Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect and replace header(s) to the given file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">Name of the file to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="outDir">Output directory to write the file to, empty means the same directory as the input file</param>
        /// <returns>True if a header was found and appended, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool RestoreHeader(string file, string outDir)
            // Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outDir) && !Directory.Exists(outDir))

            // First, get the SHA-1 hash of the file
            BaseFile baseFile = BaseFile.GetInfo(file, hashes: Hash.SHA1, asFiles: TreatAsFile.NonArchive);

            // Retrieve a list of all related headers from the database
            List <string> headers = RetrieveHeadersFromDatabase(Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.SHA1));

            // If we have nothing retrieved, we return false
            if (headers.Count == 0)

            // Now loop through and create the reheadered files, if possible
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.Count; i++)
                string outputFile = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outDir) ? $"{Path.GetFullPath(file)}.new" : Path.Combine(outDir, Path.GetFileName(file))) + i;
                logger.User($"Creating reheadered file: {outputFile}");
                AppendBytes(file, outputFile, Utilities.StringToByteArray(headers[i]), null);
                logger.User("Reheadered file created!");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a single file as a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datFile">Current DatFile object to add to</param>
        /// <param name="item">File to be added</param>
        /// <param name="basePath">Path the represents the parent directory</param>
        /// <param name="hashes">Hashes to include in the information</param>
        /// <param name="asFiles">TreatAsFiles representing CHD and Archive scanning</param>
        private static void ProcessFile(DatFile datFile, string item, string basePath, Hash hashes, TreatAsFile asFiles)
            logger.Verbose($"'{Path.GetFileName(item)}' treated like a file");
            BaseFile baseFile = BaseFile.GetInfo(item, header: datFile.Header.HeaderSkipper, hashes: hashes, asFiles: asFiles);
            DatItem  datItem  = DatItem.Create(baseFile);

            ProcessFileHelper(datFile, item, datItem, basePath, string.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect header skipper compliance and create an output file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">Name of the file to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="outDir">Output directory to write the file to, empty means the same directory as the input file</param>
        /// <param name="nostore">True if headers should not be stored in the database, false otherwise</param>
        /// <returns>True if the output file was created, false otherwise</returns>
        private bool DetectTransformStore(string file, string outDir, bool nostore)
            // Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outDir) && !Directory.Exists(outDir))

            logger.User($"\nGetting skipper information for '{file}'");

            // Get the skipper rule that matches the file, if any
            SkipperRule rule = SkipperMatch.GetMatchingRule(file, string.Empty);

            // If we have an empty rule, return false
            if (rule.Tests == null || rule.Tests.Count == 0 || rule.Operation != HeaderSkipOperation.None)

            logger.User("File has a valid copier header");

            // Get the header bytes from the file first
            string hstr;

                // Extract the header as a string for the database
                using var fs = File.OpenRead(file);
                byte[] hbin = new byte[(int)rule.StartOffset];
                fs.Read(hbin, 0, (int)rule.StartOffset);
                hstr = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(hbin);

            // Apply the rule to the file
            string newfile = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outDir) ? Path.GetFullPath(file) + ".new" : Path.Combine(outDir, Path.GetFileName(file)));

            rule.TransformFile(file, newfile);

            // If the output file doesn't exist, return false
            if (!File.Exists(newfile))

            // Now add the information to the database if it's not already there
            if (!nostore)
                BaseFile baseFile = BaseFile.GetInfo(newfile, hashes: Hash.SHA1, asFiles: TreatAsFile.NonArchive);
                AddHeaderToDatabase(hstr, Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.SHA1), rule.SourceFile);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void GetInfoNormalFileTest()
            // Get the path to the test data
            string filename = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "TestData", "file-to-hash.bin");

