Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void GeneratePositionAnimation(IIGameNode gameNode, List <BabylonAnimation> animations)
            if (isPositionAnimated(gameNode))
                ExportVector3Animation("position", animations, key =>
                    var localMatrix = gameNode.GetLocalTM(key);

                    if (float.IsNaN(localMatrix.Determinant))
                        RaiseError($"Determinant of {gameNode.Name} of position animation at {key} localMatrix is NaN ");

                    var tm_babylon = new BabylonMatrix();
                    tm_babylon.m   = localMatrix.ToArray();

                    var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
                    var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

                    tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);

                    // Apply unit conversion factor to meter
                    t_babylon *= scaleFactorToMeters;

                    return(new[] { t_babylon.X, t_babylon.Y, t_babylon.Z });
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void exportTransform(BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, IIGameNode maxGameNode)
            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var localTM = maxGameNode.GetLocalTM(0);

            // use babylon decomposition, as 3ds max built-in values are no correct
            var tm_babylon = new BabylonMatrix();

            tm_babylon.m = localTM.ToArray();

            var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
            var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
            var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

            tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);

            if (ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotationQuaternion = q_babylon.ToArray();
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotation = q_babylon.toEulerAngles().ToArray();

            // normalize quaternion
            var   q        = q_babylon;
            float q_length = (float)Math.Sqrt(q.X * q.X + q.Y * q.Y + q.Z * q.Z + q.W * q.W);

            babylonAbstractMesh.rotationQuaternion = new[] { q_babylon.X / q_length, q_babylon.Y / q_length, q_babylon.Z / q_length, q_babylon.W / q_length };
            babylonAbstractMesh.scaling            = new[] { s_babylon.X, s_babylon.Y, s_babylon.Z };
            babylonAbstractMesh.position           = new[] { t_babylon.X, t_babylon.Y, t_babylon.Z };
        public void GenerateRotationAnimation(IIGameNode gameNode, List <BabylonAnimation> animations, bool force = false)
            if (gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.Rot) ||
                gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.EulerX) ||
                gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.EulerY) ||
                gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.EulerZ) ||
                ExportQuaternionAnimation("rotationQuaternion", animations, key =>
                    var localMatrix = gameNode.GetLocalTM(key);
                    var tm_babylon  = new BabylonMatrix();
                    tm_babylon.m    = localMatrix.ToArray();

                    var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
                    var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

                    tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);

                    // normalize
                    var q          = q_babylon;
                    float q_length = (float)Math.Sqrt(q.X * q.X + q.Y * q.Y + q.Z * q.Z + q.W * q.W);

                    return(new[] { q_babylon.X / q_length, q_babylon.Y / q_length, q_babylon.Z / q_length, q_babylon.W / q_length });
        public void GenerateScalingAnimation(IIGameNode gameNode, List <BabylonAnimation> animations)
            if (gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.Scale))
                ExportVector3Animation("scaling", animations, key =>
                    var localMatrix = gameNode.GetLocalTM(key);

                    if (float.IsNaN(localMatrix.Determinant))
                        RaiseError($"Determinant of {gameNode.Name} of scale animation at {key} localMatrix is NaN ");

                    var tm_babylon = new BabylonMatrix();
                    tm_babylon.m   = localMatrix.ToArray();

                    var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
                    var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

                    tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);

                    return(new[] { s_babylon.X, s_babylon.Y, s_babylon.Z });
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void exportTransform(BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, IIGameNode maxGameNode)
            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var localTM = GetLocalTM(maxGameNode, 0);

            var meshTrans    = localTM.Translation;
            var meshRotation = localTM.Rotation;
            var meshScale    = localTM.Scaling;

            babylonAbstractMesh.position = new[] { meshTrans.X, meshTrans.Y, meshTrans.Z };

            var rotationQuaternion = new BabylonQuaternion {
                X = meshRotation.X, Y = meshRotation.Y, Z = meshRotation.Z, W = -meshRotation.W

            if (ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion.ToArray();
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotation = rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().ToArray();

            babylonAbstractMesh.scaling = new[] { meshScale.X, meshScale.Y, meshScale.Z };
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private BabylonNode BoneToNode(BabylonBone babylonBone)
            BabylonNode babylonNode = new BabylonNode();

            babylonNode.id       = babylonBone.id;
            babylonNode.parentId = babylonBone.parentNodeId;
            babylonNode.name     = babylonBone.name;

            babylonNode.animations = new[] { babylonBone.animation };

            var tm_babylon = new BabylonMatrix();

            tm_babylon.m = babylonBone.matrix.ToArray();
            var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
            var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
            var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

            tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);
            babylonNode.position           = t_babylon.ToArray();
            babylonNode.rotationQuaternion = q_babylon.ToArray();
            babylonNode.scaling            = s_babylon.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void GenerateRotationAnimation(IIGameNode gameNode, List <BabylonAnimation> animations, bool force = false)
            if (gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.Rot) ||
                gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.EulerX) ||
                gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.EulerY) ||
                gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.EulerZ) ||
                (gameNode.IGameObject.IGameType == Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Light && gameNode.IGameObject.AsGameLight().LightTarget != null) || // Light with target are indirectly animated by their target
                ExportQuaternionAnimation("rotationQuaternion", animations, key =>
                    var localMatrix = gameNode.GetLocalTM(key);
                    var tm_babylon  = new BabylonMatrix();
                    tm_babylon.m    = localMatrix.ToArray();

                    var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
                    var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

                    tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);

                    // normalize
                    var q          = q_babylon;
                    float q_length = (float)Math.Sqrt(q.X * q.X + q.Y * q.Y + q.Z * q.Z + q.W * q.W);

                    return(new[] { q_babylon.X / q_length, q_babylon.Y / q_length, q_babylon.Z / q_length, q_babylon.W / q_length });
        public void GenerateRotationAnimation(IIGameNode gameNode, List <BabylonAnimation> animations, bool force = false)
            if (isRotationAnimated(gameNode) || force)
                ExportQuaternionAnimation("rotationQuaternion", animations, key =>
                    var localMatrix = gameNode.GetLocalTM(key);

                    if (float.IsNaN(localMatrix.Determinant))
                        RaiseError($"Determinant of {gameNode.Name} of rotation animation at {key} localMatrix is NaN ");

                    var tm_babylon = new BabylonMatrix();
                    tm_babylon.m   = localMatrix.ToArray();

                    var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
                    var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

                    tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);

                    // normalize
                    var q          = q_babylon;
                    float q_length = (float)Math.Sqrt(q.X * q.X + q.Y * q.Y + q.Z * q.Z + q.W * q.W);

                    return(new[] { q_babylon.X / q_length, q_babylon.Y / q_length, q_babylon.Z / q_length, q_babylon.W / q_length });
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void exportTransform(BabylonAbstractMesh babylonAbstractMesh, IIGameNode maxGameNode)
            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var localTM = maxGameNode.GetObjectTM(0);

            if (maxGameNode.NodeParent != null)
                var parentWorld = maxGameNode.NodeParent.GetObjectTM(0);

            var meshTrans    = localTM.Translation;
            var meshRotation = localTM.Rotation;
            var meshScale    = localTM.Scaling;

            babylonAbstractMesh.position = new[] { meshTrans.X, meshTrans.Y, meshTrans.Z };

            var rotationQuaternion = new BabylonQuaternion {
                X = meshRotation.X, Y = meshRotation.Y, Z = meshRotation.Z, W = -meshRotation.W

            if (ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion.ToArray();
                babylonAbstractMesh.rotation = rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().ToArray();

            babylonAbstractMesh.scaling = new[] { meshScale.X, meshScale.Y, meshScale.Z };
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private float[] FixChildQuaternion(float[] q, double angle)
            BabylonQuaternion qFix               = new BabylonQuaternion((float)Math.Sin(angle / 2), 0, 0, (float)Math.Cos(angle / 2));
            BabylonQuaternion quaternion         = new BabylonQuaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]);
            BabylonQuaternion rotationQuaternion = qFix.MultiplyWith(quaternion);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private BabylonQuaternion FixChildQuaternion(BabylonNode node, double angle)
            BabylonQuaternion qFix               = new BabylonQuaternion((float)Math.Sin(angle / 2), 0, 0, (float)Math.Cos(angle / 2));
            BabylonQuaternion quaternion         = new BabylonQuaternion(node.rotationQuaternion[0], node.rotationQuaternion[1], node.rotationQuaternion[2], node.rotationQuaternion[3]);
            BabylonQuaternion rotationQuaternion = qFix.MultiplyWith(quaternion);

Ejemplo n.º 12
 private BabylonMatrix _getNodeLocalMatrix(GLTFNode gltfNode)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private GLTFNode _exportBone(BabylonBone babylonBone, GLTF gltf, BabylonSkeleton babylonSkeleton, List <BabylonBone> bones)
            if (alreadyExportedBones.ContainsKey(babylonBone))

            // Node
            var gltfNode = new GLTFNode
                name = babylonBone.name

            gltfNode.index = gltf.NodesList.Count;
            alreadyExportedBones.Add(babylonBone, gltfNode);
            boneToGltfNodeMap.Add(babylonBone, gltfNode);

            // Hierarchy
            if (babylonBone.parentBoneIndex >= 0)
                var babylonParentBone = bones.Find(_babylonBone => _babylonBone.index == babylonBone.parentBoneIndex);
                var gltfParentNode    = _exportBone(babylonParentBone, gltf, babylonSkeleton, bones);
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Skin | Add " + babylonBone.name + " as child to " + gltfParentNode.name, 3);
                gltfNode.parent = gltfParentNode;
                // It's a root node
                // Only root nodes are listed in a gltf scene
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Skin | Add " + babylonBone.name + " as root node to scene", 3);

