Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ChkAdminLevel("coupon_list", Vincent._DTcms.DTEnums.ActionEnum.Delete.ToString()); //检查权限
            int sucCount   = 0;
            int errorCount = 0;

            BLL.user_coupon bll = new BLL.user_coupon();
            for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++)
                int      id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value);
                CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("chkId");
                if (cb.Checked)
                    if (bll.Delete(id))
                        sucCount += 1;
                        errorCount += 1;
            AddAdminLog(Vincent._DTcms.DTEnums.ActionEnum.Delete.ToString(), "删除优惠券成功" + sucCount + "条,失败" + errorCount + "条"); //记录日志
            JscriptMsg("删除成功" + sucCount + "条,失败" + errorCount + "条!", Vincent._DTcms.Utils.CombUrlTxt("coupon_list.aspx", "status={0}&coupon_stype={1}&keywords={2}",
                                                                                                       this.status.ToString(), this.coupon_stype.ToString(), this.keywords), "Success");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool DoAdd()
            bool result = true;

            Model.user_coupon model = new Model.user_coupon();
            BLL.user_coupon   bll   = new BLL.user_coupon();

            model.title      = txtTitle.Text.Trim();
            model.remark     = txtRemark.Text.Trim();
            model.type       = RadioBut1.Checked == true ? "平台优惠券" : "品牌优惠券";
            model.amount     = Convert.ToDecimal(txtDecimal.Text);
            model.start_time = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartTime.Text);
            model.end_time   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndTime.Text);
            int    num = Convert.ToInt32(txtNum.Text);
            string st  = "";

            for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
                st = i.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0');//补齐优惠券的位数
                string str_code = txtStrCode.Text + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + st;
                model.str_code = Vincent._MD5Encrypt.GetMD5(str_code);
                if (bll.Add(model) > 0)
                    result = true;
            AddAdminLog(Vincent._DTcms.DTEnums.ActionEnum.Add.ToString(), "发布了" + num + "张优惠券:");//记录日志
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void couponBind()
            BLL.user_coupon bll = new BLL.user_coupon();
            DataTable       dt  = bll.GetList(" datediff(dd,end_time,'" + DateTime.Now + "')<0", " id").Tables[0];

            this.ddlGroupId.Items.Add(new ListItem("请选择...", ""));
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                string Id    = dr["id"].ToString();
                string Title = dr["title"].ToString().Trim();
                this.ddlGroupId.Items.Add(new ListItem(Title, Id));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected string GetCouponStatus(int _id)
            string _title = string.Empty;

            Model.user_coupon model = new BLL.user_coupon().GetModel(_id);
            switch (model.status)
            case 1:
                _title = "未使用";

            case 2: _title = "已使用";

            case 3: _title = "已过期";

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby)
            this.page = Vincent._DTcms.DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1);
            if (this.status > 0)
                this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue = this.status.ToString();
            if (this.coupon_stype > 0)
                this.ddlPaymentStatus.SelectedValue = this.coupon_stype.ToString();
            txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords;
            BLL.user_coupon bll = new BLL.user_coupon();
            this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount);

            txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString();
            string pageUrl = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.CombUrlTxt("coupon_list.aspx", "status={0}&coupon_stype={1}&page={2}&page={3}",
                                                             this.status.ToString(), this.coupon_stype.ToString(), this.keywords, "__id__");

            PageContent.InnerHtml = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取订单总金额
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="total_amount"></param>
        protected void getTotalAmount()
            total_amount  = 0M;
            coupon_amount = 0M;
            refund_amount = 0M;
            if (datetime == null)
                BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders();
                DataTable  dt;
                if (this.outlet_id > 0)
                    dt = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99 and store_id=" + this.outlet_id, " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];
                else if (this.city_id > 0)
                    BLL.openarea   open    = new BLL.openarea();
                    Model.openarea openm   = open.GetModel(this.city_id);
                    StringBuilder  strTemp = new StringBuilder();
                    if (openm != null)
                        BLL.outlet outlet = new BLL.outlet();
                        DataTable  dts    = outlet.GetList(0, " city='" + openm.city + "'", " id").Tables[0];
                        if (dts.Rows.Count > 0)
                            StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder();
                            string        ss = string.Empty;
                            foreach (DataRow item in dts.Rows)
                                st.Append(item["id"] + ",");
                            if (st.ToString().Trim() != "(")
                                ss = DelLastComma(st.ToString().Trim());
                            strTemp.Append(" and store_id in" + ss + ")");
                            strTemp.Append(" and store_id in(null)");
                    dt = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99" + strTemp, " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];
                    dt = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99", " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    total_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                    if (row["refund_status"].ToString() != "" && int.Parse(row["refund_status"].ToString()) == 3) //统计退款
                        refund_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                    BLL.user_coupon_log couponbll = new BLL.user_coupon_log();//统计优惠券
                    if (row["str_code"].ToString() != "")
                        Model.user_coupon_log couponmodel = couponbll.GetModel(row["str_code"].ToString());
                        if (couponmodel != null && couponmodel.status == 2)
                            BLL.user_coupon   copbl = new BLL.user_coupon();
                            Model.user_coupon copmo = copbl.GetModel(couponmodel.coupon_id);
                            if (copmo != null)
                                if (copmo.amount > decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString()))
                                    coupon_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                                    coupon_amount += copmo.amount;
                BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders();

