Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal List <CollarInfo> GetHolesForProject(Guid currentSelectedProject)
            BaseImportTools   bit            = new BaseImportTools();
            List <CollarInfo> collarNameList = bit.FindCollarsInProject(currentSelectedProject);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List <object> ProcessLASFile(LASFile lasFile, string origFilename, ModelImportStatus mis, Guid currentProjectID, BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker)
            BaseImportTools bit  = new BaseImportTools();
            List <object>   data = new List <object>();

            data = bit.ImportLasFile(lasFile, origFilename, mis, currentProjectID, backgroundWorker);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List<object> ProcessLASFile(LASFile lasFile, string origFilename, ModelImportStatus mis, Guid currentProjectID, BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker)

            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            List<object> data = new List<object>();
            data = bit.ImportLasFile(lasFile, origFilename, mis, currentProjectID, backgroundWorker);
            return data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <string> GetImportFileColumnsAsList(Guid guid, string bmFileName, string modelAlias)
            List <string> columnNames = new List <string>();

            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();

            string targetFolder;
            bool   attmemptModelLoad;
            string originalName = bmFileName;

            bmFileName = ExtractBlockModelFromZip(bmFileName, out targetFolder, out attmemptModelLoad);
            IStorageFile bmFile       = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
            Stream       bmFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();

            NKD.Import.FormatSpecification.ImportDataMap idm = null;
            double _originX = -1;
            double _originY = -1;
            double _originZ = -1;

                StreamReader sr            = new StreamReader(bmFileStream);
                string       headerLine    = "";
                string       firstDataLine = "";
                if (sr != null)
                    headerLine    = sr.ReadLine();
                    firstDataLine = sr.ReadLine();

                    bit.ParseDataLinesForOrigins(headerLine, firstDataLine, ',', out _originX, out _originY, out _originZ);
                    // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data
                    idm = bit.AutoGenerateFormatDefinition(headerLine, ',');

            if (idm != null)
                foreach (ColumnMap cm in idm.columnMap)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal ModelImportStatus DoSurveyImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader rawFileReader, Guid NKDProjectID, bool doOverwrite, bool checkForDuplicates)
            BaseImportTools   bit = new BaseImportTools();
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();

            GeneralFileInfo gfi = new GeneralFileInfo();

            int numLines = gfi.numLines;

            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            bit.PerformSurveyImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, NKDProjectID, ConnectionString, numLines, doOverwrite, checkForDuplicates);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void AppendModel(ContentItem c)
            var m = c.As <BlockModelPart>();

            string            statusMessage = "";
            bool              completed     = false;
            BaseImportTools   bit           = new BaseImportTools();
            string            targetFolder;
            bool              attmemptModelLoad;
            var               bmFileName   = ExtractBlockModelFromZip(m.BmFileName, out targetFolder, out attmemptModelLoad);
            IStorageFile      bmFile       = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
            Stream            bmFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
            ModelImportStatus mos          = new ModelImportStatus();

                // Special append method for GF requirements - contains X, Y, Z, and value to append.
                // target model must have matching X, Y and Z centroids.
                // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data
                var opts = new TransactionOptions();
                opts.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
                using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, opts))
                    mos = bit.PerformBMAppend(bmFileStream, m.BmGuid, m.Alias, m.ColumnNameToAdd, m.ColumnIndexToAdd, _users.ApplicationConnectionString, ',');
                    mos.importTextFileName = m.BmFileName;
                    mos.targetModelName    = m.Alias;
                statusMessage += string.Format("Successfully appended data to block model:\n{0} - {1}\n\nFrom file:{2}\n\n", m.Alias, m.BmGuid, m.BmFileName);
                completed      = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                statusMessage += string.Format("Error appending data to block model:\n{0} - {1}\n\nFrom file:{2}\n\nError:\n{3}\n\n", m.Alias, m.BmGuid, m.BmFileName, ex.ToString());
            finally {
                statusMessage += mos.GenerateStringMessage();
            statusMessage += string.Format("Time Elapsed: {0}\n\n", m.Processed.HasValue ? (DateTime.UtcNow - m.Processed.Value).ToString(@"hh\h\:mm\m\:ss\s\:fff\m\s") : "Unknown");


            _users.EmailUsers(m.Recipients.SplitStringArray(), completed ? "Model Append Succeeded" : "Model Append Failed", statusMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal ModelImportStatus DoCollarImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader rawFileReader, Guid NKDProjectID, bool overwrite)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            // get the current collar names in this project
            List <CollarInfo> existingHoles = this.GetHolesForProject(NKDProjectID);

            List <string> existingHoleNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (CollarInfo ci in existingHoles)

            ModelImportStatus mos        = new ModelImportStatus();
            Stream            fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            bit.PerformCollarImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, NKDProjectID, ConnectionString, existingHoleNames, overwrite);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public string GetBlockModelInfo(Guid bm)
            string res = "";

            using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))
                    BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
                    var             d   = new NKDC(_users.ApplicationConnectionString, null);
                    //d.Connection.ConnectionString = global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NKDConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
                    List <BlockModel> bl = d.BlockModels.ToList();
                    foreach (BlockModel aModel in bl)
                        res += aModel.Alias;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    res += "Error " + ex.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Carry out the block model import
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SelectedBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="SelectedFormatBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="importMap"></param>
        /// <param name="blockRawFileReader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool DoBMImport(string SelectedBMFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader blockRawFileReader, string XODBProjectID, string modelAlias)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            int cxColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidX");
            int cyColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidY");
            int czColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidZ");
            ColumnStats xOrigin = blockRawFileReader.GetDimensions(cxColumnID);
            ColumnStats yOrigin = blockRawFileReader.GetDimensions(cyColumnID);
            ColumnStats zOrigin = blockRawFileReader.GetDimensions(czColumnID);

            int approxNumLines = xOrigin.count;

            Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
           // Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open);
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            Guid newModelGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid authorGuid = new Guid();
            List<string> status = bit.PerformBMImport(mos, newModelGuid, bmFileStream, null, importMap, xOrigin.min, yOrigin.min, zOrigin.min, backgroundWorker, approxNumLines, XODBProjectID, modelAlias, authorGuid, ConnectionString);
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Carry out the block model import
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SelectedBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="SelectedFormatBMFile"></param>
        /// <param name="importMap"></param>
        /// <param name="rawFileReader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool DoBMImport(string SelectedBMFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader rawFileReader, string NKDProjectID, string modelAlias)
            BaseImportTools bit        = new BaseImportTools();
            int             cxColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidX");
            int             cyColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidY");
            int             czColumnID = importMap.GetColumnIDMappedTo("CentroidZ");

            ColumnStats xOrigin = rawFileReader.GetDimensions(cxColumnID);
            ColumnStats yOrigin = rawFileReader.GetDimensions(cyColumnID);
            ColumnStats zOrigin = rawFileReader.GetDimensions(czColumnID);

            int approxNumLines = xOrigin.count;

            Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
            // Stream bmFileStream = new FileStream(SelectedBMFile, FileMode.Open);
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            Guid newModelGuid     = Guid.NewGuid();

            Guid          authorGuid = new Guid();
            List <string> status     = bit.PerformBMImport(mos, newModelGuid, bmFileStream, null, importMap, xOrigin.min, yOrigin.min, zOrigin.min, backgroundWorker, approxNumLines, NKDProjectID, modelAlias, authorGuid, ConnectionString);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal Dictionary <Guid, string> GetProjectList()
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();

Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal int GetNKDVersion()
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private List<ColumnMetaInfo> GetLithoFieldsFromXODB()
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            List<ColumnMetaInfo> ls = bit.GetLithoColumns(CommandDirector.ConnectionString);

            return ls;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private List<ColumnMetaInfo> GetGeophysicsFieldsFromXODB()
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            List<ColumnMetaInfo> ls = bit.GetGeophysicsColumns();

            return ls;
Ejemplo n.º 15

        /// <summary>
        /// initiate a connection to the database to collect fieldnames from he block model table 
        /// </summary>
        private List<ColumnMetaInfo> GetBMFieldsFromXODB()
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            List<string> ls = bit.GetBMColumns();
            List<ColumnMetaInfo> cmi = new List<ColumnMetaInfo>();
            foreach (string s in ls) { 
                cmi.Add(new ColumnMetaInfo(){ columnName=s,hasFK=false, isMandatory=true});

            return cmi;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        internal ModelImportStatus DoCollarImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatBMFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader blockRawFileReader, Guid XODBProjectID, bool overwrite)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            // get the current collar names in this project
            List<CollarInfo> existingHoles = this.GetHolesForProject(XODBProjectID);

            List<string> existingHoleNames = new List<string>();
            foreach (CollarInfo ci in existingHoles)

            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); 
            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            bit.PerformCollarImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, XODBProjectID, ConnectionString, existingHoleNames, overwrite);
            return mos;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public string GetBlockModelInfo(Guid bm) {
            string res = "";
            using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))

                    BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
                    string ss1 = bit.TestConnection(global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["XODBConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
                    var d = new ModelsDataContext();
                    d.Connection.ConnectionString = global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["XODBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
                    List<BlockModel> bl = d.BlockModels.ToList();
                    foreach (BlockModel aModel in bl)
                        res += aModel.Alias;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    res += "Error " + ex.ToString();
            return res;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 internal int GetXODBVersion()
     BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
     return bit.GetXODBVersion(connectionString);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal ModelImportStatus DoLithoImport(string SelectedFile, string SelectedFormatFile, ImportDataMap importMap, RawFileReader blockRawFileReader, Guid XODBProjectID, bool doOverwrite, bool checkForDuplicates)
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();

            GeneralFileInfo gfi = new GeneralFileInfo();
            int numLines = gfi.numLines;

            //Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open);
            Stream fileStream = new FileStream(SelectedFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read , FileShare.ReadWrite);
            bit.PerformLithoImport(mos, fileStream, null, importMap, this.backgroundWorker, XODBProjectID, ConnectionString, numLines, doOverwrite, checkForDuplicates);
            return mos;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void AppendModel(ContentItem c)
            var m = c.As<BlockModelPart>();

            string statusMessage = "";
            string connString = global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["XODBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            bool completed = false;
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            string targetFolder;
            bool attmemptModelLoad;
            var bmFileName = ExtractBlockModelFromZip(m.BmFileName, out targetFolder, out attmemptModelLoad);
            IStorageFile bmFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
            Stream bmFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();

                // Special append method for GF requirements - contains X, Y, Z, and value to append.
                // target model must have matching X, Y and Z centroids.
                // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data 
                var opts = new TransactionOptions();
                opts.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
                using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, opts))
                    mos = bit.PerformBMAppend(bmFileStream, m.BmGuid, m.Alias, m.ColumnNameToAdd, m.ColumnIndexToAdd, connString);
                    mos.importTextFileName = m.BmFileName;
                    mos.targetModelName = m.Alias;
                statusMessage += string.Format("Successfully appended data to block model:\n{0} - {1}\n\nFrom file:{2}\n\n", m.Alias, m.BmGuid, m.BmFileName);
                completed = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                statusMessage += string.Format("Error appending data to block model:\n{0} - {1}\n\nFrom file:{2}\n\nError:\n{3}\n\n", m.Alias, m.BmGuid, m.BmFileName, ex.ToString());
            finally {
                statusMessage += mos.GenerateStringMessage();
            statusMessage += string.Format("Time Elapsed: {0}\n\n", m.Processed.HasValue ? (DateTime.UtcNow - m.Processed.Value).ToString(@"hh\h\:mm\m\:ss\s\:fff\m\s") : "Unknown");