            // Transform
            // Bones transform are exported through translation/rotation/scale (TRS) rather than matrix
            // Because gltf node animation can only target TRS properties, not the matrix one
            // Create matrix from array
            var babylonMatrix = new BabylonMatrix();

            babylonMatrix.m = babylonBone.matrix;
            // Decompose matrix into TRS
            var translationBabylon  = new BabylonVector3();
            var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
            var scaleBabylon        = new BabylonVector3();

            babylonMatrix.decompose(scaleBabylon, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);
            // Store TRS values
            gltfNode.translation = translationBabylon.ToArray();
            gltfNode.rotation    = rotationQuatBabylon.ToArray();
            gltfNode.scale       = scaleBabylon.ToArray();

            // Animations
            //ExportBoneAnimation(babylonBone, gltf, gltfNode);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        static float dQuat2(BabylonQuaternion q1, BabylonQuaternion q2)
            float dX = q2.X - q1.X;
            float dY = q2.Y - q1.Y;
            float dZ = q2.Z - q1.Z;
            float dW = q2.W - q1.W;

            return(dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ + dW * dW);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Default space is transform
        /// Default rotation order is YXZ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mTransformationMatrix"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float[] getRotation(this MTransformationMatrix mTransformationMatrix)
            double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0;

            mTransformationMatrix.getRotationQuaternion(ref x, ref y, ref z, ref w);
            // Maya conversion algorithm is bugged when reaching limits (angle like (-90,89,90))
            // Convert quaternion to vector3 using Babylon conversion algorithm
            BabylonQuaternion babylonQuaternion = new BabylonQuaternion((float)x, (float)y, (float)z, (float)w);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        private BabylonMatrix _removeScale(BabylonMatrix boneWorldMatrix)
            var translation = new BabylonVector3();
            var rotation    = new BabylonQuaternion();
            var scale       = new BabylonVector3();

            boneWorldMatrix.decompose(scale, rotation, translation);
            scale.X = 1;
            scale.Y = 1;
            scale.Z = 1;
            return(BabylonMatrix.Compose(scale, rotation, translation));
Ejemplo n.º 17
         * Computes a texture transform matrix with a pre-transformation
        public static BabylonMatrix ComputeTextureTransformMatrix(BabylonVector3 pivotCenter, BabylonVector3 offset, BabylonQuaternion rotation, BabylonVector3 scale)
            var dOffset   = new BabylonVector3();
            var dRotation = new BabylonQuaternion();
            var dScale    = new BabylonVector3();

            offset.X *= scale.X;
            offset.Y *= scale.Y;
            offset.Z *= 0;

            var transformMatrix = BabylonMatrix.Translation(new BabylonVector3(-pivotCenter.X, -pivotCenter.Y, 0)).multiply(BabylonMatrix.Compose(scale, rotation, offset)).multiply(BabylonMatrix.Translation(pivotCenter));

Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void printMatrix(string name, BabylonMatrix matrix)
            // Decompose matrix into TRS
            var translation  = new BabylonVector3();
            var rotationQuat = new BabylonQuaternion();
            var scale        = new BabylonVector3();

            matrix.decompose(scale, rotationQuat, translation);
            var rotation = rotationQuat.toEulerAngles();

            rotation *= (float)(180 / Math.PI);

            var lvl = 3;

            RaiseWarning(name + ".translation=[" + translation.X + ", " + translation.Y + ", " + translation.Z + "]", lvl);
            RaiseWarning(name + ".rotation=[" + rotation.X + ", " + rotation.Y + ", " + rotation.Z + "]", lvl);
            RaiseWarning(name + ".scale=[" + scale.X + ", " + scale.Y + ", " + scale.Z + "]", lvl);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void GenerateScalingAnimation(IIGameNode gameNode, List <BabylonAnimation> animations)
            if (gameNode.IGameControl.IsAnimated(IGameControlType.Scale))
                ExportVector3Animation("scaling", animations, key =>
                    var localMatrix = gameNode.GetLocalTM(key);
                    var tm_babylon  = new BabylonMatrix();
                    tm_babylon.m    = localMatrix.ToArray();

                    var s_babylon = new BabylonVector3();
                    var q_babylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var t_babylon = new BabylonVector3();

                    tm_babylon.decompose(s_babylon, q_babylon, t_babylon);

                    return(new[] { s_babylon.X, s_babylon.Y, s_babylon.Z });
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private GLTFMesh ExportMesh(BabylonMesh babylonMesh, GLTF gltf, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Export mesh named: " + babylonMesh.name, 1);

            // --------------------------
            // --- Mesh from babylon ----
            // --------------------------
            // get direct access to mesh data or use geometryId to do so
            IBabylonMeshData meshData = babylonMesh.geometryId == null ? babylonMesh : (IBabylonMeshData)babylonScene.geometries.Get(babylonMesh.geometryId) ?? babylonMesh;

            if (meshData.positions == null || meshData.positions.Length == 0)
                logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh is a dummy", 2);

            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh from babylon", 2);
            // Retreive general data from babylon mesh
            int  nbVertices  = meshData.positions.Length / 3;
            bool hasUV       = meshData.uvs != null && meshData.uvs.Length > 0;
            bool hasUV2      = meshData.uvs2 != null && meshData.uvs2.Length > 0;
            bool hasColor    = meshData.colors != null && meshData.colors.Length > 0;
            bool hasBones    = meshData.matricesIndices != null && meshData.matricesIndices.Length > 0;
            bool hasTangents = meshData.tangents != null && meshData.tangents.Length > 0;
            bool hasNormals  = meshData.normals != null && meshData.normals.Length > 0;

            bool hasBonesExtra = babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra != null && babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra.Length > 0;
            bool hasMetadata   = babylonMesh.metadata != null && babylonMesh.metadata.Count > 0;

            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | nbVertices=" + nbVertices, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV=" + hasUV, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV2=" + hasUV2, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasColor=" + hasColor, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBones=" + hasBones, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBonesExtra=" + hasBonesExtra, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasMetadata=" + hasMetadata, 3);
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasNormals=" + hasNormals, 3);

            // Retreive vertices data from babylon mesh
            List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVertices = new List <GLTFGlobalVertex>();

            for (int indexVertex = 0; indexVertex < nbVertices; indexVertex++)
                GLTFGlobalVertex globalVertex = new GLTFGlobalVertex();
                globalVertex.Position = BabylonVector3.FromArray(meshData.positions, indexVertex);

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                globalVertex.Position.Z *= -1;
                globalVertex.Position   *= exportParameters.scaleFactor;

                if (hasNormals)
                    globalVertex.Normal    = BabylonVector3.FromArray(meshData.normals, indexVertex);
                    globalVertex.Normal.Z *= -1;

                if (hasTangents)
                    globalVertex.Tangent = BabylonQuaternion.FromArray(meshData.tangents, indexVertex);

                    // Switch coordinate system at object level
                    globalVertex.Tangent.Z *= -1;

                    // Invert W to switch to right handed system
                    globalVertex.Tangent.W *= -1;

                if (hasUV)
                    globalVertex.UV = BabylonVector2.FromArray(meshData.uvs, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV.Y;
                if (hasUV2)
                    globalVertex.UV2 = BabylonVector2.FromArray(meshData.uvs2, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV2.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV2.Y;
                if (hasColor)
                    globalVertex.Color = ArrayExtension.SubArrayFromEntity(meshData.colors, indexVertex, 4);
                if (hasBones)
                    // In babylon, the 4 bones indices are stored in a single int
                    // Each bone index is 8-bit offset from the next
                    ushort[] unpackBabylonBonesToArray(uint babylonBoneIndices)
                        uint bone3 = babylonBoneIndices >> 24;
                        uint bone2 = (babylonBoneIndices << 8) >> 24;
                        uint bone1 = (babylonBoneIndices << 16) >> 24;
                        uint bone0 = (babylonBoneIndices << 24) >> 24;

                        babylonBoneIndices -= bone0 << 0;
                        return(new ushort[] { (ushort)bone0, (ushort)bone1, (ushort)bone2, (ushort)bone3 });

                    uint bonesIndicesMerged = (uint)meshData.matricesIndices[indexVertex];
                    globalVertex.BonesIndices = unpackBabylonBonesToArray(bonesIndicesMerged);
                    globalVertex.BonesWeights = ArrayExtension.SubArrayFromEntity(meshData.matricesWeights, indexVertex, 4);
                    void clearBoneUnusedIndices(ushort[] indices, float[] weights)
                        for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i)
                            // Zero out indices of unused joint weights to avoid ACCESSOR_JOINTS_USED_ZERO_WEIGHT.
                            if (MathUtilities.IsAlmostEqualTo(weights[i], 0, float.Epsilon))
                                indices[i] = 0;

                    clearBoneUnusedIndices(globalVertex.BonesIndices, globalVertex.BonesWeights);

                    if (hasBonesExtra)
                        uint bonesIndicesExtraMerged = (uint)meshData.matricesIndicesExtra[indexVertex];
                        globalVertex.BonesIndicesExtra = unpackBabylonBonesToArray(bonesIndicesExtraMerged);
                        globalVertex.BonesWeightsExtra = ArrayExtension.SubArrayFromEntity(meshData.matricesWeightsExtra, indexVertex, 4);

                        clearBoneUnusedIndices(globalVertex.BonesIndicesExtra, globalVertex.BonesWeightsExtra);


            var babylonMorphTargetManager = GetBabylonMorphTargetManager(babylonScene, babylonMesh);

            // Retreive indices from babylon mesh
            List <int> babylonIndices = meshData.indices.ToList();

            // --------------------------
            // ------- Init glTF --------
            // --------------------------

            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Init glTF", 2);
            // Mesh
            var gltfMesh = new GLTFMesh {
                name = babylonMesh.name

            gltfMesh.index = gltf.MeshesList.Count;
            gltfMesh.idGroupInstance = babylonMesh.idGroupInstance;
            if (hasBones)
                gltfMesh.idBabylonSkeleton = babylonMesh.skeletonId;

