Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestBasicStrategy()
            BasicStrategy strategy = new BasicStrategy();

            Assert.IsTrue(strategy.ToString() == "Basic Strategy");

            int        dimension  = 3;
            List <int> cellValues = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dimension * dimension * dimension * dimension; ++i)

            SudokuPuzzle puzzle = new SudokuPuzzle(dimension, cellValues);

            int count = 0;

            while (strategy.AdvancePuzzle(puzzle))

            Assert.IsTrue(count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void HandleSplitHand(Player player)
            bool actionFinished = false;

            if (player.HasSplitHand)
                while (!actionFinished)
                    PlayerAction basicAction       = BasicStrategy.CalculateStrategy(dealer, player.SplitHand, player.HasSplitHand);
                    PlayerAction illustriousAction = IllustriousEighteen.CalculateStrategy(dealer, player.SplitHand, counter, player.HasSplitHand);

                    switch (illustriousAction)
                    case PlayerAction.Stand:
                        actionFinished = true;

                    case PlayerAction.Hit:

                    case PlayerAction.Double:
                        actionFinished = true;

                    case PlayerAction.Split:
                        actionFinished = true;

                    case PlayerAction.NoAction:
                        switch (basicAction)
                        case PlayerAction.Stand:
                            actionFinished = true;

                        case PlayerAction.Hit:

                        case PlayerAction.Double:
                            actionFinished = true;

                        case PlayerAction.Split:
                            actionFinished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestSplit8s()
            BasicStrategy bs                = new BasicStrategy();
            Hand          playersHand       = new Hand(0);
            Card          playersFirstCard  = new Card(Suit.DIAMOND, CardType.EIGHT);
            Card          playersSecondCard = new Card(Suit.HEART, CardType.EIGHT);

            Card dealerUpCard = new Card(Suit.CLUB, CardType.KING);

            Assert.AreEqual(HandAction.SPLIT, bs.DetermineActionForHand(0, playersHand, dealerUpCard));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestDoubleDownOn11()
            BasicStrategy bs                = new BasicStrategy();
            Hand          playersHand       = new Hand(0);
            Card          playersFirstCard  = new Card(Suit.DIAMOND, CardType.NINE);
            Card          playersSecondCard = new Card(Suit.HEART, CardType.TWO);

            Card dealerUpCard = new Card(Suit.CLUB, CardType.KING);

            Assert.AreEqual(HandAction.DOUBLE_DOWN, bs.DetermineActionForHand(0, playersHand, dealerUpCard));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Get_answered()
            Tile tile  = new Tile(8, 8);
            Tile tile2 = new Tile(7, 8, 2);
            Tile tile3 = new Tile(6, 8, 3);

            List <Tile> tileList = new List <Tile>();


            Assert.AreEqual(BasicStrategy.GetAnswered(tileList).Count, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestAcesAgainstHigh()
            BasicStrategy bs                = new BasicStrategy();
            HandAction    ha                = HandAction.SPLIT;
            Hand          playersHand       = new Hand(0);
            Card          playersFirstCard  = new Card(Suit.DIAMOND, CardType.ACE);
            Card          playersSecondCard = new Card(Suit.HEART, CardType.ACE);

            Card dealerUpCard = new Card(Suit.CLUB, CardType.KING);

            Assert.AreEqual(ha, bs.DetermineActionForHand(0, playersHand, dealerUpCard));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Grab All Strategies from the Solver.Strategies Directory using reflection.
        /// Sidenote: 3 cheers for over-engineering.
        /// </summary>
        internal void LoadStrategies()
            _strategies = new List <BasicStrategy>();
            System.Reflection.Assembly asm = Assembly.Load("Solver");
            Type[] types = asm.GetTypes().Select(t => t).Where(t => t.Namespace == "Solver.Strategies" &&
                                                               t.BaseType.Name == "BasicStrategy" || t.Name == "BasicStrategy").ToArray();

            foreach (Type t in types)
                BasicStrategy strat = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as BasicStrategy;
                strat.Grid = this.Grid;
                if (strat.Difficulty != Difficulty.basic)
                    strat.Enabled = false;
        public void DoubleDownExceptSixTwoTest()
            PlayerState expectedState = PlayerState.DoubleDown;
            Player      player        = new BasicStrategy
                Chips = 500,
                hand  = new Hand
                    cards = new List <Card>()
                        new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Six),
                        new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Two)

            PlayerState state = (player.React(dealersUpCard: new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Five), ref player.CurrentState, player.hand, new List <int>()));

