Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the diseq command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The scanparameters.</param>
        public void SendDiseqCommand(ScanParameters parameters, DVBSChannel channel)
            if (m_bIsTeVii == false)
            Log.Log.Debug("TeVii: SendDiseqc: {0},{1}", parameters.ToString(), channel.ToString());

            //bit 0	(1)	: 0=low band, 1 = hi band
            //bit 1 (2) : 0=vertical, 1 = horizontal
            //bit 3 (4) : 0=satellite position A, 1=satellite position B
            //bit 4 (8) : 0=switch option A, 1=switch option  B
            // LNB    option  position
            // 1        A         A
            // 2        A         B
            // 3        B         A
            // 4        B         B
            int  antennaNr    = BandTypeConverter.GetAntennaNr(channel);
            bool hiBand       = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(channel, parameters);
            bool isHorizontal = ((channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.LinearH) ||
                                 (channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.CircularL));
            byte cmd = 0xf0;

            cmd |= (byte)(hiBand ? 1 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((isHorizontal) ? 2 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((antennaNr - 1) << 2);

            byte[] ucMessage = new byte[4];
            ucMessage[0] = 0xE0; //framing byte
            ucMessage[1] = 0x10; //address byte
            ucMessage[2] = 0x38; //command byte
            ucMessage[3] = cmd;  //data byte (port group 0)
            //byte[] ucMessage = DiSEqC_Helper.ChannelToDiSEqC(parameters, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the diseq command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The channels scanning parameters.</param>
        public void SendDiseqCommand(ScanParameters parameters, DVBSChannel channel)
            if (_isGenPix == false)
            Log.Log.Debug("SendDiseqc: {0},{1}", parameters.ToString(), channel.ToString());

            //bit 0	(1)	: 0=low band, 1 = hi band
            //bit 1 (2) : 0=vertical, 1 = horizontal
            //bit 3 (4) : 0=satellite position A, 1=satellite position B
            //bit 4 (8) : 0=switch option A, 1=switch option  B
            // LNB    option  position
            // 1        A         A
            // 2        A         B
            // 3        B         A
            // 4        B         B
            int  antennaNr    = BandTypeConverter.GetAntennaNr(channel);
            bool hiBand       = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(channel, parameters);
            bool isHorizontal = ((channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.LinearH) ||
                                 (channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.CircularL));
            byte cmd = 0xf0;

            cmd |= (byte)(hiBand ? 1 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((isHorizontal) ? 2 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((antennaNr - 1) << 2);

            DISEQC_COMMAND DiseqcCommand = new DISEQC_COMMAND();

            DiseqcCommand.ucMessage[0]    = 0xE0; //framing byte
            DiseqcCommand.ucMessage[1]    = 0x10; //address byte
            DiseqcCommand.ucMessage[2]    = 0x38; //command byte
            DiseqcCommand.ucMessage[3]    = cmd;  //data byte (port group 0)
            DiseqcCommand.ucMessage[4]    = 0;    //Need not fill this up
            DiseqcCommand.ucMessage[5]    = 0;    //Need not fill this up
            DiseqcCommand.ucMessageLength = 4;    //Number of Valid bytes in the Command.

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(DiseqcCommand, _ptrDiseqc, false);
            //get the length of the structure command - usually 7 bytes.
            int len = Marshal.SizeOf(DiseqcCommand);

            string txt = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                txt += String.Format("0x{0:X} ", Marshal.ReadByte(_ptrDiseqc, i));
            Log.Log.Debug("GenPix: SendDiseqCommand: {0} with length {1}", txt, len);
            //set the DisEqC command to the tuner pin
            int hr = _propertySet.Set(BdaTunerExtentionProperties, (int)BdaTunerExtension.KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC,
                                      _ptrTempInstance, 32, _ptrDiseqc, len);

            if (hr != 0)
                Log.Log.Info("GenPix: SendDiseqCommand returned: 0x{0:X} - {1}{2}", hr, HResult.GetDXErrorString(hr),
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the diseq command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Scan parameters</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel.</param>
        public void SendDiseqCommand(ScanParameters parameters, DVBSChannel channel)
            byte  disEqcPort = (byte)BandTypeConverter.GetAntennaNr(channel);
            Int32 LNBLOFLowBand;
            Int32 LNBLOFHighBand;
            Int32 LNBLOFHiLoSW;

