Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void AI()
            BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref npc.ai, null, 120, false, true, 800, 400, 180, 2);

            if (npc.ai[0] == 2f)
                npc.alpha += 12;
                if (npc.alpha > 255)
                    npc.alpha = 255;
                npc.alpha -= 12;
                if (npc.alpha < 0)
                    npc.alpha = 0;

            npc.rotation = npc.velocity.X / 15f;

            if (npc.frameCounter >= 10)
                npc.frameCounter = 0;
                npc.frame.Y     += 36;
                if (npc.frame.Y > (36 * 3))
                    npc.frameCounter = 0;
                    npc.frame.Y      = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void AI()
            BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref npc.ai, null, 1, false, false, 800f, 600f, 180, 3f);

            if (npc.velocity.X > 0)
                Rotation += .03f;
            else if (npc.velocity.X < 0)
                Rotation -= .03f;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void AI()
            npc.noGravity = true;
            Player   player    = Main.player[npc.target];
            AAPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <AAPlayer>();

            if (player.Center.X > npc.Center.X)
                npc.direction = -1;
                npc.direction = 1;

            if (internalAI[0] == 0)
                if (Main.netMode != 1)
                    for (int m = 0; m < ProbeCount; m++)
                        int npcID = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, mod.NPCType("SagittariusOrbiter"), 0);
                        Main.npc[npcID].Center     = npc.Center;
                        Main.npc[npcID].velocity   = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(-1f, 1f, (float)Main.rand.NextDouble()), MathHelper.Lerp(-1f, 1f, (float)Main.rand.NextDouble()));
                        Main.npc[npcID].velocity  *= 8f;
                        Main.npc[npcID].ai[0]      = m;
                        Main.npc[npcID].netUpdate2 = true; Main.npc[npcID].netUpdate = true;
                internalAI[0] = 1;

            if (MovementType[0] == 0)

                MovementType[1] -= 5;
                if (MovementType[1] <= 0)
                    MovementType[1] = 0;

                if (internalAI[6] > 200)
                    internalAI[6]   = 0f;
                    MovementType[0] = Main.rand.Next(3);
                    npc.netUpdate   = true;
            if (MovementType[0] == 1)

                if (internalAI[6] > 240)
                    internalAI[6]   = 0;
                    MovementType[0] = 5;
                    npc.netUpdate   = true;
            if (MovementType[0] == 2)
                MovementType[1] += 5;
                if (MovementType[1] >= 255)
                    MovementType[0] = 3;
                    npc.netUpdate   = true;
            if (MovementType[0] == 3)
                MovementType[1] -= 5;
                if (MovementType[1] <= 0)
                    MovementType[1] = 0;


                if (internalAI[6] > 360)
                    internalAI[6]   = 0;
                    MovementType[0] = 5;
                    npc.netUpdate   = true;
            else if (MovementType[0] == 4 || MovementType[0] == 5)
                MovementType[1] += 5;
                if (MovementType[1] >= 255)
                    MovementType[0] = 0;
                    npc.netUpdate   = true;

            if (internalAI[4] < 60)
            if (!NPC.AnyNPCs(ModContent.NPCType <SagittariusOrbiter>()) && internalAI[4] >= 60)
                npc.Transform(ModContent.NPCType <SagittariusFree>());

            if (internalAI[3] == 1f)
                npc.velocity *= .7f;
                npc.alpha    += 5;
                if (npc.alpha >= 255)
                    npc.active = false;
                if (!Main.player[npc.target].dead || Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[npc.target].position.X) <= 6000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[npc.target].position.Y) >= 6000f)
                if (npc.alpha > 0)
                    npc.alpha -= 10;
                if (npc.alpha <= 0)
                    npc.alpha = 0;

            if (Main.player[npc.target].dead)
                if (Main.player[npc.target].dead)
                    if (internalAI[3] != 1f)
                        if (Main.netMode != 1)
                            BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Sagittarius1"), Color.PaleVioletRed);
                        internalAI[3] = 1f;
            else if (Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[npc.target].position.X) > 5000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[npc.target].position.Y) > 5000f || !modPlayer.ZoneVoid)
                if (Math.Abs(npc.position.X - Main.player[npc.target].position.X) > 5000f || Math.Abs(npc.position.Y - Main.player[npc.target].position.Y) > 5000f)
                    if (internalAI[3] != 1f)
                        if (Main.netMode != 1)
                            BaseUtility.Chat(Lang.BossChat("Sagittarius2"), Color.PaleVioletRed);
                        internalAI[3] = 1f;