                DataTable dt;
                if (this.outlet_id > 0)
                    dt = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99 and store_id=" + this.outlet_id, " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];
                    dt = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99", " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];

                //DataTable dt = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99 and datediff(dd,add_time,'" + datetime + "')=0", " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    total_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                    if (row["refund_status"].ToString() != "" && int.Parse(row["refund_status"].ToString()) == 3)
                        refund_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                    BLL.user_coupon_log couponbll = new BLL.user_coupon_log();//统计优惠券
                    if (row["str_code"].ToString() != "")
                        Model.user_coupon_log couponmodel = couponbll.GetModel(row["str_code"].ToString());
                        if (couponmodel != null && couponmodel.status == 2)
                            BLL.user_coupon   copbl = new BLL.user_coupon();
                            Model.user_coupon copmo = copbl.GetModel(couponmodel.coupon_id);
                            if (copmo != null)
                                if (copmo.amount > decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString()))
                                    coupon_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                                    coupon_amount += copmo.amount;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取订单总金额
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="total_amount"></param>
 protected void getTotalAmount()
     total_amount  = 0M;
     coupon_amount = 0M;
     refund_amount = 0M;
     if (date == null || date == "")
         BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders();
         DataTable  dt  = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99", " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];
         foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
             total_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
             if (row["refund_status"].ToString() != "" && int.Parse(row["refund_status"].ToString()) == 3) //统计退款
                 refund_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
             BLL.user_coupon_log couponbll = new BLL.user_coupon_log();//统计优惠券
             if (row["str_code"].ToString() != "")
                 Model.user_coupon_log couponmodel = couponbll.GetModel(row["str_code"].ToString());
                 if (couponmodel != null && couponmodel.status == 2)
                     BLL.user_coupon   copbl = new BLL.user_coupon();
                     Model.user_coupon copmo = copbl.GetModel(couponmodel.coupon_id);
                     if (copmo != null)
                         if (copmo.amount > decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString()))
                             coupon_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                             coupon_amount += copmo.amount;
         BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders();
         DataTable  dt  = bll.GetOrderAmount(0, " status!=1 and status!=99 and datediff(dd,add_time,'" + date + "')=0", " add_time desc,id desc").Tables[0];
         foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
             total_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
             if (row["refund_status"].ToString() != "" && int.Parse(row["refund_status"].ToString()) == 3)
                 refund_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
             BLL.user_coupon_log couponbll = new BLL.user_coupon_log();//统计优惠券
             if (row["str_code"].ToString() != "")
                 Model.user_coupon_log couponmodel = couponbll.GetModel(row["str_code"].ToString());
                 if (couponmodel != null && couponmodel.status == 2)
                     BLL.user_coupon   copbl = new BLL.user_coupon();
                     Model.user_coupon copmo = copbl.GetModel(couponmodel.coupon_id);
                     if (copmo != null)
                         if (copmo.amount > decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString()))
                             coupon_amount += decimal.Parse(row["order_amount"].ToString());
                             coupon_amount += copmo.amount;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public string SubmitOrder(string goods, string addressId, string expressId, string totalprice, string bill_type, string bill_rise, string down_order, string coupon_no, string store_name, string store_address, string store_id, string user_id, string remark)
            string returnvalue = "";

            Model.orders model = new Model.orders();
            BLL.orders   bll   = new BLL.orders();

            var j = 0;