            BandTypeConverter.GetDefaultLnbSetup(parameters, channel.BandType, out LNBLOFLowBand, out LNBLOFHighBand,
                                                 out LNBLOFHiLoSW);
            byte turnon22Khz = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(channel, parameters) ? (byte)2 : (byte)1;

            SetLnbData(true, LNBLOFLowBand, LNBLOFHighBand, LNBLOFHiLoSW, turnon22Khz, disEqcPort);
            SendDiseqcCommandTest(parameters, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tunes to channel using custom tune method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">Channel</param>
        /// <param name="Parameters">ScanParameters</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful</returns>
        public bool CustomTune(IChannel channel, ScanParameters Parameters)
            if (!SupportsTuningForChannel(channel))

            DVBSChannel satelliteChannel = channel as DVBSChannel;

            bool hiBand = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(satelliteChannel, Parameters);
            int  lof1, lof2, sw;

            BandTypeConverter.GetDefaultLnbSetup(Parameters, satelliteChannel.BandType, out lof1, out lof2, out sw);
            int lnbFrequency;

            if (hiBand)
                lnbFrequency = lof2 * 1000;
                lnbFrequency = lof1 * 1000;

            Log.Log.Debug("TeVii: Start CustomTune F:{0} SR:{1} LOF:{6} P:{2} HI:{3} M:{4} FEC:{5}",
                          satelliteChannel.SymbolRate * 1000,

            int res = TuneTransponder(m_iDeviceIndex,
                                      satelliteChannel.SymbolRate * 1000,
                                      hiBand ? 1 : 0,

            Log.Log.Debug("TeVii: Send CustomTune: {0}", res);
            return(res == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// Send DiseqC Command test
        ///<param name="parameters">Scan parameters</param>
        ///<param name="channel">Channel</param>
        public void SendDiseqcCommandTest(ScanParameters parameters, DVBSChannel channel)
            int  antennaNr    = BandTypeConverter.GetAntennaNr(channel);
            bool hiBand       = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(channel, parameters);
            bool isHorizontal = ((channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.LinearH) ||
                                 (channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.CircularL));
            byte cmd = 0xf0;

            cmd |= (byte)(hiBand ? 1 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((isHorizontal) ? 2 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((antennaNr - 1) << 2);
            byte[] diseqc = new byte[4];
            diseqc[0] = 0xe0;
            diseqc[1] = 0x10;
            diseqc[2] = 0x38;
            diseqc[3] = cmd;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private bool BeforeTune(IChannel channel, ref int subChannelId, out int pmtPid)
            int frequency  = 0;
            int symbolRate = 0;
            int modulation = (int)eModulationTAG.QAM_64;
            int bandWidth  = 0;
            LNBSelectionType lnbSelection = LNBSelectionType.Lnb0;
            const int        lnbKhzTone   = 22;
            const int        fec          = (int)FecType.Fec_Auto;
            int           polarity        = 0;
            SS2DisEqcType disType         = SS2DisEqcType.None;
            int           switchFreq      = 0;

            pmtPid = 0;
            int satelliteIndex = 0;

            Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:Tune({0})", channel);
            if (_epgGrabbing)
                _epgGrabbing = false;
                if (_epgGrabberCallback != null && _epgGrabbing)
            switch (_cardType)
            case CardType.DvbS:
                DVBSChannel dvbsChannel = channel as DVBSChannel;
                if (dvbsChannel == null)
                    Log.Log.Error("Channel is not a DVBS channel!!! {0}", channel.GetType().ToString());
                if (CurrentChannel != null)
                    DVBSChannel oldChannels = (DVBSChannel)CurrentChannel;
                    if (oldChannels.Equals(channel))
                        //@FIX this fails for back-2-back recordings
                        //Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:already tuned on this channel");
                        //return _mapSubChannels[0];
                frequency      = (int)dvbsChannel.Frequency;
                symbolRate     = dvbsChannel.SymbolRate;
                satelliteIndex = dvbsChannel.SatelliteIndex;
                bool hiBand = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(dvbsChannel, Parameters);
                int  lof1, lof2, sw;
                BandTypeConverter.GetDefaultLnbSetup(Parameters, dvbsChannel.BandType, out lof1, out lof2, out sw);
                int lnbFrequency;
                if (BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(dvbsChannel, Parameters))
                    lnbFrequency = lof2 * 1000;
                    lnbFrequency = lof1 * 1000;
                //0=horizontal or left, 1=vertical or right
                polarity = 0;
                if (dvbsChannel.Polarisation == Polarisation.LinearV)
                    polarity = 1;
                if (dvbsChannel.Polarisation == Polarisation.CircularR)
                    polarity = 1;
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  Polarity:{0} {1}", dvbsChannel.Polarisation, polarity);
                lnbSelection = LNBSelectionType.Lnb0;
                if (dvbsChannel.BandType == BandType.Universal)
                    //only set the LNB (22,33,44) Khz tone when we use ku-band and are in hi-band
                    switch (lnbKhzTone)
                    case 22:
                        lnbSelection = LNBSelectionType.Lnb22kHz;
                    if (hiBand == false)
                        lnbSelection = LNBSelectionType.Lnb0;
                switch (dvbsChannel.DisEqc)
                case DisEqcType.None: // none
                    disType = SS2DisEqcType.None;

                case DisEqcType.SimpleA: // Simple A
                    disType = SS2DisEqcType.Simple_A;

                case DisEqcType.SimpleB: // Simple B
                    disType = SS2DisEqcType.Simple_B;

                case DisEqcType.Level1AA: // Level 1 A/A
                    disType = SS2DisEqcType.Level_1_A_A;

                case DisEqcType.Level1BA: // Level 1 B/A
                    disType = SS2DisEqcType.Level_1_B_A;

                case DisEqcType.Level1AB: // Level 1 A/B
                    disType = SS2DisEqcType.Level_1_A_B;

                case DisEqcType.Level1BB: // Level 1 B/B
                    disType = SS2DisEqcType.Level_1_B_B;
                switchFreq = lnbFrequency / 1000; //in MHz
                pmtPid     = dvbsChannel.PmtPid;

            case CardType.DvbT:
                DVBTChannel dvbtChannel = channel as DVBTChannel;
                if (dvbtChannel == null)
                    Log.Log.Error("Channel is not a DVBT channel!!! {0}", channel.GetType().ToString());
                if (CurrentChannel != null)
                    DVBTChannel oldChannelt = (DVBTChannel)CurrentChannel;
                    if (oldChannelt.Equals(channel))
                        //@FIX this fails for back-2-back recordings
                        //Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:already tuned on this channel");
                        //return _mapSubChannels[0];
                frequency = (int)dvbtChannel.Frequency;
                bandWidth = dvbtChannel.BandWidth;
                pmtPid    = dvbtChannel.PmtPid;

            case CardType.DvbC:
                DVBCChannel dvbcChannel = channel as DVBCChannel;
                if (dvbcChannel == null)
                    Log.Log.Error("Channel is not a DVBC channel!!! {0}", channel.GetType().ToString());
                if (CurrentChannel != null)
                    DVBCChannel oldChannelc = (DVBCChannel)CurrentChannel;
                    if (oldChannelc.Equals(channel))
                        //@FIX this fails for back-2-back recordings
                        //Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:already tuned on this channel");
                        //return _mapSubChannels[0];
                frequency  = (int)dvbcChannel.Frequency;
                symbolRate = dvbcChannel.SymbolRate;
                switch (dvbcChannel.ModulationType)
                case ModulationType.Mod16Qam:
                    modulation = (int)eModulationTAG.QAM_16;

