Ejemplo n.º 1
    private Rigidbody RB;                                   //The rigid body of the enemy, used to move the enemy.

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    new void Start()

        //Starts by setting up the state machine and needed states along with other variables.
        RB           = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        stateMachine = new StateMachine();
        idleState    = new BasicMeleeIdleState(gameObject, visionConeAngle, range, idleFloatingCurve);
        chaseState   = new MobileBasicMeleeChaseState(gameObject, movementSpeed, stoppingDist, jumpCheckIterations, dashChance, dashCooldown, dashLength, RB, checkObj);
        attackState  = new BasicMeleeAttackState(damage, beforeAttackDelay, afterAttackDelay, animator, attackAnim, this);

        //Setting up the transitions
        AT(idleState, chaseState, PlayerDetected());        //idleState -> chaseState
        AT(chaseState, idleState, PlayerUnDetected());      //chaseState -> idleState
        AT(chaseState, attackState, InAttackRange());       //chaseState -> attackState
        AT(attackState, chaseState, HitPlayer());           //attackState -> chaseState

        //Assigning the initial state of the state machine.

        //Converting the given angle from degrees to radians and calculating the cosine of that as the dot product produces the cos(angle in radians).
        visionConeAngle = Mathf.Cos(visionConeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

        //A wrapper function to make the transition setup cleaner.
        void AT(IState from, IState to, Func <bool> condition) => stateMachine.AddTransition(from, to, condition);

        //The conditions for each state transition.
        Func <bool> PlayerDetected() => () => (idleState.sawPlayer);
        Func <bool> PlayerUnDetected() => () => chaseState.playerDistance > range;
        Func <bool> InAttackRange() => () => Vector3.Distance(PlayerVariables.player.transform.position, transform.position) <= 5f && !attackState.attackFinished;
        Func <bool> HitPlayer() => () => attackState.attackFinished;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private Rigidbody RB;                                   //The rigid body of the enemy, used to move the enemy.

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    new void Start()

        //Starts by setting up the state machine and needed states along with other variables.
        RB = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        stateMachine      = new StateMachine();
        idleState         = new BasicMeleeIdleState(gameObject, visionConeAngle, range, idleFloatingCurve);
        rotationState     = new ChargeRotation(gameObject, rotationSpeed, chargeAngle, RB);
        chargeAttackState = new ChargeAttack(gameObject, chargePS, chargeMovementSpeed, chargeLength, checkFwdDist, RB);

        //Setting up the transitions
        AT(idleState, rotationState, PlayerDetected());
        AT(rotationState, idleState, PlayerUnDetected());
        AT(rotationState, chargeAttackState, StartCharge());
        AT(chargeAttackState, rotationState, EndCharge());

        //Assigning the initial state of the state machine.

        //Converting the given angle from degrees to radians and calculating the cosine of that as the dot product produces the cos(angle in radians).
        visionConeAngle = Mathf.Cos(visionConeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

        //A wrapper function to make the transition setup cleaner.
        void AT(IState from, IState to, Func <bool> condition) => stateMachine.AddTransition(from, to, condition);

        //The conditions for each state transition.
        Func <bool> PlayerDetected() => () => (idleState.sawPlayer);
        Func <bool> PlayerUnDetected() => () => rotationState.playerDistance > range;
        Func <bool> StartCharge() => () => rotationState.readyToCharge;
        Func <bool> EndCharge() => () => chargeAttackState.chargeDone;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private Rigidbody RB;                                   //The rigid body of the enemy, used to move the enemy.

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    new public void Start()

        //Converting the given angle from degrees to radians and calculating the cosine of that as the dot product produces the cos(angle in radians).
        visionConeAngle = Mathf.Cos(visionConeAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

        //Starts by setting up the state machine and needed states along with other variables.
        RB            = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        stateMachine  = new StateMachine();
        idleState     = new BasicMeleeIdleState(gameObject, visionConeAngle, range, idleFloatingCurve);
        positionState = new BasicRangedPosition(gameObject, movementSpeed, approachRange, backoffRange, RB);
        attackState   = new BasicRangedAttackState(gameObject, attackLength, eye, projectile, attackSpriteAnimator, attackSpriteAnimation, audioSource, attackAudio, this);

        //Setting up the transitions
        AT(idleState, positionState, InPositionRange());
        AT(positionState, idleState, ReturnToIdle());
        AT(positionState, attackState, InAttackRange());
        AT(attackState, positionState, FinishedAttack());
        AT(idleState, attackState, PlayerDetected());

        //Assigning the initial state of the state machine.

        //A wrapper function to make the transition setup cleaner.
        void AT(IState from, IState to, Func <bool> condition) => stateMachine.AddTransition(from, to, condition);

        //The conditions for each state transition.
        Func <bool> InPositionRange() => () => (idleState.playerDistance <backoffRange || idleState.playerDistance> approachRange) && idleState.sawPlayer;
        Func <bool> ReturnToIdle() => () => positionState.hDistanceFromPlayer > range;
        Func <bool> InAttackRange() => () => positionState.inAttackRange;
        Func <bool> FinishedAttack() => () => attackState.attackDone;
        Func <bool> PlayerDetected() => () => idleState.sawPlayer && (idleState.playerDistance > backoffRange && idleState.playerDistance < approachRange);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void EnterState(BaseAIMovementController owner)
     _chasingState = new BasicMeleeChasingState();
     _idleState    = new BasicMeleeIdleState();