            _userService.EmailUsers(m.Recipients.SplitStringArray(), completed ? "Model Append Succeeded" : "Model Append Failed", statusMessage);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        internal void AddAssayData(ModelImportStatus mos, Stream fileStream, FormatSpecification.ImportDataMap importMap,
                                   int batchSize, Action <string, double> UpdateStatus, int approxNumLines,
                                   string connectionString, Guid NKDProjectID, bool checkForDuplicates, bool doImportOverwrite)
            bool     commitToDB             = true;
            DateTime currentUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // first set up an assay group object - we can do this through the edm
            using (var entityObj = new NKDC(connectionString, null))
                //entityObj.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                Guid       agGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                AssayGroup ag     = new AssayGroup();
                ag.AssayGroupID   = agGuid;
                ag.ProjectID      = NKDProjectID;
                ag.AssayGroupName = "Manual import";
                ag.Comment        = "From file " + importMap.mapOriginalDataFile;
                ag.Entered        = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                ag.VersionUpdated = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                if (commitToDB)

                // set up the assay test columns - one of these for each test type
                Dictionary <ColumnMap, Guid>      resultsColumns = new Dictionary <ColumnMap, Guid>();
                Dictionary <Guid, AssayGroupTest> assayGroups    = new Dictionary <Guid, AssayGroupTest>();

                foreach (ColumnMap cim in importMap.columnMap)
                    if (cim.targetColumnName.Trim().StartsWith("[ASSAY"))
                        // this is a test category
                        resultsColumns.Add(cim, Guid.NewGuid());
                UpdateStatus("Setting up assay tests ", 2);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <ColumnMap, Guid> kvp in resultsColumns)
                    ColumnMap      cm = kvp.Key;
                    Guid           g  = kvp.Value;
                    AssayGroupTest xt = new AssayGroupTest();

                    string ss1 = "";
                    if (cm.sourceColumnName != null && cm.sourceColumnName.Length > 15)
                        ss1 = cm.sourceColumnName.Substring(0, 16);
                        ss1 = cm.sourceColumnName;
                    Guid pid = FindParameterForAssayTypeName(cm.sourceColumnName);
                    xt.ParameterID      = pid;
                    xt.AssayTestName    = ss1;
                    xt.AssayGroupID     = agGuid;
                    xt.AssayGroupTestID = g;
                    xt.VersionUpdated   = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                    assayGroups.Add(g, xt);
                    if (commitToDB)

                // iterate through the data lines
                int           ct                  = 1;
                int           linesRead           = 0;
                SqlConnection connection          = null;
                SqlConnection secondaryConnection = null;
                //List<string> uniqueDomains = new List<string>();
                // get a connection to the database
                string line = null;
                    int domainColIDX = -1;
                    connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

                    secondaryConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                    bool hasDuplicateIntervals = false;

                    int            numCommits = 0;
                    SqlTransaction trans;
                    trans = connection.BeginTransaction();
                    List <SqlCommand> commands = new List <SqlCommand>();
                    int tb = 0;
                    int transactionBatchLimit = batchSize;

                    // open the filestream and read the first line
                    StreamReader sr = null;
                    FileStream   fs = null;
                        //fs = new FileStream(textInputDataFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                        sr = new StreamReader(fileStream);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error getting data stream for input data:\n" + ex.ToString());
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_LOADING_FILE;
                    line = null;
                    float pct = 0;
                    float bct = 1;

                    // report every X blocks
                    int repCount = 0;
                    //int reportOnBlock = 1000;
                    float fNumLines = (float)approxNumLines;

                    Dictionary <string, Guid> holeIDLookups = new Dictionary <string, Guid>();
                    Dictionary <string, int>  columnIDX     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    int fkLookupCount = 0;

                    BaseImportTools.PopulateCMapShortcut(importMap, columnIDX);
                    ColumnMap     headerCmap   = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("HeaderID");
                    AssayQueries  assayQueries = new AssayQueries();
                    List <string> items        = new List <string>();
                    if (sr != null)
                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

                            pct = ((float)linesRead / (float)approxNumLines) * 100.0f;
                            if (ct >= importMap.dataStartLine)
                                var append = BaseImportTools.ParseTestLine(line, importMap.inputDelimiter);
                                if (items.Count == 0 || append.Count == importMap.MaxColumns)
                                    items = append;
                                else if (items.Count < importMap.MaxColumns)
                                    items[items.Count - 1] = items[items.Count - 1] + append[0];
                                if (items.Count < importMap.MaxColumns)
                                    mos.AddWarningMessage(string.Format("Bad CSV file, attempted to join....{0}", linesRead));
                                else if (items.Count > importMap.MaxColumns)
                                    mos.AddWarningMessage(string.Format("FAILED! Line {0}. Bad CSV file, attempted to join.", linesRead));

                                // digest a row of input data

                                Guid    holeID                 = new Guid();
                                Decimal?fromDepth              = null;
                                Decimal?toDepth                = null;
                                string  sampleNumber           = null;
                                string  labBatchNumber         = null;
                                string  labsampleNumber        = null;
                                Decimal?sampleMassKg           = null;
                                Decimal?dryMassKg              = null;
                                string  standardSampleTypeName = null;

                                // find mapped values by name
                                //ColumnMap cmap = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("HeaderID");
                                int    idxVal     = 0;
                                bool   foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("HeaderID", out idxVal);
                                bool   foundHole  = false;
                                string holeName   = "";
                                if (foundEntry)
                                    string lookupByName = "HoleName";
                                    string lookupValue  = items[idxVal];
                                    holeName = lookupValue;
                                    bool lv = holeIDLookups.ContainsKey(lookupValue);
                                    if (!lv)
                                        string headerGUID = ForeignKeyUtils.FindFKValueInOther(lookupValue, headerCmap, secondaryConnection, false, lookupByName, NKDProjectID);
                                        if (headerGUID == null)
                                            // this means we have not found the specified records in the header table
                                            // Report on issue and skip line
                                            foundHole = true;
                                            holeID    = new Guid(headerGUID);
                                            holeIDLookups.Add(lookupValue, holeID);
                                        holeIDLookups.TryGetValue(lookupValue, out holeID);
                                        foundHole = true;