                case ModulationType.Mod32Qam:
                    modulation = (int)eModulationTAG.QAM_32;

                case ModulationType.Mod64Qam:
                    modulation = (int)eModulationTAG.QAM_64;

                case ModulationType.Mod128Qam:
                    modulation = (int)eModulationTAG.QAM_128;

                case ModulationType.Mod256Qam:
                    modulation = (int)eModulationTAG.QAM_256;
                pmtPid = dvbcChannel.PmtPid;

            case CardType.Atsc:
                ATSCChannel dvbaChannel = channel as ATSCChannel;
                if (dvbaChannel == null)
                    Log.Log.Error("Channel is not a ATSC channel!!! {0}", channel.GetType().ToString());
                if (CurrentChannel != null)
                    ATSCChannel oldChannela = (ATSCChannel)CurrentChannel;
                    if (oldChannela.Equals(channel))
                        //@FIX this fails for back-2-back recordings
                        //Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:already tuned on this channel");
                        //return _mapSubChannels[0];
                //if modulation = 256QAM assume ATSC QAM for HD5000
                if (dvbaChannel.ModulationType == ModulationType.Mod256Qam)
                    Log.Log.WriteFile("DVBGraphB2C2:  ATSC Channel:{0} Frequency:{1}", dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel,
                    frequency = (int)dvbaChannel.Frequency;
                    pmtPid    = dvbaChannel.PmtPid;
                    Log.Log.WriteFile("DVBGraphSkyStar2:  ATSC Channel:{0}", dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel);
                    //#DM B2C2 SDK says ATSC is tuned by frequency. Here we work the OTA frequency by channel number#
                    int atscfreq = 0;
                    if (dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel <= 6)
                        atscfreq = 45 + (dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel * 6);
                    if (dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel >= 7 && dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel <= 13)
                        atscfreq = 177 + ((dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel - 7) * 6);
                    if (dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel >= 14)
                        atscfreq = 473 + ((dvbaChannel.PhysicalChannel - 14) * 6);
                    //#DM changed tuning parameter from physical channel to calculated frequency above.
                    frequency = atscfreq;
                    Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  ATSC Frequency:{0} MHz", frequency);
                    pmtPid = dvbaChannel.PmtPid;
            if (_graphState == GraphState.Idle)
            if (_mapSubChannels.ContainsKey(subChannelId) == false)
                subChannelId = GetNewSubChannel(channel);
            _mapSubChannels[subChannelId].CurrentChannel = channel;
            if (_interfaceEpgGrabber != null)
            if (frequency > 13000)
                frequency /= 1000;
            Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  Transponder Frequency:{0} MHz", frequency);
            int hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetFrequency(frequency);

            if (hr != 0)
                Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetFrequencyKHz() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
            switch (_cardType)
            case CardType.DvbC:
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  SymbolRate:{0} KS/s", symbolRate);
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetSymbolRate(symbolRate);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetSymbolRate() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  Modulation:{0}", ((eModulationTAG)modulation));
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetModulation(modulation);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetModulation() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);

            case CardType.DvbT:
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  GuardInterval:auto");
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetGuardInterval((int)GuardIntervalType.Interval_Auto);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetGuardInterval() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  Bandwidth:{0} MHz", bandWidth);
                //hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetBandwidth((int)dvbtChannel.BandWidth);
                // Set Channel Bandwidth (NOTE: Temporarily use polarity function to avoid having to
                // change SDK interface for SetBandwidth)
                // from Technisat SDK 03/2006
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetPolarity(bandWidth);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetBandwidth() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);

