Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Momentum equations for the w wind component - algebraic mixing lenght model
        /// </summary>
        public static void Calculate(int IS, int JS, float Cmueh, float VISHMIN, float AREAxy, float building_Z0, float relax)
            Vector <float> DXK_V     = new Vector <float>(Program.DXK);
            Vector <float> DYK_V     = new Vector <float>(Program.DYK);
            Vector <float> VISHMIN_V = new Vector <float>(VISHMIN);
            Vector <float> AREAxy_V  = new Vector <float>(AREAxy);

            Parallel.For(2, Program.NII, Program.pOptions, i1 =>
                int KKART_LL, Vert_Index_LL;
                Span <float> PIMW   = stackalloc float [Program.KADVMAX + 1];
                Span <float> QIMW   = stackalloc float [Program.KADVMAX + 1];
                Span <float> Mask   = stackalloc float [SIMD];
                Span <float> AIM_A  = stackalloc float [SIMD];
                Span <float> BIM_A  = stackalloc float [SIMD];
                Span <float> CIM_A  = stackalloc float [SIMD];
                Span <float> DIMW_A = stackalloc float [SIMD];

                Vector <float> DUDZE, DUDZW, DVDZN, DVDZS, DWDZT, DWDZB;
                Vector <float> DE, DW, DS, DN, DT, DB;
                Vector <float> FE, FW, FS, FN, FT, FB;
                Vector <float> PE, PW, PS, PN, PT, PB;
                Vector <float> BIM, CIM, AE1, AW1, AS1, AN1, AIM;
                Vector <float> DIMW, windhilf;
                Vector <float> DDPZ;

                Vector <float> UKSim_LV, UKSimM_LV;
                Vector <float> VKSjm_LV, VKSjmM_LV;

                Vector <float> WKS_V, VKS_V, UKS_V, DZK_V;
                Vector <float> DXKDZK, DYKDZK, AP0_V, intern, intern2;

                Vector <float> VIS, zs, mixL;
                Vector <float> HOKART_KKART;

                Vector <float> Mask_V = Vector <float> .Zero;
                Vector <float> DUDZ, DVDZ;

                Vector <float> UKS_M_V, VKS_M_V, WK_LV;

                float Ustern_terrain_helpterm, Ustern_obstacles_helpterm;

                int i = i1;
                if (IS == -1)
                    i = Program.NII - i1 + 1;

                for (int j1 = 2; j1 < Program.NJJ; ++j1)
                    int j = j1;
                    if (JS == -1)
                        j = Program.NJJ - j1 + 1;

                    if (Program.ADVDOM[i][j] == 1)
                        int jM1 = j - 1;
                        int jP1 = j + 1;
                        int iM1 = i - 1;
                        int iP1 = i + 1;

                        Single[] WK_L     = Program.WK[i][j];
                        Single[] WKim_L   = Program.WK[iM1][j];
                        Single[] WKip_L   = Program.WK[iP1][j];
                        Single[] WKjm_L   = Program.WK[i][jM1];
                        Single[] WKjp_L   = Program.WK[i][jP1];
                        Single[] UKS_L    = Program.UKS[i][j];
                        Single[] VKS_L    = Program.VKS[i][j];
                        Single[] WKS_L    = Program.WKS[i][j];
                        Single[] DPMNEW_L = Program.DPMNEW[i][j];
                        Single[] VKim_L   = Program.VK[iM1][j];
                        Single[] VKip_L   = Program.VK[iP1][j];
                        Single[] VKjm_L   = Program.VK[i][jM1];
                        Single[] VKjp_L   = Program.VK[i][jP1];
                        Single[] UKSim_L  = Program.UKS[iM1][j];
                        Single[] UKSip_L  = Program.UKS[iP1][j];
                        Single[] VKSjm_L  = Program.VKS[i][jM1];
                        Single[] VKSjp_L  = Program.VKS[i][jP1];

                        Single[] UK_L = Program.UK[i][j];
                        Single[] VK_L = Program.VK[i][j];

                        KKART_LL                  = Program.KKART[i][j];
                        Vert_Index_LL             = Program.VerticalIndex[i][j];
                        Ustern_terrain_helpterm   = Program.UsternTerrainHelpterm[i][j];
                        Ustern_obstacles_helpterm = Program.UsternObstaclesHelpterm[i][j];
                        bool ADVDOM_JM            = (Program.ADVDOM[i][jM1] < 1) || (j == 2);
                        bool ADVDOM_JP            = (Program.ADVDOM[i][jP1] < 1) || (j == Program.NJJ - 1);
                        bool ADVDOM_IM            = (Program.ADVDOM[iM1][j] < 1) || (i == 2);
                        bool ADVDOM_IP            = (Program.ADVDOM[iP1][j] < 1) || (i == Program.NII - 1);

