public List <ProblemaList> GetProblemaPagedAndFiltered(string pstrPersonId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { DatabaseContext dbContext = new DatabaseContext(); var query = from A in dbContext.Problema join B in dbContext.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_EsControlado.Value, b = 111 } // CATEGORIA DEL EXAMEN equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId select new ProblemaList { v_ProblemaId = A.v_ProblemaId, i_Tipo = A.i_Tipo, v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId, d_Fecha = A.d_Fecha.Value, v_Descripcion = A.v_Descripcion, i_EsControlado = A.i_EsControlado, v_Observacion = A.v_Observacion, v_EsControlado = B.v_Value1 }; List <ProblemaList> objData = query.ToList(); return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <ProblemasList> GetAtencionIntegral(string personId) { try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = from A in dbContext.problema join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_EsControlado.Value, b = 111 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.v_PersonId == personId && A.i_IsDeleted == 0 select new ProblemasList { v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId, d_Fecha = A.d_Fecha, i_Tipo = A.i_Tipo, v_Descripcion = A.v_Descripcion, i_EsControlado = A.i_EsControlado, v_EsControlao = B.v_Value1, v_Observacion = A.v_Observacion }; List <ProblemasList> objData = query.ToList(); return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public void sr_llenar_resultados(ref DataGridView dgr, int IDS, DateTime dia) { animalitos db = new animalitos(CN.CONEC); var query = (from A in db.dbresultados join B in db.dbSorteos on new { ID_LOTERIA = Convert.ToInt32(A.ID_LOTERIA) } equals new { ID_LOTERIA = B.ID_SORTEO } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join C in db.dbhorarios on new { A.ID_LOTERIA, ID_SORTEOHR = Convert.ToInt32(A.ID_SORTEOHR) } equals new { ID_LOTERIA = C.IDSORTEOHR, ID_SORTEOHR = C.IDHORA } into C_join from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join D in db.dbanimalitos on new { ID_ANIMAL = Convert.ToInt32(A.ID_ANIMAL) } equals new { ID_ANIMAL = D.IDANIMALITOS } into D_join from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join E in db.dbestatus on new { ESTATUS = A.ESTATUS } equals new { ESTATUS = E.CODESTATUS } into E_join from E in E_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.FECHA == dia && A.ID_LOTERIA == IDS select new { A.ID_RESULTADO, NOMBRE_SORTEO = B.NOMBRE_SORTEO, HORA = C.HORA, NOMBRE_ANIMALITO = D.NOMBRE_ANIMALITO, NOMESTATUS = E.NOMESTATUS, A.FECHA, Column1 = A.HORA }); dgr.DataSource = query; }
public List <PlanIntegralList> GetPlanIntegralAndFiltered(string pstrPersonId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { DatabaseContext dbContext = new DatabaseContext(); var query = from A in dbContext.PlanIntegral join B in dbContext.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_TipoId.Value, b = 281 } // CATEGORIA DEL EXAMEN equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId select new PlanIntegralList { v_PlanIntegral = A.v_PlanIntegral, v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId, i_TipoId = A.i_TipoId.Value, v_Descripcion = A.v_Descripcion, d_Fecha = A.d_Fecha.Value, v_Lugar = A.v_Lugar, v_Tipo = B.v_Value1 }; List <PlanIntegralList> objData = query.ToList(); return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <KeyValueDTO> GetAllComponents() { //mon.IsActive = true; try { var DataComponentList = (from a in ctx.Component join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = a.i_CategoryId, b = 116 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where a.i_IsDeleted == 0 && a.i_ComponentTypeId == 1 select new KeyValueDTO { Value4 = a.i_CategoryId, //i_CategoryId Value = a.i_CategoryId == -1 ? a.v_Name : B.v_Value1, //CategoryName Value2 = a.v_ComponentId, // ComponentId Value3 = a.v_Name, // v_Name //Id = a.v_ComponentId }).ToList(); List <KeyValueDTO> objData = DataComponentList.ToList(); return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.FamilyMedicalAntecedentsList> GetFamilyMedicalAntecedentsReport(string pstrPersonId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = (from A in dbContext.familymedicalantecedents join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value, b = 149 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 149 } equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join D in dbContext.diseases on new { a = A.v_DiseasesId } equals new { a = D.v_DiseasesId } into D_join from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.FamilyMedicalAntecedentsList { v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId = A.v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId, v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId, v_DiseasesId = A.v_DiseasesId, v_DiseaseName = D.v_Name, //i_TypeFamilyId = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value, i_TypeFamilyId = C.i_ParameterId, v_TypeFamilyName = C.v_Value1, v_Comment = A.v_Comment, v_FullAntecedentName = D.v_Name + " / " + C.v_Value1 + ", " + A.v_Comment, DxAndComment = D.v_Name + "," + A.v_Comment }).ToList(); // add the sequence number on the fly var query1 = query.Select((x, index) => new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.FamilyMedicalAntecedentsList { i_Item = index + 1, v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId = x.v_FamilyMedicalAntecedentsId, v_PersonId = x.v_PersonId, v_DiseasesId = x.v_DiseasesId, v_DiseaseName = x.v_DiseaseName, i_TypeFamilyId = x.i_TypeFamilyId, v_TypeFamilyName = x.v_TypeFamilyName, v_Comment = x.v_Comment, v_FullAntecedentName = x.v_FullAntecedentName, DxAndComment = x.DxAndComment }).ToList(); return(query1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <ProblemaList> GetProblemaPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, string pstrPersonId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = from A in dbContext.problema join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_EsControlado.Value, b = 111 } // CATEGORIA DEL EXAMEN equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId select new ProblemaList { v_ProblemaId = A.v_ProblemaId, i_Tipo = A.i_Tipo, v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId, d_Fecha = A.d_Fecha.Value, v_Descripcion = A.v_Descripcion, i_EsControlado = A.i_EsControlado, v_Observacion = A.v_Observacion, v_EsControlado = B.v_Value1 }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression)) { query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression)) { query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression); } if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value; query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex); } if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value); } List <ProblemaList> objData = query.ToList(); pobjOperationResult.Success = 1; return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { pobjOperationResult.Success = 0; pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex); return(null); } }
public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.NoxiousHabitsList> GetNoxiousHabitsReport(string pstrPersonId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = (from A in dbContext.noxioushabits join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_TypeHabitsId.Value, b = 148 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.NoxiousHabitsList { v_NoxiousHabitsId = A.v_NoxiousHabitsId, v_NoxiousHabitsName = B.v_Value1, v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId, v_Frequency = A.v_Frequency + ", " + A.v_Comment, v_Comment = A.v_Comment, i_TypeHabitsId = B.i_ParameterId, v_TypeHabitsName = B.v_Value1, i_RecordStatus = 0, // grabado i_RecordType = 2, // no temporal v_DescriptionQuantity = A.v_DescriptionQuantity, v_DescriptionHabit = A.v_DescriptionHabit, v_FrecuenciaHabito = A.v_Frequency }).ToList(); // add the sequence number on the fly var query1 = query.Select((x, index) => new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.NoxiousHabitsList { i_Item = index + 1, v_NoxiousHabitsId = x.v_NoxiousHabitsId, v_NoxiousHabitsName = x.v_NoxiousHabitsName, v_PersonId = x.v_PersonId, v_Frequency = x.v_Frequency, v_Comment = x.v_Comment, i_TypeHabitsId = x.i_TypeHabitsId, v_TypeHabitsName = x.v_TypeHabitsName, v_DescriptionQuantity = x.v_DescriptionQuantity, v_DescriptionHabit = x.v_DescriptionHabit, v_FrecuenciaHabito = x.v_FrecuenciaHabito }).ToList(); return(query1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <HospitalizacionHabitacionList> GetHospitalizacionHabitacionPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = from A in dbContext.hospitalizacionhabitacion join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_HabitacionId.Value, b = 309 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 select new HospitalizacionHabitacionList { v_HospitalizacionHabitacionId = A.v_HospitalizacionHabitacionId, v_HopitalizacionId = A.v_HopitalizacionId, i_HabitacionId = A.i_HabitacionId.Value, d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate.Value, d_EndDate = A.d_EndDate.Value, NroHabitacion = B.v_Value1 }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression)) { query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression)) { query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression); } if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value; query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex); } if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value); } List <HospitalizacionHabitacionList> objData = query.ToList(); pobjOperationResult.Success = 1; return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { pobjOperationResult.Success = 0; pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex); return(null); } }