            // --------------------------
            // ---- glTF primitives -----
            // --------------------------
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | glTF primitives", 2);
            List <GLTFMeshPrimitive> meshPrimitives = new List <GLTFMeshPrimitive>();

            if (meshData != babylonMesh && primitivesCache.TryGetValue(babylonMesh.geometryId, out List <GLTFMeshPrimitive> result))
                // this is a clone, indexing the same geometry
                // so we just need to retreive the primitive object and copy attributes and indices
                meshPrimitives.AddRange(result.Select((p, i) =>
                    var meshPrimitive = new GLTFMeshPrimitive()
                        indices    = p.indices,
                        attributes = p.attributes

                    // Material
                    if (babylonMesh.materialId != null)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Material", 3);
                        // according we have a clone, then submeshes are of the same count and order.
                        SetBabylonMaterial(babylonMesh, babylonMesh.subMeshes[i], meshPrimitive);
                foreach (BabylonSubMesh babylonSubMesh in babylonMesh.subMeshes)
                    // --------------------------
                    // ------ SubMesh data ------
                    // --------------------------

                    List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVerticesSubMesh = globalVertices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.verticesStart, babylonSubMesh.verticesCount);

                    var gltfIndices = babylonIndices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.indexStart, babylonSubMesh.indexCount);
                    // In gltf, indices of each mesh primitive are 0-based (ie: min value is 0)
                    // Thus, the gltf indices list is a concatenation of sub lists all 0-based
                    // Example for 2 triangles, each being a submesh:
                    // babylonIndices = {0,1,2, 3,4,5} gives as result gltfIndicies = {0,1,2, 0,1,2}
                    var minIndiceValue = gltfIndices.Min(); // Should be equal to babylonSubMesh.indexStart
                    if (minIndiceValue != 0)
                        for (int indexIndice = 0; indexIndice < gltfIndices.Count; indexIndice++)
                            gltfIndices[indexIndice] -= minIndiceValue;

                    // --------------------------
                    // ----- Mesh primitive -----
                    // --------------------------
                    // MeshPrimitive
                    var meshPrimitive = new GLTFMeshPrimitive
                        attributes = new Dictionary <string, int>()

                    // Material
                    if (babylonMesh.materialId != null)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Material", 3);
                        SetBabylonMaterial(babylonMesh, babylonSubMesh, meshPrimitive);

                    // --------------------------
                    // ------- Accessors --------
                    // --------------------------

                    logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Geometry", 3);

                    // Buffer
                    var buffer = GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBuffer(gltf);

                    // --- Indices ---
                    var componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
                    if (nbVertices >= 65536)
                        componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT;
                    var accessorIndices = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewScalar(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.indices = accessorIndices.index;
                    // Populate accessor
                    if (componentType == GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT)
                        gltfIndices.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        var gltfIndicesShort = gltfIndices.ConvertAll(new Converter <int, ushort>(n => (ushort)n));
                        gltfIndicesShort.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorIndices.count = gltfIndices.Count;

                    // --- Positions ---
                    var accessorPositions = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.POSITION.ToString(), accessorPositions.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    accessorPositions.min = new float[] { float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue };
                    accessorPositions.max = new float[] { float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue };
                    globalVerticesSubMesh.ForEach((globalVertex) =>
                        var positions = globalVertex.Position.ToArray();
                        // Store values as bytes
                        foreach (var position in positions)
                        // Update min and max values
                        GLTFBufferService.UpdateMinMaxAccessor(accessorPositions, positions);
                    accessorPositions.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Tangents ---
                    if (hasTangents)
                        var accessorTangents = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TANGENT.ToString(), accessorTangents.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> tangents = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Tangent.ToArray()).ToList();
                        tangents.ForEach(n => accessorTangents.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorTangents.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Normals ---
                    if (hasNormals)
                        var accessorNormals = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.NORMAL.ToString(), accessorNormals.index);

                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> normals = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Normal.ToArray()).ToList();
                        normals.ForEach(n => accessorNormals.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorNormals.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Colors ---
                    if (hasColor)
                        var accessorColors = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.COLOR_0.ToString(), accessorColors.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> colors = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Color[0], v.Color[1], v.Color[2], v.Color[3] }).ToList();
                        colors.ForEach(n => accessorColors.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorColors.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- UV ---
                    if (hasUV)
                        var accessorUVs = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_0.ToString(), accessorUVs.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> uvs = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV.ToArray()).ToList();
                        uvs.ForEach(n => accessorUVs.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorUVs.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- UV2 ---
                    if (hasUV2)
                        var accessorUV2s = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                            GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                        meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_1.ToString(), accessorUV2s.index);
                        // Populate accessor
                        List <float> uvs2 = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV2.ToArray()).ToList();
                        uvs2.ForEach(n => accessorUV2s.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                        accessorUV2s.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Bones ---
                    if (hasBones)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Bones", 3);

                        // if we've already exported this mesh's skeleton, check if the skins match,
                        // if so then export this mesh primitive to share joint and weight accessors.
                        var matchingSkinnedMesh = alreadyExportedSkinnedMeshes.FirstOrDefault(skinnedMesh => skinnedMesh.skeletonId == babylonMesh.skeletonId);
                        if (matchingSkinnedMesh != null && BabylonMesh.MeshesShareSkin(matchingSkinnedMesh, babylonMesh))
                            var tmpGltfMesh          = gltf.MeshesList.FirstOrDefault(mesh => matchingSkinnedMesh.name == mesh.name);
                            var tmpGltfMeshPrimitive = tmpGltfMesh.primitives.First();

                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString()]);
                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString()]);
                            if (hasBonesExtra)
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_1.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_1.ToString()]);
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_1.ToString(), tmpGltfMeshPrimitive.attributes[GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_1.ToString()]);
                            // Create new joint and weight accessors for this mesh's skinning.
                            // --- Joints ---
                            sharedSkinnedMeshesByOriginal[gltfMesh] = new List <GLTFMesh>();
                            var accessorJoints = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewUnsignedShortVec4(gltf, buffer),
                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString(), accessorJoints.index);
                            // Populate accessor
                            List <ushort> joints = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesIndices[0], v.BonesIndices[1], v.BonesIndices[2], v.BonesIndices[3] }).ToList();
                            joints.ForEach(n => accessorJoints.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                            accessorJoints.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                            if (hasBonesExtra)
                                // --- Joints Extra ---
                                var accessorJointsExtra = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewUnsignedShortVec4(gltf, buffer),
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_1.ToString(), accessorJointsExtra.index);
                                // Populate accessor
                                List <ushort> jointsExtra = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesIndicesExtra[0], v.BonesIndicesExtra[1], v.BonesIndicesExtra[2], v.BonesIndicesExtra[3] }).ToList();
                                jointsExtra.ForEach(n => accessorJointsExtra.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                                accessorJointsExtra.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                            // --- Weights ---
                            var accessorWeights = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                            meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString(), accessorWeights.index);
                            // Populate accessor
                            List <float> weightBones = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesWeights[0], v.BonesWeights[1], v.BonesWeights[2], v.BonesWeights[3] }).ToList();
                            weightBones.ForEach(n => accessorWeights.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                            accessorWeights.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                            if (hasBonesExtra)
                                // --- Weights Extra ---
                                var accessorWeightsExtra = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_1.ToString(), accessorWeightsExtra.index);
                                // Populate accessor
                                List <float> weightBonesExtra = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesWeightsExtra[0], v.BonesWeightsExtra[1], v.BonesWeightsExtra[2], v.BonesWeightsExtra[3] }).ToList();
                                weightBonesExtra.ForEach(n => accessorWeightsExtra.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                                accessorWeightsExtra.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // Morph targets positions and normals
                    if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null)
                        logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Morph targets", 3);
                        _exportMorphTargets(babylonMesh, babylonSubMesh, babylonMorphTargetManager, gltf, buffer, meshPrimitive);

                // this is a "master" mesh so save the primitives into dictionary
                if (babylonMesh.geometryId != null && meshPrimitives != null)
                    primitivesCache.Add(babylonMesh.geometryId, meshPrimitives);
            gltfMesh.primitives = meshPrimitives.ToArray();

            // Morph targets weights and names
            if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null && babylonMorphTargetManager.targets != null)
                var weights     = new List <float>();
                var targetNames = new List <String>();
                foreach (BabylonMorphTarget babylonMorphTarget in babylonMorphTargetManager.targets)
                gltfMesh.weights = weights.ToArray();

                if (gltfMesh.extras == null)
                    gltfMesh.extras = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                gltfMesh.extras["targetNames"] = targetNames.ToArray();

            if (hasBones)

            ExportGLTFExtension(babylonMesh, ref gltfMesh, gltf);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        private GLTFSkin ExportSkin(BabylonSkeleton babylonSkeleton, GLTF gltf, GLTFNode gltfNode, GLTFMesh gltfMesh)
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Skin | Export skin of node '" + gltfNode.name + "' based on skeleton '" + babylonSkeleton.name + "'", 2);

            // Retreive gltf skeleton data if babylon skeleton has already been exported
            if (!alreadyExportedSkeletons.ContainsKey(babylonSkeleton))
                alreadyExportedSkeletons.Add(babylonSkeleton, new BabylonSkeletonExportData());

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                    var boneLocalMatrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                    boneLocalMatrix.m = babylonBone.matrix;

                    var translationBabylon  = new BabylonVector3();
                    var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var scale = new BabylonVector3();
                    boneLocalMatrix.decompose(scale, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);
                    translationBabylon    *= exportParameters.scaleFactor;
                    translationBabylon.Z  *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.X *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.Y *= -1;
                    boneLocalMatrix        = BabylonMatrix.Compose(scale, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);

                    babylonBone.matrix = boneLocalMatrix.m;
            var babylonSkeletonExportData = alreadyExportedSkeletons[babylonSkeleton];

