Ejemplo n.º 1
            public IEnumerator ActualTimeToContactAndInitialRadiusOfBallIsRandom()
                ISet <float> actualTimesToContact = new HashSet <float>();
                ISet <float> ballInitialRadiuses  = new HashSet <float>();

                foreach (var _ in Enumerable.Range(1, CatchTheBall.NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS))
                    // Wait for soccer player to load, kick ball, and then ball to be spawned
                    yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>() != null));

                    SoccerPlayer soccerPlayer = Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>();
                    yield return(new WaitUntil(() => soccerPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall()));

                    yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <BallProjectile>() != null));

                    BallProjectile ball = Object.FindObjectOfType <BallProjectile>();


                int numberOfUniqueActualTimesToContact = actualTimesToContact.Count;
                int numberOfUniqueBallInitialRadiuses  = ballInitialRadiuses.Count;

                Assert.AreNotEqual(1, numberOfUniqueActualTimesToContact);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(1, numberOfUniqueBallInitialRadiuses);
            public IEnumerator WHEN_BallsKicked_THEN_BallPositionsDoNotChange()
                // Wait for soccer player to load, kick ball, and then ball to be spawned
                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>() != null));

                SoccerPlayer soccerPlayer = Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>();

                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => soccerPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall()));

                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <BallProjectile>() != null));

                BallProjectile[] balls = Object.FindObjectsOfType <BallProjectile>();
                BallProjectile   ball1 = balls[0];
                BallProjectile   ball2 = balls[1];

                float endingTime  = Time.time + Math.Max(ball1.ActualTimeToContact, ball2.ActualTimeToContact);
                float currentTime = Time.time;

                Vector3 ball1StartingPosition = ball1.transform.position;
                Vector3 ball2StartingPosition = ball2.transform.position;

                // For every frame before the last ball arrives, their positions should be
                // unchanged.
                while (endingTime - currentTime > 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(ball1StartingPosition, ball1.transform.position);
                    Assert.AreEqual(ball2StartingPosition, ball2.transform.position);
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f));

                    currentTime = Time.time;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public IEnumerator WHEN_BallKicked_THEN_BallPositionDoesNotChange()
                // Wait for soccer player to load, kick ball, and then ball to be spawned
                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>() != null));

                SoccerPlayer soccerPlayer = Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>();

                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => soccerPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall()));

                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <BallProjectile>() != null));

                BallProjectile ball             = Object.FindObjectOfType <BallProjectile>();
                Vector3        startingPosition = ball.transform.position;

                float endingTime  = Time.time + ball.ActualTimeToContact;
                float currentTime = Time.time;

                // For every frame before the ball arrives, its position should be
                // unchanged.
                while (endingTime - currentTime > 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(startingPosition, ball.transform.position);
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f));

                    currentTime = Time.time;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void ThrowBall()
        if (_enemyTarget && _isHoldingBall)
            if (Vector3.Distance(_holdPosition.position, _enemyTarget.transform.position) < Vector3.Distance(_secondaryThrowPosition.position, _enemyTarget.transform.position))
                // hold ball in hold position
                _currentBallTarget.transform.position = _holdPosition.position;
                // hold ball in secondary position
                _currentBallTarget.transform.position = _secondaryThrowPosition.position;

            // get referemce to ball script
            BallProjectile currentBall = _currentBallTarget.GetComponent <BallProjectile>();

            // determining accuracy
            float accuracy = Random.Range(0.6f, 1.4f);
            currentBall._lastThrower = this;
            currentBall.ThrowBall(_enemyTarget.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicVelocity>(), accuracy);
            _isHoldingBall     = false;
            _currentBallTarget = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public IEnumerator BallMovesAtConstantVelocity()
                // Wait for soccer player to load, kick ball, and then ball to be spawned
                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>() != null));

                SoccerPlayer soccerPlayer = Object.FindObjectOfType <SoccerPlayer>();

                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => soccerPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall()));

                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Object.FindObjectOfType <BallProjectile>() != null));

