMonoisotopic.CompareTo(y.MassMonoisotopic));
            var peakComparer    = new AnonymousComparer <IsotopicPeak>((x, y) => x.ScanLc != y.ScanLc ? x.ScanLc.CompareTo(y.ScanLc) : x.ScanIms != y.ScanIms ? x.ScanIms.CompareTo(y.ScanIms) : x.Mz.CompareTo(y.Mz));

            // Sort the Isotopic Peaks by LC Scan, IMS Scan, and m/z to set them up for binary search later on

            var crossLinkResultList    = new List <CrossLinkResult>();
            var totalCandidatePeptides = crossLinkList.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Searching isotopic data vs. " + totalCandidatePeptides.ToString("#,##0") + " candidate cross-linked peptides");
            lastProgress = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var crosslinkCandidatesProcessed = 0;

            // Search the data for the existence of cross-links
            foreach (var crossLink in orderedCrossLinkEnumerable)
                // Calculate mass tolerance to use for binary search
                var massTolerance = massToleranceBase * crossLink.Mass / GeneralConstants.PPM_DIVISOR;

                var lowFeature = new LcImsMsFeature {
                    MassMonoisotopic = crossLink.Mass - massTolerance
                var highFeature = new LcImsMsFeature {
                    MassMonoisotopic = crossLink.Mass + massTolerance

                var lowFeaturePosition  = featureList.BinarySearch(lowFeature, featureComparer);
                var highFeaturePosition = featureList.BinarySearch(highFeature, featureComparer);

                lowFeaturePosition  = lowFeaturePosition < 0 ? ~lowFeaturePosition : lowFeaturePosition;
                highFeaturePosition = highFeaturePosition < 0 ? ~highFeaturePosition : highFeaturePosition;

                // Iterate over all LC-IMS-MS Features that match the Unmodified cross-link mass
                for (var i = lowFeaturePosition; i < highFeaturePosition; i++)
                    var feature = featureList[i];

                    // Search for a mass shift in each of the LC Scans the unmodified cross-link mass was found
                    for (var currentScanLc = feature.ScanLcStart; currentScanLc <= feature.ScanLcEnd; currentScanLc++)
                        var crossLinkResult = new CrossLinkResult(crossLink, feature, currentScanLc);

                        var candidatePeaks  = PeakUtil.FindCandidatePeaks(peakList, feature.MzMonoisotopic, currentScanLc, feature.ScanImsRep);
                        var massShiftList   = crossLink.MassShiftList;
                        var shiftedMassList = new List <double>();

                        // Calculate the shifted mass values that we want to search for
                        switch (massShiftList.Count)
                        case 1:
                            var firstNewMass = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[0];

                        case 2:
                            var firstNewMass  = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[0];
                            var secondNewMass = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[1];
                            var thirdNewMass  = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[0] + massShiftList[1];


                        // Search for shifted mass values in Isotopic Peaks
                        foreach (var shiftedMass in shiftedMassList)
                            var shiftedMz = (shiftedMass / feature.ChargeState) + GeneralConstants.MASS_OF_PROTON;

                            // Create theoretical Isotopic Peaks that will later form a theoretical Isotopic Profile
                            var theoreticalPeakList = new List <MSPeak> {
                                new MSPeak {
                                    XValue = shiftedMz, Height = 1
                            for (double k = 1; k < 4; k++)
                                theoreticalPeakList.Add(new MSPeak {
                                    XValue = shiftedMz + (k * 1.003 / feature.ChargeState), Height = (float)(1.0 - (k / 4))
                                theoreticalPeakList.Add(new MSPeak {
                                    XValue = shiftedMz - (k * 1.003 / feature.ChargeState), Height = (float)(1.0 - (k / 4))

                            // Sort peaks by m/z
                            var sortPeaksQuery = from peak in theoreticalPeakList
                                                 orderby peak.XValue
                                                 select peak;

                            // Create a theoretical Isotopic Profile for DeconTools to search for
                            var isotopicProfile = new IsotopicProfile
                                MonoIsotopicMass = shiftedMass,
                                MonoPeakMZ       = shiftedMz,
                                ChargeState      = feature.ChargeState,
                                Peaklist         = sortPeaksQuery.ToList()

                            // Search for the theoretical Isotopic Profile
                            var foundProfile = msFeatureFinder.FindMSFeature(candidatePeaks, isotopicProfile, massToleranceBase, false);

                             * It is possible that the set mono pass of the previous theoretical distribution was the right-most peak of the actual distribution
                             * If so, we should be able to shift the theoretical distribution over to the left and find the actual distribution
                            if (foundProfile == null)
                                foreach (var msPeak in sortPeaksQuery)
                                    msPeak.XValue -= (1.003 / feature.ChargeState);