            // Skin

            // if this mesh is sharing a skin with another mesh, use the already exported skin
            var sharedSkinnedMeshesByOriginalPair = sharedSkinnedMeshesByOriginal.Where(skinSharingMeshPair => skinSharingMeshPair.Value.Contains(gltfMesh)).Select(kvp => (KeyValuePair <GLTFMesh, List <GLTFMesh> >?)kvp).FirstOrDefault();

            if (sharedSkinnedMeshesByOriginalPair != null)
                logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Skin | Sharing skinning information from mesh '" + sharedSkinnedMeshesByOriginalPair.Value.Key.name + "'", 3);
                var skeletonExportData = alreadyExportedSkeletons[babylonSkeleton];
                gltfNode.skin = skeletonExportData.skinIndex;

            // otherwise create a new GLTFSkin
            var      nameSuffix = babylonSkeletonExportData.nb != 0 ? "_" + babylonSkeletonExportData.nb : "";
            GLTFSkin gltfSkin   = new GLTFSkin
                name = babylonSkeleton.name + nameSuffix

            gltfSkin.index = gltf.SkinsList.Count;
            babylonSkeletonExportData.skinIndex = gltfSkin.index;

            var bones = new List <BabylonBone>(babylonSkeleton.bones);

            // Compute and store world matrix of each bone
            var bonesWorldMatrices = new Dictionary <int, BabylonMatrix>();

            foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                if (!bonesWorldMatrices.ContainsKey(babylonBone.index))
                    var           nodePair        = nodeToGltfNodeMap.First(pair => pair.Key.id.Equals(babylonBone.id));
                    BabylonMatrix boneWorldMatrix = _getNodeWorldMatrix(nodePair.Value);
                    bonesWorldMatrices.Add(babylonBone.index, boneWorldMatrix);

            // Buffer
            var buffer = GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBuffer(gltf);

            // Accessor - InverseBindMatrices
            var accessorInverseBindMatrices = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatMat4(gltf, buffer),

            gltfSkin.inverseBindMatrices = accessorInverseBindMatrices.index;

            // World matrix of the node
            var nodeWorldMatrix = _getNodeWorldMatrix(gltfNode);

            var gltfJoints = new List <int>();

            foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                GLTFNode gltfBoneNode = null;
                if (!babylonSkeletonExportData.nodeByBone.ContainsKey(babylonBone))
                    // Export bone as a new node
                    gltfBoneNode = nodeToGltfNodeMap.FirstOrDefault(pair => pair.Key.id.Equals(babylonBone.id)).Value;//_exportBone(babylonBone, gltf, babylonSkeleton, bones);
                    babylonSkeletonExportData.nodeByBone.Add(babylonBone, gltfBoneNode);
                gltfBoneNode = babylonSkeletonExportData.nodeByBone[babylonBone];


                // Set this bone as skeleton if it is a root
                // Meaning of 'skeleton' here is the top root bone
                if (babylonBone.parentBoneIndex == -1)
                    gltfSkin.skeleton = gltfBoneNode.index;

                // Compute inverseBindMatrice for this bone when attached to this node
                var boneLocalMatrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                boneLocalMatrix.m = babylonBone.matrix;
                //printMatrix("boneLocalMatrix[" + babylonBone.name + "]", boneLocalMatrix);

                BabylonMatrix boneWorldMatrix = null;
                if (babylonBone.parentBoneIndex == -1)
                    boneWorldMatrix = boneLocalMatrix;
                    var parentWorldMatrix = bonesWorldMatrices[babylonBone.parentBoneIndex];
                    // Remove scale of parent
                    // This actually enable to take into account the scale of the bones, except for the root one
                    parentWorldMatrix = _removeScale(parentWorldMatrix);

                    boneWorldMatrix = boneLocalMatrix * parentWorldMatrix;
                //printMatrix("boneWorldMatrix[" + babylonBone.name + "]", boneWorldMatrix);

                var inverseBindMatrices = nodeWorldMatrix * BabylonMatrix.Invert(boneWorldMatrix);

                // Populate accessor
                List <float> matrix = new List <float>(inverseBindMatrices.m);
                matrix.ForEach(n => accessorInverseBindMatrices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
            gltfSkin.joints = gltfJoints.ToArray();

            ExportGLTFExtension(babylonSkeleton, ref gltfNode, gltf);

        private GLTFMesh ExportMesh(BabylonMesh babylonMesh, GLTF gltf, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Export mesh named: " + babylonMesh.name, 1);

            // --------------------------
            // --- Mesh from babylon ----
            // --------------------------

            if (babylonMesh.positions == null || babylonMesh.positions.Length == 0)
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh is a dummy", 2);

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Mesh from babylon", 2);
            // Retreive general data from babylon mesh
            int  nbVertices    = babylonMesh.positions.Length / 3;
            bool hasTangents   = babylonMesh.tangents != null && babylonMesh.tangents.Length > 0;
            bool hasUV         = babylonMesh.uvs != null && babylonMesh.uvs.Length > 0;
            bool hasUV2        = babylonMesh.uvs2 != null && babylonMesh.uvs2.Length > 0;
            bool hasColor      = babylonMesh.colors != null && babylonMesh.colors.Length > 0;
            bool hasBones      = babylonMesh.matricesIndices != null && babylonMesh.matricesIndices.Length > 0;
            bool hasBonesExtra = babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra != null && babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra.Length > 0;

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | nbVertices=" + nbVertices, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV=" + hasUV, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasUV2=" + hasUV2, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasColor=" + hasColor, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBones=" + hasBones, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | hasBonesExtra=" + hasBonesExtra, 3);

            // Retreive vertices data from babylon mesh
            List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVertices = new List <GLTFGlobalVertex>();

            for (int indexVertex = 0; indexVertex < nbVertices; indexVertex++)
                GLTFGlobalVertex globalVertex = new GLTFGlobalVertex();
                globalVertex.Position = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonMesh.positions, indexVertex);
                globalVertex.Normal   = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonMesh.normals, indexVertex);
                if (hasTangents)
                    globalVertex.Tangent = BabylonQuaternion.FromArray(babylonMesh.tangents, indexVertex);

                    // Switch coordinate system at object level
                    globalVertex.Tangent.Z *= -1;

                    // Invert W to switch to right handed system
                    globalVertex.Tangent.W *= -1;

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                globalVertex.Position.Z *= -1;
                globalVertex.Normal.Z   *= -1;

                if (hasUV)
                    globalVertex.UV = BabylonVector2.FromArray(babylonMesh.uvs, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV.Y;
                if (hasUV2)
                    globalVertex.UV2 = BabylonVector2.FromArray(babylonMesh.uvs2, indexVertex);
                    // For glTF, the origin of the UV coordinates (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of a texture image
                    // While for Babylon, it corresponds to the lower left corner of a texture image
                    globalVertex.UV2.Y = 1 - globalVertex.UV2.Y;
                if (hasColor)
                    globalVertex.Color = Tools.SubArrayFromEntity(babylonMesh.colors, indexVertex, 4);
                if (hasBones)
                    // In babylon, the 4 bones indices are stored in a single int
                    // Each bone index is 8-bit offset from the next
                    int bonesIndicesMerged = babylonMesh.matricesIndices[indexVertex];
                    int bone3 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 24;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone3 << 24;
                    int bone2 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 16;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone2 << 16;
                    int bone1 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 8;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone1 << 8;
                    int bone0 = bonesIndicesMerged >> 0;
                    bonesIndicesMerged -= bone0 << 0;
                    var bonesIndicesArray = new ushort[] { (ushort)bone0, (ushort)bone1, (ushort)bone2, (ushort)bone3 };
                    globalVertex.BonesIndices = bonesIndicesArray;
                    globalVertex.BonesWeights = Tools.SubArrayFromEntity(babylonMesh.matricesWeights, indexVertex, 4);


            var babylonMorphTargetManager = GetBabylonMorphTargetManager(babylonScene, babylonMesh);

            // Retrieve indices from babylon mesh
            List <int> babylonIndices = babylonMesh.indices.ToList();

            // --------------------------
            // ------- Init glTF --------
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Init glTF", 2);
            // Mesh
            var gltfMesh = new GLTFMesh {
                name = babylonMesh.name

            gltfMesh.index = gltf.MeshesList.Count;
            gltfMesh.idGroupInstance = babylonMesh.idGroupInstance;
            if (hasBones)
                gltfMesh.idBabylonSkeleton = babylonMesh.skeletonId;

            // --------------------------
            // ---- glTF primitives -----
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | glTF primitives", 2);
            var meshPrimitives = new List <GLTFMeshPrimitive>();

            foreach (BabylonSubMesh babylonSubMesh in babylonMesh.subMeshes)
                // --------------------------
                // ------ SubMesh data ------
                // --------------------------

                List <GLTFGlobalVertex> globalVerticesSubMesh = globalVertices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.verticesStart, babylonSubMesh.verticesCount);

                var gltfIndices = babylonIndices.GetRange(babylonSubMesh.indexStart, babylonSubMesh.indexCount);
                // In gltf, indices of each mesh primitive are 0-based (ie: min value is 0)
                // Thus, the gltf indices list is a concatenation of sub lists all 0-based
                // Example for 2 triangles, each being a submesh:
                //      babylonIndices = {0,1,2, 3,4,5} gives as result gltfIndicies = {0,1,2, 0,1,2}
                var minIndiceValue = gltfIndices.Min(); // Should be equal to babylonSubMesh.indexStart
                for (int indexIndice = 0; indexIndice < gltfIndices.Count; indexIndice++)
                    gltfIndices[indexIndice] -= minIndiceValue;

                // --------------------------
                // ----- Mesh primitive -----
                // --------------------------

                // MeshPrimitive
                var meshPrimitive = new GLTFMeshPrimitive
                    attributes = new Dictionary <string, int>()