                                if (!foundHole)
                                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Failed to find hole " + holeName + ".  Skipping record at line " + linesRead + ".");
                                    mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.DATA_CONSISTENCY_ERROR;
                                    bool hasFrom = false;
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("FromDepth", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                    //cmap = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName();
                                    //if (cmap != null)
                                        string  ii   = items[idxVal];
                                        Decimal val  = 0;
                                        bool    isOk = Decimal.TryParse(ii, out val);
                                        if (isOk)
                                            fromDepth = val;
                                            hasFrom   = true;

                                    bool hasTo = false;
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("ToDepth", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)

                                    //cmap = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("ToDepth");
                                    //if (cmap != null)
                                        string  ii   = items[idxVal];
                                        Decimal val  = 0;
                                        bool    isOk = Decimal.TryParse(ii, out val);
                                        if (isOk)
                                            toDepth = val;
                                            hasTo   = true;
                                    List <Sample> duplicateList       = null;
                                    bool          isDuplicateInterval = false;
                                    if (checkForDuplicates)
                                        if (hasFrom && hasTo)
                                            // here we need to check that the hole is not duplicated
                                            duplicateList = assayQueries.CheckForDuplicate(holeID, fromDepth, toDepth);
                                            if (duplicateList.Count > 0)
                                                isDuplicateInterval = true;
                                        if (isDuplicateInterval)
                                            hasDuplicateIntervals = true;
                                            mos.AddWarningMessage("Duplicate interval for hole " + holeName + " at depth " + fromDepth + " to " + toDepth);
                                            UpdateStatus("Duplicate interval at " + holeName + " " + fromDepth + ", " + toDepth, pct);
                                            if (!doImportOverwrite)

                                    //cmap = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("SampleNumber");
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("SampleNumber", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                    //  if (cmap != null)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        sampleNumber = ii;

                                    //cmap = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("LabSampleNumber");
                                    //if (cmap != null)
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("LabSampleName", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        labsampleNumber = ii;

                                    //cmap = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("LabBatchNumber");
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("LabBatchNumber", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        labBatchNumber = ii;

                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("SampleMassKg", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string  ii   = items[idxVal];
                                        Decimal val  = 0;
                                        bool    isOk = Decimal.TryParse(ii, out val);
                                        if (isOk)
                                            sampleMassKg = val;

                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("DryMassKg", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string  ii   = items[idxVal];
                                        Decimal val  = 0;
                                        bool    isOk = Decimal.TryParse(ii, out val);
                                        if (isOk)
                                            dryMassKg = val;

                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("StandardSampleTypeName", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        standardSampleTypeName = ii;

                                    Sample xs = new Sample();
                                    if (isDuplicateInterval == true)
                                        xs = duplicateList.First();
                                        xs.SampleID       = Guid.NewGuid();
                                        xs.FromDepth      = fromDepth;
                                        xs.ToDepth        = toDepth;
                                        xs.HeaderID       = holeID;
                                        xs.VersionUpdated = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                                        xs.SampleNumber   = sampleNumber;
                                        xs.SampleMassKg   = sampleMassKg;
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(standardSampleTypeName))
                                            var t = entityObj.DictionarySampleTypes.Select(f => new { f.SampleTypeID, f.StandardSampleTypeName }).FirstOrDefault(f => f.StandardSampleTypeName == standardSampleTypeName);
                                            if (t != null)
                                                xs.SampleTypeID = t.SampleTypeID;
                                        xs.DryMassKg = dryMassKg;

                                    // now pick out all the mapped values
                                    // iterate over all [ASSAY RESULT] columns
                                    bool assayUpdated = false;
                                    bool assayAdded   = false;
                                    var  results      = new List <AssayGroupTestResult>();
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <ColumnMap, Guid> kvp in resultsColumns)
                                        ColumnMap cm = kvp.Key;
                                        Guid      g  = kvp.Value; // this is the AssayGroupTestID

                                        AssayGroupTestResult testResult = new AssayGroupTestResult();

                                        /*bool assayResFound = false;
                                         * if (isDuplicateInterval)
                                         * {
                                         * List<AssayGroupTestResult> testResults = assayQueries.GetDuplicateResult(xs.SampleID, cm.sourceColumnName);
                                         * if (testResults.Count > 0)
                                         * {
                                         *     testResult = testResults.First();
                                         *     assayResFound = true;
                                         * }
                                         * }*/

                                        // {

                                        testResult.AssayGroupTestResultID = Guid.NewGuid();
                                        testResult.AssayGroupTestID       = g;
                                        testResult.SampleID       = xs.SampleID;
                                        testResult.VersionUpdated = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                                        testResult.LabBatchNumber = labBatchNumber;
                                        testResult.LabSampleName  = labsampleNumber;
                                        Decimal result = new Decimal();
                                        if (items.Count >= cm.sourceColumnNumber)
                                            bool parsedOK = Decimal.TryParse(items[cm.sourceColumnNumber], out result);
                                            if (parsedOK)
                                                testResult.LabResult = result;
                                            testResult.LabResultText = items[cm.sourceColumnNumber];
                                            mos.AddWarningMessage("Line " + linesRead + " contains too few columns to read " + cm.sourceColumnName);

                                        //if (isDuplicateInterval == false)

                                        assayAdded = true;

                                        //    if (!assayResFound)
                                        //    {
                                        //        entityObj.AssayGroupTestResult.Add(testResult);
                                        //        assayAdded = true;

                                        //    }
                                        //    else {
                                        //        assayUpdated = true;
                                        //    }
                                    var resultsToSave = (from o in results where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.LabResultText) select o);
                                    if (!resultsToSave.Any())

