private void setKeyResponseObjects(PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service, BMCreateButtonResponseType response)
            HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current;

            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_apiName", "BMCreateButton");
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_redirectURL", null);
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_requestPayload", service.getLastRequest());
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_responsePayload", service.getLastResponse());

            Dictionary <string, string> responseParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Correlation ID; it is used only by Developer Technical Support.
            // Note:
            // You must log and store this data for every response you receive.
            // PayPal Technical Support uses the information to assist with reported issues.
            responseParams.Add("Correlation Id", response.CorrelationID);
            responseParams.Add("API Result", response.Ack.ToString());

            if (response.Ack.Equals(AckCodeType.FAILURE) ||
                (response.Errors != null && response.Errors.Count > 0))
                CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_error", response.Errors);
                CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_error", null);
                if (response.HostedButtonID != null)
                    // ID of a PayPal-hosted button or a Hosted Solution token
                    responseParams.Add("Hosted button ID", response.HostedButtonID);
                if (response.Website != null)
                    responseParams.Add("Generated button", response.Website);
                    responseParams.Add("Website HTML code", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(response.Website));
                if (response.Email != string.Empty)
                    responseParams.Add("Code for email links", response.Email);

                //Selenium Test Case
                responseParams.Add("Acknowledgement", response.Ack.ToString());
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_keyResponseObject", responseParams);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void setKeyResponseObjects(PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service, BMCreateButtonResponseType response)
            HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current;

            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_apiName", "BMCreateButton");
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_redirectURL", null);
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_requestPayload", service.getLastRequest());
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_responsePayload", service.getLastResponse());

            Dictionary <string, string> responseParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            responseParams.Add("Correlation Id", response.CorrelationID);
            responseParams.Add("API Result", response.Ack.ToString());

            if (response.Ack.Equals(AckCodeType.FAILURE) ||
                (response.Errors != null && response.Errors.Count > 0))
                CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_error", response.Errors);
                CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_error", null);
                if (response.HostedButtonID != null)
                    responseParams.Add("Hosted button ID", response.HostedButtonID);
                if (response.Website != null)
                    responseParams.Add("Generated button", response.Website);
                    responseParams.Add("Website HTML code", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(response.Website));
                if (response.Email != "")
                    responseParams.Add("Code for email links", response.Email);

                //Selenium Test Case
                responseParams.Add("Acknowledgement", response.Ack.ToString());
            CurrContext.Items.Add("Response_keyResponseObject", responseParams);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create request object
            BMCreateButtonRequestType request            = new BMCreateButtonRequestType();
            ButtonTypeType            selectedButtonType = (ButtonTypeType)
                                                           Enum.Parse(typeof(ButtonTypeType), buttonType.SelectedValue);

            request.ButtonType = selectedButtonType;
            request.ButtonCode = (ButtonCodeType)
                                 Enum.Parse(typeof(ButtonCodeType), buttonCode.SelectedValue);

            /* Add HTML standard button variables that control what is posted to
             * PayPal when a user clicks on the created button. Refer the
             * "HTML Variables for Website Payments Standard" guide for more.
            List <String> buttonVars = new List <String>();

            buttonVars.Add("item_name=" + itemName.Value);
            buttonVars.Add("return=" + returnURL.Value);
            buttonVars.Add("business=" + businessMail.Value);
            buttonVars.Add("amount=" + amount.Value);
            request.ButtonVar = buttonVars;

            /* Construct rest of the request values according to the buttontype
             * that the user chose. Consult the ButtonManager documentation
             * for a complete list of supported arguments for the different
             * button types
            if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.PAYMENTPLAN))
                InstallmentDetailsType insType = new InstallmentDetailsType();
                insType.TotalBillingCycles = Int32.Parse(billingCycles.Value);
                insType.Amount             = installmentAmt.Value;
                insType.BillingFrequency   = Int32.Parse(billingFreq.Value);
                insType.BillingPeriod      = (BillingPeriodType)
                                             Enum.Parse(typeof(BillingPeriodType), billingPeriod.SelectedValue);
                List <InstallmentDetailsType> insList = new List <InstallmentDetailsType>();

                OptionSelectionDetailsType detailsType = new OptionSelectionDetailsType("CreateButton");
                detailsType.OptionType = (OptionTypeListType)
                                         Enum.Parse(typeof(OptionTypeListType), optionType.SelectedValue);
                detailsType.PaymentPeriod = insList;

                List <OptionSelectionDetailsType> optSelectList = new List <OptionSelectionDetailsType>();

                OptionDetailsType optType = new OptionDetailsType("CreateButton");
                optType.OptionSelectionDetails = optSelectList;