            BLL.user_coupon   couponbll = new BLL.user_coupon();
            Model.user_coupon coupon    = null;
            if (coupon_no != "")
                coupon = couponbll.GetModel(" str_code='" + coupon_no + "'");
                if (coupon == null)
                    j = 1;
                    if (DateTime.Compare(coupon.end_time, DateTime.Now) <= 0)
                        j = 2;
                    if (coupon.status == 2)
                        j = 3;
            if (j == 1)
                return(returnvalue = "{\"status\":0,\"msg\":\"优惠券编码输入有误!\"}");
            if (j == 2)
                return(returnvalue = "{\"status\":0,\"msg\":\"优惠券已经过期!\"}");
            if (j == 3)
                return(returnvalue = "{\"status\":0,\"msg\":\"优惠券已使用!\"}");

            BLL.users   bll1     = new BLL.users();
            Model.users userinfo = bll1.GetModel(int.Parse(user_id));

            if (addressId != "0")//快递收货
                Model.user_address modelAddress = new BLL.user_address().GetModel(int.Parse(addressId));
                Model.express      modelExpress = new BLL.express().GetModel(int.Parse(expressId));

                model.order_no       = CreateOrderNo();
                model.accept_name    = modelAddress.acceptName;
                model.area           = modelAddress.id.ToString();
                model.mobile         = modelAddress.mobile;
                model.address        = modelAddress.address;
                model.post_code      = modelAddress.postcode.ToString();
                model.add_time       = DateTime.Now;
                model.user_id        = userinfo.id;
                model.user_name      = userinfo.user_name;
                model.express_id     = int.Parse(expressId);
                model.express_fee    = modelExpress.express_fee;
                model.express_status = 1;
                model.status         = 1;
                decimal real_amount = Decimal.Parse(totalprice) - modelExpress.express_fee;
                model.real_amount  = real_amount;
                model.order_amount = Decimal.Parse(totalprice);
                model.bill_type    = int.Parse(bill_type);
                if (int.Parse(bill_type) != 0)
                    model.is_bill = 1;
                model.invoice_rise = bill_rise;
                model.down_order   = down_order;
                model.remark       = remark;
                Model.express modelExpress = new BLL.express().GetModel(int.Parse(expressId));

                model.order_no       = CreateOrderNo();
                model.add_time       = DateTime.Now;
                model.user_id        = userinfo.id;
                model.user_name      = userinfo.user_name;
                model.express_id     = int.Parse(expressId);
                model.express_fee    = modelExpress.express_fee;
                model.express_status = 1;
                model.status         = 1;
                decimal real_amount = Decimal.Parse(totalprice) - modelExpress.express_fee;
                model.real_amount  = real_amount;
                model.order_amount = Decimal.Parse(totalprice);
                model.bill_type    = int.Parse(bill_type);
                if (int.Parse(bill_type) != 0)
                    model.is_bill = 1;
                model.invoice_rise  = bill_rise;
                model.down_order    = down_order;
                model.store_name    = store_name;
                model.store_address = store_address;
                model.store_id      = int.Parse(store_id);
                model.remark        = remark;

            var k = 0;
            var p = 0;

            if (coupon != null)
                decimal payamount = Decimal.Parse(totalprice) - coupon.amount;
                if (payamount > 0)
                    model.payable_amount = payamount;//实付款
                    model.str_code       = coupon_no;
                    model.payable_amount = 0M;//实付款
                    model.str_code       = coupon_no;
                    model.status         = 2;
                    model.payment_status = 2;
                    p = bll.Add(model);
                    k = 1;

            ////商品信息value="<%#Eval("id") %>|<%#Eval("type") %>|<%#Eval("price") %>|<%#Eval("quantity") %>|<%#Eval("weight") %>|<%#Eval("img_url") %>"

            List <Model.order_goods> list = new List <Model.order_goods>();

            string[] strArr = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.DelLastChar(goods, "&").Split('&');
            foreach (var item in strArr)
                string[]          strArr2    = item.Split('|');
                Model.order_goods modelGoods = new Model.order_goods();
                modelGoods.goods_id    = int.Parse(strArr2[0].ToString());
                modelGoods.goods_price = decimal.Parse(strArr2[1].ToString());
                modelGoods.quantity    = int.Parse(strArr2[2].ToString());
                modelGoods.goods_pic   = strArr2[3].ToString();
                modelGoods.goods_title = strArr2[4].ToString();

            model.order_goods = list;
            int orderId = bll.Add(model);