                                    if (!isDuplicateInterval)

                                    foreach (var save in resultsToSave)

                                    if (assayAdded == true)
                                    if (assayUpdated)

                            if (commitToDB)
                                if (tb == transactionBatchLimit)

                                    UpdateStatus("Writing assays to DB (" + ct + " entries)", pct);
                                    tb = 0;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Processing line "+ct);
                    if (hasDuplicateIntervals)
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.DATA_CONSISTENCY_ERROR;
                    string numFKLookups = "FK lookups " + fkLookupCount;
                    mos.linesReadFromSource = ct - 1;
                    UpdateStatus("Finished writing assays to database.", 0);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    UpdateStatus("Error writing assays to database ", 0);
                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Error writing assay data at line " + linesRead + ":\n" + line + "\n\n" + ex.ToString());
                    mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error closing connection to database:\n" + ex.ToString());
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;

                mos.linesReadFromSource = linesRead;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public List<string> GetImportFileColumnsAsList(Guid guid, string bmFileName, string modelAlias)

            List<string> columnNames = new List<string>();
            string scs = global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["XODBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            string connString = scs;
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();

            string targetFolder;
            bool attmemptModelLoad;
            string originalName = bmFileName;
            bmFileName = ExtractBlockModelFromZip(bmFileName, out targetFolder, out attmemptModelLoad);
            IStorageFile bmFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
            Stream bmFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
            XODB.Import.FormatSpecification.ImportDataMap idm = null;
            double _originX = -1;
            double _originY = -1;
            double _originZ = -1;

                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(bmFileStream);
                string headerLine = "";
                string firstDataLine = "";
                if (sr != null)
                    headerLine = sr.ReadLine();
                    firstDataLine = sr.ReadLine();

                    bit.ParseDataLinesForOrigins(headerLine, firstDataLine, out _originX, out _originY, out _originZ);
                    // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data
                    idm = bit.AutoGenerateFormatDefinition(headerLine);



            if (idm != null)

                foreach (ColumnMap cm in idm.columnMap)
            return columnNames;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Import the block model.  This is ultimatly carried out throught he import library which must be
        /// passed the streams for the import file (and defintiion possibly).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="formatFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="projectID"></param>
        /// <param name="alias"></param>
        /// <param name="authorGuid"></param>
        /// <param name="res2"></param>
        /// <param name="domains"></param>
        /// <param name="targetFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="attmemptModelLoad"></param>
        /// <param name="notes"></param>
        /// <param name="stage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ModelImportStatus  DoNewModelImport(string bmFileName, string formatFileName, string projectID, string alias, Guid authorGuid, ref List <string> domains, string targetFolder, bool attmemptModelLoad, string notes, string stage, Guid stageMetaID)
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();

            mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.OK;
            double          _originX = -1;
            double          _originY = -1;
            double          _originZ = -1;
            BaseImportTools bit      = new BaseImportTools();

            if (attmemptModelLoad)
                //IStorageFile formatFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(formatFileName);
                IStorageFile bmFile           = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
                Stream       bmFileStream     = bmFile.OpenRead();
                Stream       bmTempFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
                // try and automatically detect the origin coordinates from the file itself - a datamine file
                // always carries the origin coords in XMORIG, YMORIG, ZMORIG

                NKD.Import.FormatSpecification.ImportDataMap idm = null;
                    StreamReader sr            = new StreamReader(bmTempFileStream);
                    string       headerLine    = "";
                    string       firstDataLine = "";
                    if (sr != null)
                        headerLine    = sr.ReadLine();
                        firstDataLine = sr.ReadLine();
                        bit.ParseDataLinesForOrigins(headerLine, firstDataLine, ',', out _originX, out _originY, out _originZ);
                        // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data
                        idm = bit.AutoGenerateFormatDefinition(headerLine, ',');
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    mos.AddWarningMessage("Unable to auto detect origin and other format information from the file\n\n" + ex.ToString());
                var opts = new TransactionOptions();
                opts.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
                using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, opts))
                        Guid blockModelGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                        mos.modelID = blockModelGUID;
                        domains     = bit.PerformBMImport(mos, blockModelGUID, bmFileStream, null, idm, _originX, _originY, _originZ, null, 1000, projectID, alias, authorGuid, _users.ApplicationConnectionString);
                        List <Tuple <string, string> > doms = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
                        string domainColumnName             = "Domain";
                        foreach (string ss in domains)
                            doms.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(domainColumnName, ss));
                        UpdateDomains(doms, blockModelGUID);
                        AddModelNotes(notes, blockModelGUID);
                        UpdateStage(blockModelGUID, stageMetaID, stage);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error importing block model:\n" + ex.ToString());

                //TODO call into import library with the stream object for the import

Ejemplo n.º 24
 internal Dictionary<Guid, string> GetProjectList()
     BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
     return bit.GetProjectsList();
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Import the block model.  This is ultimatly carried out throught he import library which must be 
        /// passed the streams for the import file (and defintiion possibly).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="formatFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="projectID"></param>
        /// <param name="alias"></param>
        /// <param name="authorGuid"></param>
        /// <param name="res2"></param>
        /// <param name="domains"></param>
        /// <param name="targetFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="attmemptModelLoad"></param>
        /// <param name="notes"></param>
        /// <param name="stage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ModelImportStatus  DoNewModelImport(string bmFileName, string formatFileName, string projectID, string alias, Guid authorGuid, ref List<string> domains, string targetFolder, bool attmemptModelLoad, string notes, string stage, Guid stageMetaID)
            ModelImportStatus mos = new ModelImportStatus();
            mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.OK;
            double _originX = -1;
            double _originY = -1;
            double _originZ = -1;