                // Material
                if (babylonMesh.materialId != null)
                    RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Material", 3);
                    // Retreive the babylon material
                    BabylonMaterial babylonMaterial;
                    var             babylonMaterialId = babylonMesh.materialId;
                    // From multi materials first, if any
                    // Loop recursively even though it shouldn't be a real use case
                    var babylonMultiMaterials = new List <BabylonMultiMaterial>(babylonScene.multiMaterials);
                    BabylonMultiMaterial babylonMultiMaterial;
                        babylonMultiMaterial = babylonMultiMaterials.Find(_babylonMultiMaterial => _babylonMultiMaterial.id == babylonMaterialId);
                        if (babylonMultiMaterial != null)
                            babylonMaterialId = babylonMultiMaterial.materials[babylonSubMesh.materialIndex];
                    }while (babylonMultiMaterial != null);
                    // Then from materials
                    var babylonMaterials = new List <BabylonMaterial>(babylonScene.materials);
                    babylonMaterial = babylonMaterials.Find(_babylonMaterial => _babylonMaterial.id == babylonMaterialId);

                    // If babylon material was exported successfully
                    if (babylonMaterial != null)
                        // Update primitive material index
                        var indexMaterial = babylonMaterialsToExport.FindIndex(_babylonMaterial => _babylonMaterial == babylonMaterial);
                        if (indexMaterial == -1)
                            // Store material for export
                            indexMaterial = babylonMaterialsToExport.Count;
                        meshPrimitive.material = indexMaterial;

                    // TODO - Add and retreive info from babylon material
                    meshPrimitive.mode = GLTFMeshPrimitive.FillMode.TRIANGLES;

                // --------------------------
                // ------- Accessors --------
                // --------------------------

                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Geometry", 3);

                // Buffer
                var buffer = GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBuffer(gltf);

                // --- Indices ---
                var componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
                if (nbVertices >= 65536)
                    componentType = GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT;
                var accessorIndices = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewScalar(gltf, buffer),
                meshPrimitive.indices = accessorIndices.index;
                // Populate accessor
                if (componentType == GLTFAccessor.ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT)
                    gltfIndices.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    var gltfIndicesShort = gltfIndices.ConvertAll(new Converter <int, ushort>(n => (ushort)n));
                    gltfIndicesShort.ForEach(n => accessorIndices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                accessorIndices.count = gltfIndices.Count;

                // --- Positions ---
                var accessorPositions = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.POSITION.ToString(), accessorPositions.index);
                // Populate accessor
                accessorPositions.min = new float[] { float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue };
                accessorPositions.max = new float[] { float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue };
                globalVerticesSubMesh.ForEach((globalVertex) =>
                    var positions = globalVertex.Position.ToArray();
                    // Store values as bytes
                    foreach (var position in positions)
                    // Update min and max values
                    GLTFBufferService.UpdateMinMaxAccessor(accessorPositions, positions);
                accessorPositions.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Normals ---
                var accessorNormals = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                    GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec3(gltf, buffer),
                meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.NORMAL.ToString(), accessorNormals.index);
                // Populate accessor
                List <float> normals = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Normal.ToArray()).ToList();
                normals.ForEach(n => accessorNormals.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                accessorNormals.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Tangents ---
                if (hasTangents)
                    var accessorTangents = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TANGENT.ToString(), accessorTangents.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> tangents = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.Tangent.ToArray()).ToList();
                    tangents.ForEach(n => accessorTangents.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorTangents.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Colors ---
                if (hasColor)
                    var accessorColors = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.COLOR_0.ToString(), accessorColors.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> colors = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Color[0], v.Color[1], v.Color[2], v.Color[3] }).ToList();
                    colors.ForEach(n => accessorColors.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorColors.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- UV ---
                if (hasUV)
                    var accessorUVs = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_0.ToString(), accessorUVs.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> uvs = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV.ToArray()).ToList();
                    uvs.ForEach(n => accessorUVs.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorUVs.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- UV2 ---
                if (hasUV2)
                    var accessorUV2s = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec2(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.TEXCOORD_1.ToString(), accessorUV2s.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> uvs2 = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => v.UV2.ToArray()).ToList();
                    uvs2.ForEach(n => accessorUV2s.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorUV2s.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                // --- Bones ---
                if (hasBones)
                    RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Bones", 3);
                    // --- Joints ---
                    var accessorJoints = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewUnsignedShortVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.JOINTS_0.ToString(), accessorJoints.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <ushort> joints = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesIndices[0], v.BonesIndices[1], v.BonesIndices[2], v.BonesIndices[3] }).ToList();
                    joints.ForEach(n => accessorJoints.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorJoints.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                    // --- Weights ---
                    var accessorWeights = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                        GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatVec4(gltf, buffer),
                    meshPrimitive.attributes.Add(GLTFMeshPrimitive.Attribute.WEIGHTS_0.ToString(), accessorWeights.index);
                    // Populate accessor
                    List <float> weightBones = globalVerticesSubMesh.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.BonesWeights[0], v.BonesWeights[1], v.BonesWeights[2], v.BonesWeights[3] }).ToList();
                    weightBones.ForEach(n => accessorWeights.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
                    accessorWeights.count = globalVerticesSubMesh.Count;

                if (hasBonesExtra)
                    RaiseWarning("Too many bones influences per vertex. glTF only support up to 4 bones influences per vertex. The result may not be as expected.", 3);

                // Morph targets positions and normals
                if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null)
                    RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Mesh | Morph targets", 3);
                    _exportMorphTargets(babylonMesh, babylonSubMesh, babylonMorphTargetManager, gltf, buffer, meshPrimitive);
            gltfMesh.primitives = meshPrimitives.ToArray();

            // Morph targets weights
            if (babylonMorphTargetManager != null)
                var weights = new List <float>();
                foreach (BabylonMorphTarget babylonMorphTarget in babylonMorphTargetManager.targets)
                gltfMesh.weights = weights.ToArray();

        private IStdUVGen _exportUV(IStdUVGen uvGen, BabylonTexture babylonTexture)
            switch (uvGen.GetCoordMapping(0))
            case 1:     //MAP_SPHERICAL
                babylonTexture.coordinatesMode = BabylonTexture.CoordinatesMode.SPHERICAL_MODE;

            case 2:     //MAP_PLANAR
                babylonTexture.coordinatesMode = BabylonTexture.CoordinatesMode.PLANAR_MODE;

                babylonTexture.coordinatesMode = BabylonTexture.CoordinatesMode.EXPLICIT_MODE;

            babylonTexture.coordinatesIndex = uvGen.MapChannel - 1;
            if (uvGen.MapChannel > 2)
                RaiseWarning(string.Format("Unsupported map channel, Only channel 1 and 2 are supported."), 3);

            babylonTexture.uOffset = uvGen.GetUOffs(0);
            babylonTexture.vOffset = -uvGen.GetVOffs(0);

            babylonTexture.uScale = uvGen.GetUScl(0);
            babylonTexture.vScale = uvGen.GetVScl(0);

            var offset          = new BabylonVector3(babylonTexture.uOffset, -babylonTexture.vOffset, 0);
            var scale           = new BabylonVector3(babylonTexture.uScale, babylonTexture.vScale, 1);
            var rotationEuler   = new BabylonVector3(uvGen.GetUAng(0), uvGen.GetVAng(0), uvGen.GetWAng(0));
            var rotation        = BabylonQuaternion.FromEulerAngles(rotationEuler.X, rotationEuler.Y, rotationEuler.Z);
            var pivotCenter     = new BabylonVector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0);
            var transformMatrix = MathUtilities.ComputeTextureTransformMatrix(pivotCenter, offset, rotation, scale);

            transformMatrix.decompose(scale, rotation, offset);
            var texTransformRotationEuler = rotation.toEulerAngles();

            babylonTexture.uOffset         = -offset.X;
            babylonTexture.vOffset         = -offset.Y;
            babylonTexture.uScale          = scale.X;
            babylonTexture.vScale          = -scale.Y;
            babylonTexture.uRotationCenter = 0.0f;
            babylonTexture.vRotationCenter = 0.0f;
            babylonTexture.invertY         = false;
            babylonTexture.uAng            = texTransformRotationEuler.X;
            babylonTexture.vAng            = texTransformRotationEuler.Y;
            babylonTexture.wAng            = texTransformRotationEuler.Z;

            if (Path.GetExtension(babylonTexture.name).ToLower() == ".dds")
                babylonTexture.vScale *= -1; // Need to invert Y-axis for DDS texture

            if (babylonTexture.wAng != 0f &&
                (babylonTexture.uScale != 1f || babylonTexture.vScale != 1f) &&
                (Math.Abs(babylonTexture.uScale) - Math.Abs(babylonTexture.vScale)) > float.Epsilon)
                RaiseWarning("Rotation and non-uniform tiling (scale) on a texture is not supported as it will cause texture shearing. You can use the map UV of the mesh for those transformations.", 3);

            babylonTexture.wrapU = BabylonTexture.AddressMode.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE; // CLAMP
            if ((uvGen.TextureTiling & 1) != 0)                                  // WRAP
                babylonTexture.wrapU = BabylonTexture.AddressMode.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE;
            else if ((uvGen.TextureTiling & 4) != 0) // MIRROR
                babylonTexture.wrapU = BabylonTexture.AddressMode.MIRROR_ADDRESSMODE;

            babylonTexture.wrapV = BabylonTexture.AddressMode.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE; // CLAMP
            if ((uvGen.TextureTiling & 2) != 0)                                  // WRAP
                babylonTexture.wrapV = BabylonTexture.AddressMode.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE;
            else if ((uvGen.TextureTiling & 8) != 0) // MIRROR
                babylonTexture.wrapV = BabylonTexture.AddressMode.MIRROR_ADDRESSMODE;

Ejemplo n.º 24
        private BabylonNode ExportLight(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode lightNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (IsLightExportable(lightNode) == false)

            var gameLight    = lightNode.IGameObject.AsGameLight();
            var initialized  = gameLight.InitializeData;
            var babylonLight = new BabylonLight();