            // Set all of the expected hash values
            string expectedCrc     = "ba02a660";
            string expectedMd5     = "b722871eaa950016296184d026c5dec9";
            string expectedSha1    = "eea1ee2d801d830c4bdad4df3c8da6f9f52d1a9f";
            string expectedSha256  = "fdb02dee8c319c52087382c45f099c90d0b6cc824850aff28c1bfb2884b7b855";
            string expectedSha384  = "e276c49618fff25bc1fe2e0659cd0ef0e7c1186563b063e07c52323b9899f3ce9b091be04d6208444b3ef1265e879074";
            string expectedSha512  = "15d69514eb628c2403e945a7cafd1d27e557f6e336c69b63ea17e7ed9d256cc374ee662f09305836d6de37fdae59d83883b982aa8446e4ff26346b6b6b50b240";
            string expectedSpamSum = "3:hMCPQCE6AFQxWyENFACBE+rW6Tj7SMQmKozr9MVERk:hZRdxZENFs+rPSromek";

            // Get the BaseFile generated from the path
            var baseFile = BaseFile.GetInfo(filename, hashes: Hash.All);

            // Extract all the hashes to string
            string actualCrc     = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.CRC);
            string actualMd5     = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.MD5);
            string actualSha1    = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.SHA1);
            string actualSha256  = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.SHA256);
            string actualSha384  = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.SHA384);
            string actualSha512  = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(baseFile.SHA512);
            string actualSpamSum = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(baseFile.SpamSum);

            // Verify all of the hashes match
            Assert.Equal(expectedCrc, actualCrc);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMd5, actualMd5);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha1, actualSha1);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha256, actualSha256);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha384, actualSha384);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha512, actualSha512);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSpamSum, actualSpamSum);

            // Convert to Rom for sanity check
            var rom = new Rom(baseFile);

            // Verify all of the hashes match
            Assert.Equal(expectedCrc, rom.CRC);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMd5, rom.MD5);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha1, rom.SHA1);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha256, rom.SHA256);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha384, rom.SHA384);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSha512, rom.SHA512);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSpamSum, rom.SpamSum);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the rebuild state for a given item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datFile">Current DatFile object to rebuild from</param>
        /// <param name="datItem">Information for the current file to rebuild from</param>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream representing the input file</param>
        /// <param name="inverse">True if the DAT should be used as a filter instead of a template, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="dupes">Output list of duplicate items to rebuild to</param>
        /// <returns>True if the item should be rebuilt, false otherwise</returns>
        private static bool ShouldRebuild(DatFile datFile, DatItem datItem, Stream stream, bool inverse, out ConcurrentList <DatItem> dupes)
            // Find if the file has duplicates in the DAT
            dupes = datFile.Items.GetDuplicates(datItem);
            bool hasDuplicates = dupes.Count > 0;

            // If we have duplicates but we're filtering
            if (hasDuplicates && inverse)

            // If we have duplicates without filtering
            else if (hasDuplicates && !inverse)

            // If we have no duplicates and we're filtering
            else if (!hasDuplicates && inverse)
                string machinename = null;

                // Get the item from the current file
                Rom item = new Rom(BaseFile.GetInfo(stream, keepReadOpen: true));
                item.Machine.Name        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.Name);
                item.Machine.Description = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.Name);

                // If we are coming from an archive, set the correct machine name
                if (machinename != null)
                    item.Machine.Name        = machinename;
                    item.Machine.Description = machinename;


            // If we have no duplicates and we're not filtering
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all valid DATs that match in the DAT root
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputs">List of input strings to check for, presumably file names</param>
        /// <returns>Dictionary of hash/full path for each of the valid DATs</returns>
        internal Dictionary <string, string> GetValidDats(List <string> inputs)
            // Get a dictionary of filenames that actually exist in the DATRoot, logging which ones are not
            List <string> datRootDats             = Directory.EnumerateFiles(_dats, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
            List <string> lowerCaseDats           = datRootDats.ConvertAll(i => Path.GetFileName(i).ToLowerInvariant());
            Dictionary <string, string> foundDats = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (string input in inputs)
                if (lowerCaseDats.Contains(input.ToLowerInvariant()))
                    string fullpath = Path.GetFullPath(datRootDats[lowerCaseDats.IndexOf(input.ToLowerInvariant())]);
                    string sha1     = Utilities.ByteArrayToString(BaseFile.GetInfo(fullpath, hashes: Hash.SHA1).SHA1);
                    foundDats.Add(sha1, fullpath);
                    logger.Warning($"The file '{input}' could not be found in the DAT root");