            string connString = global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["XODBConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            if (attmemptModelLoad)
                //IStorageFile formatFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(formatFileName);
                IStorageFile bmFile = _storageProvider.GetFile(bmFileName);
                Stream bmFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
                Stream bmTempFileStream = bmFile.OpenRead();
                // try and automatically detect the origin coordinates from the file itself - a datamine file 
                // always carries the origin coords in XMORIG, YMORIG, ZMORIG
                XODB.Import.FormatSpecification.ImportDataMap idm = null;
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(bmTempFileStream);
                    string headerLine = "";
                    string firstDataLine = "";
                    if (sr != null)
                        headerLine = sr.ReadLine();
                        firstDataLine = sr.ReadLine();
                        bit.ParseDataLinesForOrigins(headerLine, firstDataLine, out _originX, out _originY, out _originZ);
                        // auto generate a format defintion based on Goldfields typical input column data
                        idm = bit.AutoGenerateFormatDefinition(headerLine);

                catch (Exception ex) {
                    mos.AddWarningMessage("Unable to auto detect origin and other format information from the file\n\n" + ex.ToString());
                var opts = new TransactionOptions();
                opts.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
                using (new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, opts))
                        Guid blockModelGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
                        mos.modelID = blockModelGUID;
                        domains = bit.PerformBMImport(mos, blockModelGUID, bmFileStream, null, idm, _originX, _originY, _originZ, null, 1000, projectID, alias, authorGuid, connString);
                        List<Tuple<string, string>> doms = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
                        string domainColumnName = "Domain";
                        foreach (string ss in domains)
                            doms.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(domainColumnName, ss));
                        XODB.Helpers.BMImportHelper.UpdateDomains(doms, blockModelGUID);
                        XODB.Helpers.BMImportHelper.AddModelNotes(notes, blockModelGUID);
                        XODB.Helpers.BMImportHelper.UpdateStage(blockModelGUID, stageMetaID, stage);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error importing block model:\n" + ex.ToString());
                //TODO call into import library with the stream object for the import

            return mos;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        internal void AddCoalQualityData(ModelImportStatus mos, Stream fileStream, FormatSpecification.ImportDataMap importMap,
                                         int batchSize, Action <string, double> UpdateStatus, int approxNumLines,
                                         string connectionString, Guid NKDProjectID, bool checkForDuplicates, bool doImportOverwrite)
            WorkflowProcedureSequenceNumber = 1;
            Guid?    lastHoleID             = new Guid();
            string   lastStage              = "";
            decimal  lastFromDepth          = -999999;
            decimal  lastToDepth            = -999999;
            bool     commitToDB             = true;
            DateTime currentUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // first set up an assay group object - we can do this through the edm
            using (var entityObj = new NKDC(connectionString, null))
                Guid       agGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                AssayGroup ag     = new AssayGroup();
                ag.AssayGroupID   = agGuid;
                ag.ProjectID      = NKDProjectID;
                ag.AssayGroupName = "Manual import";
                ag.Comment        = "From file " + importMap.mapOriginalDataFile;
                ag.Entered        = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                ag.VersionUpdated = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                if (commitToDB)

                // set up the assay test columns - one of these for each test type
                Dictionary <ColumnMap, Guid>      resultsColumns = new Dictionary <ColumnMap, Guid>();
                Dictionary <Guid, AssayGroupTest> assayGroups    = new Dictionary <Guid, AssayGroupTest>();
                ColumnMap cmProgram      = null;
                ColumnMap cmStage        = null;
                ColumnMap cmSizeFraction = null;
                ColumnMap cmWashFraction = null;
                foreach (ColumnMap cim in importMap.columnMap)
                    if (cim.targetColumnName.Trim().StartsWith("[RESULT"))
                        // this is a test category
                        resultsColumns.Add(cim, Guid.NewGuid());
                    else if (cim.targetColumnName.Trim().StartsWith("[PROGRAM"))
                        cmProgram = cim;
                    else if (cim.targetColumnName.Trim().StartsWith("[STAGE"))
                        cmStage = cim;
                    else if (cim.targetColumnName.Trim().StartsWith("[SIZE FRACTION"))
                        cmSizeFraction = cim;
                    else if (cim.targetColumnName.Trim().StartsWith("[WASH FRACTION"))
                        cmWashFraction = cim;
                UpdateStatus("Setting up assay tests ", 2);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <ColumnMap, Guid> kvp in resultsColumns)
                    ColumnMap      cm = kvp.Key;
                    Guid           g  = kvp.Value;
                    AssayGroupTest xt = new AssayGroupTest();

                    string ss1 = "";
                    if (cm.sourceColumnName != null && cm.sourceColumnName.Length > 15)
                        ss1 = cm.sourceColumnName.Substring(0, 16);
                        ss1 = cm.sourceColumnName;
                    Guid pid = FindParameter("AssayTypeName", cm.sourceColumnName);
                    xt.ParameterID      = pid;
                    xt.AssayTestName    = ss1;
                    xt.AssayGroupID     = agGuid;
                    xt.AssayGroupTestID = g;
                    xt.VersionUpdated   = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                    assayGroups.Add(g, xt);
                    if (commitToDB)

                // iterate through the data lines
                int           ct                  = 1;
                int           linesRead           = 0;
                SqlConnection connection          = null;
                SqlConnection secondaryConnection = null;
                //List<string> uniqueDomains = new List<string>();
                // get a connection to the database
                    connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

                    secondaryConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                    bool hasDuplicateIntervals = false;

                    SqlTransaction trans;
                    trans = connection.BeginTransaction();
                    List <SqlCommand> commands = new List <SqlCommand>();
                    int tb = 0;
                    int transactionBatchLimit = batchSize;

                    // open the filestream and read the first line
                    StreamReader sr = null;
                        sr = new StreamReader(fileStream);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error getting data stream for input data:\n" + ex.ToString());
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_LOADING_FILE;
                    string line = null;
                    float  pct  = 0;
                    float  bct  = 1;