            RaiseMessage(lightNode.Name, 1);
            babylonLight.name = lightNode.Name;

            // Export the custom attributes of this light
            babylonLight.metadata = ExportExtraAttributes(lightNode, babylonScene);

            // To preserve the position/rotation and the hierarchy, we create a dummy that will contains as direct children the light and the light children
            // The light will have no children. The dummy will contains the position and rotation animations.
            bool        createDummy = lightNode.ChildCount > 0;
            BabylonNode dummy       = null;

            if (createDummy)
                dummy                 = ExportDummy(scene, lightNode, babylonScene);
                dummy.name            = "_" + dummy.name + "_";
                babylonLight.id       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                babylonLight.parentId = dummy.id;
                babylonLight.hasDummy = true;
                babylonLight.id = lightNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
                if (lightNode.NodeParent != null)
                    babylonLight.parentId = lightNode.NodeParent.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();

            // Type
            var maxLight   = (lightNode.MaxNode.ObjectRef as ILightObject);
            var lightState = Loader.Global.LightState.Create();

            maxLight.EvalLightState(0, Tools.Forever, lightState);

            switch (lightState.Type)
            case LightType.OmniLgt:
                babylonLight.type = 0;

            case LightType.SpotLgt:
                babylonLight.type     = 2;
                babylonLight.angle    = (float)(maxLight.GetFallsize(0, Tools.Forever) * Math.PI / 180.0f);
                babylonLight.exponent = 1;

            case LightType.DirectLgt:
                babylonLight.type = 1;

            case LightType.AmbientLgt:
                babylonLight.type        = 3;
                babylonLight.groundColor = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            // Shadows
            if (maxLight.ShadowMethod == 1)
                if (lightState.Type == LightType.DirectLgt || lightState.Type == LightType.SpotLgt || lightState.Type == LightType.OmniLgt)
                    ExportShadowGenerator(lightNode.MaxNode, babylonScene, babylonLight);
                    RaiseWarning("Shadows maps are only supported for point, directional and spot lights", 2);

            // Position / rotation / scaling
            if (createDummy)
                // The position is stored by the dummy parent and the default direction is downward and it is updated by the rotation of the parent dummy
                babylonLight.position  = new[] { 0f, 0f, 0f };
                babylonLight.direction = new[] { 0f, -1f, 0f };
                exportTransform(babylonLight, lightNode);

                // Position
                var localMatrix = lightNode.GetLocalTM(0);
                var position    = localMatrix.Translation;

                // Direction
                var target = gameLight.LightTarget;
                if (target != null)
                    var targetWm       = target.GetObjectTM(0);
                    var targetPosition = targetWm.Translation;

                    var direction = targetPosition.Subtract(position).Normalize;
                    babylonLight.direction = new[]   { direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z };
                    var vDir = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, -1, 0);
                    vDir = localMatrix.ExtractMatrix3().VectorTransform(vDir).Normalize;
                    babylonLight.direction = new[] { vDir.X, vDir.Y, vDir.Z };

            // The HemisphericLight simulates the ambient environment light, so the passed direction is the light reflection direction, not the incoming direction.
            // So we need the opposite direction
            if (babylonLight.type == 3)
                var worldRotation            = lightNode.GetWorldTM(0).Rotation;
                BabylonQuaternion quaternion = new BabylonQuaternion(worldRotation.X, worldRotation.Y, worldRotation.Z, worldRotation.W);

                babylonLight.direction = quaternion.Rotate(new BabylonVector3(0f, 1f, 0f)).ToArray();

            var maxScene = Loader.Core.RootNode;

            // Exclusion
                var inclusion          = maxLight.ExclList.TestFlag(1); //NT_INCLUDE
                var checkExclusionList = maxLight.ExclList.TestFlag(2); //NT_AFFECT_ILLUM

                if (checkExclusionList)
                    var excllist = new List <string>();
                    var incllist = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var meshNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SClass_ID.Geomobject))
#if MAX2017 || MAX2018 || MAX2019 || MAX2020
                        if (meshNode.CastShadows)
                        if (meshNode.CastShadows == 1)
                            var inList = maxLight.ExclList.FindNode(meshNode) != -1;

                            if (inList)
                                if (inclusion)

                    babylonLight.includedOnlyMeshesIds = incllist.ToArray();
                    babylonLight.excludedMeshesIds     = excllist.ToArray();
            catch (Exception e)
                RaiseMessage("Light exclusion not supported", 2);

            // Other fields
            babylonLight.intensity = maxLight.GetIntensity(0, Tools.Forever);

            babylonLight.diffuse  = lightState.AffectDiffuse ? maxLight.GetRGBColor(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray() : new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            babylonLight.specular = lightState.AffectDiffuse ? maxLight.GetRGBColor(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray() : new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            if (maxLight.UseAtten)
                babylonLight.range = maxLight.GetAtten(0, 3, Tools.Forever);

            if (exportParameters.exportAnimations)
                // Animations
                var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

                if (createDummy)
                    // Position and rotation animations are stored by the parent (the dummy). The direction result from the parent rotation except for the HemisphericLight.
                    if (babylonLight.type == 3)
                        BabylonVector3 direction = new BabylonVector3(0, 1, 0);
                        ExportVector3Animation("direction", animations, key =>
                            var worldRotation            = lightNode.GetWorldTM(key).Rotation;
                            BabylonQuaternion quaternion = new BabylonQuaternion(worldRotation.X, worldRotation.Y, worldRotation.Z, worldRotation.W);

                    GeneratePositionAnimation(lightNode, animations);

                    ExportVector3Animation("direction", animations, key =>
                        var localMatrixAnimDir = lightNode.GetLocalTM(key);

                        var positionLight = localMatrixAnimDir.Translation;
                        var lightTarget   = gameLight.LightTarget;
                        if (lightTarget != null)
                            var targetWm       = lightTarget.GetObjectTM(key);
                            var targetPosition = targetWm.Translation;

                            var direction = targetPosition.Subtract(positionLight).Normalize;
                            return(new[] { direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z });
                            var vDir = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, -1, 0);
                            vDir     = localMatrixAnimDir.ExtractMatrix3().VectorTransform(vDir).Normalize;

                            // The HemisphericLight (type == 3) simulates the ambient environment light, so the passed direction is the light reflection direction, not the incoming direction.
                            // So we need the opposite direction
                            return(babylonLight.type != 3 ? new[] { vDir.X, vDir.Y, vDir.Z } : new[] { -vDir.X, -vDir.Y, -vDir.Z });

                    // Animation temporary stored for gltf but not exported for babylon
                    // TODO - Will cause an issue when externalizing the glTF export process
                    var extraAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();
                    // Do not check if node rotation properties are animated
                    GenerateRotationAnimation(lightNode, extraAnimations, true);
                    babylonLight.extraAnimations = extraAnimations;

                ExportFloatAnimation("intensity", animations, key => new[] { maxLight.GetIntensity(key, Tools.Forever) });

                ExportColor3Animation("diffuse", animations, key =>
                    return(lightState.AffectDiffuse? maxLight.GetRGBColor(key, Tools.Forever).ToArray() : new float[] { 0, 0, 0 });

                babylonLight.animations = animations.ToArray();

                if (lightNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate"))
                    babylonLight.autoAnimate     = true;
                    babylonLight.autoAnimateFrom = (int)lightNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                    babylonLight.autoAnimateTo   = (int)lightNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to");
                    babylonLight.autoAnimateLoop = lightNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop");


            return(createDummy ? dummy : babylonLight);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// In 3DS Max default element can look in different direction than the same default element in Babylon or in glTF.
        /// This function correct the node rotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="babylonScene"></param>
        /// <param name="angle"></param>
        private void FixNodeRotation(ref BabylonNode node, ref BabylonScene babylonScene, double angle)
            string id = node.id;
            IList <BabylonMesh> meshes = babylonScene.MeshesList.FindAll(mesh => mesh.parentId == null ? false : mesh.parentId.Equals(id));

            RaiseMessage($"{node.name}", 2);

            // fix the vue
            // Rotation around the axis X of PI / 2 in the indirect direction for camera
            // double angle = Math.PI / 2; // for camera
            // double angle = -Math.PI / 2; // for light

            if (node.rotation != null)
                node.rotation[0] += (float)angle;
            if (node.rotationQuaternion != null)
                BabylonQuaternion rotationQuaternion = FixCameraQuaternion(node, angle);

                node.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion.ToArray();
                node.rotation           = rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().ToArray();

            // animation
            List <BabylonAnimation> animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>(node.animations);
            BabylonAnimation        animationRotationQuaternion = animations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("rotationQuaternion"));

            if (animationRotationQuaternion != null)
                foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationRotationQuaternion.keys)
                    key.values = FixCameraQuaternion(key.values, angle);
            else   // if the camera has a lockedTargetId, it is the extraAnimations that stores the rotation animation
                if (node.extraAnimations != null)
                    List <BabylonAnimation> extraAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>(node.extraAnimations);
                    animationRotationQuaternion = extraAnimations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("rotationQuaternion"));
                    if (animationRotationQuaternion != null)
                        foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationRotationQuaternion.keys)
                            key.values = FixCameraQuaternion(key.values, angle);

            // fix direct children
            // Rotation around the axis X of -PI / 2 in the direct direction for camera children
            angle = -angle;
            foreach (var mesh in meshes)
                RaiseVerbose($"{mesh.name}", 3);
                mesh.position = new float[] { mesh.position[0], mesh.position[2], -mesh.position[1] };

                // Add a rotation of PI/2 axis X in direct direction
                if (mesh.rotationQuaternion != null)
                    // Rotation around the axis X of -PI / 2 in the direct direction
                    BabylonQuaternion quaternion = FixChildQuaternion(mesh, angle);

                    mesh.rotationQuaternion = quaternion.ToArray();
                if (mesh.rotation != null)
                    mesh.rotation[0] += (float)angle;

