Ejemplo n.º 1
        unsafe void updateDetectionData(ref DetectionDataStruct data, Bitmap screen)
            lock (detectionDataLock)
                if (hasDetectionData)
                    visualCortex.freeVisualDetectionData(ref currentDetectionData);
                    hasDetectionData = false;
                currentDetectionData = data;
                hasDetectionData     = true;
                currentScreen        = screen;

                 * if (currentDetectionData.selfHealthBarVisible == false)
                 * {
                 *  //Detect auto queue data
                 *  autoQueueData = AutoQueueDetection.detectAutoQueue();
                 * }*/

                basicAI.updateDetectionData(ref currentDetectionData);

            bool leagueOfLegendsOpen = false;

            Process[] pname = Process.GetProcessesByName("league of legends");
            if (pname.Length != 0)
                leagueOfLegendsOpen = true;

            if (leagueOfLegendsOpen)
                Console.WriteLine("Detected in C#: ");

            if (data.numberOfAllyMinions > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data.numberOfAllyMinions + " ally minions");

                for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfAllyMinions; i++)
                    Minion *minion = &(((Minion *)data.allyMinionsArray.ToPointer())[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tminion at " + minion->characterCenter.x + ", " + minion->characterCenter.y + " with health " + minion->health);
            if (data.numberOfAllyChampions > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data.numberOfAllyChampions + " ally champions");
                for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfAllyChampions; i++)
                    Champion *champion = &(((Champion *)data.allyChampionsArray.ToPointer())[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tchampion at " + champion->characterCenter.x + ", " + champion->characterCenter.y + " with health " + champion->health);
            if (data.numberOfSelfChampions > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data.numberOfSelfChampions + " self champions");
                for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfSelfChampions; i++)
                    Champion *champion = &(((Champion *)data.selfChampionsArray.ToPointer())[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tchampion at " + champion->characterCenter.x + ", " + champion->characterCenter.y + " with health " + champion->health);
            if (data.numberOfEnemyMinions > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data.numberOfEnemyMinions + " enemy minions");
                for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfEnemyMinions; i++)
                    Minion *minion = &(((Minion *)data.enemyMinionsArray.ToPointer())[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tminion at " + minion->characterCenter.x + ", " + minion->characterCenter.y + " with health " + minion->health);
            if (data.numberOfEnemyChampions > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data.numberOfEnemyChampions + " enemy champions");
                for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfEnemyChampions; i++)
                    Champion *champion = &(((Champion *)data.enemyChampionsArray.ToPointer())[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\tchampion at " + champion->characterCenter.x + ", " + champion->characterCenter.y + " with health " + champion->health);
            if (data.numberOfEnemyTowers > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data.numberOfEnemyTowers + " enemy towers");
                for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfEnemyTowers; i++)
                    Tower *tower = &(((Tower *)data.enemyTowersArray.ToPointer())[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t\ttower at " + tower->towerCenter.x + ", " + tower->towerCenter.y + " with health " + tower->health);
            if (data.selfHealthBarVisible)
                Console.WriteLine("\tCan see self health bar");
                Console.WriteLine("\tSelf health: " + ((SelfHealth *)data.selfHealthBar.ToPointer())->health);
            if (data.spell1LevelUpAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tLevel up spell 1 available");
            if (data.spell2LevelUpAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tLevel up spell 2 available");
            if (data.spell3LevelUpAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tLevel up spell 3 available");
            if (data.spell4LevelUpAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tLevel up spell 4 available");
            if (data.currentLevel > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\tDetected current level: " + data.currentLevel);
            if (data.spell1ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tSpell 1 available");
            if (data.spell2ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tSpell 2 available");
            if (data.spell3ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tSpell 3 available");
            if (data.spell4ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tSpell 4 available");
            if (data.summonerSpell1ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tSummoner spell 1 available");
            if (data.summonerSpell2ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tSummoner spell 2 available");
            if (data.trinketActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tTrinket active available");
            if (data.item1ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tItem 1 active available");
            if (data.item2ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tItem 2 active available");
            if (data.item3ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tItem 3 active available");
            if (data.item4ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tItem 4 active available");
            if (data.item5ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tItem 5 active available");
            if (data.item6ActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tItem 6 active available");
            if (data.potionActiveAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tPotion active available");

                Console.WriteLine("\t\tPotion in slot " + data.potionOnActive);
            if (data.potionBeingUsedShown)
                Console.WriteLine("\tPotion being used");
            if (data.shopAvailableShown)
                Console.WriteLine("\tShop is available");
            if (data.shopTopLeftCornerShown)
                Console.WriteLine("\tShop top left corner is visible");
            if (data.shopBottomLeftCornerShown)
                Console.WriteLine("\tShop bottom left corner is visible");
            if (data.numberOfBuyableItems > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("\tBuyable items: " + data.numberOfBuyableItems);
            if (data.mapVisible)
                Console.WriteLine("\tMap is visible");
            if (data.mapShopVisible)
                Console.WriteLine("\tShop on map is visible");
            if (data.mapSelfLocationVisible)
                Console.WriteLine("\tLocation on map is visible");
            if (data.surrenderAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tSurrender is visible");
            if (data.continueAvailable)
                GenericObject *active = (GenericObject *)data.continueActive.ToPointer();
                Console.WriteLine("\tContinue is visible at " + active->topLeft.x + ", " + active->topLeft.y);
            if (data.afkAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tAFK is visible");
            if (data.stoppedWorkingAvailable)
                Console.WriteLine("\tStopped Working is visible");


             * Console.WriteLine("\nC# bytes");
             * byte[] bytes = ToByteArray(detectionData);
             * Console.WriteLine("Bytes count: " + Marshal.SizeOf(detectionData));
             * Console.WriteLine("[ " + BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", " ").ToLower() + " ]");
             * Console.WriteLine("\n");
            //visualCortex.freeVisualDetectionData(ref detectionData);
            //Console.WriteLine("Test Ending Detection data test");