                    // report every X records
                    int   repCount  = 0;
                    float fNumLines = (float)approxNumLines;

                    Dictionary <string, Guid> holeIDLookups = new Dictionary <string, Guid>();
                    Dictionary <string, int>  columnIDX     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    int fkLookupCount = 0;

                    BaseImportTools.PopulateCMapShortcut(importMap, columnIDX);
                    ColumnMap headerCmap = importMap.FindItemsByTargetName("HeaderID");
                    int       seqNum     = 1;
                    if (sr != null)
                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

                            pct = ((float)linesRead / (float)approxNumLines) * 100.0f;
                            if (ct >= importMap.dataStartLine)
                                // digest a row of input data
                                List <string> items = BaseImportTools.ParseTestLine(line, importMap.inputDelimiter);

                                Guid    holeID          = new Guid();
                                Decimal fromDepth       = new Decimal(-9999999999);
                                Decimal toDepth         = new Decimal(-9999999999);
                                string  sampleNumber    = null;
                                string  sampleName      = null;
                                string  labBatchNumber  = null;
                                string  labsampleNumber = null;

                                // find mapped values by name
                                int idxVal = 0;
                                // -- Get the hole ID foreign key relation
                                bool   foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("HeaderID", out idxVal);
                                bool   foundHole  = false;
                                string holeName   = "";
                                if (foundEntry)
                                    string lookupByName = "HoleName";
                                    string lookupValue  = items[idxVal];
                                    holeName = lookupValue;
                                    bool lv = holeIDLookups.ContainsKey(lookupValue);
                                    if (!lv)
                                        string headerGUID = ForeignKeyUtils.FindFKValueInOther(lookupValue, headerCmap, secondaryConnection, false, lookupByName, NKDProjectID);
                                        if (headerGUID == null)
                                            // this means we have not found the specified records in the header table
                                            // Report on issue and skip line
                                            foundHole = true;
                                            holeID    = new Guid(headerGUID);
                                            holeIDLookups.Add(lookupValue, holeID);
                                        holeIDLookups.TryGetValue(lookupValue, out holeID);
                                        foundHole = true;

                                if (!foundHole)
                                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Failed to find hole " + holeName + ".  Skipping record at line " + linesRead + ".");
                                    mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.DATA_CONSISTENCY_ERROR;
                                    bool hasFrom = false;
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("FromDepth", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string  ii   = items[idxVal];
                                        Decimal val  = 0;
                                        bool    isOk = Decimal.TryParse(ii, out val);
                                        if (isOk)
                                            fromDepth = val;
                                            hasFrom   = true;

                                    bool hasTo = false;
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("ToDepth", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string  ii   = items[idxVal];
                                        Decimal val  = 0;
                                        bool    isOk = Decimal.TryParse(ii, out val);
                                        if (isOk)
                                            toDepth = val;
                                            hasTo   = true;

                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("SampleID", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        sampleNumber = ii;
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("SampleName", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        sampleName = ii;
                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("LabSampleName", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        labsampleNumber = ii;

                                    idxVal     = 0;
                                    foundEntry = columnIDX.TryGetValue("LabBatchNumber", out idxVal);
                                    if (foundEntry)
                                        string ii = items[idxVal];
                                        labBatchNumber = ii;

                                    // Now iddentify the  program, Stage, Size fraction and wash fraction

                                    // get the program text
                                    string programType = null;
                                    if (cmProgram != null)
                                        programType = items[cmProgram.sourceColumnNumber];
                                    string stage = null;
                                    if (cmStage != null)
                                        stage = items[cmStage.sourceColumnNumber];
                                    string sizeFraction = null;
                                    if (cmSizeFraction != null)
                                        sizeFraction = items[cmSizeFraction.sourceColumnNumber];
                                    string washFraction = null;
                                    if (cmWashFraction != null)
                                        washFraction = items[cmWashFraction.sourceColumnNumber];

                                    IQueryable <AssayGroupSubsample> toUpdate = null;
                                    bool isDuplicate = false;
                                    var  washID      = (from o in entityObj.Parameters where o.ParameterType == "AssayPrecondition" && o.ParameterName == "Wash fraction" select o.ParameterID).FirstOrDefault();
                                    var  sizeID      = (from o in entityObj.Parameters where o.ParameterType == "AssayPrecondition" && o.ParameterName == "Size fraction" select o.ParameterID).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (checkForDuplicates)
                                        if (hasFrom && hasTo)
                                            // here we need to check that not duplicated
                                            toUpdate =
                                                (from o in entityObj.AssayGroupSubsamples
                                                 o.OriginalSample.HeaderID == holeID &&
                                                 o.OriginalSample.FromDepth == fromDepth &&
                                                 o.OriginalSample.ToDepth == toDepth &&
                                                 o.AssayGroupWorkflowProcedure.WorkflowStateName == stage &&
                                                 o.AssayGroupWorkflowProcedure.AssayGroupWorkflow.WorkflowName == programType &&
                                                 (sizeFraction.Trim() == "" || o.AssayGroupSubsamplePrecondition.Any(f => f.PreconditionName == sizeFraction && f.PreconditionParameterID == sizeID)) &&
                                                 (washFraction.Trim() == "" || o.AssayGroupSubsamplePrecondition.Any(f => f.PreconditionName == washFraction && f.PreconditionParameterID == washID))
                                                 select o);

                                            if (toUpdate.Any())
                                                isDuplicate = true;
                                        if (isDuplicate)
                                            hasDuplicateIntervals = true;
                                            mos.AddWarningMessage("Duplicate interval for hole " + holeName + " at depth " + fromDepth + " to " + toDepth);
                                            UpdateStatus("Duplicate interval at " + holeName + " " + fromDepth + ", " + toDepth, pct);
                                            if (!doImportOverwrite)
                                                foreach (var upd in toUpdate)
                                                    upd.Sequence = seqNum;

