Ejemplo n.º 1
    public string  save_begin_log(string file_name)
        DataTable dt_key = new DataTable();

        dt_key = Fun.getDtBySql("select s_a30803.nextval as c from dual ");
        string line_no = dt_key.Rows[0][0].ToString();

        log_key = line_no;
        string sql = "Insert into a30803(a308_id,line_no,sort_by,file_name,IF_ERROR,enter_user,enter_date,d001_id,d001_name,state)";

        sql += "Select '" + import_key + "'," + line_no + "," + line_no + ",'" + file_name + "','0','Timer',sysdate,'" + d001_id + "','" + d001_name + "','0' from dual ";
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public string doA309(string sqlxml, string key_, string a002_key__, string reason_)
        string    sql_  = "select s_a309.nextval as c from dual ";
        DataTable dt_id = new DataTable();

        dt_id = Fun.getDtBySql(sql_);
        string a309_id = dt_id.Rows[0][0].ToString();


        sql_  = "insert into A309(a309_id,A309_NAME,KEY_ID,REASON,DESCRIPTION,ENTER_USER,ENTER_DATE,STATUS,A002_ID,EXEC_SQL)";
        sql_ += " Values (" + a309_id + ",'" + a002_key__ + "-变更','" + key_ + "','" + reason_.Replace("'", "''") + "',null,'" + GlobeAtt.A007_KEY + "',sysdate,'0','" + a002_key__ + "','" + sqlxml.Replace("'", "''") + "')";
            int li_db = Fun.execSqlOnly(sql_);
            if (li_db < 0)
                return("00" + getMsg("M0017"));
        catch (Exception ex)
            return("00" + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string    sql_a022 = "Select t.* from a022 t where t.a022_id='FROM_EMAIL_TIMES'";
            DataTable dt_a022_ = new DataTable();
            db.ExcuteDataTable(dt_a022_, sql_a022, CommandType.Text);
            FROM_EMAIL_TIMES = dt_a022_.Rows[0]["a022_name"].ToString();

