public List <UserListModel> GetUserListModel(string search_key = null)
            List <UserListModel> list = new List <UserListModel>();

            var u_repo = new BaseDapperRepository <BTCConnection, UserListModel>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search_key))
                search_key = "%" + search_key + "%";
                search_key = null;

            list = u_repo.GetByCustomQuery(@"select 
                                    u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as [FullName],
                                    (select COUNT(*) from UserRoleRels ur where ur.UserID = u.ID and ur.RoleID = 1) as [IsAdmin],
                                    (select COUNT(*) from UserRoleRels ur where ur.UserID = u.ID and ur.RoleID = 2) as [IsWriter],
                                    (select COUNT(*) from UserRoleRels ur where ur.UserID = u.ID and ur.RoleID = 3) as [IsMember],
                                    (select COUNT(*) from UserRoleRels ur where ur.UserID = u.ID and ur.RoleID = 4) as [IsSupplier]
                                    from Users u where (@Key is null or (u.Email like @Key or u.FirstName like @Key or u.LastName like @Key or u.Email like @Key))", new { Key = search_key }).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List <ContentViewListModel> GetListViewPublished()
            var cRepo = new BaseDapperRepository <BTCConnection, ContentViewListModel>();
            var list  = cRepo.GetByCustomQuery("select Title, Uri, RowNumber, CanSeeUser, CanSeeMember,CanSeeTrader,CanSeeWriter,CanSeeVip from ContentViews where IsPublish = 1 ", null);

        public List <CommentListModel> GetWaitingComments()
            var cRepo = new BaseDapperRepository <BTCConnection, CommentListModel>();
            var list  = cRepo.GetByCustomQuery(@"select up.Title as [PostTitle], c.* from Comments c 
                        inner join UserPosts up on up.ID = c.PostID
                        where c.IsPublish = 0", null).ToList();

        public List <UserSelectListModel> GetSelectedUsers(int role_id)
            var viewRepo = new BaseDapperRepository <BTCConnection, UserSelectListModel>();
            var list     = viewRepo.GetByCustomQuery(@"
                            select u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as [FullName] , u.ID as [ID] from Users u
                            inner join UserRoleRels ur on ur.UserID = u.ID
                            where ur.RoleID = @RoleID", new { RoleID = role_id }).ToList();

        public DasboardMainModel GetDashboard()
            var viewRepo = new BaseDapperRepository <BTCConnection, DasboardMainModel>();
            var result   = viewRepo.GetByCustomQuery(@"
                        COUNT(*) as [CategoryCount],
                        (select COUNT(*) from UserPosts where CategoryID != 8) as PostCount,
                        (select COUNT(*) from UserPosts where CategoryID = 8) as NewsCount,
                        (select COUNT(*)from UserProducts) as ProductCount,
                        (select COUNT(*) from Users) as UserCount,
                        (select COUNT(*) from ContentViews) as ContentCount,
                        (select COUNT(*) from Users where IsVip = 1 ) as VipCount,
                        (select COUNT(*) from Users where IsVip = 1 ) as CommentCount
                        from Categories c
                                        ", null).FirstOrDefault();

            result.BestPosts = new UserPostRepository().GetByCustomQuery("select top 10 * from UserPosts where IsPublish = 1 order by ViewCount desc", null);
            result.Posts     = new UserPostRepository().GetByCustomQuery("select top 10 * from UserPosts where IsPublish = 1 and CategoryId != 8 order by CreateDate desc", null);
            result.Comments  = new CommentRepository().GetByCustomQuery("select top 10 * from Comments  order by CreateDate desc", null);

            result.News  = new UserPostRepository().GetByCustomQuery("select top 10 * from UserPosts where IsPublish = 1 and CategoryId = 8 order by CreateDate desc", null);
            result.Users = new UserRepository().GetByCustomQuery("select top 10 * from Users order by CreateDate desc", null);