public List <DtoBvsAllotment> GetAllotedServices(int PersonId, int ItemId = 0) { //var alloted = return((from bs in _db.BvsServices join B in ( (from bas in _db.BvsAllotServices join bvs in _db.BvsAllots on bas.BVSAllotId equals bvs.BVSAllotId join p in _db.Purchases on bvs.ItemId equals p.PurchaseId join i in _db.Items on p.ItemId equals i.ItemId where bvs.PersonId == PersonId select new { bas.BvsServiceId, bas.BVSAllotServiceId, ItemId = p.ItemId, ItemName = i.Name }))on new { BvsServiceId = bs.BvsServiceId } equals new { BvsServiceId = (int)B.BvsServiceId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() select new DtoBvsAllotment { ItemId = (int?)B.ItemId ?? 0, ItemName = B.ItemName ?? "", AllotmentServiceses = new List <DtoBvsAllotmentServices> { new DtoBvsAllotmentServices { BVSAllotServiceId = (int?)B.BVSAllotServiceId ?? 0, BvsServiceId = bs.BvsServiceId, BvsServiceName = bs.Name, Active = B.BVSAllotServiceId == null ? false : true } } } //select new DtoBvsAllotmentServices //{ // BVSAllotServiceId = (int?)B.BVSAllotServiceId, // BvsServiceName = bs.Name, // Active = // B.BVSAllotServiceId == null ? false : true //} ).ToList()); //DtoBvsAllotment allotment = new DtoBvsAllotment(); //foreach (DtoBvsAllotment bvs in alloted) //{ // allotment.ItemId = //} }
public List <ExamsCustom> GetMedicalExam(string componentName) { try { var query = from A in ctx.Component join J1 in ctx.SystemUser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value } equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J2 in ctx.SystemUser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value } equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_CategoryId, b = 116 } // CATEGORIA DEL EXAMEN equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join E in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_DiagnosableId.Value, b = 111 } equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId } join F in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_ComponentTypeId.Value, b = 126 } equals new { a = F.i_ParameterId, b = F.i_GroupId } where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && (A.v_Name.Contains(componentName) || componentName == null) select new ExamsCustom { v_ComponentId = A.v_ComponentId, v_ComponentName = A.v_Name, i_CategoryId = A.i_CategoryId, v_CategoryName = B.v_Value1, v_DiagnosableName = E.v_Value1, v_ComponentTypeName = F.v_Value1, v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName, v_UpdateUser = J2.v_UserName, d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate, d_UpdateDate = A.d_UpdateDate, i_IsDeleted = A.i_IsDeleted.Value, r_Price = A.r_BasePrice, i_ComponentTypeId = A.i_ComponentTypeId, i_index = A.i_UIIndex.Value, v_IdUnidadProductiva = A.v_IdUnidadProductiva }; List <ExamsCustom> objData = query.ToList(); return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <DtvAppHierarchy> GetSystemParameterForCombo(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); List <DtvAppHierarchy> DataHierarchyList; List <DtvAppHierarchy> DataHierarchyListForBinding = new List <DtvAppHierarchy>(); var query = from A in dbContext.systemparameter join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = A.i_GroupId } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = 147 } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J3 in dbContext.diseases on new { a = A.v_Value1 } equals new { a = J3.v_DiseasesId } into J3_join from J3 in J3_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where B.i_IsDeleted == 0 && B.i_GroupId == 147 select new DtvAppHierarchy { Id = A.i_ParameterId, Description = J3.v_Name, ParentId = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, EnabledSelect = true, i_GroupId = A.i_GroupId }; query = query.Where("i_GroupId== 147"); DataHierarchyList = query.ToList(); // Iterar y ordenar la data ProcessData(DataHierarchyList, -1, DataHierarchyListForBinding, 0); pobjOperationResult.Success = 1; return(DataHierarchyListForBinding); } catch (Exception ex) { pobjOperationResult.Success = 0; pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(null); } }