            BLL.user_coupon_log   cbll   = new BLL.user_coupon_log();
            Model.user_coupon_log cmodel = new Model.user_coupon_log();
            if (coupon != null)
                cmodel.user_id   = userinfo.id;
                cmodel.user_name = userinfo.user_name;
                cmodel.coupon_id = coupon.id;
                cmodel.str_code  = coupon.str_code;
                cmodel.order_id  = orderId;
                cmodel.order_no  = model.order_no;
                cmodel.add_time  = coupon.add_time;
                cmodel.use_time  = DateTime.Now;
                cmodel.status    = 1;

            if (k == 1 && p > 0)
                cmodel.status = 2;

                return(returnvalue = "{\"status\":3,\"msg\":\"订单提交成功!\"}");

            if (orderId > 0)
                if (coupon != null)

                return(returnvalue = "{\"status\":1,\"msg\":\"订单提交成功,请付款!\",\"orderId\":" + orderId + "}");

                if (coupon != null)

                return(returnvalue = "{\"status\":0,\"msg\":\"订单提交失败,请重新提交订单!\"}");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ChkAdminLevel("issue_coupon", Vincent._DTcms.DTEnums.ActionEnum.Add.ToString()); //检查权限
            if (ddlGroupId.SelectedValue == "")
                JscriptMsg("请选择优惠券类型!", "", "Error");

            if (txtSmsContent.Text.Trim() == "")
                JscriptMsg("请输入短信内容!", "", "Error");
            if (rblSmsType.SelectedValue == "1")
                if (txtMobileNumbers.Text.Trim() == "")
                    JscriptMsg("请输入手机号码!", "", "Error");

                string[]  oldMobileArr = txtMobileNumbers.Text.Trim().Split(',');//将手机号存入数组
                DataTable dt           = new BLL.user_coupon().GetList(0, " title='" + ddlGroupId.SelectedValue + "' and status!=2 and status!=4", " id").Tables[0];
                if (dt.Rows.Count < 0)
                    JscriptMsg("没有可发放的优惠券!", "", "Error");
                if (oldMobileArr.Length > dt.Rows.Count)
                    JscriptMsg("该类型优惠券数量不够!", "", "Error");
                for (int i = 0; i < oldMobileArr.Length; i++)
                    Model.users model = new BLL.users().GetModelMobile(oldMobileArr[i]);
                    if (model != null)
                        Model.user_coupon couponm = new BLL.user_coupon().GetModel(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()));
                        couponm.userid = model.id;
                        couponm.status = 4;
                        new BLL.user_coupon().Update(couponm);

                string msg    = string.Empty;
                bool   result = new BLL.sms_message().Send(txtMobileNumbers.Text.Trim(), txtSmsContent.Text.Trim(), 2, out msg);
                if (result)
                    AddAdminLog(Vincent._DTcms.DTEnums.ActionEnum.Add.ToString(), "发送手机短信"); //记录日志
                    JscriptMsg(msg, "../coupon/coupon_list.aspx", "Success");
                JscriptMsg(msg, "", "Error");
                ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < cblGroupId.Items.Count; i++)
                    if (cblGroupId.Items[i].Selected)
                if (al.Count < 1)
                    JscriptMsg("请选择会员组别!", "", "Error");
                string _mobiles = GetGroupMobile(al);

                string[]  oldMobileArr = _mobiles.Split(',');//将手机号存入数组
                DataTable dt           = new BLL.user_coupon().GetList(0, " title='" + ddlGroupId.SelectedValue + "' and status!=2 and status!=4", " id").Tables[0];
                if (dt.Rows.Count < 0)
                    JscriptMsg("没有可发放的优惠券!", "", "Error");
                if (oldMobileArr.Length > dt.Rows.Count)
                    JscriptMsg("该类型优惠券数量不够!", "", "Error");
                for (int i = 0; i < oldMobileArr.Length; i++)
                    Model.users model = new BLL.users().GetModelMobile(oldMobileArr[i]);
                    if (model != null)
                        Model.user_coupon couponm = new BLL.user_coupon().GetModel(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()));
                        couponm.userid = model.id;
                        couponm.status = 4;
                        new BLL.user_coupon().Update(couponm);

                string msg    = string.Empty;
                bool   result = new BLL.sms_message().Send(_mobiles, txtSmsContent.Text.Trim(), 2, out msg);
                if (result)
                    AddAdminLog(Vincent._DTcms.DTEnums.ActionEnum.Add.ToString(), "发送手机短信"); //记录日志
                    JscriptMsg(msg, "issue_coupon.aspx", "Success");
                JscriptMsg(msg, "", "Error");