                BallProjectile ball             = Object.FindObjectOfType <BallProjectile>();
                Vector3        startingPosition = ball.transform.position;

                float endingTime  = Time.time + ball.ActualTimeToContact;
                float currentTime = Time.time;

                // For every frame before the ball arrives, its position should be
                // unchanged.
                List <double> ballScales = new List <double>();

                while (endingTime - currentTime > 0)
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f));

                    currentTime = Time.time;

                // Utility method for calculating standard deviation
                // Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6252351
                double StandardDeviation(IEnumerable <double> values)
                    double avg = values.Average();

                    return(Math.Sqrt(values.Average(v => Math.Pow(v - avg, 2))));

                // Find the absolute difference between two any
                // ball scales.
                IEnumerable <double> ballScaleDifferences = Enumerable.Zip(ballScales,
                                                                           (x1, x2) => Math.Abs(x2 - x1));

                // If the data is linear, then
                // (ballScale(i+1) - ballScale(i)) = (ballScale(j+1) - ballScale(j))
                // for any frame i and j. Thus, we can take the standard deviation
                // of the ball scale differences. If it is close to 0, then
                // the ball scale differences are all almost the same, thus indicating
                // a linear relationship.
                double standardDeviation = StandardDeviation(ballScaleDifferences);

                // Check if the standard deviation is equal to 0 with a possible error
                // of ± 0.1.
                Assert.AreEqual(0, standardDeviation, 0.1);
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Awake()
     if (instance != null)
         instance = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a ball projectile that will appear to approach the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ballPosition">The position of the ball in the scene.</param>
        /// <param name="targetRingRadius">The radius of the target ring, which
        /// also serves as the final radius of the ball.</param>
        /// <param name="ballInitialRadius">The radius of the ball before
        /// it has been "kicked".</param>
        /// <param name="actualTimeToContact">How long it actually takes
        /// the ball to reach the target ring from its original radius.</param>
        /// <param name="ballTimeBeforeDisappearance">The duration of time before the ball
        /// disappears from the screen.</param>
        /// <returns>The instantiated ball projectile with the given parameters.</returns>
        public BallProjectile InstantiateBallProjectile(Vector3 ballPosition,
                                                        float targetRingRadius, float ballInitialRadius,
                                                        float actualTimeToContact, float?ballTimeBeforeDisappearance)
            BallProjectile ballProjectile = Instantiate(BallProjectilePrefab,
                                                        ballPosition, Quaternion.identity, gameObject.GetComponent <Canvas>().transform)
                                            .GetComponent <BallProjectile>();

            ballProjectile.TargetRingRadius            = targetRingRadius;
            ballProjectile.BallInitialRadius           = ballInitialRadius;
            ballProjectile.ActualTimeToContact         = actualTimeToContact;
            ballProjectile.BallTimeBeforeDisappearance = ballTimeBeforeDisappearance;

        public override IEnumerator StartRound()
            BallRound ballRound = GenerateDataForRound(ballStorage.TargetRadius);

            Vector3 leftBallPosition  = LeftTargetRing.transform.position;
            Vector3 rightBallPosition = RightTargetRing.transform.position;

            SoccerPlayer leftSoccerPlayer  = InstantiateSoccerPlayer(leftBallPosition, ballRound.InitialLeftBallRadius);
            SoccerPlayer rightSoccerPlayer = InstantiateSoccerPlayer(rightBallPosition, ballRound.InitialRightBallRadius);

            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => leftSoccerPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall() &&

            BallProjectile leftBallProjectile = InstantiateBallProjectile(leftBallPosition,
                                                                          // Ball doesn't disappear in Save One Ball
                                                                          ballTimeBeforeDisappearance: null

            BallProjectile rightBallProjectile = InstantiateBallProjectile(rightBallPosition,
                                                                           // Ball doesn't disappear in Save One Ball
                                                                           ballTimeBeforeDisappearance: null

            // Record the time at which the "kick" takes place
            float beginTime = Time.time;