private string ConcatenateFamilyMedicalAntecedents(string pstrPersonId, int pintTypeFamilyId) { var qry = (from A in ctx.FamilyMedicalAntecedents join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value, b = 149 } // ANTECEDENTES FAMILIARES MÉDICOS equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join C in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 149 } // [PADRE,MADRE,HERMANOS] equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join D in ctx.Diseases on new { a = A.v_DiseasesId } equals new { a = D.v_DiseasesId } into D_join from D in D_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId && A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && C.i_ParameterId == pintTypeFamilyId select new { v_DiseasesName = D.v_Name }).ToList(); return(string.Join(", ", qry.Select(p => p.v_DiseasesName))); }
public List <PersonMedicalHistoryList> GetAntecedentConsolidateForService(string patientId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { List <PersonMedicalHistoryList> lis = new List <PersonMedicalHistoryList>(); int isDeleted = (int)SiNo.No; #region querys individuales // Obtener todos loa antecedentes de una persona (una o varias empresas) var historyId = (from a in ctx.History where a.v_PersonId == patientId && a.i_IsDeleted == isDeleted select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = "Ocupacionales", v_DiseasesName = null, v_HistoryId = a.v_HistoryId, d_StartDate = a.d_StartDate, d_EndDate = a.d_EndDate, v_Occupation = a.v_workstation, v_GroupName = null }).ToList(); // personmedicalhistory var q1tmp = (from A in ctx.PersonMedicalHistory join D in ctx.Diseases on A.v_DiseasesId equals D.v_DiseasesId where A.i_IsDeleted == isDeleted && A.v_PersonId == patientId select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = "Medicos-Personales", v_DiseasesName = D.v_Name, d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate, v_GroupName = null }).ToList(); var q1 = (from A in q1tmp select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = "Medicos-Personales", v_DiseasesName = A.v_DiseasesName, v_DateOrGroup = A.d_StartDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate.Value }).ToList(); // typeofeep var q2 = (from A in historyId select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = "Ocupacionales, " + A.v_Occupation, v_DiseasesName = ConcatenateTypeOfeep(A.v_HistoryId), v_DateOrGroup = A.d_StartDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy") + " - " + A.d_EndDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy"), d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate, }).ToList(); // workstationdangers var q3 = (from A in historyId select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = "Ocupacionales, " + A.v_Occupation, v_DiseasesName = ConcatenateWorkStationDangers(A.v_HistoryId), v_DateOrGroup = A.d_StartDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy") + " - " + A.d_EndDate.Value.ToString("MM/yyyy"), d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate, }).ToList(); // noxioushabits var q4 = (from A in ctx.NoxiousHabits join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_TypeHabitsId.Value, b = 148 } // HÁBITOS NOCIVOS equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == patientId select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = "Hábitos Nocivos", v_DiseasesName = B.v_Value1 + ", " + A.v_Frequency, }).ToList(); // familymedicalantecedents var q5tmp = (from A in ctx.FamilyMedicalAntecedents join B in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = A.i_TypeFamilyId.Value, b = 149 } // ANTECEDENTES FAMILIARES MÉDICOS equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join C in ctx.SystemParameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 149 } equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_PersonId == patientId group C by new { C.i_ParameterId, C.v_Value1 } into g select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = "Familiares", i_TypeFamilyId = g.Key.i_ParameterId, v_TypeFamilyName = g.Key.v_Value1 }).ToList(); var q5 = (from A in q5tmp select new PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_AntecedentTypeName = A.v_AntecedentTypeName, v_DiseasesName = ConcatenateFamilyMedicalAntecedents(patientId, A.i_TypeFamilyId), v_DateOrGroup = A.v_TypeFamilyName }).ToList(); #endregion #region Fusion if (q1.Count > 0) { lis.AddRange(q1); } if (q2.Count > 0) { lis.AddRange(q2); } if (q3.Count > 0) { lis.AddRange(q3); } if (q4.Count > 0) { lis.AddRange(q4); } if (q5.Count > 0) { lis.AddRange(q5); } #endregion return(lis.OrderBy(x => x.v_AntecedentTypeName).ToList()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <MedicalExamList> GetMedicalExamPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = from A in dbContext.component join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value } equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value } equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_CategoryId.Value, b = 116 } // CATEGORIA DEL EXAMEN equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_DiagnosableId.Value, b = 111 } equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId } join F in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_ComponentTypeId.Value, b = 126 } equals new { a = F.i_ParameterId, b = F.i_GroupId } where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 select new MedicalExamList { v_MedicalExamId = A.v_ComponentId, v_Name = A.v_Name, i_CategoryId = A.i_CategoryId.Value, v_CategoryName = B.v_Value1, v_DiagnosableName = E.v_Value1, v_ComponentTypeName = F.v_Value1, v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName, v_UpdateUser = J2.v_UserName, d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate, d_UpdateDate = A.d_UpdateDate, i_IsDeleted = A.i_IsDeleted.Value, r_BasePrice = A.r_BasePrice, i_ComponentTypeId = A.i_ComponentTypeId, i_UIIndex = A.i_UIIndex.Value, v_IdUnidadProductiva = A.v_IdUnidadProductiva }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression)) { query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression)) { query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression); } if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value; query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex); } if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value); } List <MedicalExamList> objData = query.ToList(); pobjOperationResult.Success = 1; return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { pobjOperationResult.Success = 0; pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex); return(null); } }
public List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList> GetPersonMedicalHistoryReport(string pstrPersonId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = (from A in dbContext.personmedicalhistory join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.v_DiseasesId, b = 147 } equals new { a = B.v_Value1, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join C in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = B.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = 147 } equals new { a = C.i_ParameterId, b = C.i_GroupId } into C_join from C in C_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join D in dbContext.diseases on A.v_DiseasesId equals D.v_DiseasesId join E in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_TypeDiagnosticId.Value, b = 139 } equals new { a = E.i_ParameterId, b = E.i_GroupId } into E_join from E in E_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where (A.i_IsDeleted == 0) && (A.v_PersonId == pstrPersonId) select new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList { v_PersonMedicalHistoryId = A.v_PersonMedicalHistoryId, v_PersonId = A.v_PersonId, v_DiseasesId = A.v_DiseasesId, v_DiseasesName = D.v_Name, i_TypeDiagnosticId = A.i_TypeDiagnosticId, d_StartDate = A.d_StartDate.Value, v_TreatmentSite = A.v_TreatmentSite, v_GroupName = C.v_Value1, v_TypeDiagnosticName = E.v_Value1, v_DiagnosticDetail = A.v_DiagnosticDetail, i_Answer = A.i_AnswerId.Value, }).ToList(); // add the sequence number on the fly var query1 = new List <Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList>(); query1 = query.Select((x, index) => new Sigesoft.Node.WinClient.BE.PersonMedicalHistoryList { i_Item = index + 1, v_PersonMedicalHistoryId = x.v_PersonMedicalHistoryId, v_PersonId = x.v_PersonId, v_DiseasesId = x.v_DiseasesId, v_DiseasesName = x.v_DiseasesName, i_TypeDiagnosticId = x.i_TypeDiagnosticId, d_StartDate = x.d_StartDate, v_TreatmentSite = x.v_TreatmentSite, v_GroupName = x.v_GroupName, v_TypeDiagnosticName = x.v_TypeDiagnosticName, v_DiagnosticDetail = x.v_DiagnosticDetail, i_Answer = x.i_Answer, }).ToList(); //List<PersonMedicalHistoryList> objData = query.ToList(); return(query1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public List <RolCuotaList> GetRolCuotaPagedAndFiltered(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = from A in dbContext.rolcuota join B in dbContext.datahierarchy on new { a = A.i_RolId.Value, b = 121 } equals new { a = B.i_ItemId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value } equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value } equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 select new RolCuotaList { v_RolName = B.v_Value1, v_RolCuotaId = A.v_RolCuotaId, v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName, v_UpdateUser = J2.v_UserName, d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate, d_UpdateDate = A.d_UpdateDate }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression)) { query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression)) { query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression); } if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value; query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex); } if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value); } List <RolCuotaList> objData = query.ToList(); pobjOperationResult.Success = 1; return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { pobjOperationResult.Success = 0; pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(ex); return(null); } }
public List <SystemParameterList> GetSystemParametersPagedAndFilteredNew(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, int?pintGroupId) { //mon.IsActive = true; try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = from A in dbContext.systemparameter join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_ParentParameterId.Value, b = A.i_GroupId } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = 147 } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J1 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_InsertUserId = A.i_InsertUserId.Value } equals new { i_InsertUserId = J1.i_SystemUserId } into J1_join from J1 in J1_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J2 in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value } equals new { i_UpdateUserId = J2.i_SystemUserId } into J2_join from J2 in J2_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join J3 in dbContext.diseases on new { a = A.v_Value1 } equals new { a = J3.v_DiseasesId } into J3_join from J3 in J3_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where B.i_GroupId == pintGroupId && B.i_IsDeleted == 0 select new SystemParameterList { i_GroupId = A.i_GroupId, i_ParameterId = A.i_ParameterId, i_ParentGroupId = A.i_GroupId, i_ParentParameterId = A.i_ParentParameterId.Value, v_Value1 = A.v_Value1, v_Value2 = A.v_Value2, v_DiseasesName = J3.v_Name, v_CreationUser = J1.v_UserName, v_UpdateUser = J2.v_UserName, d_CreationDate = A.d_InsertDate, d_UpdateDate = A.d_UpdateDate, i_IsDeleted = A.i_IsDeleted, Enfermedad = B.v_Value1, v_DiseaseName = J3.v_Name, SI = false, NO = true, ND = false, i_Answer = 0 }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression)) { query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression)) { query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression); } if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value; query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex); query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value); } List <SystemParameterList> objData = query.ToList(); pobjOperationResult.Success = 1; return(objData); } catch (Exception ex) { pobjOperationResult.Success = 0; pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; return(null); } }
public List <TramasList> GettramasPageAndFilteredHospitalizacion(ref OperationResult pobjOperationResult, int?pintPageIndex, int?pintResultsPerPage, string pstrSortExpression, string pstrFilterExpression, DateTime?pdatBeginDate, DateTime?pdatEndDate) { try { SigesoftEntitiesModel dbContext = new SigesoftEntitiesModel(); var query = from A in dbContext.tramas join B in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_GrupoEtario.Value, b = 347 } equals new { a = B.i_ParameterId, b = B.i_GroupId } into B_join // GRUPO ETARIO from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join C in dbContext.systemuser on A.i_InsertUserId equals C.i_SystemUserId join D in dbContext.person on C.v_PersonId equals D.v_PersonId join E in dbContext.systemuser on new { i_UpdateUserId = A.i_UpdateUserId.Value } equals new { i_UpdateUserId = E.i_SystemUserId } into E_join from E in E_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join F in dbContext.person on new { v_PersonId = E.v_PersonId } equals new { v_PersonId = F.v_PersonId } into F_join from F in F_join.DefaultIfEmpty() join G in dbContext.systemparameter on new { a = A.i_UPS.Value, b = 349 } equals new { a = G.i_ParameterId, b = G.i_GroupId } into G_join // UPS DETAIL from G in G_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where