            case CardType.DvbS:
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  SymbolRate:{0} KS/s", symbolRate);
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetSymbolRate(symbolRate);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetSymbolRate() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  Fec:{0} {1}", ((FecType)fec), fec);
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetFec(fec);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetFec() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetPolarity(polarity);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetPolarity() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  Lnb:{0}", lnbSelection);
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetLnbKHz((int)lnbSelection);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetLnbKHz() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  Diseqc:{0} {1}", disType, disType);
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetDiseqc((int)disType);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetDiseqc() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ss2:  LNBFrequency:{0} MHz", switchFreq);
                hr = _interfaceB2C2TunerCtrl.SetLnbFrequency(switchFreq);
                if (hr != 0)
                    Log.Log.Error("ss2:SetLnbFrequency() failed:0x{0:X}", hr);
                if (_useDISEqCMotor)
                    if (satelliteIndex > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the diseq command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The scanparameters.</param>
        public bool SendDiseqCommand(ScanParameters parameters, DVBSChannel channel)
            bool succeeded = true;

            if (_isHauppauge == false)
            int antennaNr = BandTypeConverter.GetAntennaNr(channel);

            if (antennaNr == 0)
            //clear the message params before writing in order to avoid corruption of the diseqc message.
            for (int i = 0; i < 188; ++i)
                Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, i, 0x00);
            bool hiBand = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(channel, parameters);
            //bit 0	(1)	: 0=low band, 1 = hi band
            //bit 1 (2) : 0=vertical, 1 = horizontal
            //bit 3 (4) : 0=satellite position A, 1=satellite position B
            //bit 4 (8) : 0=switch option A, 1=switch option  B
            // LNB    option  position
            // 1        A         A
            // 2        A         B
            // 3        B         A
            // 4        B         B
            bool isHorizontal = ((channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.LinearH) ||
                                 (channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.CircularL));
            byte cmd = 0xf0;

            cmd |= (byte)(hiBand ? 1 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((isHorizontal) ? 2 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((antennaNr - 1) << 2);

            const int len    = 188;        //hauppauge diseqc message length
            ulong     diseqc = 0xE0103800; //currently committed switches only. i.e. ports 1-4

            diseqc += cmd;

            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 0, (byte)((diseqc >> 24) & 0xff)); //framing byte
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 1, (byte)((diseqc >> 16) & 0xff)); //address byte
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 2, (byte)((diseqc >> 8) & 0xff));  //command byte
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 3, (byte)(diseqc & 0xff));         //data byte (port group 0)
            Marshal.WriteInt32(_ptrDiseqc, 160, 4);                          //send_message_length
            Marshal.WriteInt32(_ptrDiseqc, 164, 0);                          //receive_message_length
            Marshal.WriteInt32(_ptrDiseqc, 168, 3);                          //amplitude_attenuation
            if (antennaNr == 1)                                              //for simple diseqc switches (i.e. 22KHz tone burst)
                Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 172, (int)BurstModulationType.TONE_BURST_UNMODULATED);
                Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 172, (int)BurstModulationType.TONE_BURST_MODULATED);
                //default to tone_burst_modulated
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 176, (int)DisEqcVersion.DISEQC_VER_1X); //default
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 180, (int)RxMode.RXMODE_NOREPLY);       //default
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 184, 1);                                //last_message TRUE */

            string txt = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                txt += String.Format("0x{0:X} ", Marshal.ReadByte(_ptrDiseqc, i));
            for (int i = 160; i < 188; i = (i + 4))
                txt += String.Format("0x{0:X} ", Marshal.ReadInt32(_ptrDiseqc, i));
            Log.Log.Debug("Hauppauge: SendDiseq: {0}", txt);
            int hr = _propertySet.Set(BdaTunerExtentionProperties, (int)BdaTunerExtension.KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC, _ptrDiseqc,
                                      len, _ptrDiseqc, len);

