Ejemplo n.º 1
    private int GetSplitPoint(BSPTreeNodeBounds bounds, BSPSplitDirection splitDir, float splitRange)
        int   max        = 0;
        int   min        = 0;
        float delta_high = 0.5f + splitRange / 2;
        float delta_low  = 0.5f - splitRange / 2;
        int   range;

        switch (splitDir)
        case BSPSplitDirection.VERTICAL:
            range = bounds.max_x - bounds.min_x;
            min   = bounds.min_x + (int)(range * delta_low);
            max   = bounds.min_x + (int)(range * delta_high);

        case BSPSplitDirection.HORIZONTAL:
            range = bounds.max_y - bounds.min_y;
            min   = bounds.min_y + (int)(range * delta_low);
            max   = bounds.min_y + (int)(range * delta_high);
        if (min == 0)
            min = 1;           // Cannot be too small!
        return(DungeonGenerator.Random.Instance.Next(min, max));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public int maxCorridorWidth   = 2;    // [1,2]

    // bool ONE_DOOR_PER_CORRIDOR = true;

    override protected void GenerateWithAlgorithm(VirtualMap map, VirtualMap vmapBelow)
        // Start full of rocks

        // Pick the cell to start from
        CellLocation starting_location = default(CellLocation);

        if (vmapBelow != null)
            starting_location = vmapBelow.end;
            starting_location = CellLocation.INVALID;

        // We start our tree with the full dungeon bounds (only counting FLOOR cells)
        BSPTree tree = new BSPTree();

        tree.root = new BSPTreeNode(0, 0, map.ActualWidth, map.ActualHeight);

        // Pick a random initial direction
        BSPSplitDirection splitDir = (BSPSplitDirection)DungeonGenerator.Random.Instance.Next(0, (int)BSPSplitDirection.MAX - 1);

        // Start the algorithm
        List <BSPTreeNode> leafNodes = new List <BSPTreeNode>();

        SplitNode(tree.root, splitDir, splitRange, nSplits, leafNodes);

        // Create the rooms
        RoomGenerator roomGenerator = new RoomGenerator();

        map.rooms = new List <VirtualRoom>();
        foreach (BSPTreeNode node in leafNodes)
            VirtualRoom room = CreateRoom(map, roomGenerator, node, starting_location);
            if (room != null)
                room.sequentialId = map.rooms.Count;

        // Create the corridors
        LinkCorridors(tree.root, map, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void SplitNode(BSPTreeNode node, BSPSplitDirection splitDir, float splitRange, int recursionLevel, List <BSPTreeNode> leafNodes)
        // Split a node so that we get a new range [min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y] so that a room can be created with these bounds
        // Note that these are bounds on the indices of the virtual map and that they are left-inclusive!
        //Debug.Log("LEVEL " + recursionLevel + " [" + node.areaBounds.min_x + "," + node.areaBounds.max_x + "] [" + node.areaBounds.min_y + "," + node.areaBounds.max_y + "]");
        if (recursionLevel == 0)
        int splitPoint;

        // Pick a random coordinate on that direction
        splitPoint          = GetSplitPoint(node.areaBounds, splitDir, splitRange);
        node.splitDirection = splitDir;
        //Debug.Log("ON " + splitDir + " CHOSEN SPLIT: " + splitPoint);

        // Create child nodes from that split point
        switch (splitDir)
        case BSPSplitDirection.VERTICAL:
            node.left  = new BSPTreeNode(node.areaBounds.min_x, node.areaBounds.min_y, splitPoint, node.areaBounds.max_y);
            node.right = new BSPTreeNode(splitPoint, node.areaBounds.min_y, node.areaBounds.max_x, node.areaBounds.max_y);

        case BSPSplitDirection.HORIZONTAL:
            node.left  = new BSPTreeNode(node.areaBounds.min_x, node.areaBounds.min_y, node.areaBounds.max_x, splitPoint);
            node.right = new BSPTreeNode(node.areaBounds.min_x, splitPoint, node.areaBounds.max_x, node.areaBounds.max_y);

        // Next pass: go through child nodes
        splitDir = (BSPSplitDirection)Mathf.Repeat((int)(splitDir + 1), (int)BSPSplitDirection.MAX);
        SplitNode(node.left, splitDir, splitRange, recursionLevel, leafNodes);
        SplitNode(node.right, splitDir, splitRange, recursionLevel, leafNodes);