                        Single[] VEG_L = Program.VEG[i][j];
                        Single COV_L   = Program.COV[i][j];

                        HOKART_KKART = new Vector <float>(Program.HOKART[KKART_LL]);

                        int KSTART = 1;
                        if (Program.CUTK[i][j] == 0)
                            KSTART = KKART_LL + 1;

                        int KKART_LL_P1 = KKART_LL + 1;

                        int KEND   = Vert_Index_LL + 1;
                        bool end   = false; // flag for the last loop
                        int k_real = 0;

                        for (int k = KSTART; k < KEND; k += SIMD)
                            // to compute the top levels - reduce k, remember k_real and set end to true
                            k_real = k;
                            if (k > KEND - SIMD)
                                k   = KEND - SIMD;
                                end = true;
                            int kM1 = k - 1;
                            int kP1 = k + 1;

                            WKS_V = new Vector <float>(WKS_L, k);
                            VKS_V = new Vector <float>(VKS_L, k);
                            UKS_V = new Vector <float>(UKS_L, k);

                            DZK_V = new Vector <float>(Program.DZK, k);

                            DXKDZK = DXK_V * DZK_V;
                            DYKDZK = DYK_V * DZK_V;

                            UKS_M_V = new Vector <float>(UKS_L, kM1);
                            VKS_M_V = new Vector <float>(VKS_L, kM1);

                            //turbulence modelling
                            zs = new Vector <float>(Program.HOKART, k) - HOKART_KKART - DZK_V * Vect_05;

                            VIS = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            // Create Mask if KKART_LL is between k and k + SIMD
                            bool mask_v_enable = false;
                            if (KKART_LL_P1 >= k && KKART_LL_P1 < (k + SIMD))
                                for (int ii = 0; ii < Mask.Length; ++ii)
                                    if ((k + ii) > KKART_LL_P1)
                                        Mask[ii] = 1;
                                        Mask[ii] = 0;
                                Mask_V        = new Vector <float>(Mask);
                                mask_v_enable = true;

                            if ((k + SIMD) > KKART_LL_P1)
                                //k-eps model
                                //float VIS = (float)Math.Sqrt(TURB_L[k]) * zs * Cmueh;

                                //mixing-length model
                                mixL = Vector.Min(Vect_0071 * zs, Vect_100);

                                //adapted mixing-leng th within vegetation layers
                                if (COV_L > 0)
                                    mixL *= (Vect_1 - Vect_099 * new Vector <float>(COV_L));
                                    //mixL = (float)Math.Min(0.071 * Math.Max(1 - Math.Min(2 * VEG_L[kM1], 1), 0.05) * zs, 100);

                                intern = (new Vector <float>(UK_L, kP1) - new Vector <float>(UK_L, kM1)) / (Vect_2 * DZK_V);
                                DUDZ   = intern * intern;

                                intern = (new Vector <float>(VK_L, kP1) - new Vector <float>(VK_L, kM1)) / (Vect_2 * DZK_V);
                                DVDZ   = intern * intern;

                                if (mask_v_enable)
                                    VIS = Vector.Min(mixL * mixL * Vector.SquareRoot(Vect_05 * (DUDZ + DVDZ)), Vect_15) * Mask_V;
                                    VIS = Vector.Min(mixL * mixL * Vector.SquareRoot(Vect_05 * (DUDZ + DVDZ)), Vect_15);

                            DE = Vector.Max(VIS, VISHMIN_V) * DYKDZK / DXK_V;
                            DW = DE;
                            DS = Vector.Max(VIS, VISHMIN_V) * DXKDZK / DYK_V;
                            DN = DS;
                            DT = Vector.Max(VIS, VISHMIN_V) * AREAxy_V / DZK_V;
                            DB = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            if (mask_v_enable)
                                DB = DT * Mask_V;
                            else if (k > KKART_LL_P1) // otherwise k < KKART_LL_P1 and DB=0!
                                DB = DT;