            if (npc.ai[1] >= 300)
                internalAI[1] = 0;
                internalAI[2] = Main.rand.Next(3);
                npc.ai        = new float[4];
                npc.netUpdate = true;

            if (internalAI[2] == 1) //Chaase down the target
                BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref npc.ai, null, 120, false, false, 10, 10, 10, 2.5f);
            else //Hover over target
                BaseAI.AISpaceOctopus(npc, ref npc.ai, Main.player[npc.target].Center, 0.3f, 10f, 250f, 70f, null);
            npc.rotation = 0;

            npc.noTileCollide = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void AI()
            if (testime > 0)
            if (Main.netMode != 2)
                int ThreeQuartersHealth = npc.lifeMax * (int).75f;
                int HalfHealth          = npc.lifeMax * (int).5f;
                int QuarterHealth       = npc.lifeMax * (int).25f;

                if (roarTimer > -1)
                if (npc.life <= ThreeQuartersHealth && !roared[0])
                    roared[0] = true;
                    roarTimer = 200;
                if (npc.life <= HalfHealth && !roared[1])
                    roared[1] = true;
                    roarTimer = 200;
                if (npc.life <= QuarterHealth && !roared[2])
                    roared[2] = true;
                    roarTimer = 200;
                if (roarTimer == 180)
                    Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Sounds/IZRoar"), npc.Center);

            float movementMax = 1.5f;

            if (npc.target > -1)
                Player targetPlayer = Main.player[npc.target];
                if (!targetPlayer.dead)                //speed changes depending on how far the player is
                    /*if (targetPlayer.Center.Y <= npc.Top.Y - 400f && !Scanning)
                     * {
                     *  Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.ProjectileType<Scanner>(), 0, 0f, targetPlayer.whoAmI, npc.whoAmI);
                     *  Scanning = true;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  Scanning = false;
                     * }*/
                    npc.alpha -= 10;
                    if (npc.alpha <= 0)
                        npc.alpha = 0;
                    movementMax = MathHelper.Lerp(1f, 4f, Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0f, (Vector2.Distance(npc.Center, targetPlayer.Center) / 1000f))));
                if (targetPlayer.dead) //speed changes depending on how far the player is
                    npc.alpha += 10;
                    if (npc.alpha >= 255)
                        npc.active = false;
            //customAI is used here because the original ai and localAI are both used elsewhere. It is synced above.
            BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref customAI, false, 0, false, false, 800f, 600f, 60, movementMax);
            if (!ZerosSpawned)
                if (Main.netMode != 1)
                    int latestNPC = npc.whoAmI;
                    int handType  = 0;
                    latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y - 100, mod.NPCType("IZHand1"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0] = npc.whoAmI;
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[1] = handType;
                    Zero1     = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                    latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y - 100, mod.NPCType("IZHand1"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0] = npc.whoAmI;
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[1] = handType;
                    Zero2     = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                    latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y - 100, mod.NPCType("IZHand1"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0] = npc.whoAmI;
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[1] = handType;
                    Zero3     = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                    latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y - 100, mod.NPCType("IZHand2"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0] = npc.whoAmI;
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[1] = handType;
                    Zero4     = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                    latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y - 100, mod.NPCType("IZHand2"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0] = npc.whoAmI;
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[1] = handType;
                    Zero5     = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                    latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y - 100, mod.NPCType("IZHand2"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0] = npc.whoAmI;
                    Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[1] = handType;
                    Zero6 = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                ZerosSpawned = true;
            if (testime == 0 && (Zero1 == null || Zero2 == null || Zero3 == null || Zero4 == null || Zero5 == null || Zero6 == null || !Zero1.active || !Zero2.active || !Zero3.active || !Zero4.active || !Zero5.active || !Zero6.active))
                Reseting = true;
                testime  = 60;
            if ((Zero1 == null || !Zero1.active) && (Zero2 == null || !Zero2.active) && (Zero3 == null || !Zero3.active) && (Zero4 == null || !Zero4.active) && (Zero5 == null || !Zero5.active) && (Zero6 == null || !Zero6.active))
                ZerosSpawned = false;
            for (int m = npc.oldPos.Length - 1; m > 0; m--)
                npc.oldPos[m] = npc.oldPos[m - 1];
            npc.oldPos[0] = npc.position;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void AI()
            Player player = Main.player[npc.target];