                List <OptionDetailsType> optList = new List <OptionDetailsType>();

                request.OptionDetails = optList;
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.AUTOBILLING))
                buttonVars.Add("min_amount=" + minAmt.Value);
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.GIFTCERTIFICATE))
                buttonVars.Add("shopping_url=" + shoppingUrl.Value);
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.PAYMENT))
                buttonVars.Add("subtotal=" + subTotal.Value);
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.SUBSCRIBE))
                buttonVars.Add("a3=" + subAmt.Value);
                buttonVars.Add("p3=" + subPeriod.Value);
                buttonVars.Add("t3=" + subInterval.SelectedValue);

            // Invoke the API
            BMCreateButtonReq wrapper = new BMCreateButtonReq();

            wrapper.BMCreateButtonRequest = request;
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service  = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService();
            BMCreateButtonResponseType       response = service.BMCreateButton(wrapper);

            // Check for API return status
            setKeyResponseObjects(service, response);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post(ProcessData processData)
            Data data = new Data(processData);
            HttpResponseMessage resp = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("", data);

            String json = "";

            if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                json = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Data>(json);

            Realizacija_osiguranja ro = dataToRO(processData, data);

            try {
            }catch (Exception e)
                Console.Write(e); //Mozda ipak u neki log, hm?

            #region Debug

             * PDFCreator creator = new PDFCreator();
             * var fullPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../fonts/logo.png");
             * Document doc = creator.createDocument(ro, fullPath);
             * PdfDocumentRenderer pdfRenderer = new PdfDocumentRenderer(true);
             * pdfRenderer.Document = doc;
             * pdfRenderer.RenderDocument();
             * MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
             * pdfRenderer.Save(ms, false);
             * ms.Position = 0;
             * NetworkCredential basicCredential = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "hasansakic");
             * MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
             * SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("");
             * mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
             * mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**");
             * mail.Subject = "Polisa osiguranja - Holiday Guard";
             * mail.Body = "Pozdrav, \n šaljemo vam vašu polisu jer ste naznačeni kao nosilac. Za sve informacije možete se obratiti na telefon 021/ 4540 021. \n Svako dobro, \n Vaš Holiday Guard!";
             * mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(ms, "polisa.pdf", "application/pdf"));
             * SmtpServer.Port = 587;
             * SmtpServer.Credentials = basicCredential;
             * SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true;
             * SmtpServer.Send(mail);
             * ms.Close();

            //Paypal button generation
            BMCreateButtonRequestType request = new BMCreateButtonRequestType();

            request.ButtonType = ButtonTypeType.BUYNOW;
            request.ButtonCode = ButtonCodeType.ENCRYPTED;

            String policyId  = ro.Id_Realizacija_osiguranja.ToString();
            String price     = ro.Ukupna_vrednost_Realizacija_osiguranja.ToString();
            String converter = "" + price + "&_token=" + key;

            HttpResponseMessage resp2 = await client.GetAsync(converter);

            String json2 = "";

            if (resp2.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                json2 = await resp2.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject o = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json2);

            String priceEur = (String)o["Result"];
            int    dot      = priceEur.IndexOf('.');

            if (dot != -1)
                priceEur = priceEur.Substring(0, dot + 3);

            List <string> buttonVars = new List <string>();
            buttonVars.Add("return=" + RETURN_ADDRESS);
            buttonVars.Add("item_name=" + POLICY_NAME);
            buttonVars.Add("item_number=" + policyId);
            buttonVars.Add("amount=" + priceEur);
            buttonVars.Add("currency_code=" + "EUR");// Ne moze u dinarima.
            buttonVars.Add("business=" + ACCOUNT_EMAIL);
            request.ButtonVar = buttonVars;

            // Invoke the API
            BMCreateButtonReq wrapper = new BMCreateButtonReq();
            wrapper.BMCreateButtonRequest = request;

            Dictionary <string, string>      configurationMap = SEP_Osiguranje.PayPalData.PayPalConfiguration.GetAcctAndConfig();
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service          = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService(configurationMap);
            BMCreateButtonResponseType       response         = service.BMCreateButton(wrapper);

            DataForPreview dfp = new DataForPreview(ro, response.Website);

        protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create request object
            BMCreateButtonRequestType request = new BMCreateButtonRequestType();

            //  (Required) The kind of button you want to create. It is one of the following values:
            //    BUYNOW - Buy Now button
            //    CART - Add to Cart button
            //    GIFTCERTIFICATE - Gift Certificate button
            //    SUBSCRIBE - Subscribe button
            //    DONATE - Donate button
            //    UNSUBSCRIBE - Unsubscribe button
            //    VIEWCART - View Cart button
            //    PAYMENTPLAN - Installment Plan button; since version 63.0
            //    AUTOBILLING - Automatic Billing button; since version 63.0
            //    PAYMENT - Pay Now button; since version 65.1
            // Note: Do not specify BUYNOW if BUTTONCODE=TOKEN; specify PAYMENT instead.
            // Do not specify PAYMENT if BUTTONCODE=HOSTED.
            ButtonTypeType selectedButtonType = (ButtonTypeType)
                                                Enum.Parse(typeof(ButtonTypeType), buttonType.SelectedValue);

            request.ButtonType = selectedButtonType;