                            if (ADVDOM_JM)
                                DS = Vector <float> .Zero;
                            if (ADVDOM_JP)
                                DN = Vector <float> .Zero;
                            if (ADVDOM_IM)
                                DW = Vector <float> .Zero;
                            if (ADVDOM_IP)
                                DE = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            //ADVECTION TERMS
                            UKSim_LV  = new Vector <float>(UKSim_L, k);
                            UKSimM_LV = new Vector <float>(UKSim_L, kM1);
                            VKSjm_LV  = new Vector <float>(VKSjm_L, k);
                            VKSjmM_LV = new Vector <float>(VKSjm_L, kM1);

                            FE = Vect_025 * (UKS_V + new Vector <float>(UKSip_L, k) + UKS_M_V + new Vector <float>(UKSip_L, kM1)) * DYKDZK;
                            FW = Vect_025 * (UKS_V + UKSim_LV + UKS_M_V + UKSimM_LV) * DYKDZK;
                            FS = Vect_025 * (VKS_V + VKSjm_LV + VKS_M_V + VKSjmM_LV) * DXKDZK;
                            FN = Vect_025 * (VKS_V + new Vector <float>(VKSjp_L, k) + VKS_M_V + new Vector <float>(VKSjp_L, kM1)) * DXKDZK;
                            FT = WKS_V * AREAxy_V;
                            FB = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            if (mask_v_enable)
                                FB = new Vector <float>(WKS_L, kM1) * AREAxy_V * Mask_V;
                            else if (k > KKART_LL_P1) // otherwise k < KKART_LL_P1 and FB=0!
                                FB = new Vector <float>(WKS_L, kM1) * AREAxy_V;

                            //PECLET NUMBERS
                            DE = Vector.Max(DE, Vect_0001);
                            DB = Vector.Max(DB, Vect_0001);
                            DW = Vector.Max(DW, Vect_0001);
                            DS = Vector.Max(DS, Vect_0001);
                            DN = Vector.Max(DN, Vect_0001);
                            DT = Vector.Max(DT, Vect_0001);

                            PE = Vector.Abs(FE / DE);
                            PB = Vector.Abs(FB / DB);
                            PW = Vector.Abs(FW / DW);
                            PS = Vector.Abs(FS / DS);
                            PN = Vector.Abs(FN / DN);
                            PT = Vector.Abs(FT / DT);

                            //POWER LAW ADVECTION SCHEME
                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PT;
                            BIM    = DT * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(-FT, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PB;
                            CIM    = DB * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(FB, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PE;
                            AE1    = DE * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(-FE, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PW;
                            AW1    = DW * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(FW, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PS;
                            AS1    = DS * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(FS, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PN;
                            AN1    = DN * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(-FN, Vect_0);

                            //UPWIND SCHEME

                             *  double BIM = DT + Program.fl_max(-FT, 0);
                             *  double CIM = DB + Program.fl_max(FB, 0);
                             *  double AE1 = DE + Program.fl_max(-FE, 0);
                             *  double AW1 = DW + Program.fl_max(FW, 0);
                             *  double AS1 = DS + Program.fl_max(FS, 0);
                             *  double AN1 = DN + Program.fl_max(-FN, 0);

                            AP0_V = new Vector <float>(PrognosticFlowfield.AP0, k);

                            AIM = BIM + CIM + AW1 + AS1 + AE1 + AN1 + AP0_V;

                            //SOURCE TERMS
                            intern2 = Vect_05 * (VKSjm_LV + VKS_V);
                            intern  = Vect_05 * (UKSim_LV + UKS_V);

                            windhilf = Vector.Max(Vector.SquareRoot(intern * intern + intern2 * intern2), Vect_001);

                            DDPZ = new Vector <float>(DPMNEW_L, kM1) - new Vector <float>(DPMNEW_L, k);

                            WK_LV = new Vector <float>(WK_L, k);

                            DIMW = AW1 * new Vector <float>(WKim_L, k) +
                                   AS1 * new Vector <float>(WKjm_L, k) +
                                   AE1 * new Vector <float>(WKip_L, k) +
                                   AN1 * new Vector <float>(WKjp_L, k) +
                                   AP0_V * Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(WKS_L, kM1) + WKS_V) +
                                   DDPZ * AREAxy_V -
                                   new Vector <float>(VEG_L, kM1) * WK_LV * windhilf * AREAxy_V * DZK_V;

