Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void BackfillProcessor_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            while (_incomingQueue.Count > 0)
                //int step = 1;
                BackfillItem item;
                FDADataPointDefinitionStructure tagDef;

                lock (_incomingQueue)
                    item = _incomingQueue.Dequeue();

                List <RequestGroup> backfillGroupList = new List <RequestGroup>(); // this is what will be returned to the DataAcqManager
                List <RequestGroup> TagRequestGroupList;

                //-------------------------------- new code --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                foreach (Tag tag in item.BackfillTagList)
                    tagDef = _dbManager.GetTagDef(tag.TagID);

                    // tag definition not found, skip this tag
                    if (tagDef == null)

                    switch (tagDef.backfill_data_structure_type)
                    case 0:     // ROC backfill
                        if (tagDef.DPSType.ToUpper() == "ROC")
                            TagRequestGroupList = ROC.ROCProtocol.BackfillTag(tagDef, item.Request);
                            Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "", "Tag " + tagDef.DPDUID + " has backfill_data_structure_type = " + tagDef.backfill_data_structure_type + ", which is incompatible with the " + tagDef.DPSType + " protocol. Backfill request cancelled");

                    case 1:     // Intricate scadapack backfill (coming later)

                        // TO DO - Intricate scadapack backfill logic


                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "", "Tag " + item.Request.TagList[0].TagID + " Backfill type " + tagDef.backfill_data_structure_type.ToString() + " is not valid.");

                // we're done with this request, send it back to the dataacqmananger along with any backfill request groups if backfill is required
                BackfillAnalysisComplete?.Invoke(this, new BackfillEventArgs(backfillGroupList, item.Request));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AnalyzeResponse(DataRequest request)
            List <Tag> backfillTags = new List <Tag>();

            // get the backfill time from options (default to 30 minutes)
            TimeSpan backfillLimit = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);

                FDADataPointDefinitionStructure tagDef;
                //Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Backfill manager received a completed transaction");
                // identify any tags with backfill enabled and an elapsed time over the data lapse limit
                foreach (Tag tag in request.TagList)
                    Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Examining the tag " + tag.TagID.ToString(), false, true);

                    // skip any placeholder tags
                    if (tag.TagID == Guid.Empty)
                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Tag " + tag.TagID.ToString() + " is a placeholder tag, skipping it", false, true);

                    // get the tag definition
                    tagDef = _dbManager.GetTagDef(tag.TagID);

                    // tag definition not found, move on to the next tag
                    if (tagDef == null)
                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Tag " + tag.TagID.ToString() + " DataPointDefinitionStructure not found", false, true);

                    // tag is disabled, move on to the next tag
                    if (!tagDef.DPDSEnabled)
                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Tag " + tag.TagID.ToString() + " is not enabled, skipping it", false, true);

                    // tag quality is not 192, move on to the next tag
                    if (tag.Quality != 192)
                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Tag " + tag.TagID.ToString() + " Quality =" + tag.Quality + ", skipping it", false, true);

                    // last chance check, make sure that the previous time isn't min date
                    if (tagDef.PreviousTimestamp == DateTime.MinValue)
                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Tag " + tag.TagID.ToString() + " Previous Timestamp  = min date" + tag.Quality + ", skipping it", false, true);

                    Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Tag " + tag.TagID.ToString() + " BackfillEnabled = " + tagDef.backfill_enabled.ToString(), false, true);

                    if (tagDef.backfill_enabled)
                        backfillLimit = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(tagDef.backfill_data_lapse_limit);
                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "The data lapse limit for tag " + tag.TagID.ToString() + " is " + backfillLimit.TotalMinutes + " minutes", false, true);

                        tag.LastRead = tagDef.LastRead.Timestamp;

                        TimeSpan gap = tagDef.LastRead.Timestamp.Subtract(tagDef.PreviousTimestamp);
                        Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "BackfillManager", "Read time is " + tagDef.LastRead.Timestamp + ", previous read time is " + tagDef.PreviousTimestamp + ", a gap of " + gap.TotalMinutes + " minutes", false, true);

                        if (gap >= backfillLimit)
                            Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationEvent(this, "", "Data gap of " + gap.ToString() + " detected for Tag " + tag.TagID + ". Requesting backfill from " + tagDef.PreviousTimestamp + " to " + tagDef.LastRead.Timestamp);

                // if any tags need to be backfilled, send them to the backfill processor to have requestgroups generated
                if (backfillTags.Count > 0)
                    BackfillItem item = new BackfillItem(request, backfillTags);
                    lock (_incomingQueue)
                    if (!_backfillProcessor.IsBusy)
                    BackfillAnalysisComplete?.Invoke(this, new BackfillEventArgs(null, request));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Globals.SystemManager.LogApplicationError(Globals.FDANow(), ex, "Error in BackfillManager.AnalyzeResponse()");