            MinionType = (int)npc.ai[0];

            if (npc.ai[2] == 0)
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                if (npc.ai[2] > 30)
                    npc.ai[2]     = 1;
                    npc.netUpdate = true;
                if (MinionType <= 7 ||
                    MinionType == 9 ||
                    MinionType == 10 ||
                    MinionType == 11 ||
                    MinionType == 12 ||
                    MinionType == 13 ||
                    MinionType == 14 ||
                    MinionType == 15 ||
                    MinionType == 17 ||
                    MinionType == 18 ||
                    MinionType == 19 ||
                    MinionType == 24 ||
                    MinionType == 25) //If Earlygame ore, Crimtane, Incinerite, Abyssium, Hellstone, Cobalt, Palladium, Mythril, Adamantite, or Titanium, have Melee AI.
                    float Speed = 3;
                    if (MinionType == 11)
                        Speed = 5;
                    if (MinionType == 24)
                        for (int m = npc.oldPos.Length - 1; m > 0; m--)
                            npc.oldPos[m] = npc.oldPos[m - 1];
                        npc.oldPos[0] = npc.position;
                    if (MinionType == 24 && npc.ai[3] > 300)
                        BaseAI.AITackle(npc, ref npc.ai, Main.player[npc.target].Center, 0.5f, 12f, true, 60);

                        if (npc.ai[3] > 420)
                            npc.ai[3] = 0;
                        BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref internalAI, ref idleTimer, null, 120, false, true, 400, 200f, 180, Speed);
                else //if Demonite, Oricalcum, Chlorophite, or Technecium, Ranged AI
                    npc.noTileCollide = true;
                    BaseAI.AISkull(npc, ref internalAI, false, 6, 350, 0.14f, .2f);

                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        int p;
                        if (MinionType == 8) //Demonite
                            p = ProjectileID.CursedFlameHostile;
                            ShootPeriodic(npc, player.position, player.width, player.height, p, ref npc.ai[1], 120, npc.damage / 2, 9, false);
                        else if (MinionType == 20) //Chlorophyte
                            p = ProjectileID.CrystalLeafShot;
                            ShootPeriodic(npc, player.position, player.width, player.height, p, ref npc.ai[1], 120, npc.damage / 2, 9, false);
                        else if (MinionType == 22) //Nebula
                            p = mod.ProjectileType("Nebula");
                            ShootPeriodic(npc, player.position, player.width, player.height, p, ref npc.ai[1], 200, npc.damage / 2, 9, false);
                        else if (MinionType == 23) //Vortex
                            p = 640;
                            ShootPeriodic(npc, player.position, player.width, player.height, p, ref npc.ai[1], 200, npc.damage / 2, 9, false);
                        else if (MinionType == 16 && npc.ai[1]++ > 180) //Oricalcum
                            npc.ai[1] = 0;
                            int   direction = npc.direction;
                            float num       = Main.screenPosition.X;
                            if (direction < 0)
                                num += Main.screenWidth;
                            float num2 = Main.screenPosition.Y;
                            num2 += Main.rand.Next(Main.screenHeight);
                            Vector2 vector = new Vector2(num, num2);
                            float   num3   = npc.position.X - vector.X;
                            float   num4   = npc.position.Y - vector.Y;
                            num3 += Main.rand.Next(-50, 51) * 0.1f;
                            num4 += Main.rand.Next(-50, 51) * 0.1f;
                            int   num5 = 24;
                            float num6 = (float)Math.Sqrt(num3 * num3 + num4 * num4);
                            num6  = num5 / num6;
                            num3 *= num6;
                            num4 *= num6;
                            int l = Projectile.NewProjectile(num, num2, num3, num4, 221, 36, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                            Main.projectile[l].friendly = false;
                            Main.projectile[l].hostile  = true;
                            npc.netUpdate = true;
            if (MinionType == 18) //Titanium Shadow Dodge
                shadowDodge = shadowDodgeTimer > 0;
                if (shadowDodge)
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        if (!npc.dontTakeDamage)
                            npc.dontTakeDamage = true;
                            npc.netUpdate      = true;