                            //additional terms of the eddy-viscosity model
                            if (k > KKART_LL_P1)
                                DUDZE = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(UKS_L, kP1) + UKS_V) - Vect_05 * (UKS_V + UKS_M_V)) * DYKDZK;
                                DUDZW = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(UKSim_L, kP1) + UKSim_LV) - Vect_05 * (UKSim_LV + UKSimM_LV)) * DYKDZK;
                                DVDZN = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(VKS_L, kP1) + VKS_V) - Vect_05 * (VKS_V + VKS_M_V)) * DXKDZK;
                                DVDZS = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(VKSjm_L, kP1) + VKSjm_LV) - Vect_05 * (VKSjm_LV + VKSjmM_LV)) * DXKDZK;
                                DWDZT = (new Vector <float>(WK_L, kP1) - WK_LV) * AREAxy_V;
                                DWDZB = (WK_LV - new Vector <float>(WK_L, kM1)) * AREAxy_V;

                                if (mask_v_enable) // compute ADD_DIFF and add to DIMW
                                    DIMW += VIS / DZK_V * (DUDZE - DUDZW + DVDZN - DVDZS + DWDZT - DWDZB) * Mask_V;
                                    DIMW += VIS / DZK_V * (DUDZE - DUDZW + DVDZN - DVDZS + DWDZT - DWDZB);

                            //RECURRENCE FORMULA
                            int kint_s = 0;
                            if (end) // restore original indices
                                kint_s  = k_real - k;
                                k_real -= kint_s;


                            for (int kint = kint_s; kint < AIM_A.Length; ++kint) // loop over all SIMD values
                                int index_i = k_real + kint;

                                if (index_i < KEND)
                                    if (index_i > KKART_LL_P1)
                                        float TERMP   = 1 / (AIM_A[kint] - CIM_A[kint] * PIMW[index_i - 1]);
                                        PIMW[index_i] = BIM_A[kint] * TERMP;
                                        QIMW[index_i] = (DIMW_A[kint] + CIM_A[kint] * QIMW[index_i - 1]) * TERMP;
                                        float TERMP   = 1 / AIM_A[kint];
                                        PIMW[index_i] = BIM_A[kint] * TERMP;
                                        QIMW[index_i] = DIMW_A[kint] * TERMP;

                            if (end)
                                k = KEND + 1;
                        } // loop over all k

                        //OBTAIN NEW W-COMPONENTS
                        for (int k = Vert_Index_LL; k >= KSTART; --k)
                            WK_L[k] += relax * (PIMW[k] * WK_L[k + 1] + QIMW[k] - WK_L[k]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Momentum equations for the u wind component - algebraic mixing lenght model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IS">ADI direction for x cells</param>
        /// <param name="JS">ADI direction for y cells</param>
        /// <param name="Cmueh">Constant</param>
        /// <param name="VISHMIN">Minimum horizontal turbulent exchange coefficients </param>
        /// <param name="AREAxy">Area of a flow field cell</param>
        /// <param name="UG">Geostrophic wind</param>
        /// <param name="building_Z0">Roughness of buildings</param>
        /// <param name="relax">Relaxation factor</param>
        public static void Calculate(int IS, int JS, float Cmueh, float VISHMIN, float AREAxy, Single UG, float relax)
            float          DXK = Program.DXK; float DYK = Program.DYK;
            Vector <float> DXK_V     = new Vector <float>(DXK);
            Vector <float> DYK_V     = new Vector <float>(DYK);
            Vector <float> VISHMIN_V = new Vector <float>(VISHMIN);
            Vector <float> AREAxy_V  = new Vector <float>(AREAxy);
            Vector <float> UG_V      = new Vector <float>(UG);

            Parallel.For(3, Program.NII, Program.pOptions, i1 =>
                Span <float> PIMU   = stackalloc float[Program.KADVMAX + 1];
                Span <float> QIMU   = stackalloc float[Program.KADVMAX + 1];
                Span <float> Mask   = stackalloc float[SIMD];
                Span <float> Mask2  = stackalloc float[SIMD];
                Span <float> AIM_A  = stackalloc float[SIMD];
                Span <float> BIM_A  = stackalloc float[SIMD];
                Span <float> CIM_A  = stackalloc float[SIMD];
                Span <float> DIMU_A = stackalloc float[SIMD];

                Vector <float> DVDXN, DVDXS, DUDXE, DUDXW, DWDXT, DWDXB;
                Vector <float> DE, DW, DS, DN, DT, DB;
                Vector <float> FE, FW, FS, FN, FT, FB;
                Vector <float> PE, PW, PS, PN, PT, PB;
                Vector <float> BIM, CIM, AE1, AW1, AS1, AN1, AIM;
                Vector <float> DIM_U, windhilf;
                Vector <float> DDPX;

                Vector <float> UKSim_LV;
                Vector <float> VKSjm_LV, WKSim_LV, WKSimM_LV, WKSkM_LV;