A.i_IsDeleted == 0 && A.v_TipoRegistro == "Hospitalización" select new TramasList { v_TramaId = A.v_TramaId, v_TipoRegistro = A.v_TipoRegistro, d_FechaIngreso = A.d_FechaIngreso.Value, i_Genero = A.i_Genero, GrupoEtario = B.v_Value1, v_DiseasesName = A.v_DiseasesName, v_CIE10Id = A.v_CIE10Id, d_InsertDate = A.d_InsertDate.Value, d_UpdateDate = A.d_UpdateDate.Value, User_Crea = D.v_FirstName + " " + D.v_FirstLastName + " " + D.v_SecondLastName, User_Act = E.i_SystemUserId == null ? "---" : F.v_FirstName + " " + F.v_FirstLastName + " " + F.v_SecondLastName, d_FechaAlta = A.d_FechaAlta.Value, i_UPS = A.i_UPS.Value, i_Procedimiento = A.i_Procedimiento, ups_Detail = G.v_Value1 }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrFilterExpression)) { query = query.Where(pstrFilterExpression); } if (pdatBeginDate.HasValue && pdatEndDate.HasValue) { query = query.Where("d_FechaIngreso >= @0 && d_FechaIngreso <= @1", pdatBeginDate.Value, pdatEndDate.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pstrSortExpression)) { query = query.OrderBy(pstrSortExpression); } if (pintPageIndex.HasValue && pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { int intStartRowIndex = pintPageIndex.Value * pintResultsPerPage.Value; query = query.Skip(intStartRowIndex); } if (pintResultsPerPage.HasValue) { query = query.Take(pintResultsPerPage.Value); } List <TramasList> objData = query.ToList(); var tramasdetalle = (from a in objData select new TramasList { v_TramaId = a.v_TramaId, v_TipoRegistro = a.v_TipoRegistro, d_FechaIngreso = a.d_FechaIngreso, Genero = a.i_Genero == 1 ? "MASC" : "FEM", GrupoEtario = a.GrupoEtario, v_DiseasesName = a.v_DiseasesName, v_CIE10Id = a.v_CIE10Id, User_Crea = a.User_Crea, User_Act = a.User_Act, d_InsertDate = a.d_InsertDate, d_UpdateDate = a.d_UpdateDate, d_FechaAlta = a.d_FechaAlta, i_UPS = a.i_UPS, ups_Detail = a.ups_Detail, i_Procedimiento = a.i_Procedimiento, dead_prod = a.i_Procedimiento == 0 ? "NO" : "SI", }).ToList(); pobjOperationResult.Success = 1; return(tramasdetalle); } catch (Exception e) { pobjOperationResult.Success = 0; pobjOperationResult.ExceptionMessage = Common.Utils.ExceptionFormatter(e); return(null); //Console.WriteLine(e); //throw; } }
public Dictionary <string, object> BindGrid(Initial_LinkSetup IL) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { using (QuickCheck_AngularEntities Dc = new QuickCheck_AngularEntities()) { int Min_Value = (IL.Maxcount) * ((IL.PageCount) - 1) + 1; int Max_Value = (IL.Maxcount) * (IL.PageCount); var _LinkList = from A in Dc.Tbl_Links join B in Dc.TblParentMenus on new { ParetmenuID = A.ParetmenuID } equals new { ParetmenuID = B.ParentID } into B_join from B in B_join.DefaultIfEmpty() where (A.LinkName.Contains(IL.SearchValue) || B.ParentMenuName.Contains(IL.SearchValue)) select new { LinkID = A.LinkID, LinkName = A.LinkName, url = A.url, Purpose = A.Purpose, OrderNo = A.OrderNo, IconName = A.IconName, IsActive = A.IsActive, IsDeleted = A.IsDeleted, CreatedOn = (A.CreatedOn),//.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy").Substring(0, 10) == "01-01-1900", ModifiedOn = A.ModifiedOn, ParetmenuID = A.ParetmenuID, ParentMenuName = (B.ParentMenuName ?? "") }; var result = _LinkList.AsEnumerable().Select((x, RowNumber) => new { RowNumber = RowNumber + 1, x.LinkID, x.LinkName, x.url, x.Purpose, x.OrderNo, x.IsActive, x.CreatedOn, x.ParentMenuName, x.ParetmenuID, RoleName = string.Join(",", Dc.TblRoleLinkBindings.Join(Dc.TblRoleMasters, a => a.RoleID, b => b.RoleID, (a, b) => new { a.LinkID, b.RoleName }).Where(p => p.LinkID == x.LinkID).Select(b => b.RoleName)) }).Where(x => x.RowNumber >= Min_Value && x.RowNumber <= Max_Value); DataTable dtLink = Common.LINQResultToDataTable(result); dtLink.TableName = "Table"; var _iconNames = (from LS in Dc.Tbl_Icon select LS); DataTable dtIcon = Common.LINQResultToDataTable(_iconNames); dtIcon.TableName = "Table1"; var _RoleNames = (from LS in Dc.TblRoleMasters where LS.IsActive == true select new { LS.RoleID, RoleName = (LS.RoleName) + " " + (LS.RoleType == 1 ? "(Bank-Roles)" : LS.RoleType == 2 ? "(Corporate-Roles)" : "(Yoeki-Roles)") }); DataTable dtRole = Common.LINQResultToDataTable(_RoleNames); dtRole.TableName = "Table2"; var _Parent = (from LS in Dc.TblParentMenus where LS.IsActive == true select new { LS.ParentID, LS.ParentMenuName }); DataTable dtParent = Common.LINQResultToDataTable(_Parent); dtParent.TableName = "Table3"; ds.Tables.Add(dtLink); ds.Tables.Add(dtIcon); ds.Tables.Add(dtRole); ds.Tables.Add(dtParent); return(ClsJson.JsonMethods.ToJson(ds)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }