public static void MultiThreading()
            // The BarcodeResult.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded method allows for faster barcode scanning of multiple images.  All threads are automatically managed by IronBarCode.
            var ListOfDocuments = new[] { "image1.png", "image2.jpg", "image3.pdf" };

            // The true flag at the end allows us to expect multiple barcodes per document.
            PagedBarcodeResult[] BatchResults = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodesMultiThreaded(ListOfDocuments, BarcodeEncoding.All, true);

            // Work with the results
            foreach (var Result in BatchResults)
                string Value = Result.Value;
                System.Drawing.Bitmap Img         = Result.BarcodeImage;
                BarcodeEncoding       BarcodeType = Result.BarcodeType;
                byte[] Binary        = Result.BinaryValue;
                var    InputFileName = ListOfDocuments[Result.PageNumber - 1];
                Console.WriteLine(Result.Value + " found in file " + InputFileName);