public ActionResult Edit(int Id)
            ViewBag.HeaderText = "Modify Policy";
            obj      = BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.GetSingleRecordById(Id);
            obj.Mode = "Edit";
            if (obj.dtValidFrom != null)
                obj.validfrom = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", obj.dtValidFrom);
            if (obj.dtValidTo != null)
                obj.validTo = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", obj.dtValidTo);

            return(PartialView("CancellationPolicy", obj));
        public string UpdateStatus(int Id, bool Mode)
            object result    = null;
            string strReturn = string.Empty;

                obj = BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.GetSingleRecordById(Id);
                if (Mode == true)
                    obj.cStatus = "A";
                    obj.cStatus = "I";
                    string s = BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.CheckPolicyMapping(Id);
                    if (s != "")
                        result    = new { st = 0, msg = s };
                        strReturn = OneFineRateAppUtil.clsUtils.ConvertToJson(result);
                int i = BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.UpdateRecord(obj);
                if (i == 1)
                    result = new { st = 1, msg = "Updated successfully." };
                    result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." };
            catch (Exception)
                result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." };
            strReturn = OneFineRateAppUtil.clsUtils.ConvertToJson(result);
        public ActionResult AddUpdate(etblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap eObj)
            object result = null;

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    eObj.dtValidFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(eObj.validfrom);
                    eObj.dtValidTo   = Convert.ToDateTime(eObj.validTo);

                    if (eObj.bIsNonRefundable == false)
                        if (eObj.dValue.Value < 0)
                            result = new { st = 0, msg = "Charge cannot be negative." };
                            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        if (eObj.dValue.Value > 100)
                            result = new { st = 0, msg = "Charge cannot be more than 100." };
                            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        if (eObj.dHrsDays.Value < 0)
                            result = new { st = 0, msg = "Cancellation duration cannot be negative." };
                            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        if (eObj.dValue.Value > 100)
                            result = new { st = 0, msg = "Cancellation duration cannot be more than 100." };
                            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        string charrgetype = eObj.bIsPercent == true ? "%" : "Nights";
                        string arrival     = eObj.cHrsDays == "Hrs" ? "Hours" : "Days";
                        eObj.sPolicyName = eObj.dValue.Value.ToString().Replace(".00", "") + "" + charrgetype + " - " + eObj.dHrsDays + "" + arrival;
                        eObj.sPolicyName = "Non-Refundable";

                    if (eObj.Mode == "Add")
                        eObj.iPropId      = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PropId"]);
                        eObj.dtActionDate = DateTime.Now;
                        eObj.cStatus      = "A";

                        eObj.iActionBy = ((OneFineRateBLL.BL_Login.UserDetails)Session["UserDetails"]).iUserId;
                        if (BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.CheckIfPolicyNameExists(eObj.sPolicyName, eObj.iPropId))
                            result = new { st = 0, msg = "Policy Name already exists." };
                            int j = BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.AddRecord(eObj);
                            if (j == 1)
                                result = new { st = 1, msg = "Added successfully." };
                                result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." };
                    else if (eObj.Mode == "Edit")
                        if (BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.CheckIfPolicyNameExistsOnUpdate(eObj.sPolicyName.Replace(".00", ""), eObj.iCancellationPolicyId, eObj.iPropId))
                            result = new { st = 0, msg = "This Policy Name already exists." };
                            int j = BL_tblPropertyCancellationPolicyMap.UpdateRecord(eObj);
                            if (j == 1)
                                result = new { st = 1, msg = "Updated successfully." };
                                result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." };
                    result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." };
            catch (Exception)
                result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." };
            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));