                Vector <float> VKSimjm_LV, VKSimjp_LV, VKSjp_LV, UKip_LV, VKSim_LV;

                Vector <float> WKS_V, VKS_V, UKS_V, DZK_V;
                Vector <float> DXKDZK, DYKDZK, AP0_V, intern, intern2;

                Vector <float> VIS, zs, mixL;
                Vector <float> UK_LV, UKim_LV;
                Vector <float> HOKART_KKART_V;

                Vector <float> Mask_V = Vector <float> .Zero;
                Vector <float> DUDZ, DVDZ;

                int i = i1;
                if (IS == -1)
                    i = Program.NII - i1 + 1;

                for (int j1 = 2; j1 <= Program.NJJ - 1; ++j1)
                    int j = j1;
                    if (JS == -1)
                        j = Program.NJJ - j1 + 1;

                    if (Program.ADVDOM[i][j] == 1)
                        //inside a prognostic sub d omain
                        int jM1 = j - 1;
                        int jP1 = j + 1;
                        int iM1 = i - 1;
                        int iP1 = i + 1;

                        Single[] UK_L       = Program.UK[i][j];
                        Single[] UKS_L      = Program.UKS[i][j];
                        Single[] VKS_L      = Program.VKS[i][j];
                        Single[] WKS_L      = Program.WKS[i][j];
                        Single[] DPMNEW_L   = Program.DPMNEW[i][j];
                        Single[] UKim_L     = Program.UK[iM1][j];
                        Single[] UKip_L     = Program.UK[iP1][j];
                        Single[] UKjm_L     = Program.UK[i][jM1];
                        Single[] UKjp_L     = Program.UK[i][jP1];
                        Single[] UKSim_L    = Program.UKS[iM1][j];
                        Single[] VKSim_L    = Program.VKS[iM1][j];
                        Single[] VKSimjm_L  = Program.VKS[iM1][jM1];
                        Single[] VKSjm_L    = Program.VKS[i][jM1];
                        Single[] VKSimjp_L  = Program.VKS[iM1][jP1];
                        Single[] VKSjp_L    = Program.VKS[i][jP1];
                        Single[] WKSim_L    = Program.WKS[iM1][j];
                        Single[] DPMNEWim_L = Program.DPMNEW[iM1][j];

                        Single[] VKSipjp_L = Program.VKS[iP1][jP1];
                        Single[] VKSipjm_L = Program.VKS[iP1][jM1];
                        Single[] WKSip_L   = Program.WK[iP1][j];
                        Single[] VK_L      = Program.VK[i][j];

                        int Vert_Index_LL               = Program.VerticalIndex[i][j];
                        float Ustern_terrain_helpterm   = Program.UsternTerrainHelpterm[i][j];
                        float Ustern_obstacles_helpterm = Program.UsternObstaclesHelpterm[i][j];
                        bool ADVDOM_JM = (Program.ADVDOM[i][jM1] < 1) || (j == 2);
                        bool ADVDOM_JP = (Program.ADVDOM[i][jP1] < 1) || (j == Program.NJJ - 1);
                        bool ADVDOM_IM = (Program.ADVDOM[iM1][j] < 1) || (i == 2);
                        bool ADVDOM_IP = (Program.ADVDOM[iP1][j] < 1) || (i == Program.NII - 1);

                        float CUTK_L   = Program.CUTK[i][j];
                        Single[] VEG_L = Program.VEG[i][j];
                        Single COV_L   = Program.COV[i][j];

                        float Z0 = Program.Z0;
                        if (Program.AdaptiveRoughnessMax < 0.01)
                            //Use GRAMM Roughness with terrain or Roughness from point 1,1 without terrain
                            int IUstern = 1;
                            int JUstern = 1;
                            if ((Program.Topo == 1) && (Program.LandUseAvailable == true))
                                double x    = i * Program.DXK + Program.GralWest;
                                double y    = j * Program.DYK + Program.GralSouth;
                                double xsi1 = x - Program.GrammWest;
                                double eta1 = y - Program.GrammSouth;
                                IUstern     = Math.Clamp((int)(xsi1 / Program.DDX[1]) + 1, 1, Program.NX);
                                JUstern     = Math.Clamp((int)(eta1 / Program.DDY[1]) + 1, 1, Program.NY);
                            Z0 = Program.Z0Gramm[IUstern][JUstern];
                            Z0 = Program.Z0Gral[i][j];