            // (Optional) The kind of button code to create. It is one of the following values:
            // HOSTED - A secure button stored on PayPal; default for all buttons except View Cart, Unsubscribe, and Pay Now
            // ENCRYPTED - An encrypted button, not stored on PayPal; default for View Cart button
            // CLEARTEXT - An unencrypted button, not stored on PayPal; default for Unsubscribe button
            // TOKEN - A secure button, not stored on PayPal, used only to initiate the Hosted Solution checkout flow;
            // default for Pay Now button. Since version 65.1
            request.ButtonCode = (ButtonCodeType)
                                 Enum.Parse(typeof(ButtonCodeType), buttonCode.SelectedValue);

            /* Add HTML standard button variables that control what is posted to
             * PayPal when a user clicks on the created button. Refer the
             * "HTML Variables for Website Payments Standard" guide for more.
            List <string> buttonVars = new List <string>();

            buttonVars.Add("item_name=" + itemName.Value);
            buttonVars.Add("return=" + returnURL.Value);
            buttonVars.Add("business=" + businessMail.Value);
            buttonVars.Add("notify_url=" + notifyURL.Value.Trim());
            request.ButtonVar = buttonVars;

            /* Construct rest of the request values according to the buttontype
             * that the user chose. Consult the ButtonManager documentation
             * for a complete list of supported arguments for the different
             * button types
            if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.PAYMENTPLAN))
                InstallmentDetailsType insType = new InstallmentDetailsType();

                // (Optional) The total number of billing cycles,
                // regardless of the duration of a cycle; 1 is the default
                insType.TotalBillingCycles = Convert.ToInt32(billingCycles.Value);

                // (Optional) The base amount to bill for the cycle.
                insType.Amount = installmentAmt.Value;

                // (Optional) The installment cycle frequency in units, e.g.
                // if the billing frequency is 2 and the billing period is Month,
                // the billing cycle is every 2 months. The default billing frequency is 1.
                insType.BillingFrequency = Convert.ToInt32(billingFreq.Value);

                //(Optional) The installment cycle unit, which is one of the following values:
                //   NoBillingPeriodType - None (default)
                //   Day
                //   Week
                //   SemiMonth
                //   Month
                //   Year
                insType.BillingPeriod = (BillingPeriodType)
                                        Enum.Parse(typeof(BillingPeriodType), billingPeriod.SelectedValue);
                List <InstallmentDetailsType> insList = new List <InstallmentDetailsType>();

                OptionSelectionDetailsType detailsType = new OptionSelectionDetailsType("CreateButton");

                // (Optional) The installment option type for an OPTIONnNAME,
                // which is one of the following values:
                // FULL - Payment in full
                // VARIABLE - Variable installments
                // EMI - Equal installments
                detailsType.OptionType = (OptionTypeListType)
                                         Enum.Parse(typeof(OptionTypeListType), optionType.SelectedValue);

                // (Optional) Information about an installment option
                detailsType.PaymentPeriod = insList;

                List <OptionSelectionDetailsType> optSelectList = new List <OptionSelectionDetailsType>();

                OptionDetailsType optType = new OptionDetailsType("CreateButton");
                optType.OptionSelectionDetails = optSelectList;

                List <OptionDetailsType> optList = new List <OptionDetailsType>();

                request.OptionDetails = optList;
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.AUTOBILLING))
                // (Optional) HTML standard button variables
                buttonVars.Add("min_amount=" + minAmt.Value);
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.GIFTCERTIFICATE))
                // (Optional) HTML standard button variables
                buttonVars.Add("shopping_url=" + shoppingUrl.Value);
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.PAYMENT))
                // (Optional) HTML standard button variables
                buttonVars.Add("subtotal=" + subTotal.Value);
            else if (selectedButtonType.Equals(ButtonTypeType.SUBSCRIBE))
                // (Optional) HTML standard button variables
                buttonVars.Add("a3=" + subAmt.Value);
                buttonVars.Add("p3=" + subPeriod.Value);
                buttonVars.Add("t3=" + subInterval.SelectedValue);

            // Invoke the API
            BMCreateButtonReq wrapper = new BMCreateButtonReq();

            wrapper.BMCreateButtonRequest = request;

            // Configuration map containing signature credentials and other required configuration.
            // For a full list of configuration parameters refer in wiki page
            // (
            Dictionary <string, string> configurationMap = Configuration.GetAcctAndConfig();

            // Creating service wrapper object to make an API call by loading configuration map.
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service  = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService(configurationMap);
            BMCreateButtonResponseType       response = service.BMCreateButton(wrapper);

            // Check for API return status
            setKeyResponseObjects(service, response);