            Assert.AreNotEqual(expectedState, state);
        public void SoftStandingNumberPlayer18()
            PlayerState expectedState = PlayerState.Stand;
            Player      player        = new BasicStrategy
                Chips = 500,
                hand  = new Hand
                    cards = new List <Card>()
                        new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Ace),
                        new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Seven)

            PlayerState state = (player.React(dealersUpCard: new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Eight), ref player.CurrentState, player.hand, new List <int>()));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedState, state);
        public void HoldingHard16Against10Test()
            PlayerState expectedState = PlayerState.Hit;
            Player      player        = new BasicStrategy
                Chips = 500,
                hand  = new Hand
                    cards = new List <Card>()
                        new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Ten),
                        new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Six)

            PlayerState state = (player.React(dealersUpCard: new Card(Suit.Club, Face.Ten), ref player.CurrentState, player.hand, new List <int>()));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedState, state);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static float playHandBasic(ref Deck deck, Hand playerHand, ref Hand dealerHand, ref BasicStrategy policy, ref double winLoss)
            var reward = 0.0f;
            var mult = 1.0f;
            //check for blackjack.
            if (playerHand.getValue() == 21 && dealerHand.getValue() != 21)
                winLoss += 1.5;
                return 1.5f;
            else if (dealerHand.getValue() == 21) //dealer got blackjack
                winLoss -= 1.0;
                return -1.0f;
                //player decisions
                var actionTaken = policy.choosePlayerAction(playerHand, dealerHand);

                if (actionTaken == 1)//hit
                    //player decisions
                    var action = policy.choosePlayerAction(playerHand, dealerHand);
                    while (action == 1)
                        action = policy.choosePlayerAction(playerHand, dealerHand);
                    //see if we busted
                    if (playerHand.getValue() > 21)
                        winLoss -= 1.0;
                        actionTaken = 0;

                else if (actionTaken == 2) //double
                    if (playerHand.getValue() > 21)
                        winLoss -= 2.0;
                        reward = -1.0f;
                        mult = 2.0f;
                        mult = 2.0f;
                        actionTaken = 0;
                else if (actionTaken == 3) //split
                    Hand pH1 = new Hand();
                    Hand pH2 = new Hand();

                    var val = playerHand.getValue() / 2;
                    //split card and get an extra.

                    //win loss for the hands
                    reward = playHandBasic(ref deck, pH1, ref dealerHand, ref policy, ref winLoss);
                    reward += playHandBasic(ref deck, pH2, ref dealerHand, ref policy, ref winLoss);

                    winLoss += reward;
                if (actionTaken == 0) //stand
                    //play dealer
                    var dealerVal = playDealer(ref deck, ref dealerHand);
                    if (dealerVal > 21) //dealer busts
                        winLoss += 1.0 * mult;
                        reward = 1.0f * mult;

                    else if (dealerVal < playerHand.getValue()) //we beat dealer
                        winLoss += 1.0f * mult;
                        reward = 1.0f * mult;
                    else if (dealerVal == playerHand.getValue()) //draw
                        reward = 0.0f;
                    else //we lost to dealer
                        winLoss -= 1.0 * mult;
                        reward = -1.0f * mult;

            return reward;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        static private void showPolicy(Net.Net n)
            Console.Write("    ");
            var pol = new NNBasicStrategy(n, 1.0);
            for (int d = 2; d <= 11; d++)
                Console.Write(d + " ");
            //Try each possible input and get the output.
            for (int p = 21; p >= 4; p--)
                if(p >= 10)
                    Console.Write(p + "  ");
                    Console.Write(p + "   ");
                for (int d = 2; d <= 11; d++)
                    Hand pH = new Hand();
                    Hand dH = new Hand();
                    //var a = pol.choosePlayerAction(pH, dH, deck);
                    Console.Write(a + " ");

            //do for soft totals
            Console.WriteLine("------ SOFTS ------");

            for (int p = 2; p <= 9; p++)
                Console.Write(p + "   ");
                for (int d = 2; d <= 11; d++)
                    Hand pH = new Hand();
                    Hand dH = new Hand();
                   // var a = pol.choosePlayerAction(pH, dH);
                    Console.Write(a + " ");

        private static double simpleBasicStrategy(int numOfHands)
            var ret = new List<double>();
            int totalHandsPlayed;
            double winLoss = 0.0; //-1 for loss, +1 for win. +1.5 for blackjack. 0 for draw
            var policy = new BasicStrategy();
            //do each hand
            Deck deck = new Deck(6);
            for (totalHandsPlayed = 0; totalHandsPlayed < numOfHands; totalHandsPlayed++)
                if (deck.isDeckFinished())
                    deck = new Deck(6);