                        int KKART_LL   = Program.KKART[i][j];
                        HOKART_KKART_V = new Vector <float>(Program.HOKART[KKART_LL]);

                        int KSTART = 1;
                        if (CUTK_L == 0) // building heigth == 0 m
                            KSTART = KKART_LL + 1;

                        int KKART_LL_P1 = KKART_LL + 1;

                        int KEND   = Vert_Index_LL + 1; // simpify for-loop
                        bool end   = false;             // flag for the last loop
                        int k_real = 0;

                        for (int k = KSTART; k < KEND; k += SIMD)
                            // to compute the top levels - reduce k, remember k_real and set end to true
                            k_real = k;
                            if (k > KEND - SIMD)
                                k   = KEND - SIMD;
                                end = true;
                            int kM1 = k - 1;
                            int kP1 = k + 1;

                            WKS_V = new Vector <float>(WKS_L, k);
                            VKS_V = new Vector <float>(VKS_L, k);
                            UKS_V = new Vector <float>(UKS_L, k);

                            DZK_V = new Vector <float>(Program.DZK, k);

                            DXKDZK = DXK_V * DZK_V;
                            DYKDZK = DYK_V * DZK_V;

                            //turbulence modelling
                            zs = new Vector <float>(Program.HOKART, k) - HOKART_KKART_V - DZK_V * Vect_05;

                            VIS = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            // Create Mask if KKART_LL is between k and k + SIMD
                            bool mask_v_enable = false;
                            if (KKART_LL_P1 >= k && KKART_LL_P1 < (k + SIMD))
                                for (int ii = 0; ii < Mask.Length; ++ii)
                                    if ((k + ii) > KKART_LL_P1)
                                        Mask[ii] = 1;
                                        Mask[ii] = 0;
                                Mask_V        = new Vector <float>(Mask);
                                mask_v_enable = true;

                            if ((k + SIMD) > KKART_LL_P1)
                                //k-eps model
                                //float VIS = (float)Math.Sqrt(TURB_L[k]) * zs * Cmueh;

                                //mixing-length model
                                mixL = Vector.Min(Vect_0071 * zs, Vect_100);

                                //adapted mixing-leng th within vegetation layers
                                if (COV_L > 0)
                                    mixL *= (Vect_1 - Vect_099 * new Vector <float>(COV_L));
                                    //mixL = (float)Math.Min(0.071 * Math.Max(1 - Math.Min(2 * VEG_L[kM1], 1), 0.05) * zs, 100);

                                intern = (new Vector <float>(UK_L, kP1) - new Vector <float>(UK_L, kM1)) / (Vect_2 * DZK_V);
                                DUDZ   = intern * intern;

                                intern = (new Vector <float>(VK_L, kP1) - new Vector <float>(VK_L, kM1)) / (Vect_2 * DZK_V);
                                DVDZ   = intern * intern;

                                if (mask_v_enable)
                                    VIS = Vector.Min(mixL * mixL * Vector.SquareRoot(Vect_05 * (DUDZ + DVDZ)), Vect_15) * Mask_V;
                                    VIS = Vector.Min(mixL * mixL * Vector.SquareRoot(Vect_05 * (DUDZ + DVDZ)), Vect_15);

                            DE = Vector.Max(VIS, VISHMIN_V) * DYKDZK / DXK_V;
                            DW = DE;
                            DS = Vector.Max(VIS, VISHMIN_V) * DXKDZK / DYK_V;
                            DN = DS;
                            DT = Vector.Max(VIS, VISHMIN_V) * AREAxy_V / DZK_V;
                            DB = Vector <float> .Zero;
                            if (mask_v_enable)
                                DB = DT * Mask_V;
                            else if (k > KKART_LL_P1) // otherwise k < KKART_LL_P1 and DB=0!
                                DB = DT;

                            if (ADVDOM_JM)
                                DS = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            if (ADVDOM_JP)
                                DN = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            if (ADVDOM_IM)
                                DW = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            if (ADVDOM_IP)
                                DE = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            //ADVECTION TERMS
                            VKSimjp_LV = new Vector <float>(VKSimjp_L, k);
                            VKSjp_LV   = new Vector <float>(VKSjp_L, k);
                            VKSim_LV   = new Vector <float>(VKSim_L, k);
                            VKSimjm_LV = new Vector <float>(VKSimjm_L, k);
                            VKSjm_LV   = new Vector <float>(VKSjm_L, k);
                            WKSim_LV   = new Vector <float>(WKSim_L, k);
                            UKSim_LV   = new Vector <float>(UKSim_L, k);

