Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Update serialized dictionary
 string ICalculator.UpdateSerializedDictionary(string FileFullPath)
         BondDictionary SD = new BondDictionary(@FileFullPath);
         foreach (KeyValuePair <string, BaseBond> k in BondDictionarySerial)
             string   idCode = k.Key;
             BaseBond bond   = k.Value;
             if (SD.dic.ContainsKey(idCode) == true) // check if idCode is in dictionary
                 SD.dic[idCode] = bond;              // if true, updates it
                 SD.dic.Add(idCode, bond); // if false, adds it
         SD.Serialize();                                               // serialize it
         return("Dictionary Serialized @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); // return time of last load
     catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // given a clean price and idCode will return the yield of the corresponding bond in BondDictionaryData
        object ICalculator.YieldFromDictionary(string idCode, double Today, double CleanPrice, int Freq, string DayCount, string Compounding)
            // int Freq, string DayCount, string Compounding refers to yield calculation
            // string idCode is the identification code of bond in BondDictionaryData

            // make it volatile
            if (m_xlApp != null)
                BaseBond bond = null;                                 // initialise a bond
                if (BondDictionaryData.TryGetValue(idCode, out bond)) // is the idCode in dictionary?
                    // update today since I the bond in dictionary can be the same but I can change my reference date to do simulations
                    bond.SetNewToDay(new Date(Today));

                    // Parse enum Type
                    Dc          dc   = (Dc)Enum.Parse(typeof(Dc), DayCount);
                    Compounding comp = (Compounding)Enum.Parse(typeof(Compounding), Compounding);

                    // return the yield given parameters
                    return(bond.Yield(CleanPrice, Freq, dc, comp));
                    return("IdCode not found"); // bond not found
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // given a clean price and idCode will return the yield of the corresponding bond in BondDictionaryData
        object ICalculator.CleanFromYieldFromFile(string idCode, double Today, double Yield, int Freq, string DayCount, string Compounding, string FileFullName)
            // int Freq, string DayCount, string Compounding refers to yield calculation
            // string idCode is the identification code of bond in BondDictionaryData

            // make it volatile
            if (m_xlApp != null)
                BaseBond bond = null; // initialise a bond
                // deserialize
                BondDictionary SD = new BondDictionary(@FileFullName);

                if (SD.dic.TryGetValue(idCode, out bond)) // is the idCode in dictionary?
                    // update today since I the bond in dictionary can be the same but I can change my reference date to do simulations
                    bond.SetNewToDay(new Date(Today));

                    // Parse enum Type
                    Dc          dc   = (Dc)Enum.Parse(typeof(Dc), DayCount);
                    Compounding comp = (Compounding)Enum.Parse(typeof(Compounding), Compounding);

                    // if  yield is zero return a message
                    if (Yield == 0)

                    // return clean price from yield given parameters
                    return(bond.CleanPriceFromYield(Yield, Freq, dc, comp));
                    return("IdCode not found"); // bond not found
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Add fixed coupon bond to the dictionary
        string ICalculator.LoadBondFixedCouponSerialLoadBondFixedCoupon(string idCode, double Today, double StartDateBond, double EndDateBond, double Coupon, string BondFixedCouponType, string FileFullPath)
            // for details of inputs refer to comments on BondDBR,BondBTAN,BondBTP classes

            // as example, I decide to use only 3 type of bond DBR,BTAN,BTP (arbitrary strings)
            BaseBond bond = null;

            if (BondFixedCouponType == "DBR") // BondDBR
                bond = new BondDBR(new Date(Today), new Date(StartDateBond), new Date(EndDateBond), Coupon);
            else if (BondFixedCouponType == "BTAN") // BondBTAN
                bond = new BondBTAN(new Date(Today), new Date(StartDateBond), new Date(EndDateBond), Coupon);
            else if (BondFixedCouponType == "BTP") // BondBTP
                bond = new BondBTP(new Date(Today), new Date(StartDateBond), new Date(EndDateBond), Coupon);
            else if (BondFixedCouponType == "BOT") // BondBOT
                bond = new BondBOT(new Date(Today), new Date(StartDateBond), new Date(EndDateBond));
                return("Bond not recognized"); // if not managed
                if (BondDictionarySerial.ContainsKey(idCode) == true) // check if idCode is in dictionary
                    BondDictionarySerial[idCode] = bond;              // if true, updates it
                    BondDictionarySerial.Add(idCode, bond);    // if false, adds it
                return("Loaded @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); // return time of last load
            catch (Exception e)