            string sql_main = "Select t.* from A306_EMAIL t where STATUS='0' and email_state='0' and email is not null  order by t.enter_date ";
            db.ExcuteDataTable(dt_main, sql_main, CommandType.Text);
            http.CharacterSet = "UTF-8";
            string msg_ = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < dt_main.Rows.Count; i++)
                string ls_send = "-1";
                string toemail = dt_main.Rows[i]["EMAIL"].ToString();
                if (toemail.IndexOf("@") > 0)
                    string main_name          = dt_main.Rows[i]["DESCRIPTION"].ToString();
                    string title              = dt_main.Rows[i]["tittle"].ToString();
                    string A306_ID            = dt_main.Rows[i]["A306_ID"].ToString();
                    string a306_name          = dt_main.Rows[i]["A306_NAME"].ToString();
                    string showhtmlurl        = GlobeAtt.HTTP_URL + "/linkHtml.aspx?a306id=" + A306_ID;
                    string send_email         = dt_main.Rows[i]["send_email"].ToString();
                    string SEND_A007_NAME     = dt_main.Rows[i]["SEND_A007_NAME"].ToString();
                    string Smtp_Userid        = dt_main.Rows[i]["Smtp_Userid"].ToString();
                    string Smtp_Password      = dt_main.Rows[i]["Smtp_Password"].ToString();
                    string Smtp_Server        = dt_main.Rows[i]["Smtp_Server"].ToString();
                    string Smtp_Server_Portid = dt_main.Rows[i]["Smtp_Server_Portid"].ToString();
                    string html_              = "";
                    if (a306_name.IndexOf("OUT_EMAIL") == 0)
                    {   //获取包的内容
                        html_     = main_name;
                        main_name = title;
                        http.OpenRequest(showhtmlurl, showhtmlurl);
                        html_ = http.HtmlDocument;
                    main_name = main_name.Replace("\r", "</BR>");
                    main_name = main_name.Replace("\n", "</BR>");
                    if (a306_name.IndexOf("A30305_ID=") == 0)
                        if (html_.IndexOf("<NOSENDEMAIL>1</NOSENDEMAIL>") <= 0)
                            //ls_send = SendSMTPEMail(Smtp_Server, Smtp_Server_Portid,
                            //    Smtp_Userid, Smtp_Password,
                            //    toemail,
                            //    title,
                            //    html_, send_email, SEND_A007_NAME);
                            ls_send = sendMail("stmp.sina.com", 25, "*****@*****.**", "Cathorlin", "lp901129", "no tittle", "hello this is smtp service", "*****@*****.**", false);
                            ls_send = "不需要发邮件";
                        ls_send = sendMail("stmp.sina.com", 25, "*****@*****.**", "Cathorlin", "lp901129", "no tittle", "hello this is smtp service", "*****@*****.**", false);
                        //ls_send = SendSMTPEMail(Smtp_Server,Smtp_Server_Portid, Smtp_Userid, Smtp_Password, toemail, title, html_, send_email, SEND_A007_NAME);
                    string sql = "begin pkg_msg.send_mail_end('" + A306_ID + "','" + ls_send.Replace("'", "''") + "'); end;";
                    if (send_email == "" || send_email == null)
                        send_email = Smtp_Userid;
                    msg_ += DateTime.Now.ToString() + " " + send_email + "  " + A306_ID + ":" + main_name + Environment.NewLine;
            this.TextBox1.Text = msg_;
        catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         table_id = Request.QueryString["table_id"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["table_id"].ToString();
         key_id   = Request.QueryString["key_id"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["key_id"].ToString();
         line_no  = Request.QueryString["line_no"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["line_no"].ToString();
         basekey  = Request.QueryString["basekey"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["basekey"].ToString();
         basekey  = basekey.Replace("-", "+");
         key_id   = key_id.Replace("-", "+");
         key_id   = key_id.Replace("'", "''");
         string sql = "Select t.* from A10001 t where t.table_id='" + table_id + "' and  line_no='" + line_no + "'";
         dt_a10001 = fun.getDtBySql(sql);
         a308_id   = dt_a10001.Rows[0]["col_mask"].ToString();
         dt_a308   = fun.getDtBySql("Select t.* from A308 t where t.a308_id='" + a308_id + "'");
         FILE_TYPE = dt_a308.Rows[0]["FILE_TYPE"].ToString().ToUpper();
         // FILE_TYPE = FILE_TYPE.Substring(0, 3);
         if (FILE_TYPE != "*")
             string model_file_name_ = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("../data/" + a308_id + "." + FILE_TYPE);
             if (System.IO.File.Exists(model_file_name_))
                 model_file_name = fun.GetIndexUrl() + "\\data\\" + a308_id + "." + FILE_TYPE;
                 model_file_name = "";
             model_file_name = "";
         dt_a30801      = fun.getDtBySql("Select t.* from A30801 t where t.a308_id='" + a308_id + "'");
         dt_a30802      = fun.getDtBySql("Select t.* from A30802 t where t.a308_id='" + a308_id + "'");
         uploadfilepath = "..\\data\\import\\" + a308_id + "\\upload";
         sql            = "Select count(*) from a30803 t where a308_id='" + a308_id + "' and t.BASE_TABLE_ID='" + table_id + "' and BASE_COLUMN_ID='" + dt_a10001.Rows[0]["COLUMN_ID"].ToString() + "' and  BASE_KEY='" + basekey + "'";
         DataTable dt_count = new DataTable();
         dt_count = fun.getDtBySql(sql);
         if (dt_count.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0")
             DataTable dt_key = new DataTable();
             dt_key     = fun.getDtBySql("select s_a30803.nextval as c from dual ");
             a30803_key = dt_key.Rows[0][0].ToString();
             sql        = "insert into a30803(a308_id,line_no,d001_id,d001_name,BASE_TABLE_ID,BASE_COLUMN_ID,BASE_KEY,BASE_USER,BASE_DATE,state)";
             sql       += "Select '" + a308_id + "'," + a30803_key + ",'" + key_id + "','','" + table_id + "','" + dt_a10001.Rows[0]["COLUMN_ID"].ToString() + "','" + basekey + "','" + GlobeAtt.A007_KEY + "',sysdate,'-1' from dual ";
             //    Response.Write(sql);
             DataTable dt_key = new DataTable();
             sql = "select line_no as c from a30803 t  where a308_id='" + a308_id + "' and t.BASE_TABLE_ID='" + table_id + "' and BASE_COLUMN_ID='" + dt_a10001.Rows[0]["COLUMN_ID"].ToString() + "' and  BASE_KEY='" + basekey + "'";
             // Response.Write(sql);
             dt_key     = fun.getDtBySql(sql);
             a30803_key = dt_key.Rows[0][0].ToString();
     catch (Exception ex)
         Response.Write(ex.Message.Replace("\n", ";").Replace("'", "\""));