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Find duplicates and rebuild individual files to output
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datFile">Current DatFile object to rebuild from</param>
        /// <param name="datItem">Information for the current file to rebuild from</param>
        /// <param name="file">Name of the file to process</param>
        /// <param name="outDir">Output directory to use to build to</param>
        /// <param name="date">True if the date from the DAT should be used if available, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="inverse">True if the DAT should be used as a filter instead of a template, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="outputFormat">Output format that files should be written to</param>
        /// <param name="isZip">True if the input file is an archive, false if the file is TGZ/TXZ, null otherwise</param>
        /// <returns>True if the file was able to be rebuilt, false otherwise</returns>
        private static bool RebuildIndividualFile(
            DatFile datFile,
            DatItem datItem,
            string file,
            string outDir,
            bool date,
            bool inverse,
            OutputFormat outputFormat,
            bool?isZip = null)
            // Set the initial output value
            bool rebuilt = false;

            // If the DatItem is a Disk or Media, force rebuilding to a folder except if TGZ or TXZ
            if ((datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Disk || datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Media) &&
                !(outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentGzip || outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentGzipRomba) &&
                !(outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentXZ || outputFormat == OutputFormat.TorrentXZRomba))
                outputFormat = OutputFormat.Folder;

            // If we have a Disk or Media, change it into a Rom for later use
            if (datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Disk)
                datItem = (datItem as Disk).ConvertToRom();
            else if (datItem.ItemType == ItemType.Media)
                datItem = (datItem as Media).ConvertToRom();

            // Prepopluate a key string
            string crc = (datItem as Rom).CRC ?? string.Empty;

            // Try to get the stream for the file
            if (!GetFileStream(datItem, file, isZip, out Stream fileStream))

            // If either we have duplicates or we're filtering
            if (ShouldRebuild(datFile, datItem, fileStream, inverse, out ConcurrentList <DatItem> dupes))
                // If we have a very specific TGZ->TGZ case, just copy it accordingly
                if (RebuildTorrentGzip(datFile, datItem, file, outDir, outputFormat, isZip))

                // If we have a very specific TXZ->TXZ case, just copy it accordingly
                if (RebuildTorrentXz(datFile, datItem, file, outDir, outputFormat, isZip))

                logger.User($"{(inverse ? "No matches" : "Matches")} found for '{Path.GetFileName(datItem.GetName() ?? datItem.ItemType.ToString())}', rebuilding accordingly...");
                rebuilt = true;

                // Special case for partial packing mode
                bool shouldCheck = false;
                if (outputFormat == OutputFormat.Folder && datFile.Header.ForcePacking == PackingFlag.Partial)
                    shouldCheck = true;
                    datFile.Items.BucketBy(ItemKey.Machine, DedupeType.None, lower: false);

                // Now loop through the list and rebuild accordingly
                foreach (DatItem item in dupes)
                    // If we should check for the items in the machine
                    if (shouldCheck && datFile.Items[item.Machine.Name].Count > 1)
                        outputFormat = OutputFormat.Folder;
                    else if (shouldCheck && datFile.Items[item.Machine.Name].Count == 1)
                        outputFormat = OutputFormat.ParentFolder;

                    // Get the output archive, if possible
                    Folder outputArchive = GetPreconfiguredFolder(datFile, date, outputFormat);

                    // Now rebuild to the output file
                    outputArchive.Write(fileStream, outDir, (item as Rom).ConvertToBaseFile());

                // Close the input stream

            // Now we want to take care of headers, if applicable
            if (datFile.Header.HeaderSkipper != null)
                // Check to see if we have a matching header first
                SkipperRule rule = SkipperMatch.GetMatchingRule(fileStream, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(datFile.Header.HeaderSkipper));