                                    Sample xs = null;
                                    if (isDuplicate == true)
                                        xs = toUpdate.First().OriginalSample;
                                        xs = (from o in entityObj.Samples where o.HeaderID == holeID && o.FromDepth == fromDepth && o.ToDepth == toDepth select o).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (xs == null)
                                            xs                = new Sample();
                                            xs.SampleID       = Guid.NewGuid();
                                            xs.SampleName     = sampleName;
                                            xs.SampleNumber   = sampleNumber;
                                            xs.FromDepth      = fromDepth;
                                            xs.ToDepth        = toDepth;
                                            xs.HeaderID       = holeID;
                                            xs.VersionUpdated = currentUpdateTimestamp;

                                    // see if the interfal has changed, wherby we will need to reset the sequence ID
                                    if (holeID != lastHoleID)
                                        if (fromDepth != lastFromDepth && toDepth != lastToDepth)
                                            // new interval
                                            WorkflowProcedureSequenceNumber = 1;
                                    if (!stage.Trim().Equals(lastStage))
                                        WorkflowProcedureSequenceNumber = 1;
                                    lastHoleID    = holeID;
                                    lastFromDepth = fromDepth;
                                    lastToDepth   = toDepth;
                                    lastStage     = stage;
                                    if (!isDuplicate)
                                        AssayGroupWorkflow          agWorkflowProgram = GetAssayGroupWorkflow(entityObj, programType, agGuid);
                                        AssayGroupWorkflowProcedure agWorkflowStage   = GetAssayGroupWorkflowProcedure(entityObj, stage, agWorkflowProgram);
                                        AssayGroupSubsample         agSS = new AssayGroupSubsample();
                                        agSS.AssayGroupID                  = agGuid;
                                        agSS.FromDepth                     = fromDepth;
                                        agSS.ToDepth                       = toDepth;
                                        agSS.Sequence                      = seqNum;
                                        agSS.AssayGroupSubsampleID         = Guid.NewGuid();
                                        agSS.SampleAntecedentID            = xs.SampleID;
                                        agSS.OriginalSample                = xs;
                                        agSS.AssayGroupWorkflowProcedureID = agWorkflowStage.AssayGroupWorkflowProcedureID;
                                        agSS.AssayGroupWorkflowProcedure   = agWorkflowStage;
                                        AssayGroupSubsamplePrecondition agSizeFraction = GetAssayGroupPrecondition(entityObj, sizeFraction, "Size fraction", agSS.AssayGroupSubsampleID);

                                        AssayGroupSubsamplePrecondition agWashFraction = GetAssayGroupPrecondition(entityObj, washFraction, "Wash fraction", agSS.AssayGroupSubsampleID);
                                        toUpdate = (new[] { agSS }).AsQueryable();
                                    if (isDuplicate)
                                    foreach (var upd in toUpdate.ToList())
                                        // now pick out all the mapped values
                                        // iterate over all [ASSAY RESULT] columns
                                        foreach (KeyValuePair <ColumnMap, Guid> kvp in resultsColumns)
                                            ColumnMap            cm         = kvp.Key;
                                            Guid                 g          = kvp.Value; // this is the AssayGroupTestID
                                            AssayGroupTestResult testResult = null;
                                            Decimal              result     = default(decimal);
                                            string               resultText = null;
                                            bool                 parsedOK   = false;
                                            if (items.Count >= cm.sourceColumnNumber)
                                                parsedOK   = Decimal.TryParse(items[cm.sourceColumnNumber], out result);
                                                resultText = items[cm.sourceColumnNumber];
                                                mos.AddWarningMessage("Line " + linesRead + " contains too few columns to read " + cm.sourceColumnName);
                                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resultText))
                                            if (!isDuplicate)
                                                testResult = new AssayGroupTestResult();
                                                testResult.AssayGroupSubsampleID  = upd.AssayGroupSubsampleID;
                                                testResult.AssayGroupTestResultID = Guid.NewGuid();
                                                testResult.AssayGroupTestID       = g;
                                                testResult.SampleID       = xs.SampleID;
                                                testResult.LabBatchNumber = labBatchNumber;
                                                testResult.VersionUpdated = currentUpdateTimestamp;
                                                if (parsedOK)
                                                    testResult.LabResult = result;
                                                testResult.LabResultText = resultText;
                                                //testResult.LabSampleNumber = labsampleNumber;
                                                var tempRes = (parsedOK) ? result : default(decimal?);
                                                entityObj.AssayGroupTestResults.Where(f =>
                                                                                      f.AssayGroupSubsampleID == upd.AssayGroupSubsampleID &&
                                                                                      f.AssayGroupTest.Parameter.ParameterName == cm.sourceColumnName
                                                .Update((f) => new AssayGroupTestResult
                                                    LabResult      = tempRes,
                                                    LabResultText  = resultText,
                                                    VersionUpdated = currentUpdateTimestamp


                            if (commitToDB)
                                if (tb == transactionBatchLimit)

                                    UpdateStatus("Writing assays to DB (" + ct + " entries)", pct);
                                    tb = 0;
                    if (hasDuplicateIntervals)
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.DATA_CONSISTENCY_ERROR;
                    string numFKLookups = "FK lookups " + fkLookupCount;
                    mos.linesReadFromSource = ct - 1;
                    UpdateStatus("Finished writing coal quality data to database.", 0);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    UpdateStatus("Error writing qualities to database ", 0);
                    mos.AddErrorMessage("Error writing data at line " + linesRead + ":\n" + ex.ToString());
                    mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        mos.AddErrorMessage("Error closing conenction to database:\n" + ex.ToString());
                        mos.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_WRITING_TO_DB;

                mos.linesReadFromSource = linesRead;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        internal List<CollarInfo> GetHolesForProject(Guid currentSelectedProject)

            BaseImportTools bit = new BaseImportTools();
            List<CollarInfo> collarNameList = bit.FindCollarsInProject(currentSelectedProject);
            return collarNameList;