Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Equals_SameBanDifferentID_ReturnTrue()
            var source = new BanSource()
                Display       = "test source",
                Name          = "test",
                RoleplayLevel = RoleplayLevel.Medium,
                Id            = 3

            var banA = new Ban()
                Id               = 12,
                CKey             = "test",
                BannedOn         = DateTime.MinValue,
                BannedBy         = "tester",
                BanType          = BanType.Server,
                Reason           = "what a great test",
                Source           = source.Id,
                SourceNavigation = source

            var banB = new Ban()
                Id               = 0,
                CKey             = "test",
                BannedOn         = DateTime.MinValue,
                BannedBy         = "tester",
                BanType          = BanType.Server,
                Reason           = "what a great test",
                Source           = source.Id,
                SourceNavigation = source

            var comparer = BanEqualityComparer.Instance;

            Assert.True(comparer.Equals(banA, banB), "Two bans equal by internal values should be equal");
            Assert.True(comparer.GetHashCode(banA) == comparer.GetHashCode(banB), "Two bans equal by internal values should have equal hashcodes");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Equals_SameBanIDDifferentSource_ReturnFalse()
            var sourceA = new BanSource()
                Display       = "test source A",
                Name          = "testA",
                RoleplayLevel = RoleplayLevel.Medium,
                Id            = 3

            var sourceB = new BanSource()
                Display       = "test source B",
                Name          = "testB",
                RoleplayLevel = RoleplayLevel.Medium,
                Id            = 4

            var banA = new Ban()
                BanID            = "epic",
                CKey             = "doesn't matter",
                Source           = sourceA.Id,
                SourceNavigation = sourceA

            var banB = new Ban()
                BanID            = "epic",
                CKey             = "different",
                Source           = sourceB.Id,
                SourceNavigation = sourceB

            var comparer = BanEqualityComparer.Instance;

            Assert.False(comparer.Equals(banA, banB), "Two bans from different sources should not be equal by BanID");
            Assert.False(comparer.GetHashCode(banA) == comparer.GetHashCode(banB), "Two bans from different sources should not have equal hashcodes");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task RunImports()
            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles("FlatData/JSON/"))
                var          fileData         = File.ReadAllText(file);
                FlatDataFile deserializedData = null;
                    deserializedData = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <FlatDataFile>(fileData, new JsonSerializerOptions()
                        PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError($"Failed to deserialize flat data file: '{file}'");

                var lastVersion = await _dbContext.FlatBansVersion
                                  .Where(x => x.Name == deserializedData.Name)
                                  .OrderByDescending(x => x.Version)

                // We need to update the data
                if (lastVersion == null || lastVersion.Version < deserializedData.Version)
                    _logger.LogInformation(lastVersion == null ? $"Data from '{deserializedData.Name}' missing from database, adding..."
                        : $"Out-of-date data found from '{deserializedData.Name} (v{lastVersion.Version}, updating to v{deserializedData.Version}), updating...'");

                        // Make this an atomic operation to ensure failed imports don't leave holes in the data
                        using var transaction = await _dbContext.Database.BeginTransactionAsync();

                        // Update any ban sources if necessary
                        var toUpdate = await _dbContext.BanSources
                                       .Where(x => deserializedData.Sources.Select(x => x.Name).Contains(x.Name))
                                       .Include(x => x.Bans)

                        foreach (var source in toUpdate)
                            var match = deserializedData.Sources.First(x => x.Name == source.Name);
                            if (match.RoleplayLevel != source.RoleplayLevel || match.Display != source.Display)
                                _logger.LogInformation($"Updating ban source '{source.Name}', found mis-matching metadata with new version of flat dataset");
                                source.Display       = match.Display;
                                source.RoleplayLevel = match.RoleplayLevel;
                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // Remove any existing bans for each updated source
                        foreach (var source in toUpdate)
                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // Add any new ban sources that were not present in old file version
                        foreach (var source in deserializedData.Sources.Where(x => !toUpdate.Select(y => y.Name).Contains(x.Name)))
                            var copy = new BanSource()
                                Display       = source.Display,
                                Name          = source.Name,
                                RoleplayLevel = source.RoleplayLevel
                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // Map bans to ban sources
                        foreach (var group in deserializedData.ServerBans.Concat(deserializedData.JobBans).GroupBy(x => x.Source))
                            var matchingSource   = deserializedData.Sources.First(x => x.Id == group.Key);
                            var matchingDbSource = toUpdate.First(x => x.Name == matchingSource.Name);

                            foreach (var b in group)
                                b.Source           = matchingDbSource.Id;
                                b.SourceNavigation = matchingDbSource;

                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // Add update record reflecting the changes
                        var thisUpdate = new FlatBansVersion()
                            Name        = deserializedData.Name,
                            Version     = deserializedData.Version,
                            PerformedAt = DateTime.UtcNow
                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // Commit changes when everything else has gone correctly
                        await transaction.CommitAsync();

                        _logger.LogInformation("Import/update complete");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError(ex, $"Failed to import flat ban data from {deserializedData.Name}, see below for details");