                // If there's a match, create the new file to write
                if (rule.Tests != null && rule.Tests.Count != 0)
                    // If the file could be transformed correctly
                    MemoryStream transformStream = new MemoryStream();
                    if (rule.TransformStream(fileStream, transformStream, keepReadOpen: true, keepWriteOpen: true))
                        // Get the file informations that we will be using
                        Rom headerless = new Rom(BaseFile.GetInfo(transformStream, keepReadOpen: true));

                        // If we have duplicates and we're not filtering
                        if (ShouldRebuild(datFile, headerless, transformStream, false, out dupes))
                            logger.User($"Headerless matches found for '{Path.GetFileName(datItem.GetName() ?? datItem.ItemType.ToString())}', rebuilding accordingly...");
                            rebuilt = true;

                            // Now loop through the list and rebuild accordingly
                            foreach (DatItem item in dupes)
                                // Create a headered item to use as well

                                // Get the output archive, if possible
                                Folder outputArchive = GetPreconfiguredFolder(datFile, date, outputFormat);

                                // Now rebuild to the output file
                                bool eitherSuccess = false;
                                eitherSuccess |= outputArchive.Write(transformStream, outDir, (item as Rom).ConvertToBaseFile());
                                eitherSuccess |= outputArchive.Write(fileStream, outDir, (datItem as Rom).ConvertToBaseFile());

                                // Now add the success of either rebuild
                                rebuilt &= eitherSuccess;

                    // Dispose of the stream

                // Dispose of the stream

Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to add a file to the output if it matches
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datFile">Current DatFile object to rebuild from</param>
        /// <param name="file">Name of the file to process</param>
        /// <param name="outDir">Output directory to use to build to</param>
        /// <param name="quickScan">True to enable external scanning of archives, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="date">True if the date from the DAT should be used if available, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="inverse">True if the DAT should be used as a filter instead of a template, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="outputFormat">Output format that files should be written to</param>
        /// <param name="asFiles">TreatAsFiles representing special format scanning</param>
        /// <returns>True if the file was used to rebuild, false otherwise</returns>
        private static bool RebuildGenericHelper(
            DatFile datFile,
            string file,
            string outDir,
            bool quickScan,
            bool date,
            bool inverse,
            OutputFormat outputFormat,
            TreatAsFile asFiles)
            // If we somehow have a null filename, return
            if (file == null)

            // Set the deletion variables
            bool usedExternally = false, usedInternally = false;

            // Create an empty list of BaseFile for archive entries
            List <BaseFile> entries = null;

            // Get the TGZ and TXZ status for later
            GZipArchive tgz             = new GZipArchive(file);
            XZArchive   txz             = new XZArchive(file);
            bool        isSingleTorrent = tgz.IsTorrent() || txz.IsTorrent();

            // Get the base archive first
            BaseArchive archive = BaseArchive.Create(file);

            // Now get all extracted items from the archive
            if (archive != null)
                archive.AvailableHashes = quickScan ? Hash.CRC : Hash.Standard;
                entries = archive.GetChildren();

            // If the entries list is null, we encountered an error or have a file and should scan externally
            if (entries == null && File.Exists(file))
                BaseFile internalFileInfo = BaseFile.GetInfo(file, asFiles: asFiles);

                // Create the correct DatItem
                DatItem internalDatItem;
                if (internalFileInfo.Type == FileType.AaruFormat && !asFiles.HasFlag(TreatAsFile.AaruFormat))
                    internalDatItem = new Media(internalFileInfo);
                else if (internalFileInfo.Type == FileType.CHD && !asFiles.HasFlag(TreatAsFile.CHD))
                    internalDatItem = new Disk(internalFileInfo);
                    internalDatItem = new Rom(internalFileInfo);

                usedExternally = RebuildIndividualFile(datFile, internalDatItem, file, outDir, date, inverse, outputFormat);
            // Otherwise, loop through the entries and try to match
                foreach (BaseFile entry in entries)
                    DatItem internalDatItem = DatItem.Create(entry);
                    usedInternally |= RebuildIndividualFile(datFile, internalDatItem, file, outDir, date, inverse, outputFormat, !isSingleTorrent /* isZip */);

            return(usedExternally || usedInternally);