Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the selection to the given random variation.
        /// If no item is found, clears the selection and resets the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to find</param>
        public virtual void FindItem(BOBVariation variant)
            // Iterate through the rows list.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_rowsData.m_size; ++i)
                // Look for an index match; individual or grouped (contained within propListItem.indexes list).
                if (m_rowsData.m_buffer[i] is BOBVariation listItem && listItem == variant)
                    // Found a match; set the selected index to this one.
                    selectedIndex = i;

                    // If the selected index is outside the current visibility range, move the to show it.
                    if (selectedIndex < listPosition || selectedIndex > listPosition + m_rows.m_size)
                        listPosition = selectedIndex;

                    // Done here; return.

            // If we got here, we didn't find a match; clear the selection and reset the list position.
            selectedIndex = -1;
            listPosition  = 0f;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates and displays a list row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Object to list</param>
        /// <param name="isRowOdd">If the row is an odd-numbered row (for background banding)</param>
        public override void Display(object data, bool isRowOdd)
            thisVariant = data as BOBVariation;

            // Perform initial setup for new rows.
            if (nameLabel == null)
                isVisible     = true;
                canFocus      = true;
                isInteractive = true;
                width         = parent.width;
                height        = RowHeight;

                // Add object name label.
                nameLabel           = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
                nameLabel.width     = this.width - 10f;
                nameLabel.textScale = TextScale;

                // Add index text label.
                indexLabel                  = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
                indexLabel.width            = IndexWidth;
                indexLabel.textScale        = TextScale;
                indexLabel.relativePosition = new Vector2(IndexLabelX, PaddingY);

            // Set label position, text and color.
            nameLabel.relativePosition = new Vector2(labelX, PaddingY);
            nameLabel.text             = thisVariant?.DisplayName ?? "null";
            nameLabel.textColor        = thisVariant.prefab == null ? Color.gray : Color.white;

            // Set initial background as deselected state.

            // Probability locked sprite.
            if (lockSprite == null)
                lockSprite = AddUIComponent <UISprite>();

                lockSprite.size             = new Vector2(17f, 17f);
                lockSprite.relativePosition = new Vector2(width - 20f, 3f);
                lockSprite.atlas            = TextureUtils.LoadSpriteAtlas("BOB-Padlock");

                lockSprite.eventClicked += (control, clickEvent) =>
                    if (thisVariant != null)
                        thisVariant.probLocked = !thisVariant.probLocked;

            // Probability label.
            if (probLabel == null)
                probLabel = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            probLabel.text             = (thisVariant?.probability.ToString() ?? "0") + "%";
            probLabel.relativePosition = new Vector2(width - 20f - 5f - probLabel.width, 3f);