                // Animations
                animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>(mesh.animations);
                // Position
                BabylonAnimation animationPosition = animations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("position"));
                if (animationPosition != null)
                    foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationPosition.keys)
                        key.values = new float[] { key.values[0], key.values[2], -key.values[1] };

                // Rotation
                animationRotationQuaternion = animations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("rotationQuaternion"));
                if (animationRotationQuaternion != null)
                    foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationRotationQuaternion.keys)
                        key.values = FixChildQuaternion(key.values, angle);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Get TRS and visiblity animations of the transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transform">Transform above mesh/camera/light</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <BabylonAnimation> GetAnimation(MFnTransform transform)
            // Animations
            MPlugArray   connections  = new MPlugArray();
            MStringArray animCurvList = new MStringArray();
            MIntArray    keysTime     = new MIntArray();
            MDoubleArray keysValue    = new MDoubleArray();

            MFloatArray translateValues  = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray rotateValues     = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray scaleValues      = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray visibilityValues = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray keyTimes         = new MFloatArray();

            List <BabylonAnimationKey> keys             = new List <BabylonAnimationKey>();
            List <BabylonAnimation>    animationsObject = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            //Get the animCurve
            MGlobal.executeCommand("listConnections -type \"animCurve\" " + transform.fullPathName + ";", animCurvList);

            List <AnimCurvData> animCurvesData = new List <AnimCurvData>();

            foreach (String animCurv in animCurvList)
                AnimCurvData animCurvData = new AnimCurvData();

                animCurvData.animCurv = animCurv;

                //Get the key time for each curves
                MGlobal.executeCommand("keyframe -q " + animCurv + ";", keysTime);

                //Get the value for each curves
                MGlobal.executeCommand("keyframe - q -vc -absolute " + animCurv + ";", keysValue);

                if (animCurv.EndsWith("translateZ") || animCurv.EndsWith("rotateX") || animCurv.EndsWith("rotateY"))
                    for (int index = 0; index < keysTime.Count; index++)
                        // Switch coordinate system at object level
                        animCurvData.valuePerFrame.Add(keysTime[index], (float)keysValue[index] * -1.0f);
                    for (int index = 0; index < keysTime.Count; index++)
                        animCurvData.valuePerFrame.Add(keysTime[index], (float)keysValue[index]);

            string[] mayaAnimationProperties    = new string[] { "translate", "rotate", "scale" };
            string[] babylonAnimationProperties = new string[] { "position", "rotationQuaternion", "scaling" };
            string[] axis = new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" };

            // Init TRS default values
            Dictionary <string, float> defaultValues = new Dictionary <string, float>();

            float[] position           = null;
            float[] rotationQuaternion = null;
            float[] rotation           = null;
            float[] scaling            = null;
            GetTransform(transform, ref position, ref rotationQuaternion, ref rotation, ref scaling); // coordinate system already switched
            defaultValues.Add("translateX", position[0]);
            defaultValues.Add("translateY", position[1]);
            defaultValues.Add("translateZ", position[2]);
            defaultValues.Add("rotateX", rotation[0]);
            defaultValues.Add("rotateY", rotation[1]);
            defaultValues.Add("rotateZ", rotation[2]);
            defaultValues.Add("scaleX", scaling[0]);
            defaultValues.Add("scaleY", scaling[1]);
            defaultValues.Add("scaleZ", scaling[2]);

            for (int indexAnimationProperty = 0; indexAnimationProperty < mayaAnimationProperties.Length; indexAnimationProperty++)
                string mayaAnimationProperty = mayaAnimationProperties[indexAnimationProperty];

                // Retreive animation curves data for current animation property
                // Ex: all "translate" data are "translateX", "translateY", "translateZ"
                List <AnimCurvData> animDataProperty = animCurvesData.Where(data => data.animCurv.Contains(mayaAnimationProperty)).ToList();

                if (animDataProperty.Count == 0)
                    // Property is not animated

                // Get all frames for this property
                List <int> framesProperty = new List <int>();
                foreach (var animData in animDataProperty)
                framesProperty = framesProperty.Distinct().ToList();

                // Get default values for this property
                BabylonAnimationKey lastBabylonAnimationKey = new BabylonAnimationKey();
                lastBabylonAnimationKey.frame  = 0;
                lastBabylonAnimationKey.values = new float[] { defaultValues[mayaAnimationProperty + "X"], defaultValues[mayaAnimationProperty + "Y"], defaultValues[mayaAnimationProperty + "Z"] };

                // Compute all values for this property
                List <BabylonAnimationKey> babylonAnimationKeys = new List <BabylonAnimationKey>();
                foreach (var frameProperty in framesProperty)
                    BabylonAnimationKey babylonAnimationKey = new BabylonAnimationKey();

                    // Frame
                    babylonAnimationKey.frame = frameProperty;

                    // Values
                    float[] valuesProperty = new float[3];
                    for (int indexAxis = 0; indexAxis < axis.Length; indexAxis++)
                        AnimCurvData animCurvDataAxis = animDataProperty.Find(data => data.animCurv.EndsWith(axis[indexAxis]));

                        float value;
                        if (animCurvDataAxis != null && animCurvDataAxis.valuePerFrame.ContainsKey(frameProperty))
                            value = animCurvDataAxis.valuePerFrame[frameProperty];
                            value = lastBabylonAnimationKey.values[indexAxis];
                        valuesProperty[indexAxis] = value;
                    babylonAnimationKey.values = valuesProperty.ToArray();

                    // Update last known values
                    lastBabylonAnimationKey = babylonAnimationKey;

                // Convert euler to quaternion angles
                if (indexAnimationProperty == 1) // Rotation
                    foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimationKeys)
                        BabylonVector3    eulerAngles      = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonAnimationKey.values);
                        BabylonQuaternion quaternionAngles = eulerAngles.toQuaternion();
                        babylonAnimationKey.values = quaternionAngles.ToArray();

                var keysFull = new List <BabylonAnimationKey>(babylonAnimationKeys);

                // Optimization
                OptimizeAnimations(babylonAnimationKeys, true);

                // Ensure animation has at least 2 frames
                if (IsAnimationKeysRelevant(keys))
                    // Create BabylonAnimation
                    string babylonAnimationProperty = babylonAnimationProperties[indexAnimationProperty];
                    animationsObject.Add(new BabylonAnimation()
                        dataType       = indexAnimationProperty == 1 ? (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Quaternion : (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Vector3,
                        name           = babylonAnimationProperty + " animation",
                        framePerSecond = 30,
                        loopBehavior   = (int)BabylonAnimation.LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                        property       = babylonAnimationProperty,
                        keys           = babylonAnimationKeys.ToArray(),
                        keysFull       = keysFull

Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void ExportBoneAnimation(GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, int startFrame, int endFrame, GLTF gltf, BabylonBone babylonBone, GLTFNode gltfNode)
            var channelList = gltfAnimation.ChannelList;
            var samplerList = gltfAnimation.SamplerList;

            if (babylonBone.animation != null && babylonBone.animation.property == "_matrix")
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export animation of bone named: " + babylonBone.name, 2);

                var babylonAnimation = babylonBone.animation;

                // Optimize animation
                var optimizeAnimations = !Loader.Core.RootNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_donotoptimizeanimations"); // reverse negation for clarity
                if (optimizeAnimations)
                    // Filter animation keys to only keep frames between start and end
                    List <BabylonAnimationKey> keysInRangeFull = babylonAnimation.keysFull.FindAll(babylonAnimationKey => babylonAnimationKey.frame >= startFrame && babylonAnimationKey.frame <= endFrame);

                    // Optimization process always keeps first and last frames
                    OptimizeAnimations(keysInRangeFull, false);

                    if (IsAnimationKeysRelevant(keysInRangeFull))
                        // From now, use optimized animation instead
                        // Override animation keys
                        babylonAnimation.keys = keysInRangeFull.ToArray();

                // --- Input ---
                var accessorInput = _createAndPopulateInput(gltf, babylonAnimation, startFrame, endFrame);
                if (accessorInput == null)

                // --- Output ---
                var paths = new string[] { "translation", "rotation", "scale" };
                var accessorOutputByPath = new Dictionary <string, GLTFAccessor>();

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    GLTFAccessor accessorOutput = _createAccessorOfPath(path, gltf);
                    accessorOutputByPath.Add(path, accessorOutput);

                // Populate accessors
                QuatCorrection quatCorr = new QuatCorrection(); // restart correction for each curve
                foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimation.keys)
                    if (babylonAnimationKey.frame < startFrame)

                    if (babylonAnimationKey.frame > endFrame)

                    var matrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                    matrix.m = babylonAnimationKey.values;

                    var translationBabylon  = new BabylonVector3();
                    var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var scaleBabylon        = new BabylonVector3();
                    matrix.decompose(scaleBabylon, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);

                    translationBabylon.Z *= -1;
                    if (exportParameters.kuesaContQuats)
                        quatCorr.Quat       = rotationQuatBabylon;
                        rotationQuatBabylon = quatCorr.Quat;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.X *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.Y *= -1;

                    var outputValuesByPath = new Dictionary <string, float[]>();
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("translation", translationBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("rotation", rotationQuatBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("scale", scaleBabylon.ToArray());

                    // Store values as bytes
                    foreach (string path in paths)
                        var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];
                        var outputValues   = outputValuesByPath[path];

                        foreach (var outputValue in outputValues)

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];

                    // Animation sampler
                    var gltfAnimationSampler = new GLTFAnimationSampler
                        input  = accessorInput.index,
                        output = accessorOutput.index
                    gltfAnimationSampler.index = samplerList.Count;

                    // Target
                    var gltfTarget = new GLTFChannelTarget
                        node = gltfNode.index
                    gltfTarget.path = path;