                                isotopicProfile = new IsotopicProfile
                                    MonoIsotopicMass = shiftedMass - 1.003,
                                    MonoPeakMZ       = shiftedMz - (1.003 / feature.ChargeState),
                                    ChargeState      = feature.ChargeState,
                                    Peaklist         = sortPeaksQuery.ToList()

                                foundProfile = msFeatureFinder.FindMSFeature(candidatePeaks, isotopicProfile, massToleranceBase, false);

                            // Add to results, even if we did not find it.
                            var didFindProfile = foundProfile != null;
                            crossLinkResult.MassShiftResults.KvpList.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, bool>(shiftedMass, didFindProfile));


                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastProgress).TotalSeconds >= 10)
                    lastProgress = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    var percentComplete = crosslinkCandidatesProcessed / (double)totalCandidatePeptides * 100;

                    Console.WriteLine("Searching isotopic data; " + percentComplete.ToString("0.0") + "% complete");

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the cross-link search for LC-IMS-TOF data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings object to control parameters for cross-linking.</param>
        /// <param name="proteinSequenceEnumerable">IEnumerable of protein sequences, as a .NET Bio ISequence object.</param>
        /// <param name="featureList">List of LC-IMS-MS Features, as LcImsMsFeature.</param>
        /// <param name="peakList">List of Isotopic Peaks, as IsotopicPeak.</param>
        /// <returns>An enumerable of CrossLinkResult objects.</returns>
        public static IList<CrossLinkResult> Execute(
            CrossLinkSettings settings,
            IEnumerable<ISequence> proteinSequenceEnumerable,
            List<LcImsMsFeature> featureList,
            List<IsotopicPeak> peakList)
            var massToleranceBase = settings.MassTolerance;
            var maxMissedCleavages = settings.MaxMissedCleavages;
            var digestionRule = settings.TrypticType;

            CrossLinkUtil.StaticDeltaMass = settings.StaticDeltaMass;
            CrossLinkUtil.UseC13 = settings.UseC13;
            CrossLinkUtil.UseN15 = settings.UseN15;

            Console.WriteLine("Mass Tolerance:          " + massToleranceBase + " ppm");
            Console.WriteLine("Max missed cleavages:    " + maxMissedCleavages);
            Console.WriteLine("Digestion rule:          " + settings.TrypticType );
            Console.WriteLine("Delta mass uses C13:     " + settings.UseC13);
            Console.WriteLine("Delta mass uses N15:     " + settings.UseN15);
            Console.WriteLine("Static delta mass addon: " + settings.StaticDeltaMass + " Da");

            // Used for finding Isotopic Profiles in the data
                var msFeatureFinder = new BasicTFF();

            var crossLinkList = new List<CrossLink>();
            var lastProgress = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var proteinsProcessed = 0;

            // Create CrossLink objects from all of the protein sequences
            foreach (var proteinSequence in proteinSequenceEnumerable)
                var proteinSequenceString = new string(proteinSequence.Select((a => (char)a)).ToArray());
                var proteinId = proteinSequence.ID;

                // Get a List of Peptides from the Protein Sequence
                var peptideList = SequenceUtil.DigestProtein(proteinSequenceString, digestionRule, maxMissedCleavages);

                // Find all possible cross links from the peptide list
                var crossLinkEnumerable = CrossLinkUtil.GenerateTheoreticalCrossLinks(peptideList, proteinSequenceString, proteinId);

                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastProgress).TotalSeconds >= 15)
                    lastProgress = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating cross linked peptide list; " + proteinsProcessed + " proteins processed");


            Console.WriteLine("Sorting cross-linked peptides");

            // Sort the CrossLinks by mass so that the results are ordered in a friendly way
            IEnumerable<CrossLink> orderedCrossLinkEnumerable = crossLinkList.OrderBy(x => x.Mass);

            // Sort Feature by mass so we can use binary search
            featureList = featureList.OrderBy(x => x.MassMonoisotopic).ToList();

            // Set up a Feature Comparer and Peak Comparer to use for binary search later on
            var featureComparer = new AnonymousComparer<LcImsMsFeature>((x, y) => x.MassMonoisotopic.CompareTo(y.MassMonoisotopic));
            var peakComparer = new AnonymousComparer<IsotopicPeak>((x, y) => x.ScanLc != y.ScanLc ? x.ScanLc.CompareTo(y.ScanLc) : x.ScanIms != y.ScanIms ? x.ScanIms.CompareTo(y.ScanIms) : x.Mz.CompareTo(y.Mz));

            // Sort the Isotopic Peaks by LC Scan, IMS Scan, and m/z to set them up for binary search later on

            var crossLinkResultList = new List<CrossLinkResult>();
            var totalCandidatePeptides = crossLinkList.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Searching isotopic data vs. " + totalCandidatePeptides.ToString("#,##0") + " candidate cross-linked peptides");
            lastProgress = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var crosslinkCandidatesProcessed = 0;

