public TestPage()

            dashboard.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;

            // set up grid panel
            var grid = new GridPanel();

            grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn());
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                grid.Rows.Add(new GridRow());

            // create two plots to it
            var plot1 = new Plot2D();
            var plot2 = new Plot2D();

            plot1.GridColumn = 1;
            plot1.GridRow    = 0;

            plot2.GridColumn = 1;
            plot2.GridRow    = 3;

            // assigning a shared Axis to plots makes them show same data
            // range and scroll together when the user pans any plot
            var commonAxis = new Axis();

            commonAxis.MinValue = 0;
            commonAxis.Interval = 0.5;
            commonAxis.Title    = "";

            plot1.XAxis = commonAxis;
            plot2.XAxis = commonAxis;

            // use second axis renderer for shared axis just to show ticks from other side
            var commonAxisRenderer1 = new XAxisRenderer(commonAxis);

            commonAxisRenderer1.GridColumn = 1;
            commonAxisRenderer1.GridRow    = 1;

            var commonAxisRenderer2 = new XAxisRenderer(commonAxis);

            commonAxisRenderer2.GridColumn      = 1;
            commonAxisRenderer2.GridRow         = 2;
            commonAxisRenderer2.PlotBottomSide  = false;
            commonAxisRenderer2.ShowCoordinates = false;

            // create Y axes
            var p1YAxis = new Axis();
            var p2YAxis = new Axis();

            p1YAxis.MinValue = 0;
            p1YAxis.Interval = 5;
            p1YAxis.Title    = "BarChart";
            plot1.YAxis      = p1YAxis;

            p2YAxis.MinValue = 0;
            p2YAxis.Interval = 10;
            p2YAxis.Title    = "LineChart";
            plot2.YAxis      = p2YAxis;

            var p1Renderer = new YAxisRenderer(p1YAxis);

            p1Renderer.GridColumn = 0;
            p1Renderer.GridRow    = 0;
            p1Renderer.ShowTicks  = true;

            var p2Renderer = new YAxisRenderer(p2YAxis);

            p2Renderer.GridColumn = 0;
            p2Renderer.GridRow    = 3;

            // show sample bar and line graphics in different plots
            var barRenderer = new BarRenderer(
                new ObservableCollection <Series> {
                new Series2D(
                    new List <double> {
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
                    new List <double> {
                    20.3, 12, 73.23, 21.2, 72, 66, 42.239
                new Series2D(
                    new List <double> {
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
                    new List <double> {
                    22.3, 15, 43.23, 11.2, 32, 12, 62.239

            var lineRenderer = new LineRenderer(
                new ObservableCollection <Series> {
                new Series2D(
                    new List <double> {
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
                    new List <double> {
                    10.3, 22, 33.23, 41.2, 12, 26, 42.239
                new Series2D(
                    new List <double> {
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
                    new List <double> {
                    42.3, 45, 43.23, 21.2, 12, 22, 22.239

            plot1.SeriesStyle = new PerSeriesStyle
                Fills = new List <Brush>
                    new LinearGradientBrush(Color.Purple, Color.Yellow, 0),

            plot2.SeriesStyle = new PerSeriesStyle
                Strokes = new List <Brush>


            // add the plots and axes to the dashboard
        public TestPage()

            // create sample data
            var series = new ObservableCollection <Series>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    series.Add(new BarSeries(
                                   new double[] { 20, 60, 40, 55 },
                                   new string[] { "Acer", "Biostar", "Foxconn", "Supermicro" },
                                   new string[] { "", "", "", "" }));
                if (i == 1)
                    series.Add(new BarSeries(
                                   new double[] { 30, 70, 65, 19 },
                                   new string[] { "Biostar", "Intel", "Nvidia", "VIA Technologies" },
                                   new string[] { "", "", "", "" }));
                if (i == 2)
                    series.Add(new BarSeries(
                                   new double[] { 22, 44, 33, 66 },
                                   new string[] { "Foxconn", "Nvidia", "Marvell", "NexGen" },
                                   new string[] { "", "", "", "" }));
                if (i == 3)
                    series.Add(new BarSeries(
                                   new double[] { 12, 45, 77, 90 },
                                   new string[] { "Supermicro", "VIA Technologies", "NexGen", "Toshiba" },
                                   new string[] { "", "", "", "" }));

            // create labels data
            var annotations = new ObservableCollection <Series>();

            annotations.Add(new BarSeries(
                                new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                                new string[] { "", "", "", "" },
                                new string[] { "", "", "", "" },
                                new string[] { "Motherboards", "Chipsets", "CPU", "HDD" }));

            barChart.ShowLegend = false;

            var mainGrid = barChart.ChartPanel;

            mainGrid.HorizontalAlignment = MindFusion.Charting.Components.LayoutAlignment.Stretch;
            mainGrid.VerticalAlignment   = MindFusion.Charting.Components.LayoutAlignment.Stretch;

            // add plot
            var plot1 = new Plot2D();

            plot1.GridColumn     = 1;
            plot1.GridRow        = 0;
            plot1.VerticalScroll = false;
            plot1.XAxis          = new Axis();
            plot1.YAxis          = new Axis {
                MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 100

            // add renderer
            var barRenderer = new BarRenderer(series);

            barRenderer.LabelBrush     = new SolidBrush(Color.FromRgb(70, 70, 70));
            barRenderer.LabelFontStyle = FontAttributes.Italic;

            // add labels renderer
            var annotationRenderer = new AnnotationRenderer(annotations);


            // create axes
            var yAxis = new YAxisRenderer(plot1.YAxis, plot1.XAxis);

            yAxis.PlotLeftSide = true;
            yAxis.GridColumn   = 0;
            yAxis.LabelsSource = plot1;

            var xAxis = new XAxisRenderer(plot1.XAxis);

            xAxis.GridRow         = 1;
            xAxis.GridColumn      = 1;
            xAxis.LabelsSource    = plot1;
            xAxis.ShowCoordinates = false;
            xAxis.LabelFontStyle  = FontAttributes.Bold;

            // styles
            plot1.GridType                          = GridType.Crossed;
            plot1.XAxis.Title                       = "";
            plot1.YAxis.Title                       = "";
            plot1.GridColor1                        = Colors.Black;
            plot1.GridColor1                        = Colors.White;
            barChart.BackgroundColor                = Color.FromRgb(70, 70, 70);
            barChart.Theme.CommonSeriesFills        = GetFills();
            barChart.Theme.AxisStroke               = barChart.Theme.AxisLabelsBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
            barChart.Theme.UniformSeriesStroke      = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
            barChart.Theme.HighlightStroke          = new SolidBrush(Color.FromRgb(70, 70, 70));
            barChart.Theme.HighlightStrokeThickness = 1;
            barChart.Theme.PlotBackground           = new LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Black, Colors.White, 0);
            barChart.XAxis.Title                    = "";
            barChart.YAxis.Title                    = "";