Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static byte[] decrypt(BFCText c, BFUserPrivateKey sk)
            BFMasterPublicKey msk = sk.Param;
            Pairing           e   = msk.Pairing;

            //e(sQ,U), sQ is the user private key
            FieldElement temp = e.Compute(sk.Key, c.U);

            //sigma = V xor hash(temp)
            byte[] hash = BFUtil.HashToLength(temp.ToUByteArray(), c.V.Length); //This could fail

            byte[] sigma = BFUtil.XorTwoByteArrays(c.V, hash);

            hash = BFUtil.HashToLength(sigma, c.W.Length);

            byte[] m = BFUtil.XorTwoByteArrays(hash, c.W);

            byte[] toHash = new byte[sigma.Length + m.Length];
            Array.Copy(sigma, 0, toHash, 0, sigma.Length);
            Array.Copy(m, 0, toHash, sigma.Length, m.Length);

            //hash(sigma||m) to biginteger r;
            Field  field = e.Curve2.Field;
            BigInt r     = BFUtil.HashToField(toHash, field);

            if (c.U.Equals(e.Curve2.Multiply(msk.P, r)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static BFCText encrypt(BFUserPublicKey pk, byte[] m, Random rnd)
            Pairing e = pk.Param.Pairing;

            byte[] sigma = new byte[BFCipher.sigmaBitLength / 8];


            byte[] toHash = new byte[sigma.Length + m.Length];
            Array.Copy(sigma, 0, toHash, 0, sigma.Length);
            Array.Copy(m, 0, toHash, sigma.Length, m.Length);

            //hash(sigma||m) to biginteger r;
            Field  field = e.Curve2.Field;
            BigInt r     = BFUtil.HashToField(toHash, field);

            //hash(ID) to point
            byte[] bid = null;
            String ID  = pk.Key;

            bid = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ID);

            Point Q = BFUtil.HashToPoint(bid, e.Curve, e.Cofactor);

            //gID = e(Q, sP), sP is Ppub
            FieldElement gID = e.Compute(Q, pk.Param.Ppub);

            Point U = e.Curve2.Multiply(pk.Param.P, r);
            FieldElement gIDr = e.Gt.Pow(gID, r);

            //V=sigma xor hash(gID^r)
            byte[] hash = BFUtil.HashToLength(gIDr.ToUByteArray(), sigma.Length); //This could fail
            byte[] V    = BFUtil.XorTwoByteArrays(sigma, hash);

            //W =m xor hash(sigma)

            hash = BFUtil.HashToLength(sigma, m.Length);
            byte[] W = BFUtil.XorTwoByteArrays(m, hash);

            return(new BFCText(U, V, W));