                    shadowDodgeCount += 1f;
                    if (shadowDodgeCount > 30f)
                        shadowDodgeCount = 30f;
                    if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                        if (npc.dontTakeDamage)
                            npc.dontTakeDamage = false;
                            npc.netUpdate      = true;
                    npc.dontTakeDamage = false;
                    shadowDodgeCount  -= 1f;
                    if (shadowDodgeCount < 0f)
                        shadowDodgeCount = 0f;
            if (MinionType == 9 || MinionType == 14) //Regen
                if (npc.ai[3] >= 100)
                    if (MinionType == 9)
                    npc.ai[3] = 0;
            if (MinionType == 21) //Stardust Summon

                if (npc.ai[3] > 400)
                    npc.ai[3] = 0;
                    int Xint = Main.rand.Next(-400, 400);
                    int Yint = Main.rand.Next(-400, 400);
                    NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X + Xint, (int)npc.Center.Y + Yint, mod.NPCType("GreedMinion"), 0, Main.rand.Next(29));
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(Xint, Yint), 60, 60, 229, 0f, 0f, 0, Color.White, 1);
            if (MinionType == 23) //Vortex Stealth

                if (npc.ai[3] == 300)
                    npc.netUpdate = true;
                if (npc.ai[3] > 300)
                    npc.alpha += 3;
                    if (npc.alpha > 200)
                        npc.alpha = 200;
                if (npc.ai[3] > 460)
                    npc.ai[3] = 0;
            npc.rotation = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void AI()
            if (internalAI[1] == AISTATE_TURRET)
                if (!HeadsSpawned)
                    if (Main.netMode != 1)
                        int latestNPC = npc.whoAmI;
                        latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X - 34, (int)npc.Center.Y - 23, mod.NPCType("OrthrusHead2"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                        Main.npc[latestNPC].realLife = npc.whoAmI;
                        Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0]    = npc.whoAmI;
                        Head1     = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                        latestNPC = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X + 34, (int)npc.Center.Y - 23, mod.NPCType("OrthrusHead1"), 0, npc.whoAmI);
                        Main.npc[latestNPC].realLife = npc.whoAmI;
                        Main.npc[latestNPC].ai[0]    = npc.whoAmI;
                        Head2 = Main.npc[latestNPC];
                    HeadsSpawned = true;
                npc.noTileCollide = true;
                npc.noGravity     = true;
                if (npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2) > Main.player[npc.target].position.X + (float)(Main.player[npc.target].width / 2) + 100f || npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2) < Main.player[npc.target].position.X + (float)(Main.player[npc.target].width / 2) - 100f)
                    internalAI[1] = AISTATE_RISE;

            if (internalAI[1] == AISTATE_FLY)
                HeadsSpawned      = false;
                npc.noTileCollide = true;
                npc.noGravity     = true;
                if (npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2) > Main.player[npc.target].position.X + (float)(Main.player[npc.target].width / 2) + 100f || npc.position.X + (float)(npc.width / 2) < Main.player[npc.target].position.X + (float)(Main.player[npc.target].width / 2) - 100f)
                    BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref npc.ai, false, 0, false, false, 800f, 100f, 60, 1.5f);
                    internalAI[1] = AISTATE_DROP;


            if (internalAI[1] == AISTATE_TURRET) //Standing
                if (npc.frameCounter >= 5)
                    npc.frameCounter = 0;
                    npc.frame.Y     += 102;
                    if (npc.frame.Y > (102 * 3))
                        npc.frameCounter = 0;
                        npc.frame.Y      = 0;
            if (internalAI[1] == AISTATE_FLY) //Following
                if (npc.frameCounter >= 5)
                    npc.frameCounter = 0;
                    npc.frame.Y     += 102;
                    if (npc.frame.Y > (102 * 7) || npc.frame.Y < (102 * 3))
                        npc.frameCounter = 0;
                        npc.frame.Y      = 102 * 4;
                npc.noGravity = true;
            if (internalAI[1] == AISTATE_RISE) //Rising
                if (npc.frameCounter < 5)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 11;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 10)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 10;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 15)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 9;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 20)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 8;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 25)
                    internalAI[1] = AISTATE_FLY;
            if (internalAI[1] == AISTATE_DROP) //Dropping
                npc.noGravity = false;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 5)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 8;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 10)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 9;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 15)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 10;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 20)
                    npc.frame.Y = 102 * 11;
                if (npc.frameCounter < 25)
                    internalAI[1] = AISTATE_TURRET;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public override void AI()
     BaseAI.AIElemental(npc, ref npc.ai, ref IdleTimer, null, 1, false, true, 800f, 600f, 180, 2f);