                            FE = UKS_V * DYKDZK;
                            FW = UKSim_LV * DYKDZK;
                            FS = Vect_025 * (VKSim_LV + VKS_V + VKSimjm_LV + VKSjm_LV) * DXKDZK;
                            FN = Vect_025 * (VKSim_LV + VKS_V + VKSimjp_LV + VKSjp_LV) * DXKDZK;
                            FT = Vect_025 * (WKSim_LV + WKS_V + new Vector <float>(WKSim_L, kP1) + new Vector <float>(WKS_L, kP1)) * AREAxy_V;
                            FB = Vector <float> .Zero;

                            WKSkM_LV  = new Vector <float>(WKS_L, kM1);
                            WKSimM_LV = new Vector <float>(WKSim_L, kM1);

                            if (mask_v_enable)
                                FB = Vect_025 * (WKSim_LV + WKS_V + WKSimM_LV + WKSkM_LV) * AREAxy_V * Mask_V;
                            else if (k > KKART_LL_P1) // otherwise k < KKART_LL_P1 and FB=0!
                                FB = Vect_025 * (WKSim_LV + WKS_V + WKSimM_LV + WKSkM_LV) * AREAxy_V;

                            //PECLET NUMBERS
                            DE = Vector.Max(DE, Vect_0001);
                            DB = Vector.Max(DB, Vect_0001);
                            DW = Vector.Max(DW, Vect_0001);
                            DS = Vector.Max(DS, Vect_0001);
                            DN = Vector.Max(DN, Vect_0001);
                            DT = Vector.Max(DT, Vect_0001);

                            PE = Vector.Abs(FE / DE);
                            PB = Vector.Abs(FB / DB);
                            PW = Vector.Abs(FW / DW);
                            PS = Vector.Abs(FS / DS);
                            PN = Vector.Abs(FN / DN);
                            PT = Vector.Abs(FT / DT);

                            //POWER LAW ADVECTION SCHEME
                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PT;
                            BIM    = DT * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(-FT, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PB;
                            CIM    = DB * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(FB, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PE;
                            AE1    = DE * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(-FE, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PW;
                            AW1    = DW * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(FW, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PS;
                            AS1    = DS * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(FS, Vect_0);

                            intern = Vect_1 - Vect_01 * PN;
                            AN1    = DN * Vector.Max(Vect_0, intern * intern * intern * intern * intern)
                                     + Vector.Max(-FN, Vect_0);

                            //UPWIND SCHEME

                             *  double BIM = DT + Program.fl_max(-FT, 0);
                             *  double CIM = DB + Program.fl_max(FB, 0);
                             *  double AE1 = DE + Program.fl_max(-FE, 0);
                             *  double AW1 = DW + Program.fl_max(FW, 0);
                             *  double AS1 = DS + Program.fl_max(FS, 0);
                             *  double AN1 = DN + Program.fl_max(-FN, 0);

                            AP0_V = new Vector <float>(PrognosticFlowfield.AP0, k);

                            AIM = BIM + CIM + AW1 + AS1 + AE1 + AN1 + AP0_V;

                            //SOURCE TERMS
                            intern2 = Vect_05 * (VKSim_LV + VKS_V);
                            intern  = Vect_05 * (UKSim_LV + UKS_V);

                            windhilf = Vector.Max(Vector.SquareRoot(intern * intern + intern2 * intern2), Vect_001);

                            DDPX = new Vector <float>(DPMNEWim_L, k) - new Vector <float>(DPMNEW_L, k);

                            UKim_LV  = new Vector <float>(UKim_L, k);
                            UKip_LV  = new Vector <float>(UKip_L, k);
                            UKSim_LV = new Vector <float>(UKSim_L, k);
                            UK_LV    = new Vector <float>(UK_L, k);

                            DIM_U = AW1 * UKim_LV +
                                    AS1 * new Vector <float>(UKjm_L, k) +
                                    AE1 * UKip_LV +
                                    AN1 * new Vector <float>(UKjp_L, k) +
                                    AP0_V * Vect_05 * (UKSim_LV + UKS_V) +
                                    DDPX * DYKDZK +
                                    (Program.CorolisParam * (UG_V - UK_LV) -
                                     new Vector <float>(VEG_L, kM1) * UK_LV * windhilf) * AREAxy_V * DZK_V;

                            if ((k <= KKART_LL_P1) && ((k + SIMD) > KKART_LL_P1))
                                //Array.Clear(Mask2, 0, Mask2.Length);
                                int ii    = KKART_LL_P1 - k; // 0 to SIMD - 1
                                Mask2[ii] = 1;               // Set the mask2 at SIMD position k == KKART_LL_P1 to 1

                                intern   = Vect_05 * (UKSim_LV + UKS_V);
                                intern2  = Vect_05 * (VKSim_LV + VKS_V);
                                windhilf = Vector.Max(Vector.SquareRoot(intern * intern + intern2 * intern2), Vect_01);

                                if (CUTK_L < 1) // building heigth < 1 m
                                    // above terrain
                                    float Ustern_Buildings = Ustern_terrain_helpterm * windhilf[ii];
                                    if (Z0 >= DZK_V[ii] * 0.1F)
                                        int ind          = k + ii + 1;
                                        Ustern_Buildings = Ustern_terrain_helpterm * MathF.Sqrt(Program.Pow2(0.5F * ((UKSim_L[ind]) + UKS_L[ind])) + Program.Pow2(0.5F * ((VKSim_L[ind]) + VKS_L[ind])));

                                    Vector <float> Ustern_Buildings_V = new Vector <float>(Ustern_Buildings * Ustern_Buildings);
                                    DIM_U -= UK_LV / windhilf * Ustern_Buildings_V * AREAxy_V * new Vector <float>(Mask2);
                                    //above a building
                                    float Ustern_Buildings            = Ustern_obstacles_helpterm * windhilf[ii];
                                    Vector <float> Ustern_Buildings_V = new Vector <float>(Ustern_Buildings * Ustern_Buildings);
                                    DIM_U -= UK_LV / windhilf * Ustern_Buildings_V * AREAxy_V * new Vector <float>(Mask2);

                            //additional terms of the eddy-viscosity model
                            if (k > KKART_LL_P1)
                                DUDXE = (UKip_LV - UK_LV) * DYKDZK;
                                DUDXW = (UK_LV - UKim_LV) * DYKDZK;
                                DVDXN = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(VKSipjp_L, k) + VKSjp_LV) - Vect_05 * (VKSjp_LV + VKSimjp_LV)) * DXKDZK;
                                DVDXS = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(VKSipjm_L, k) + VKSjm_LV) - Vect_05 * (VKSjm_LV + VKSimjm_LV)) * DXKDZK;
                                DWDXT = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(WKSip_L, k) + WKS_V) - Vect_05 * (WKS_V + WKSim_LV)) * AREAxy_V;
                                DWDXB = (Vect_05 * (new Vector <float>(WKSip_L, kM1) + WKSkM_LV) - Vect_05 * (WKSkM_LV + WKSimM_LV)) * AREAxy_V;

                                if (mask_v_enable) // compute ADD_DIFF and add to DIMW
                                    DIM_U += VIS / DXK_V * (DUDXE - DUDXW + DVDXN - DVDXS + DWDXT - DWDXB) * Mask_V;
                                    DIM_U += VIS / DXK_V * (DUDXE - DUDXW + DVDXN - DVDXS + DWDXT - DWDXB);

                            //RECURRENCE FORMULA
                            int kint_s = 0;
                            if (end) // restore original indices
                                kint_s  = k_real - k;
                                k_real -= kint_s;


                            for (int kint = kint_s; kint < AIM_A.Length; ++kint) // loop over all SIMD values
                                int index_i = k_real + kint;

                                if (index_i < KEND)
                                    if (index_i > KKART_LL_P1)
                                        float TERMP   = 1 / (AIM_A[kint] - CIM_A[kint] * PIMU[index_i - 1]);
                                        PIMU[index_i] = BIM_A[kint] * TERMP;
                                        QIMU[index_i] = (DIMU_A[kint] + CIM_A[kint] * QIMU[index_i - 1]) * TERMP;
                                        float TERMP   = 1 / AIM_A[kint];
                                        PIMU[index_i] = BIM_A[kint] * TERMP;
                                        QIMU[index_i] = DIMU_A[kint] * TERMP;

                            if (end)
                                k = KEND + 1;
                        } // loop over all k

                        //OBTAIN NEW U-COMPONENTS
                        int KKARTm_LL = Math.Max(KKART_LL, Program.KKART[i - 1][j]);
                        lock (UK_L)
                            for (int k = Vert_Index_LL; k >= KSTART; --k)
                                if (KKARTm_LL < k)
                                    UK_L[k] += relax * (PIMU[k] * UK_L[k + 1] + QIMU[k] - UK_L[k]);