                //decide bet
                var trueCount = deck.getTrueCount();
                var bet = 1.0;
                if (trueCount > 2)
                    bet = 10.0;

                Hand playerHand = new Hand();
                Hand dealerHand = new Hand();
                //deal initial cards
                playHandBasic(ref deck, playerHand, ref dealerHand, ref policy, ref winLoss, bet);
            var x = winLoss / (numOfHands);
            return x;
        private static double ccBasicStrategy(Net.Net bettingNet, int numOfHands, double eps, ref Deck deck, bool isTraining = false)
            int totalHandsPlayed;
            double winLoss = 0.0; //-1 for loss, +1 for win. +1.5 for blackjack. 0 for draw
            var policy = new BasicStrategy();
            var bettingPolicy = new NNBettingStrategy(bettingNet, eps);
            //do each hand
            for (totalHandsPlayed = 0; totalHandsPlayed < numOfHands; totalHandsPlayed++)
                if (deck.isDeckFinished())
                    deck = new Deck(6);

                //figure out bet
                var bet = 1.0f;
                var actionTaken = bettingPolicy.chooseBet(deck);

                if (actionTaken == 1)
                    bet = 5.0f;
                if (actionTaken == 2)
                    bet = 10.0f;

                Hand playerHand = new Hand();
                Hand dealerHand = new Hand();
                //deal initial cards

                var winBefore = winLoss;
                var winAfter = winLoss;
                var diff = winAfter - winBefore;

                var reward = playHandBasic(ref deck, playerHand, ref dealerHand, ref policy, ref winLoss);
                reward = reward * bet;
                if(isTraining )
                    bettingPolicy.runBackwards(reward, actionTaken);

                diff = (bet * diff) - diff;
                winLoss += diff;
            var x = winLoss / (numOfHands);
            return x;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;

        DebugLog.Add(new UnityDebugLogger());


        _manager = new SystemManager();

        Tutor joao  = new Tutor("Joao");
        Tutor maria = new Tutor("Maria");

        SetPersonality(joao, maria);

            EmotivectorAppraisal appraisal = new EmotivectorAppraisal();
            IPredictor           predictor = new AdditiveSecondDerivativePredictor(new WeightedMovingAveragePredictor(),
                                                                                   new WeightedMovingAveragePredictor(), new WeightedMovingAveragePredictor());
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Grades", 0, 20)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("Grades", predictor)
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Hours", 0, 16)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("StudyHours", predictor)
            _manager.AffectiveAppraisal = appraisal;

            // Setup Empathic Strategy
            _manager.EmpathicStrategySelector = new SS_SelectFirst();
            BasicStrategy strategy = new BasicStrategy();
            strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("demo"));

        // Setup Dialog Selector
        if (YarnDialogDatabase != null)
            string[] yarnFilesContent = new string[YarnDialogDatabase.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < YarnDialogDatabase.Length; i++)
                yarnFilesContent[i] = YarnDialogDatabase[i].text;

            var dialogSelector = new BasicYarnDialogSelector(yarnFilesContent);

            _manager.DialogSelector = dialogSelector;

            // Setup Dialog Manager
            var dialogManager = new YarnDialogManager(false);
            _manager.DialogManager = dialogManager;
            dialogManager.ModuleManager = ModuleManager;

            // Handlers Order matters

            // Tag Handlers (should always be first)
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new EmotionTagNodeHandler());

            // Line Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new ParallelLineHandler());

            // Options Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new SequenceOptionsHandler());

            // Node Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new LogCompleteNodeHandler());

            // Command Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new WaitCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new ModuleCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new ExitCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new LogCommandHandler());

            if (_commandHandler)

        Playing = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine(@".NET Garbage Collector (GC) Demo. Copyright © 2018 DCOM Engineering, LLC

Available Commands:
cls                         Clears the screen
clr                         Clears references to BitmapImages so they can be collected
leak_strategy               Performs allocation of BitmapImage and holds references to cause a memory leak
deterministic_strategy      Performs allocation of BitmapImage and explicitly disposes of them
indeterministic_strategy    Performs allocation of BitmapImage and lets the GC dispose of them
finalizer_strategy          Performs allocation of BitmapImage and frees the resources through finalization
inheritance_strategy        Performs allocation of BitmapImage / ImageBase anad explicitly disposes of them
gc                          Forces garbage collection and waits for pending finalizers
exit                        Exits the application

            while (true)
                Console.Write(@"DCOM:\> ");

                string input = Console.ReadLine();