            // Make round end when the user hits any
            // key, or when they have waited too long (2 times the actual
            // time to contact)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(
                                 beginTime: beginTime,
                                 maxTimeToWait: 2 * Math.Min(ballRound.LeftActualTimeToContact, ballRound.RightActualTimeToContact),
                                 inputReceived: () => Keyboard.current[LEFT_BALL_KEY].isPressed || Keyboard.current[RIGHT_BALL_KEY].isPressed,
                                 ballProjectiles: new List <BallProjectile> {
                leftBallProjectile, rightBallProjectile
                                 ballRound: ballRound
        public override IEnumerator StartRound()
            BallRound ballRound = GenerateDataForRound(ballStorage.TargetRadius);

            // The ball is at the centre of the screen in this round
            Vector3 ballPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            SoccerPlayer soccerPlayer = InstantiateSoccerPlayer(ballPosition, ballRound.InitialBallRadius);

            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => soccerPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall()));

            BallProjectile ballProjectile = InstantiateBallProjectile(ballPosition,
                                                                      // Balls don't disappear in Catch The Ball
                                                                      ballTimeBeforeDisappearance: null);

            // Record the time at which the "kick" takes place
            float beginTime = Time.time;

            // Make round end when the user hits any
            // key, or when they have waited too long (2 times the actual
            // time to contact)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(
                                 beginTime: beginTime,
                                 maxTimeToWait: 2 * ballRound.ActualTimeToContact,
                                 inputReceived: () => Keyboard.current.anyKey.isPressed,
                                 ballProjectiles: new List <BallProjectile> {
                                 ballRound: ballRound
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public GameOptions(ArEnvironment arEnvironment, BallProjectile ballProjectile)
     _arEnvironment  = arEnvironment;
     _ballProjectile = ballProjectile;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public void FireBall()
        BallProjectile projectile = Instantiate(ballProjectile, new Vector2(transform.position.x + pointOfFire, transform.position.y), Quaternion.identity);

        public override IEnumerator StartRound()
            BallRound ballRound = GenerateDataForRound(ballStorage.TargetRadius);

            Vector3 fastBallPosition   = LeftTargetRing.transform.position;
            Vector3 playerBallPosition = MiddleTargetRing.transform.position;
            Vector3 slowBallPosition   = RightTargetRing.transform.position;

            SoccerPlayer fastBallPlayer   = InstantiateSoccerPlayer(fastBallPosition, ballRound.InitialFastBallRadius);
            SoccerPlayer playerBallPlayer = InstantiateSoccerPlayer(playerBallPosition, ballRound.InitialPlayerBallRadius);
            SoccerPlayer slowBallPlayer   = InstantiateSoccerPlayer(slowBallPosition, ballRound.InitialSlowBallRadius);

            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => fastBallPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall() &&
                                       playerBallPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall() && slowBallPlayer.PlayerHasKickedBall()

            BallProjectile fastBallProjectile = InstantiateBallProjectile(fastBallPosition,

            BallProjectile playerBallProjectile = InstantiateBallProjectile(playerBallPosition,

            BallProjectile slowBallProjectile = InstantiateBallProjectile(slowBallPosition,

            // After the balls have disappeared,
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ballRound.TimeBeforeDisappearence));

            // Show the slider and submit button

            // Make the lower value of the slider equal to arrival
            // time of the faster ball; make the upper value of the slider
            // equal to the arrival time of the slower ball
            Slider.minValue = ballRound.FastBallActualTimeToContact;
            Slider.maxValue = ballRound.SlowBallActualTimeToContact;

            // Move slider to half-way position
            Slider.value = (Slider.minValue + Slider.maxValue) / 2;

            bool buttonHasBeenClicked = false;
            // When the round is about to end,
            UnityAction whenButtonClicked = () =>
                // Record the player's predicted time to contact
                // by seeing how they judged it compared to the reference
                // first-arriving and last-arriving balls.
                ballRound.PredictedTimeToContact = Slider.value;

                // Save data for this round

                // Hide the slider and submit button

                buttonHasBeenClicked = true;

            // When the submit button is pressed, the round should end

            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => buttonHasBeenClicked));