void Start() { timeLeft = maxTime; txtTimer.text = "" + (int)timeLeft; ballCtrl = ball.GetComponent <BallCtrl>(); singleplayMode = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Singleplay") == 1 ? true : false; }
//public GameObject Win; void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
public void AssignInput(PlayerSpawner _pSpawn, int _numPlayers, bool _singlePlayerController, InfoPasser.Controls _controls) { if (_pSpawn.GetPlayer == null) { Debug.Log("NULL PLAYER"); return; } GameObject user = _pSpawn.GetPlayer; Ball ball = user.GetComponent <Ball>(); ball.AttachedPlayers = new BallCtrl[_numPlayers]; for (int x = 0; x < _numPlayers; x++) { GameObject obj = new GameObject("Player " + x); obj.transform.SetParent(user.transform); obj.AddComponent <BallCtrl>(); } //current player we are assigning input too int curPlayer = 0; //number of players on the ball int size = user.transform.childCount; //looping through all the input/controls we need to assign to the players on the ball for (int x = 0; x < m_InputList.Count; x++) { //get the transform so we can get the gameobj Transform t = user.transform.GetChild(curPlayer); //get the ballctrl on the child transform/gameobj BallCtrl b = t.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <BallCtrl>(); //the player arry in the ball, assign a ballctrl to it ball.AttachedPlayers[curPlayer] = b; //error checking if (b == null) { Debug.Log("ASSIGN INPUT B IS NULL"); return; } //add the input that the player will be responceable for b.m_Controls.Add((InputControlsBall)x); //set names for unity to read input b.SetNames((InputControlsBall)m_InputList[x], curPlayer, _singlePlayerController, _controls); //we need to make sure the current player never excides if (curPlayer + 1 >= size) { curPlayer = 0; } else { curPlayer++; } } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { BallCtrl.setIsWinTrue(); if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) { SFXCtrl.instance.WinSparkles(gameObject.transform.position); //AudioCtrl.instance.playerwin (gameObject.transform.position); Invoke("LevelCompletePanel", 0.5f); // col.gameObject.transform.position.x = 0; //SceneManager.LoadScene ("Level2"); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { ballCtrl = FindObjectOfType <BallCtrl>(); singleplayMode = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Singleplay") == 1 ? true : false; }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { //AudioCtrl.instance.playerDead(gameObject.transform.position); BallCtrl.setIsDeadTrue(); }
private void boardCtrl_BallClick(BoardCtrl ctrl, BallCtrl ballCtrl) { _game.Board.SelectBall(ballCtrl.Ball); }