                Strategy strategy = null;

                switch (input.ToLower())
                case "cls":
                    goto start;

                case "clr":

                case "exit":

                case "leak_strategy":
                    strategy = new MemoryLeakStrategy();

                case "deterministic_strategy":
                    strategy = new BasicStrategy(BasicStrategyMode.Deterministic);

                case "indeterministic_strategy":
                    strategy = new BasicStrategy(BasicStrategyMode.Indeterministic);

                case "inheritance_strategy":
                    strategy = new InheritanceStrategy();

                case "finalizer_strategy":
                    strategy = new FinalizerStrategy();

                case "gc":
                    strategy = new GCCollectStrategy();

                    Console.WriteLine("Not a known strategy.");

                var data = strategy?.Run();

                if (data != null)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;

        DebugLog.Add(new UnityDebugLogger());

        PersistentDataStorage.Instance.StoreDataOnline = StoreDataOnline;

        IDataStorage dataStorage = PersistentDataStorage.Instance;

        _manager = new SystemManager();

        Tutor joao = new Tutor("Joao")
            Personality = new ExpectancyPersonality(TutorsPersonality[0].text)
        Tutor maria = new Tutor("Maria")
            Personality = new ExpectancyPersonality(TutorsPersonality[1].text)


            EmotivectorAppraisal appraisal = new EmotivectorAppraisal();
            IPredictor           predictor = new AdditiveSecondDerivativePredictor(new WeightedMovingAveragePredictor(),
                                                                                   new WeightedMovingAveragePredictor(), new WeightedMovingAveragePredictor());
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Grades", 0, 20)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("objective-performance", predictor)
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Hours", 0, 16)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("objective-effort", predictor)
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Visits", 0, 50)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("objective-engagement", predictor)
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedDatedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Challenge", 0, 4)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("subjective-challenging", predictor)
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedDatedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Enjoyment", 0, 4)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("subjective-enjoyment", predictor)
                AffectiveUpdater updater = new NamedDatedArrayAffectiveUpdater("Importance", 0, 4)
                    Emotivector = new Emotivector("subjective-importance", predictor)
            _manager.AffectiveAppraisal = appraisal;

//        {
//            // Setup Empathic Strategy
//            _manager.EmpathicStrategySelector = new BaseStrategySelector();
//            var strategies = TaskFactory.FromJson(Tasks.text);
//            foreach (var taskStrategy in strategies)
//            {
//                taskStrategy.DataStorage = dataStorage;
//                _manager.Strategies.Add(taskStrategy);
//            }
//        }

            // Setup Empathic Strategy
            _manager.EmpathicStrategySelector = new ExpectancyStrategySelector();

            // Welcoming and Goodbye
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "welcome";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("welcome"));
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "exit";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("exit"));

            // Theme Introduction
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-intro";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("subjective-challenging-intro"));
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-intro";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("subjective-enjoyment-intro"));
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-intro";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("subjective-importance-intro"));
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "objective-performance-intro";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("objective-performance-intro"));
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "objective-effort-intro";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("objective-effort-intro"));
                var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-intro";
                strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("objective-engagement-intro"));

            // Version 01
            if (_strategyVersion == 1)
                // Subjective - Challenging
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("rest"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("rest"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));

                // Subjective - Enjoyment
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));

                // Subjective - Importance
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));

                // Objective - Performance
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));

                // Objective - Effort
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));

                // Objective - Engagement
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));

            // Version 02
            if (_strategyVersion == 2)
                // Subjective - Challenging
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("rest"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-challenging-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("rest"));

                // Subjective - Enjoyment
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-enjoyment-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));

                // Subjective - Importance
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "subjective-importance-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));

                // Objective - Performance
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-performance-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));

                // Objective - Effort
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-effort-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("help"));

                // Objective - Engagement
                // Reward
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-reward-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("believe-you"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-reward-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-reward-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                // Punishment
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-punishment-as-expected";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("change-view"));
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-punishment-lesser";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("summary"));
                    var strategy = new BasicStrategy();
                    strategy.Name = "objective-engagement-punishment-greater";
                    strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention("capabilities"));

        // Setup Dialog Selector
        if (YarnDialogDatabase != null)
            string[] yarnFilesContent = new string[YarnDialogDatabase.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < YarnDialogDatabase.Length; i++)
                yarnFilesContent[i] = YarnDialogDatabase[i].text;

            var dialogSelector =
                new TagYarnDialogSelector(new PersistentVariableStorage(dataStorage), yarnFilesContent);