            if (hr != 0)
                succeeded = false;
                Log.Log.Info("Hauppauge: SendDiseq returned: 0x{0:X} - {1}", hr, DsError.GetErrorText(hr));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the diseq command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The channels scanning parameters.</param>
        public void SendDiseqCommand(ScanParameters parameters, DVBSChannel channel)
            if (_isProfRed == false)
            if (_previousChannel != null)
                if (_previousChannel.Frequency == channel.Frequency &&
                    _previousChannel.DisEqc == channel.DisEqc &&
                    _previousChannel.Polarisation == channel.Polarisation &&
                    _previousChannel.Pilot == channel.Pilot &&
                    _previousChannel.Rolloff == channel.Rolloff &&
                    _previousChannel.InnerFecRate == channel.InnerFecRate)
                    _previousChannel = channel;
                    Log.Log.WriteFile("ProfRed: already tuned to diseqc:{0}, frequency:{1}, polarisation:{2}",
                                      channel.DisEqc, channel.Frequency, channel.Polarisation);
                if (_previousChannel.DisEqc == DisEqcType.None && channel.DisEqc == DisEqcType.None)
                    _previousChannel = channel;
                    Log.Log.WriteFile("ProfRed: already no diseqc used",
                                      channel.DisEqc, channel.Frequency, channel.Polarisation);
            if (_previousChannel == null && channel.DisEqc == DisEqcType.None)
                _previousChannel = channel;
                Log.Log.WriteFile("ProfRed: diseqc isn't used - skip it",
                                  channel.DisEqc, channel.Frequency, channel.Polarisation);
            _previousChannel = channel;
            int antennaNr = BandTypeConverter.GetAntennaNr(channel);

            //hack - bypass diseqc settings for single LNB implementations
            if (antennaNr == 0)
            //end of hack

            //clear the message params before writing in order to avoid corruption of the diseqc message.
            for (int i = 0; i < 188; ++i)
                Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, i, 0x00);

            bool hiBand = BandTypeConverter.IsHiBand(channel, parameters);

            //bit 0	(1)	: 0=low band, 1 = hi band
            //bit 1 (2) : 0=vertical, 1 = horizontal
            //bit 3 (4) : 0=satellite position A, 1=satellite position B
            //bit 4 (8) : 0=switch option A, 1=switch option  B
            // LNB    option  position
            // 1        A         A
            // 2        A         B
            // 3        B         A
            // 4        B         B

            bool isHorizontal = ((channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.LinearH) ||
                                 (channel.Polarisation == Polarisation.CircularL));
            byte cmd = 0xf0;

            cmd |= (byte)(hiBand ? 1 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((isHorizontal) ? 2 : 0);
            cmd |= (byte)((antennaNr - 1) << 2);

            const int len    = 188;
            ulong     diseqc = 0xE0103800; //currently committed switches only. i.e. ports 1-4

            diseqc += cmd;
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 0, (byte)((diseqc >> 24) & 0xff)); //framing byte
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 1, (byte)((diseqc >> 16) & 0xff)); //address byte
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 2, (byte)((diseqc >> 8) & 0xff));  //command byte
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 3, (byte)(diseqc & 0xff));         //data byte (port group 0)
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 151, 4);                           //send_message_length
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 161, 0);                           //receive_message_length

            if (antennaNr == 1)                                              //for simple diseqc switches (i.e. 22KHz tone burst)
                Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 164, 2);                       // TONE_BURST_UNMODULATED
                Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 164, 1); // TONE_BURST_MODULATED
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 172, 3);     //default for Diseqc
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 168, 2);     //RxMode.RXMODE_NOREPLY);//default
            Marshal.WriteByte(_ptrDiseqc, 180, 1);     //last_message TRUE */
            string txt = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                txt += String.Format("0x{0:X} ", Marshal.ReadByte(_ptrDiseqc, i));
            txt += String.Format("0x{0:X} ", Marshal.ReadByte(_ptrDiseqc, 151)); //send_message_length
            for (int i = 164; i < 188; i += 4)
                txt += String.Format("0x{0:X} ", Marshal.ReadInt32(_ptrDiseqc, i));
            Log.Log.WriteFile("ProfRed: SendDiseq: {0}", txt);

            int retval; //out value
            int hr = _propertySet.Get(_bdaTunerExtentionProperties, (int)BdaTunerExtension.KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC, _ptrDiseqc,
                                      len, _ptrDiseqc, len, out retval);

            Log.Log.Info("ProfRed: setdiseqc returned:{0:X}", hr);