Ejemplo n.º 1
 //class constructor for creating a button
 public void Init(string _stringArg, BattleActions _actionArg, BaseChampion _championArg)
     buttonInfo       = _stringArg;
     battleAction     = _actionArg;
     selectedChampion = _championArg;
     buttonCollider   = gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     buttonText       = gameObject.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <TextMeshPro>();
     buttonImage      = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public class Item : BattleActions { }                   //a subclass for using items in battle

    private IEnumerator WaitForTargetSelect(BaseChampion thisChampion, string nameOfAction)
        if (thisChampion.GetComponent <PlayerChampion>() != null)
            BattleGUI._battleGUI.SetBattleMessage(thisChampion.stats.championName + ", select a target to " + nameOfAction);
        while (!thisChampion.targetConfirmed)
            yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //select a target for a champion
    public virtual void SelectTarget(BaseChampion targetArg)
        //returns function if it is not this champion's current turn
        if (!currentTurn)

        targetChampion  = targetArg;
        targetConfirmed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //removes a defeated player or enemy from the battle
    public void RemoveFromBattle(BaseChampion removedChampion)
        if (removedChampion.GetComponent <PlayerChampion>() != null)
            playerCharacters.Remove(removedChampion.GetComponent <PlayerChampion>());
        else if (removedChampion.GetComponent <BaseEnemyChampion>() != null)
            enemyCharacters.Remove(removedChampion.GetComponent <BaseEnemyChampion>());

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override IEnumerator AttemptAction(BaseChampion attackingChampion)
            int          damageTaken = 0;
            BaseChampion defendingChampion;

            attackingChampion.targetConfirmed = false;
            yield return(StartCoroutine(WaitForTargetSelect(attackingChampion, "Attack")));

            defendingChampion = attackingChampion.targetChampion;
            BattleGUI._battleGUI.SetBattleMessage(attackingChampion.stats.championName + " is attacking " + defendingChampion.stats.championName);
            damageTaken = attackingChampion.stats.strength - (defendingChampion.stats.constitution / 10);
            if (defendingChampion.currentAction is BattleActions.Defend)
                damageTaken = damageTaken / 4;
            attackingChampion.actionTaken = true;
            yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    //creates buttons for actions so a player to choose an action
    public void UpdateActionsAvailable(BaseChampion currentChampion)
        //clear pre-existing actions

        //if the actions being updated are not for a player... return
        if (!(currentChampion is PlayerChampion))

        //loop though actions avaiable and creates buttons for them
        for (int idx = 0; idx <= currentChampion.actions.Count - 1; idx++)
            Vector3 bPosition  = new Vector3(XButtonStartPos, YButtonStartPos - idx, 0);
            string  actionName = currentChampion.actions[idx].ToString();

            CreateActionButton(bPosition, actionName, currentChampion.actions[idx], currentChampion);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    //determines the order in which enemies and allies go
    public IEnumerator NewChampionRound()
        //if the battle is no longer contiuing... return
        if (!continueBattle)
            yield return(null);

        //clear the turn order and rebuild

        //determine which list has the highest number of champions
        int highestCount = playerCharacters.Count >= enemyCharacters.Count ? playerCharacters.Count : enemyCharacters.Count;

        //loop though each champion in both lists to add them both to a single list
        for (int idx = 0; idx <= highestCount - 1; idx++)
            if (idx <= playerCharacters.Count - 1)
                turnOrder.Add(playerCharacters[idx] as BaseChampion);
            if (idx <= enemyCharacters.Count - 1)
                turnOrder.Add(enemyCharacters[idx] as BaseChampion);

        //sort the champions by dexterity and return the list
        List <BaseChampion> sortedOrder = turnOrder.OrderByDescending(champ => champ.stats.dexterity).ToList();

        turnOrder = sortedOrder;

        //reset everyone's actions

        //set the current champion's turn to the top of the list
        currentChampionTurn             = turnOrder[0];
        currentChampionTurn.currentTurn = true;
        yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    //puts the next champion in the rotation, starts a new round if the last champion in the round has gone
    public IEnumerator NewChampionTurn()
        //if the battle is no longer contiuing... return
        if (!continueBattle)
            yield return(null);

        //loop though the turn order
        for (int idx = 0; idx < turnOrder.Count; idx++)
            //if the current index is greater than or equal to the current champion index
            if (idx >= GetCurrentChampionIndex())
                // if the current champion is not at the end of the turn order...
                if (idx != turnOrder.Count - 1)
                    //if the next champion can take an action
                    if (turnOrder[idx + 1].canTakeAction)
                        //set the current champion to the next one on the list and break the loop
                        currentChampionTurn             = turnOrder[idx + 1];
                        currentChampionTurn.currentTurn = true;
                //if the last champion in the turn order is the selected current champion
                else if (idx == turnOrder.Count - 1)
                    Debug.Log("ERROR: cannot determine which champion goes next");
        yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 //public virtual IEnumerator AttemptAction(BaseChampion thisChampion) { yield return null; }
 public virtual IEnumerator AttemptAction(BaseChampion thisChampion)
     yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override IEnumerator AttemptAction(BaseChampion thisChampion)
     BattleGUI._battleGUI.SetBattleMessage(thisChampion.stats.championName + " is defending...");
     thisChampion.actionTaken = true;
     yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 //attempt the action of the button that is selected
 public void AttemptButtonAction(BaseChampion selectedChampion)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    //creates a button for a player to use an action and ass it to the action button list
    private void CreateActionButton(Vector3 position, string buttonName, BattleActions buttonAction, BaseChampion championSelected)
        GameObject   newButtonObject = Instantiate(GameManager._prefabs.actionButtonPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity);
        ActionButton newButton       = newButtonObject.GetComponent <ActionButton>();

        newButton.Init(buttonName, buttonAction, championSelected);