            _manager.DialogSelector = dialogSelector;

            // Setup Dialog Manager
            var dialogManager = new YarnDialogManager(false);
            _manager.DialogManager = dialogManager;
            dialogManager.ModuleManager = ModuleManager;

            // Handlers Order matters

            // Tag Handlers (should always be first)
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new EmotionTagNodeHandler());

            // Line Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new SequenceLineHandler());

            // Options Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new SequenceOptionsHandler());

            // Node Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new LogCompleteNodeHandler());

            // Command Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new WaitCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new ModuleCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new ExitCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new LogCommandHandler());

            if (_commandHandler)

//        var state = dataStorage.GetState();
//        state["Current"].AsObject["Activity"] = "Test";
//        var activity = state["Activities"].AsObject["Test"].AsObject;
//        activity["Name"] = "Test Activity";
//        var checkpoints = activity["Checkpoints"].AsArray;
//        {
//            var checkpoint = new JSONObject();
//            checkpoint["Type"] = "Checkbox";
//            checkpoint["Name"] = "Test Checkpoint";
//            checkpoint["Date"] = "23/07/2018";
//            checkpoint["Effort"] = .5f;
//            checkpoint["Importance"] = .7f;
//            checkpoint["CheckboxDone"] = true;
//            checkpoints[0] = checkpoint;
//        }
//        {
//            var checkpoint = new JSONObject();
//            checkpoint["Type"] = "Evaluation";
//            checkpoint["Name"] = "Test Evaluation";
//            checkpoint["Date"] = "23/07/2018";
//            checkpoint["Effort"] = .7f;
//            checkpoint["Importance"] = .5f;
//            checkpoint["EvaluationScore"] = null;
//            checkpoints[1] = checkpoint;
//        }
//        {
//            var checkpoint = new JSONObject();
//            checkpoint["Type"] = "Evaluation";
//            checkpoint["Name"] = "Test Evaluation 2";
//            checkpoint["Date"] = "23/07/2018";
//            checkpoint["Effort"] = .7f;
//            checkpoint["Importance"] = .5f;
//            checkpoint["EvaluationScore"] = 16;
//            checkpoints[2] = checkpoint;
//        }

        ActivityMenuController activityMenuController = new ActivityMenuController();

        activityMenuController.MenuPrefab = _activityMenuPrefab;

        MoodleLoginController loginController = new MoodleLoginController(_webManager);

        loginController.MenuPrefab = _loginMenuPrefab;

        if (_commandHandler)

        Playing = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public BasicStrategyContext(BasicStrategy strategy)
     this._basicStrategy = strategy;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    private void InitTutors(string file, string node)
        _manager = new SystemManager();

        Tutor joao  = new Tutor("Joao");
        Tutor maria = new Tutor("Maria");


            // Setup Affective Appraisal
            ModularAffectiveAppraisal appraisal = new ModularAffectiveAppraisal(
                new UserAA_OneEmotion(new Emotion(EmotionEnum.Happiness,
                new TutorAA_CopyUser()
            _manager.AffectiveAppraisal = appraisal;

            // Setup Empathic Strategy
            _manager.EmpathicStrategySelector = new SS_SelectFirst();
            BasicStrategy strategy = new BasicStrategy();
            strategy.Intentions.Add(new Intention(node));

            // Setup Dialog Selector
            if (YarnDialogDatabase != null)
//                string[] yarnFilesContent = new string[YarnDialogDatabase.Length];
                IList <string> yarnFilesContent = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < YarnDialogDatabase.Length; i++)

                yarnFilesContent = yarnFilesContent.Concat(ReadFiles(new[] { file })).ToList();

                var dialogSelector = new YarnPreviewDialogSelector(yarnFilesContent.ToArray());

                _manager.DialogSelector = dialogSelector;

            // Setup Dialog Manager
            var dialogManager = new YarnDialogManager(false);
            _manager.DialogManager = dialogManager;
            dialogManager.ModuleManager = this.ModuleManager;

            // Handlers Order matters

            // Tag Handlers (should always be first)
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new EmotionTagNodeHandler());

            // Line Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new SequenceLineHandler());

            // Options Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new SequenceOptionsHandler());

            // Node Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new LogCompleteNodeHandler());

            // Command Handlers
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new WaitCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new ModuleCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new ExitCommandHandler());
            dialogManager.Handlers.Add(new LogCommandHandler());