                    // Channel
                    var gltfChannel = new GLTFChannel
                        sampler = gltfAnimationSampler.index,
                        target  = gltfTarget
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private GLTFAnimation ExportBoneAnimation(BabylonBone babylonBone, GLTF gltf, GLTFNode gltfNode)
            GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation = null;

            if (gltf.AnimationsList.Count > 0)
                gltfAnimation = gltf.AnimationsList[0];
                gltfAnimation = new GLTFAnimation();

            var channelList = gltfAnimation.ChannelList;
            var samplerList = gltfAnimation.SamplerList;

            if (babylonBone.animation != null && babylonBone.animation.property == "_matrix")
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export animation of bone named: " + babylonBone.name, 2);

                var babylonAnimation = babylonBone.animation;

                // --- Input ---
                var accessorInput = _createAndPopulateInput(gltf, babylonAnimation);

                // --- Output ---
                var paths = new string[] { "translation", "rotation", "scale" };
                var accessorOutputByPath = new Dictionary <string, GLTFAccessor>();

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    GLTFAccessor accessorOutput = _createAccessorOfPath(path, gltf);
                    accessorOutputByPath.Add(path, accessorOutput);

                // Populate accessors
                foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimation.keys)
                    var matrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                    matrix.m = babylonAnimationKey.values;

                    var translationBabylon  = new BabylonVector3();
                    var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var scaleBabylon        = new BabylonVector3();
                    matrix.decompose(scaleBabylon, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);

                    translationBabylon.Z *= -1;
                    BabylonVector3 rotationVector3 = rotationQuatBabylon.toEulerAngles();
                    rotationVector3.X  *= -1;
                    rotationVector3.Y  *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon = rotationVector3.toQuaternion();

                    var outputValuesByPath = new Dictionary <string, float[]>();
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("translation", translationBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("rotation", rotationQuatBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("scale", scaleBabylon.ToArray());

                    // Store values as bytes
                    foreach (string path in paths)
                        var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];
                        var outputValues   = outputValuesByPath[path];

                        foreach (var outputValue in outputValues)

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];

                    // Animation sampler
                    var gltfAnimationSampler = new GLTFAnimationSampler
                        input  = accessorInput.index,
                        output = accessorOutput.index
                    gltfAnimationSampler.index = samplerList.Count;

                    // Target
                    var gltfTarget = new GLTFChannelTarget
                        node = gltfNode.index
                    gltfTarget.path = path;

                    // Channel
                    var gltfChannel = new GLTFChannel
                        sampler = gltfAnimationSampler.index,
                        target  = gltfTarget

Ejemplo n.º 29
        private void ExportBoneAnimation(GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, int startFrame, int endFrame, GLTF gltf, BabylonNode babylonNode, GLTFNode gltfNode, BabylonAnimationGroup animationGroup = null)
            var channelList = gltfAnimation.ChannelList;
            var samplerList = gltfAnimation.SamplerList;

            if (babylonNode.animations != null && babylonNode.animations[0].property == "_matrix")
                logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export animation of bone named: " + babylonNode.name, 2);

                BabylonAnimation babylonAnimation = null;
                if (animationGroup != null)
                    var targetedAnimation = animationGroup.targetedAnimations.FirstOrDefault(animation => animation.targetId == babylonNode.id);
                    if (targetedAnimation != null)
                        babylonAnimation = targetedAnimation.animation;

                // otherwise fall back to the full animation track on the node.
                if (babylonAnimation == null)
                    babylonAnimation = babylonNode.animations[0];

                var babylonAnimationKeysInRange = babylonAnimation.keys.Where(key => key.frame >= startFrame && key.frame <= endFrame);
                if (babylonAnimationKeysInRange.Count() <= 0)

                // --- Input ---
                var accessorInput = _createAndPopulateInput(gltf, babylonAnimation, startFrame, endFrame);
                if (accessorInput == null)

                // --- Output ---
                var paths = new string[] { "translation", "rotation", "scale" };
                var accessorOutputByPath = new Dictionary <string, GLTFAccessor>();

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    GLTFAccessor accessorOutput = _createAccessorOfPath(path, gltf);
                    accessorOutputByPath.Add(path, accessorOutput);

                // Populate accessors
                foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimationKeysInRange)
                    var matrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                    matrix.m = babylonAnimationKey.values;

                    var translationBabylon  = new BabylonVector3();
                    var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var scaleBabylon        = new BabylonVector3();
                    matrix.decompose(scaleBabylon, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);

                    // Switch coordinate system at object level
                    translationBabylon.Z  *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.X *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.Y *= -1;

                    var outputValuesByPath = new Dictionary <string, float[]>();
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("translation", translationBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("rotation", rotationQuatBabylon.ToArray());
                    outputValuesByPath.Add("scale", scaleBabylon.ToArray());

                    // Store values as bytes
                    foreach (string path in paths)
                        var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];
                        var outputValues   = outputValuesByPath[path];

                        foreach (var outputValue in outputValues)

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path];

                    // Animation sampler
                    var gltfAnimationSampler = new GLTFAnimationSampler
                        input  = accessorInput.index,
                        output = accessorOutput.index
                    gltfAnimationSampler.index = samplerList.Count;

                    // Target
                    var gltfTarget = new GLTFChannelTarget
                        node = gltfNode.index
                    gltfTarget.path = path;

                    // Channel
                    var gltfChannel = new GLTFChannel
                        sampler = gltfAnimationSampler.index,
                        target  = gltfTarget

            ExportGLTFExtension(babylonNode, ref gltfAnimation, gltf);
        private GLTFSkin ExportSkin(BabylonSkeleton babylonSkeleton, GLTF gltf, GLTFNode gltfNode)
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Skin | Export skin of node '" + gltfNode.name + "' based on skeleton '" + babylonSkeleton.name + "'", 2);

            // Retreive gltf skeleton data if babylon skeleton has already been exported
            if (!alreadyExportedSkeletons.ContainsKey(babylonSkeleton))
                alreadyExportedSkeletons.Add(babylonSkeleton, new BabylonSkeletonExportData());

                // Switch coordinate system at object level
                foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                    var boneLocalMatrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                    boneLocalMatrix.m = babylonBone.matrix;

                    var translationBabylon  = new BabylonVector3();
                    var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion();
                    var scale = new BabylonVector3();
                    boneLocalMatrix.decompose(scale, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);
                    translationBabylon.Z  *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.X *= -1;
                    rotationQuatBabylon.Y *= -1;
                    boneLocalMatrix        = BabylonMatrix.Compose(scale, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon);

                    babylonBone.matrix = boneLocalMatrix.m;
            var babylonSkeletonExportData = alreadyExportedSkeletons[babylonSkeleton];

            // Skin
            var      nameSuffix = babylonSkeletonExportData.nb != 0 ? "_" + babylonSkeletonExportData.nb : "";
            GLTFSkin gltfSkin   = new GLTFSkin
                name = babylonSkeleton.name + nameSuffix

            gltfSkin.index = gltf.SkinsList.Count;

            var bones = new List <BabylonBone>(babylonSkeleton.bones);

            // Compute and store world matrix of each bone
            var bonesWorldMatrices = new Dictionary <int, BabylonMatrix>();

            foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                if (!bonesWorldMatrices.ContainsKey(babylonBone.index))
                    BabylonMatrix boneWorldMatrix = _getBoneWorldMatrix(babylonBone, bones);
                    bonesWorldMatrices.Add(babylonBone.index, boneWorldMatrix);

            // Buffer
            var buffer = GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBuffer(gltf);

            // Accessor - InverseBindMatrices
            var accessorInverseBindMatrices = GLTFBufferService.Instance.CreateAccessor(
                GLTFBufferService.Instance.GetBufferViewFloatMat4(gltf, buffer),

            gltfSkin.inverseBindMatrices = accessorInverseBindMatrices.index;

            // World matrix of the node
            var nodeWorldMatrix = _getNodeWorldMatrix(gltfNode);

            var gltfJoints = new List <int>();

            foreach (var babylonBone in babylonSkeleton.bones)
                GLTFNode gltfBoneNode = null;
                if (!babylonSkeletonExportData.nodeByBone.ContainsKey(babylonBone))
                    // Export bone as a new node
                    gltfBoneNode = _exportBone(babylonBone, gltf, babylonSkeleton, bones);
                    babylonSkeletonExportData.nodeByBone.Add(babylonBone, gltfBoneNode);
                gltfBoneNode = babylonSkeletonExportData.nodeByBone[babylonBone];


                // Set this bone as skeleton if it is a root
                // Meaning of 'skeleton' here is the top root bone
                if (babylonBone.parentBoneIndex == -1)
                    gltfSkin.skeleton = gltfBoneNode.index;

                // Compute inverseBindMatrice for this bone when attached to this node
                var boneLocalMatrix = new BabylonMatrix();
                boneLocalMatrix.m = babylonBone.matrix;
                //printMatrix("boneLocalMatrix[" + babylonBone.name + "]", boneLocalMatrix);

                BabylonMatrix boneWorldMatrix = null;
                if (babylonBone.parentBoneIndex == -1)
                    boneWorldMatrix = boneLocalMatrix;
                    var parentWorldMatrix = bonesWorldMatrices[babylonBone.parentBoneIndex];
                    // Remove scale of parent
                    // This actually enable to take into account the scale of the bones, except for the root one
                    parentWorldMatrix = _removeScale(parentWorldMatrix);

                    boneWorldMatrix = boneLocalMatrix * parentWorldMatrix;
                //printMatrix("boneWorldMatrix[" + babylonBone.name + "]", boneWorldMatrix);

                var inverseBindMatrices = nodeWorldMatrix * BabylonMatrix.Invert(boneWorldMatrix);

                // Populate accessor
                List <float> matrix = new List <float>(inverseBindMatrices.m);
                matrix.ForEach(n => accessorInverseBindMatrices.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(n)));
            gltfSkin.joints = gltfJoints.ToArray();