            // Search the data for the existence of cross-links
            foreach (var crossLink in orderedCrossLinkEnumerable)
                // Calculate mass tolerance to use for binary search
                var massTolerance = massToleranceBase * crossLink.Mass / GeneralConstants.PPM_DIVISOR;

                var lowFeature = new LcImsMsFeature { MassMonoisotopic = crossLink.Mass - massTolerance };
                var highFeature = new LcImsMsFeature { MassMonoisotopic = crossLink.Mass + massTolerance };

                var lowFeaturePosition = featureList.BinarySearch(lowFeature, featureComparer);
                var highFeaturePosition = featureList.BinarySearch(highFeature, featureComparer);

                lowFeaturePosition = lowFeaturePosition < 0 ? ~lowFeaturePosition : lowFeaturePosition;
                highFeaturePosition = highFeaturePosition < 0 ? ~highFeaturePosition : highFeaturePosition;

                // Iterate over all LC-IMS-MS Features that match the Unmodified cross-link mass
                for (var i = lowFeaturePosition; i < highFeaturePosition; i++)
                    var feature = featureList[i];

                    // Search for a mass shift in each of the LC Scans the unmodified cross-link mass was found
                    for (var currentScanLc = feature.ScanLcStart; currentScanLc <= feature.ScanLcEnd; currentScanLc++)
                        var crossLinkResult = new CrossLinkResult(crossLink, feature, currentScanLc);

                        var candidatePeaks = PeakUtil.FindCandidatePeaks(peakList, feature.MzMonoisotopic, currentScanLc, feature.ScanImsRep);
                        var massShiftList = crossLink.MassShiftList;
                        var shiftedMassList = new List<double>();

                        // Calculate the shifted mass values that we want to search for
                        switch (massShiftList.Count)
                            case 1:
                                    var firstNewMass = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[0];
                            case 2:
                                    var firstNewMass = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[0];
                                    var secondNewMass = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[1];
                                    var thirdNewMass = feature.MassMonoisotopic + massShiftList[0] + massShiftList[1];


                        // Search for shifted mass values in Isotopic Peaks
                        foreach (var shiftedMass in shiftedMassList)
                            var shiftedMz = (shiftedMass / feature.ChargeState) + GeneralConstants.MASS_OF_PROTON;

                            // Create theoretical Isotopic Peaks that will later form a theoretical Isotopic Profile
                            var theoreticalPeakList = new List<MSPeak> { new MSPeak { XValue = shiftedMz, Height = 1 } };
                            for (double k = 1; k < 4; k++)
                                theoreticalPeakList.Add(new MSPeak { XValue = shiftedMz + (k * 1.003 / feature.ChargeState), Height = (float)(1.0 - (k / 4)) });
                                theoreticalPeakList.Add(new MSPeak { XValue = shiftedMz - (k * 1.003 / feature.ChargeState), Height = (float)(1.0 - (k / 4)) });

                            // Sort peaks by m/z
                            var sortPeaksQuery = from peak in theoreticalPeakList
                                                 orderby peak.XValue
                                                 select peak;

                            // Create a theoretical Isotopic Profile for DeconTools to search for
                            var isotopicProfile = new IsotopicProfile
                                MonoIsotopicMass = shiftedMass,
                                MonoPeakMZ = shiftedMz,
                                ChargeState = feature.ChargeState,
                                Peaklist = sortPeaksQuery.ToList()

                            // Search for the theoretical Isotopic Profile
                            var foundProfile = msFeatureFinder.FindMSFeature(candidatePeaks, isotopicProfile, massToleranceBase, false);

                             * It is possible that the set mono pass of the previous theoretical distribution was the right-most peak of the actual distribution
                             * If so, we should be able to shift the theoretical distribution over to the left and find the actual distribution
                            if (foundProfile == null)
                                foreach (var msPeak in sortPeaksQuery)
                                    msPeak.XValue -= (1.003 / feature.ChargeState);

                                isotopicProfile = new IsotopicProfile
                                    MonoIsotopicMass = shiftedMass - 1.003,
                                    MonoPeakMZ = shiftedMz - (1.003 / feature.ChargeState),
                                    ChargeState = feature.ChargeState,
                                    Peaklist = sortPeaksQuery.ToList()

                                foundProfile = msFeatureFinder.FindMSFeature(candidatePeaks, isotopicProfile, massToleranceBase, false);

                            // Add to results, even if we did not find it.
                            var didFindProfile = foundProfile != null;
                            crossLinkResult.MassShiftResults.KvpList.Add(new KeyValuePair<double, bool>(shiftedMass, didFindProfile));


                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastProgress).TotalSeconds >= 10)
                    lastProgress = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    var percentComplete = crosslinkCandidatesProcessed / (double)totalCandidatePeptides * 100;

                    Console.WriteLine("Searching isotopic data; " + percentComplete.ToString("0.0") + "% complete");


            return crossLinkResultList;